Acts 15 (TNFD)

1 Pen bɨ ogɨnap Judiya plopens nɨb apɨl, binɨb Jisas nop gos lɨnɨgɨlak taun Adiyok yelak okok kɨlop agɨlak, Mosis chɨnop Juda binɨb okok agak, God bɨne mɨdɨnɨg, wak tɨbɨlɨkɨnɨmɨb agak agɨlak. Anɨb ak nɨbi anɨb ma genɨgabɨm, God nɨbop tɨg asɨk dɨnɨmuŋ tek ma lup agɨlak. 2 Pol ayɨp Banabas ayɨp pen nɨgɨlek, bɨ Juda takaw agɨlak ak yɨpɨd gɨl ma yek. Yɨpɨd ma gup agɨl, kɨli ayɨp penpen yɨbɨl ag amnɨlak. Anɨgelak, Adiyok binɨb Jisas nop gos lɨnɨgɨlak okok agɨlak, Bɨ ogɨnap agyokon, Pol ayɨp, Banabas ayɨp Jelusalem amnɨgel agɨlak. Amɨl, bɨ Jisas takaw nop dad ameb okok sek, bɨ Klays binɨb ne okok kɨlop kod mɨdebal okok sek takaw ag dap yep lɨnɨgel agɨlak. 3 Anɨb agɨl, kɨlop agyokɨlak. Am am Ponisiya plopens nab ak amɨlɨg, binɨb Jisas nop gos nɨgɨlak okok kɨlop agɨlak, Man okok binɨb Juda mel okok abe, kɨli tap tɨmel kelɨgɨl Jisas nop gos lɨnɨgebal agɨlak. Anɨb agelak, kɨlop tep gak. Ponisiya plopens anɨb ak kelɨgɨl, Samaliya plopens amɨl, kɨlop takaw anɨb ak tek nep agelak, kɨli abe nɨgel tep gak. 4 Pen Samaliya plopens kelɨgɨl, Jelusalem amjakel, bɨ Jisas takaw nop dad ameb okok sek, bɨ Klays binɨb ne okok kɨlop kod mɨdebal okok sek, binɨb Jisas nop gos nɨgɨlak yokɨp okok sek kɨlop nɨŋɨd ag dɨdeg lɨlak. Anɨgelak, Banabas ayɨp, Pol ayɨp pen agɨlek, God chɨn ayɨp ajɨl nɨm, takaw tep agñon, binɨb man okok kuŋay yɨbɨl Jisas nop gos lɨnɨgebal agɨlek. 5 Anɨb agelek, bɨ Pelisi Jisas nop gos lɨnɨgɨlak ogɨnap, kɨli tɨkjakɨl agɨlak, Binɨb Juda mel okok, Jisas nop gos lɨnɨgebal ak, kɨli wak tɨbɨlɨkɨl, Mosis agak agak tek mɨdupsek kɨdek gɨnɨgel agɨlak. 6 Anɨb agelak, bɨ Klays binɨb ne okok kɨlop kod mɨdebal okok mɨdupsek, kɨli takaw anɨb ak agtep gun agɨl apnan gɨlak. 7 Apnan gɨl, takaw ag dam nab pakaknɨŋ, Pita tɨkjakɨl agak, Mam sɨkop, nɨb nepɨm agak. God chɨnop wog keke agup tek, bɨlel binɨb Juda mel okok agem yɨp gos lɨnɨgɨnɨgel agɨl, yɨp agek, am kɨlop takaw teplep ne ak agñɨnek agak. 8 God gos chɨnop mɨdupsek nɨgup ak, binɨb Juda mel okok kɨlop nɨgek nop tep gek, dɨnɨgayn agɨl gos nɨgak agak. Nɨŋɨd, Kawnan ne chɨnop yokak tek, kɨlop abe yokak agak. 9 Chɨnop takaw olap ke agɨl, kɨlop takaw olap ke agɨl ma gup agak. Chɨnop mɨdupsek takaw adek nokom agak ak nɨm, nop gos lɨnɨgon, tap si tap tɨmel gɨpun ak wik yokup tek, kɨlop abe gup agak. 10 God kɨlop pɨsnep dup anɨb ak, nɨbi taynen God chɨnop tay gɨnɨmuŋ agɨl nebneb gɨlɨg apɨm agak? Nɨbi apɨm, Mosis takaw sɨkol agak agak tek ma gɨnɨgabal ak, God kɨlop ma dɨnɨgab apɨm agak. Asɨk mosɨk gɨtep gɨnɨgel apɨm anɨb ak, apɨs based sɨkop gɨ mel nɨgɨlak agak. Chɨn abe gɨ mel nopun ak pen, nɨbi tepayaŋ apɨm agak. 11 Bɨawl Jisas ne chɨnop yɨmug nɨŋɨd gɨtep gak ak nɨm, God ne chɨnop tɨg asɨk dɨl, binɨb Juda mel okok kɨlop abe tɨg asɨk dup agak. 12 Pen binɨb ap yelak okok, takaw olap agɨl mel, kɨmɨgel yelak. Yelaknɨŋ, Banabas ayɨp, Pol ayɨp agɨlek, Chɨl binɨb Juda mel okok kɨlop takaw tep ak agñɨ ajɨlɨg, God tap mageptek okok anɨb anɨb gɨl gak agɨlek. 13 Pen takaw kɨlimɨŋal ak agjulek, Jemis anɨb agak, Mam sɨkop. Takaw yad agɨnɨgebin awl nɨgɨm agak. 14 God binɨb Juda mel okok kɨlop ogɨnap ned dɨl, gek binɨb ne ke okok yelak takaw ak, Saymon mɨneyɨl nɨbop agup agak. 15 Binɨb Juda mel okok kɨlop dak anɨb ak, bɨ God gos ñek agñeb okok bɨlel agɨl tɨkɨlak tek nep gak agak. Takaw anɨb ak tɨkɨl agɨlak, 16 Bɨawl ak agup, Depid binɨb ne, kɨli kal tek wakaj sakup agup agɨl tɨkɨlak agak. Kɨdek yad apɨl, jɨtep ak gɨnɨgayn agup agɨl tɨkɨlak agak. Kal anɨb ak tap tɨmel gup okok, dɨtep gɨl, kal jɨtep ak gen yenɨgab agup agɨl tɨkɨlak agak. 17 Anɨgek, kɨdek binɨb man okok mɨdupsek dɨnɨg gɨpin okok, kɨli yɨp pɨyownɨgabal agup agɨl tɨkɨlak agak. Ak binɨb Juda mel, kɨli binɨb yad ke yenɨgabal agup agɨl tɨkɨlak agak. 18 Tap tɨtay kɨdek gɨnɨgab ak nepin ak nɨm, bɨlel aglɨnek agup agɨl tɨkɨlak agak. 19 Jemis takaw anɨb ak agɨl agak, Takaw anɨb ak nɨŋɨd, gos yad anɨgɨl mɨdeb agak. Binɨb Juda mel okok, tap tɨmel kelɨgɨl God nop gos lɨnɨgebal ak, kɨlop tap asɨk mosɨk gep okok kuŋay mɨdeb agɨl ma agɨnɨgun agak. 20 Kɨlop yokɨp mɨj kɨl tɨk yokɨl agɨnɨgun, Binɨb kɨli tap yepɨs ogɨnap sɨbogɨnɨg, sab chag tap okok pakenɨgel, ma ñɨŋɨnɨmɨb agɨnɨgun agak. Kuŋam tɨg wukel kumek, nɨkɨm sek yenɨgab tek ma ñɨŋɨnɨmɨb agɨnɨgun agak. Kuŋam tɨkem, nɨkɨm amdek nep ñɨŋɨnɨmɨb agɨnɨgun agak. Sab chag tap okok nɨkɨm ak ma ñɨŋɨnɨmɨb agɨnɨgun agak. Bin si bɨ si ma gɨnɨmɨb agɨnɨgun agak. 21 Taynen? Takaw Mosis agɨl tɨkak ak, bɨlel agelak binɨb anɨb okok kɨli nepal agak. Mɨñɨl abe man okok mɨdupsek, Juda añɨŋ lep ñɨn awl ak apɨl Juda apnan gɨpal kal ak nan gɨl, takaw Mosis agɨl tɨkak ak agel nepal agak. 22 Jemis anɨb agek, bɨ Jisas takaw nop dad ameb okok dɨl, bɨ Klays binɨb ne okok kɨlop kod mɨdebal okok dɨl, binɨb yokɨp Jisas nop gos lɨnɨgɨlak okok dɨl, mɨdupsek agɨlak, Bɨ chɨn omɨŋal ak, Judas ayɨp Saylas ayɨp aglon, Pol ayɨp, Banabas ayɨp taun Adiyok amnɨlaŋ agɨlak. Bɨ Judas anɨb ak yɨb olap Basabas agelɨgɨpal. 23 Pen kɨli anɨb agɨl, mɨj kɨl tɨk yokɨl agɨlak,Chɨn nɨmam nɨbi Jisas takaw dad ameb okok sek, bɨ Klays binɨb ne okok kɨlop kod mɨdebal okok sek, nɨbop binɨb Juda mel Jisas nop gos lɨnepɨm okok mɨj kɨl tɨk yokobun agɨlak. Nɨbi ogɨnap taun Adiyok nɨb, ogɨnap Siliya plopens nɨb, ogɨnap Silisiya plopens nɨb, nɨbop mɨj tɨkobun agɨlak. 24 Taynen? Takaw olap owup ak, binɨb okol chɨn ogɨnap, chɨnop agnɨŋɨd mel, gos kɨli anep nɨŋɨd, nɨbop amɨl takaw awl apal agɨlak. Agel, nɨbi judɨl gos pal lɨpɨm agɨlak 25 Nɨŋɨd nɨm, bɨ chɨn sek aglɨl agyokon, Pol ayɨp, Banabas ayɨp kab sek nɨnɨgabal agɨlak. 26 Pen Pol ayɨp, Banabas ayɨp bɨ tep yɨbɨl omɨŋal ak, chɨlop ñag paklɨnɨgabal agɨl gos ak ma nepil agɨlak. Bɨawl Jisas Klays takaw tep ak, monmon agñɨtep gɨlɨg ajɨpil agɨlak. 27 Bɨ chɨn omɨŋal yɨb kɨli ak, Judas ayɨp, Saylas ayɨp agɨlak. Bɨ omɨŋal agyokɨnɨgabun anɨb ak, mɨj kɨl tɨkɨpun takaw adek anep nɨbop agñɨnɨgayl agɨlak. 28 God Kawnan ak chɨnop gos tep ñek, takaw anɨb awl kɨl tɨkobun agɨlak. Chɨn Juda gɨpun gɨpun tek gɨnɨmɨb agonɨgabun, koslam gɨnɨgabɨm ak nɨm, nɨbi takaw wulep won anɨb ak kɨdek gɨnɨmɨb agobun agɨlak. 29 Binɨb ogɨnap, sab chag tap yepɨs ogɨnap sɨbogɨnɨg pakenɨgel, ma ñɨŋɨnɨmɨb agɨlak. Kuŋam tɨg wukel kumek, nɨkɨm sek yenɨgab tek ma ñɨŋɨnɨmɨb agɨlak. Kuŋam tɨkem, nɨkɨm amdek nep ñɨŋɨnɨmɨb agɨlak. Sab chag tap okok nɨkɨm ak ma ñɨŋɨnɨmɨb agɨlak. Bin si bɨ si ma gɨnɨmɨb agɨlak. Tap apun anɨb okok asɨk tep gɨnɨgabɨm ak, tep yɨbɨl agɨlak. Takaw anɨb ak agjupun. Tep agɨl tɨkɨlak. 30 Pen kɨli takaw anɨb ak tɨkɨl, Judas ayɨp Saylas ayɨp kɨlop ñel, Banabas ayɨp Pol ayɨp taun Adiyok dad amnɨlak. Dad amjakel, binɨb Jisas nop gos lɨnɨgɨlak okok apnan gɨl, mɨj kɨl tɨk yokɨlak anɨb ak dɨlak. 31 Kɨli mɨj pi ak nɨgɨlɨg agñɨl, takaw anɨb ak takaw teplep nɨgel, kɨlop tep yɨbɨl gak. 32 32-34 Judas ayɨp, Saylas ayɨp bɨ God gos ñek agñeb omɨŋal ak nɨm, ñɨn kuŋay yɨbɨl Adiyok mɨdɨl, mɨdtep gɨlaŋ agɨl, takaw tep ogɨnap kuŋay yɨbɨl agñɨlek. Anɨgɨl agñɨjuwɨl amnɨleknɨŋ, mam ay anɨb okok agɨlak, Tep. Adɨkɨd kal ñɨli tep amnil agɨlak. 35 Pol ayɨp, Banabas ayɨp Adiyok mɨdɨl, bɨ anɨb okok ogɨnap ayɨp, Bɨawl takaw tep ak agɨl, agñɨtep gɨlɨg yelɨgɨpal. 36 Pen mɨd dad amɨl, Pol ne Banabas nop agak, Chɨl ned ajɨl Bɨawl takaw tep agol amnak man okok, binɨb Jisas nop gos lɨnɨgɨlak ak kɨli mɨdebal akaŋ agɨl, am nɨgɨnɨgul agak. 37 Agek, Banabas agak, Jon Mak nop poŋɨd amnɨgul agak. 38 Agek Pol pen agak, Bɨ anɨb ak ned poŋɨd amol, wog gɨjuwɨl ma owak agak. Ne Pampiliya plopens nep amɨl kelɨg owak agak. Anɨb ak mɨñɨl nop poŋɨd ma amnɨgabul agak. 39 Pol anɨb agek, kɨli omɨŋal ke nep penpen agɨl, wog jɨmñɨl ma gɨlek. Banabas ne Jon Mak ayɨp sip dɨl, man Sayplus amnɨlek. 40 Pol ne pen, bɨ Saylas nop dak. Binɨb Jisas nop gos nɨgɨlak okok, Pol ayɨp Saylas ayɨp kɨlop agɨlak, God ñɨlop kod mɨdaknɨŋ, ajɨl ownɨmil agɨlak. 41 Agelak, bɨ omɨŋal am Siliya plopens okok, Silisiya plopens okok ajɨlek. Pol ne binɨb Jisas nop gos lɨnɨgɨlak okok, kɨlop takaw ogɨnap sek agtep gak.

In Other Versions

Acts 15 in the ANGEFD

Acts 15 in the ANTPNG2D

Acts 15 in the AS21

Acts 15 in the BAGH

Acts 15 in the BBPNG

Acts 15 in the BBT1E

Acts 15 in the BDS

Acts 15 in the BEV

Acts 15 in the BHAD

Acts 15 in the BIB

Acts 15 in the BLPT

Acts 15 in the BNT

Acts 15 in the BNTABOOT

Acts 15 in the BNTLV

Acts 15 in the BOATCB

Acts 15 in the BOATCB2

Acts 15 in the BOBCV

Acts 15 in the BOCNT

Acts 15 in the BOECS

Acts 15 in the BOGWICC

Acts 15 in the BOHCB

Acts 15 in the BOHCV

Acts 15 in the BOHLNT

Acts 15 in the BOHNTLTAL

Acts 15 in the BOICB

Acts 15 in the BOILNTAP

Acts 15 in the BOITCV

Acts 15 in the BOKCV

Acts 15 in the BOKCV2

Acts 15 in the BOKHWOG

Acts 15 in the BOKSSV

Acts 15 in the BOLCB

Acts 15 in the BOLCB2

Acts 15 in the BOMCV

Acts 15 in the BONAV

Acts 15 in the BONCB

Acts 15 in the BONLT

Acts 15 in the BONUT2

Acts 15 in the BOPLNT

Acts 15 in the BOSCB

Acts 15 in the BOSNC

Acts 15 in the BOTLNT

Acts 15 in the BOVCB

Acts 15 in the BOYCB

Acts 15 in the BPBB

Acts 15 in the BPH

Acts 15 in the BSB

Acts 15 in the CCB

Acts 15 in the CUV

Acts 15 in the CUVS

Acts 15 in the DBT

Acts 15 in the DGDNT

Acts 15 in the DHNT

Acts 15 in the DNT

Acts 15 in the ELBE

Acts 15 in the EMTV

Acts 15 in the ESV

Acts 15 in the FBV

Acts 15 in the FEB

Acts 15 in the GGMNT

Acts 15 in the GNT

Acts 15 in the HARY

Acts 15 in the HNT

Acts 15 in the IRVA

Acts 15 in the IRVB

Acts 15 in the IRVG

Acts 15 in the IRVH

Acts 15 in the IRVK

Acts 15 in the IRVM

Acts 15 in the IRVM2

Acts 15 in the IRVO

Acts 15 in the IRVP

Acts 15 in the IRVT

Acts 15 in the IRVT2

Acts 15 in the IRVU

Acts 15 in the ISVN

Acts 15 in the JSNT

Acts 15 in the KAPI

Acts 15 in the KBT1ETNIK

Acts 15 in the KBV

Acts 15 in the KJV

Acts 15 in the KNFD

Acts 15 in the LBA

Acts 15 in the LBLA

Acts 15 in the LNT

Acts 15 in the LSV

Acts 15 in the MAAL

Acts 15 in the MBV

Acts 15 in the MBV2

Acts 15 in the MHNT

Acts 15 in the MKNFD

Acts 15 in the MNG

Acts 15 in the MNT

Acts 15 in the MNT2

Acts 15 in the MRS1T

Acts 15 in the NAA

Acts 15 in the NASB

Acts 15 in the NBLA

Acts 15 in the NBS

Acts 15 in the NBVTP

Acts 15 in the NET2

Acts 15 in the NIV11

Acts 15 in the NNT

Acts 15 in the NNT2

Acts 15 in the NNT3

Acts 15 in the PDDPT

Acts 15 in the PFNT

Acts 15 in the RMNT

Acts 15 in the SBIAS

Acts 15 in the SBIBS

Acts 15 in the SBIBS2

Acts 15 in the SBICS

Acts 15 in the SBIDS

Acts 15 in the SBIGS

Acts 15 in the SBIHS

Acts 15 in the SBIIS

Acts 15 in the SBIIS2

Acts 15 in the SBIIS3

Acts 15 in the SBIKS

Acts 15 in the SBIKS2

Acts 15 in the SBIMS

Acts 15 in the SBIOS

Acts 15 in the SBIPS

Acts 15 in the SBISS

Acts 15 in the SBITS

Acts 15 in the SBITS2

Acts 15 in the SBITS3

Acts 15 in the SBITS4

Acts 15 in the SBIUS

Acts 15 in the SBIVS

Acts 15 in the SBT

Acts 15 in the SBT1E

Acts 15 in the SCHL

Acts 15 in the SNT

Acts 15 in the SUSU

Acts 15 in the SUSU2

Acts 15 in the SYNO

Acts 15 in the TBIAOTANT

Acts 15 in the TBT1E

Acts 15 in the TBT1E2

Acts 15 in the TFTIP

Acts 15 in the TFTU

Acts 15 in the TGNTATF3T

Acts 15 in the THAI

Acts 15 in the TNT

Acts 15 in the TNTIK

Acts 15 in the TNTIL

Acts 15 in the TNTIN

Acts 15 in the TNTIP

Acts 15 in the TNTIZ

Acts 15 in the TOMA

Acts 15 in the TTENT

Acts 15 in the UBG

Acts 15 in the UGV

Acts 15 in the UGV2

Acts 15 in the UGV3

Acts 15 in the VBL

Acts 15 in the VDCC

Acts 15 in the YALU

Acts 15 in the YAPE

Acts 15 in the YBVTP

Acts 15 in the ZBP