Acts 28 (TOMA)

1 Gi ɠulaai ma faaɓaagi laawu, gi kwɛɛni ga ziɛ zaama yooi naa laasei ka ga Malete. 2 Ná nuiti ti yeezeini gi wu ga pagɔ, ti abu wolai ɠaazoni, ti gi pɛ toli ga gi ɠɔɔlɛ, tɔɔzei tonai ta kɔɔlɛi ɠa é ɠɛni ʋaazu ga gola. 3 Pɔle kpataɠalagi ta ɠaalɛɛni ba ga é pu abui ɠa, kɛlɛ abui liegi maaʋele ma, pɛɛɠaali ɠila ge ɠulani su, é so zeei ʋa. 4 Ná nuiti ti kaalii ɠaai ma zɛlɛni Pɔle yeei ʋa, ti ɠɛni ɠɛɛzu ɓɔɠɔ ma: «Gaamazu zunui nii ɠa ɠɛ ga nu ʋaa nui ta, kulaa nɔ ɠa feya faa ɓɔii zu kpoloɗɛi wu, gaamanɔ ada-ɠalagi ná-tukpɔi la vaani bu, é ʋa yɛ vulua.» 5 Kɛlɛ Pɔle kaalii voɓeni abui zu, é la vɔlɔ ma zoolɛ nɔpɛ gaaɠaani. 6 Naama nuiti ti ɠɛni ná maaɓɔunsu, é ɠɛni ti ɠisu ga ti Pɔle ɠa zeei ve, ɓaa é loo é za gaamanɔ. Tɛi ti lɛbini maaɓɔungi naa zu, ti la faa ɲɔu nɔpɛ kaani, é ʋa ɠɛ ga Pɔle, ti-ɠigi valiboni, ti ɗa ɠɛ ma: «Galagi ta ʋe de.» 7 Ná ɠobaʋɛ ziɛ zaama yooi naa ma nu wola mɔungi daaseigi ga Puɓiliuse ná-kpeleiti ti ɠɛni ná. É yeezeini gi wu ga nɛɛnɛgi, é gi laazuʋɛɛ folo saʋagɔ laawu. 8 Puɓiliuse kɛɛɠɛ ɠɛni zeeɓɛzu, kɔlɔkpadimai ta kɛlɛndɛgi ɠa é ɠɛni ba. Pɔle lɛɛni pɔ bɛ, é GALA fali bɛ, é yeela ma, é balo. 9 Naa ʋoluma, seeɓɛ nui niiti kpein ti ɠɛni ziɛ zaama yooi zu, ti ʋaani ɓalaa, tama ti pɛ ti ʋaloni. 10 Ti unfema wola veeni gi ʋɛ, gi liizuʋɛ nii pɛ é ɠɛni ga gi ɓɛdɛma ani, ti naa pɛ feeni gi ʋɛ. 11 Alu saʋagɔ leʋeni pɛ gi ʋa lɛ Alɛgezandili ɓatoi gila su, nii é samai ɠɛɛni ziɛ zaama yooi zu, Gala felegɔiti ti ga yoogiti naati ta-ʋoogi ɠa é ɠɛni ɓatoi naa ma. 12 Gi zeelini Silakuse taazuʋɛ, gi kɛ miná ga folo saʋagɔ. 13 Gi zeɠeni miná, gi ɗa li ga kake ɠobu ʋelei, eyɛsu gi zeeli Legiyo. Poluma voloi lɛkpɛma ʋelei nu yeezazuʋɛ viilɛi lokoleʋeni, gi kɛɛni ga folo felegɔ gi ʋa zeeli Puzɔle. 14 Gi kidaaleʋe nuiti tanigaa ɠaani miná, ti gi maanɛɛnɛni ga gi dɔɔɠɔ ɠila kɛ ti ʋa. Ʋele ɠana gi zeelini la Wɔlɔme. 15 Wɔlɔme ɠidaaleʋe nuiti ti gi-maawoo mɛnini, ti ʋilɛ pele ma gi laaɠomisu eyɛsu ti ʋa adaʋɛ ná laa ga Apiyuse Lɔɔɠɔi, ta ʋɛ ná laa ga Wɛɛn Laazu Ʋɛlɛ Saʋagɔi. Siɛgi zu Pɔle ti ɠaani la, é GALA mamani, naa ʋoluma iɲɔ ge lɔɔni. 16 Siɛgi zu gi zeelini la Wɔlɔme, ti vaani bu ga Pɔle yɛ ɓɔɠɔ ʋɛlɛ wu, salaʋusui gila ge ɗa wɛlɛ ma. 17 Folo saʋagɔ leʋegai ma, Pɔle Zuifuiti ta-lotuɠɔiti tolini ga ti ɠomi ta naati. Siɛgi zu naati ti ʋaani la pɔ bɛ, é ɠɛni ti ma: «Kɛ̀ɛleaiti, gè la faa ɠoloɠoloni ada-nuɓusɛiti ma, gè la ade-mɛmɛwolani ta-vaa wɔlɔmai ta ɠoloɠoloni ɓalaa. Anɛɛ naa ʋe, ti sòni, ti pìli kasoi ɠa Zeluzalɛme, ti kùla miná, ti fè Wɔlɔme nuiti zea. 18 Naati ti ɓegai ma ga nà-faiti buuʋɛtɛ, ti ɠɛni ɠɛɛzu, ti pìlɛ, tɔɔzei ti la ɠɛni nɔ̀un sɔ kaani, nii soloogai nu ʋa vaa ma. 19 Kɛlɛ tɛi Zuifuiti ti la ɠɛni vaazu naa wu, kɛɛɠeleɠele ge la ɠɛni ná kɛni gè wooɠulani masagi Sezaal ma, naa la bosu ga wɔin ɠa mà ga gè nà-nuɓusɛiti maalɔ. 20 Naa ɠa é kɛa gè toligi wogai la ga ade ɠa, ade yɛpɛ é ʋilɛ naama vai ʋa, tɔɔzei Izilayɛle ná-kitogi maaʋele ɠa za gè yɔlɔɠɔi nii zu la.» 21 Zuifuiti ti gooɠaaʋoteni, ti ɠɛ ma: «Gi la sɛʋɛ zɔlɔɔni, é ʋa zeɠe Zudé yooi zu ɗa-vaa zu, gi-ɠɛɛloin gila kpalaa ge la ʋaani, é ʋa ɗa-vaa ɲɔu wo gi ma. 22 Kɛlɛ wɔin ɠa gi ma ga ɗa ɓɔɠɔi è ɗa-ɠisiɛi lɛ ga giye. Nii é ga kalagi naa è ʋɔɔpɛai ba, gi kwɛni ga adɛ pɛ nuiti ta wuzeɠezu daalɔɠɔma ga gola.» 23 Ti ku ɠili toni ga ti ɠomi. Naama voloi zeeliai ma, ti ʋaani pɔ bɛ, ti mɔin, é leʋe ma mɔungi ʋa. É zo sobui ma eyɛsu kpɔkɔi zeeli, Pɔle ɓɔɛni ti ʋɔ, é ná-kalagi wo pelei lɛ ga tiye: É GALA ná-masadai ma wooi laazeelini ti ma, é Moize ná-tɔgi zu wooiti seɠeni ta GALA goo wo nuiti ta-ɓɔɛiti, é ɠaaɓa kele ga é ti-ɠigi lati, é lo Yesu ná-fai ʋa. 24 Tanigaa ti laani gooi la, zɔiti ti la kɛɛni pɛ ti ʋa la da. 25 Siɛgi zu ti ɠɛni zeɠezu la Pɔle ʋɔ bɛ, tiya letele ti la ɠɛni zolooni faa ɠila ma, Pɔle niima ɠisiɛ ɠilagi woni ti ma, é ɠɛ ma: «Gaama ɠɛni Zɛnvu Ɲadegai ya, siɛgi zu é ɠɛni ɓɔɛzu la wo-mɛmɛwolani pɔ ga GALA goo wo nui Ezayi maaʋele, é ɠɛni ti ma: 26 ‹Li, è ɠɛ niima nuɓusɛiti ma:Wa la woilo nɔ,kɛlɛ wo la faa ɠaaɠaa pɛ.Wa la wɛlɛ nɔ,kɛlɛ wo la wozaɠaa pɛ. 27 Tɔɔzei niima nuɓusɛiti ti ɠɛa ga kigaaza nuiti,ti ɓɔɠɔ woizuɓɔlɔa, ti yeeʋɛɛ ɠaazu,naa ɠa a kɛ ti ɠaazu mina wozaɠa,ti-woiyeɠeiti ti mina faa mɛni,ti-yii mina faa ɠaaɠa,ti ʋa ɠale ma pɔ̀,nii a kɛ gè ʋa ti ɠɛdɛ.› » 28 Pɔle ɠɛni ti ma ʋolu: «À kwɛɛ mu ga kizo fai nii GALA ge fea, daa ɠana zeelizu zii ɠiligiti ma, naati mu ta woilo ma.» 29 [Pɔle naama wooi wogai ma, maaɠaali wolai yɛni Zuifuiti zɔɠɔzu, ti ɗa li.] 30 Pɔle kɛɛni ga kona felegɔ pɛlɛi naa wu, nii é seɠeni. É ɠɛni yeezeizu nuiti pɛ bu ná, niiti ti ɠɛni ʋaazu pɔ ga ti ka. 31 É ɠɛni GALA ná-masadai ma vai laazeelizu, é ɗa kalagi wo, é ʋilɛ Maliɠii Yesu Kilista ná-fai ʋa ladalai zu, faa nɔpɛ ge la ɠɛni kpeteʋeni naa ʋa.

In Other Versions

Acts 28 in the ANGEFD

Acts 28 in the ANTPNG2D

Acts 28 in the AS21

Acts 28 in the BAGH

Acts 28 in the BBPNG

Acts 28 in the BBT1E

Acts 28 in the BDS

Acts 28 in the BEV

Acts 28 in the BHAD

Acts 28 in the BIB

Acts 28 in the BLPT

Acts 28 in the BNT

Acts 28 in the BNTABOOT

Acts 28 in the BNTLV

Acts 28 in the BOATCB

Acts 28 in the BOATCB2

Acts 28 in the BOBCV

Acts 28 in the BOCNT

Acts 28 in the BOECS

Acts 28 in the BOGWICC

Acts 28 in the BOHCB

Acts 28 in the BOHCV

Acts 28 in the BOHLNT

Acts 28 in the BOHNTLTAL

Acts 28 in the BOICB

Acts 28 in the BOILNTAP

Acts 28 in the BOITCV

Acts 28 in the BOKCV

Acts 28 in the BOKCV2

Acts 28 in the BOKHWOG

Acts 28 in the BOKSSV

Acts 28 in the BOLCB

Acts 28 in the BOLCB2

Acts 28 in the BOMCV

Acts 28 in the BONAV

Acts 28 in the BONCB

Acts 28 in the BONLT

Acts 28 in the BONUT2

Acts 28 in the BOPLNT

Acts 28 in the BOSCB

Acts 28 in the BOSNC

Acts 28 in the BOTLNT

Acts 28 in the BOVCB

Acts 28 in the BOYCB

Acts 28 in the BPBB

Acts 28 in the BPH

Acts 28 in the BSB

Acts 28 in the CCB

Acts 28 in the CUV

Acts 28 in the CUVS

Acts 28 in the DBT

Acts 28 in the DGDNT

Acts 28 in the DHNT

Acts 28 in the DNT

Acts 28 in the ELBE

Acts 28 in the EMTV

Acts 28 in the ESV

Acts 28 in the FBV

Acts 28 in the FEB

Acts 28 in the GGMNT

Acts 28 in the GNT

Acts 28 in the HARY

Acts 28 in the HNT

Acts 28 in the IRVA

Acts 28 in the IRVB

Acts 28 in the IRVG

Acts 28 in the IRVH

Acts 28 in the IRVK

Acts 28 in the IRVM

Acts 28 in the IRVM2

Acts 28 in the IRVO

Acts 28 in the IRVP

Acts 28 in the IRVT

Acts 28 in the IRVT2

Acts 28 in the IRVU

Acts 28 in the ISVN

Acts 28 in the JSNT

Acts 28 in the KAPI

Acts 28 in the KBT1ETNIK

Acts 28 in the KBV

Acts 28 in the KJV

Acts 28 in the KNFD

Acts 28 in the LBA

Acts 28 in the LBLA

Acts 28 in the LNT

Acts 28 in the LSV

Acts 28 in the MAAL

Acts 28 in the MBV

Acts 28 in the MBV2

Acts 28 in the MHNT

Acts 28 in the MKNFD

Acts 28 in the MNG

Acts 28 in the MNT

Acts 28 in the MNT2

Acts 28 in the MRS1T

Acts 28 in the NAA

Acts 28 in the NASB

Acts 28 in the NBLA

Acts 28 in the NBS

Acts 28 in the NBVTP

Acts 28 in the NET2

Acts 28 in the NIV11

Acts 28 in the NNT

Acts 28 in the NNT2

Acts 28 in the NNT3

Acts 28 in the PDDPT

Acts 28 in the PFNT

Acts 28 in the RMNT

Acts 28 in the SBIAS

Acts 28 in the SBIBS

Acts 28 in the SBIBS2

Acts 28 in the SBICS

Acts 28 in the SBIDS

Acts 28 in the SBIGS

Acts 28 in the SBIHS

Acts 28 in the SBIIS

Acts 28 in the SBIIS2

Acts 28 in the SBIIS3

Acts 28 in the SBIKS

Acts 28 in the SBIKS2

Acts 28 in the SBIMS

Acts 28 in the SBIOS

Acts 28 in the SBIPS

Acts 28 in the SBISS

Acts 28 in the SBITS

Acts 28 in the SBITS2

Acts 28 in the SBITS3

Acts 28 in the SBITS4

Acts 28 in the SBIUS

Acts 28 in the SBIVS

Acts 28 in the SBT

Acts 28 in the SBT1E

Acts 28 in the SCHL

Acts 28 in the SNT

Acts 28 in the SUSU

Acts 28 in the SUSU2

Acts 28 in the SYNO

Acts 28 in the TBIAOTANT

Acts 28 in the TBT1E

Acts 28 in the TBT1E2

Acts 28 in the TFTIP

Acts 28 in the TFTU

Acts 28 in the TGNTATF3T

Acts 28 in the THAI

Acts 28 in the TNFD

Acts 28 in the TNT

Acts 28 in the TNTIK

Acts 28 in the TNTIL

Acts 28 in the TNTIN

Acts 28 in the TNTIP

Acts 28 in the TNTIZ

Acts 28 in the TTENT

Acts 28 in the UBG

Acts 28 in the UGV

Acts 28 in the UGV2

Acts 28 in the UGV3

Acts 28 in the VBL

Acts 28 in the VDCC

Acts 28 in the YALU

Acts 28 in the YAPE

Acts 28 in the YBVTP

Acts 28 in the ZBP