Acts 24 (ANGEFD)

1 Hɨniavɨdaci uaiaŋ ahica pam uci Asɨ saŋ sagalɨ igu igu hɨsɨŋ agɨladɨ manɨgali hekɨlɨ Ananaiasɨ agaŋ Isɨlaelɨ hɨdɨlɨ agɨladɨ hulaŋ hekɨlɨ hekɨlɨ limu hɨhɨle agɨlaŋ hula Sisalia haiabɨla uavɨmi. Telɨtulusɨ Lom haiabɨla hɨsɨŋ agɨladɨ ciaŋ vɨdɨvɨdɨŋ igadami agaŋ avi nɨbɨlaŋ hula umi. Ua iahuavɨla manɨgali Felikɨsɨ dɨ abavɨmi. Polɨ agaŋ lusɨŋ sɨbɨlɨ vilalɨ agasaŋ alaŋ nudɨ ciaŋ hɨvɨ lamɨben aba velu uavɨmi. 2 Lɨhavɨci manɨgali agaŋ Polɨ dɨ vavevave saŋ abɨci vavehavɨmi. Vavehavɨci Telɨtulusɨ agaŋ Polɨ dɨ ciaŋ hɨvɨ lamɨben aba abami. Hulaŋ hekɨlɨ Felikɨsɨ uami. Nama aludɨ ahɨliahudanaŋ alaŋ sagaŋ apalɨ hɨnihɨni huaci laci hɨnilalu uami. Nama hɨji hutesɨ daŋ sadaŋ aludɨ ahɨliahudanaŋ akuaba akuaba sagaŋ ma iahavɨlalɨ uami. Vaka aludɨ hɨdɨlɨ pam agɨlaŋ sɨbɨlɨ hɨniavɨhadami uami. Agadɨ ala iabi nama aludɨ ahɨliahudanaŋ huaci laci hɨnilalu uami. 3 Nama akuaba akuaba lɨlanaŋ agɨladɨ iga iga hɨjɨŋalɨlalu uami. Lɨdɨŋ alaŋ nameŋ abɨlalu uami. Nɨbu hulaŋ huaci sɨbaŋ aba abɨlalu uami. 4 Iadɨ ciaŋ agasaŋ ihɨlu lavɨmɨnaŋ aba abavɨla viaŋ ciaŋ hutesɨ ma sulɨben uami. Nama alusaŋ mavɨn hɨniavɨla aludɨ ciaŋ cɨki nagadɨ igahɨlɨha uami. 5 Alaŋ hulaŋ nagadɨ igɨlalu uami. Nɨbu akape tɨbɨ hɨdɨdaci vɨhɨlɨ mu mu iahavɨlalɨ uami. Nɨbu haiabɨla mu mu hɨdahɨda Isɨlaelɨ hɨdɨlɨ agɨladɨ abɨdaci sagaŋ mɨŋaiahavɨlalɨ uami. Lɨdaci Isɨlaelɨ hɨdɨlɨ hɨhɨle agɨlaŋ aludɨ valavɨla hɨtɨŋ hɨnihɨni Asɨ dɨ sɨhɨ iahavɨlalɨ uami. Lɨhavɨdaci cɨhu alaŋ nulɨdɨ abɨlalu uami. Jisasɨ Nasaletɨ haiabɨla hɨsɨŋ agadɨ hulemɨlɨ aba abɨlalu uami. Hulaŋ nagaŋ nulɨdɨ manɨgali hɨnilalɨ uami. 6 6-8 Nɨbu hɨbuŋ daŋ hɨnihɨni Asɨ dɨ aŋam ulaŋ hekɨlɨ caba hɨvɨ uben aba lalɨ uami. Uben aba lɨdaci alaŋ nudɨ mɨŋalɨvahɨlu uami. Nɨbu uci Asɨ agaŋ nudɨ aŋam ulaŋ hekɨlɨ agadɨ igɨdaci sɨbɨlɨ lɨvi uami. Lɨci nusaŋ ala alaŋ nudɨ ciaŋ hɨvɨ lamɨben aba lahɨlu uami. Agadɨ ala nama nudɨ abitɨhɨnaŋ nɨbu nukeŋ abɨci igahɨlɨbanaŋ uami. 9 Lɨci Isɨlaelɨ hɨdɨlɨ agɨlaŋ Telɨtulusɨ dɨ ahɨliahua abavɨmi. Amɨŋ ala abi uavɨmi. Akuaba akuaba ciaŋ abi agaŋ nɨbu amɨŋ sɨbaŋ uavɨmi. 10 Lɨhavɨci Felikɨsɨ agaŋ human hɨvɨ Polɨ dɨ abami. Nama abɨha uami. Lɨci Polɨ agaŋ abami. Viaŋ nadɨ igɨlan uami. Hualɨ akape nama ciaŋ hihɨla hihɨla hɨsɨŋ hulaŋ hɨnihɨni hulaŋ iamɨgali fɨli tɨbɨ neŋ hɨsɨŋ agɨladɨ ciaŋ igahɨlɨlanaŋ uami. Hameŋ sadaŋ viaŋ hɨjɨŋalavɨla ciaŋ hɨdɨlɨ nagadɨ hivɨlɨŋ igahɨlɨbanaŋ uami. 11 Nama hulaŋ limu hɨhɨle agɨladɨ abitɨhɨnaŋ nɨbɨlaŋ nadɨ huaci nameŋ abavɨbali uami. Polɨ agaŋ Asɨ dɨ ibi mɨŋaiahaiaha mɨgalɨfɨlɨbɨben aba Jelusalem haiabɨla ualɨ aba abavɨbali uami. Ua heŋ hɨnidaci uaiaŋ akape sɨbaŋ ma ualɨ aba abavɨbali uami. Uaiaŋ human limu limu fɨhala laci ualɨ aba abavɨbali uami. 12 Isɨlaelɨ hɨdɨlɨ agɨlaŋ igavɨdaci viaŋ Asɨ dɨ aŋam ulaŋ hekɨlɨ caba uu hulaŋ mu mu agɨlaŋ hula hɨbɨŋ hɨbɨŋ aba aba ma lamacilɨlan uami. Viaŋ Isɨlaelɨ hɨdɨlɨ agɨladɨ aŋam ulaŋ mu mu Jelusalem haiabɨla hɨniavɨlalɨ agɨladɨ hɨvɨ ivo ivo nulɨdɨ hɨji ma mɨŋaihuihu lɨdalɨŋ sagaŋ lɨbavɨlalɨ uami. Viaŋ Jelusalem haiabɨla avi hɨdahɨda hulaŋ iamɨgali agɨladɨ hɨji ma mɨŋaihuihu lɨdalɨŋ sagaŋ lɨbavɨlalɨ uami. 13 Nɨbɨlaŋ iadɨ lɨbɨmɨgumɨgu abavɨlalɨ agaŋ nɨbu amɨŋ hɨma uami. 14 Agadɨ ala viaŋ nadɨ amɨŋ abɨben uami. Viaŋ ciaŋ vɨdɨvɨdɨŋ Mosesɨ lɨbami agasadaŋ Asɨ dɨ ciaŋ igalahalaha hɨsɨŋ hulaŋ agɨlaŋ manasɨŋ hɨvɨ lɨbavɨmi agɨlasadaŋ hɨji vɨdɨvɨdɨŋ lamɨlan uami. Viaŋ aludɨ Hekɨlɨ Jisasɨ hɨbɨ huaci abalamami agadɨ lubiahɨlahɨla aludɨ iamɨlɨhali agɨladɨ Asɨ saŋ igahɨlahɨla nudɨ sibɨla agadɨ vilan uami. Lɨdalɨŋ nɨbɨlaŋ hɨbɨ huaci hameŋ agasaŋ sɨbɨlɨ aba abavɨlalɨ uami. 15 Hulaŋ iamɨgali hɨhɨle Asɨ dɨ ciaŋ sɨhɨvia lubiahɨlahɨla hɨnihɨni hɨmavɨhadami hɨmavɨlalɨ uami. Limu hɨhɨle Asɨ dɨ ciaŋ ma lubiahɨlahɨla hɨnihɨni hɨmavɨhadami hɨmavɨlalɨ uami. Asɨ agaŋ hulaŋ iamɨgali hɨmavɨhadami hɨmavɨlalɨ agɨladɨ abɨci cɨhu hɨhi iahavɨbali uami. Viaŋ nusaŋ hɨji vɨdɨvɨdɨŋ lamalama migɨla migɨla hɨnilan uami. Isɨlaelɨ hɨdɨlɨ agɨlaŋ avi hameŋ laci ala hɨji vɨdɨvɨdɨŋ lamalama migɨla migɨla hɨniavɨlalɨ uami. 16 Hameŋ sadaŋ viaŋ hulaŋ hugɨ apalɨ hɨniben aba vɨdɨvɨdɨŋ lagulamɨlan uami. Lɨdalɨŋ hulaŋ iamɨgali agɨlaŋ iadɨ iga iga abavɨbali uami. Nɨbu hugɨ apalɨ aba abavɨbali uami. Asɨ avi iadɨ iga iga hameŋ laci ala abɨbali uami. 17 Viaŋ haiabɨla mu hɨvɨ mu hɨvɨ hɨdɨdalɨŋ hualɨ akape ci ualɨ uami. Lɨci viaŋ iadɨ hɨdɨlɨ pam agɨlaŋ anɨm hɨlɨcɨ saŋ tɨbɨ mɨgavɨlalɨ agɨlasaŋ anɨm hɨlɨcɨ iguben aba Jelusalem haiabɨla cɨhu vecin uami. Asɨ saŋ avi sagalɨ iguben aba vecin uami. 18 Vevɨla Asɨ iadɨ igɨdaci huaci sɨlɨvɨ laci hɨniben aba akuaba akuaba lɨcin uami. Lavɨla Asɨ dɨ aŋam ulaŋ hekɨlɨ caba uacin uami. Ulɨŋ iadɨ igavɨci hulaŋ akape hula ma hɨnicin uami. Hulaŋ heŋ hɨniavalɨ agɨlaŋ avi simɨ hɨniavalɨ uami. 19 Hɨniavɨdaci Asɨ dɨ aŋam ulaŋ hekɨlɨ caba heŋ hɨnidalɨŋ Isɨlaelɨ hɨdɨlɨ limu hɨhɨle Esia fɨli tɨbɨ hɨniavɨlalɨ agɨlaŋ ve iadɨ mɨŋalɨvavalɨ uami. Nɨbɨlaŋ viaŋ hula ciaŋ daŋ lɨci nɨbɨlaŋ nukeŋ vevɨla nadɨ pɨŋ lagulamavɨla iadɨ ciaŋ hɨvɨ lamavɨvi uami. 20 Hɨma lɨci hulaŋ hekɨlɨ hekɨlɨ neŋ hɨniavi agɨlaŋ nadɨ abavɨm uami. Nɨbɨlaŋ Jelusalem haiabɨla hɨnihɨni hulaŋ cihu tɨbaŋ daŋ agɨlaŋ hula ahuata hameŋ hɨniavɨdaci viaŋ akɨ lusɨŋ sɨbɨlɨ vilɨŋ igavɨla iadɨ ciaŋ hɨvɨ lamɨben aba lɨhavalɨ uami. 21 Ciaŋ mu cɨki abacin agasaŋ ma hɨjɨŋalɨvalɨ uami. Hulaŋ hekɨlɨ hekɨlɨ agɨlaŋ hula hulaŋ cihu tɨbaŋ daŋ agɨlaŋ hula igavɨdaci viaŋ lagulama nameŋ abacin uami. Asɨ agaŋ hulaŋ iamɨgali hɨmavɨhadami hɨmavɨlalɨ agɨladɨ abɨci cɨhu hɨhi iahavɨbali agasaŋ hɨji vɨdɨvɨdɨŋ lamɨlan aba abacin uami. Ciaŋ hameŋ agasaŋ iadɨ ciaŋ hɨvɨ lamavi aba abacin uami. 22 Nulɨdɨ Hekɨlɨ Jisasɨ hɨbɨ huaci abalamami agadɨ Felikɨsɨ nɨbu sɨhɨvia igahɨladami. Polɨ ciaŋ aba fɨhalɨci Felikɨsɨ agaŋ hulaŋ hekɨlɨ hekɨlɨ agɨladɨ abami. Vana sagaŋ hali hɨsɨŋ agɨladɨ manɨgali Lisiasɨ agaŋ veci viaŋ naludɨ ciaŋ agadɨ huaci hihɨlɨben uami. 23 La sagaŋ hali hɨsɨŋ agadɨ abami. Polɨ dɨ via lɨmɨn sɨbɨlɨ ulaŋ hɨvɨ lamɨha uami. Lɨmɨn sɨbɨlɨ ulaŋ hɨvɨ lamɨnaŋ hɨnidaci pabiŋ tɨbɨ pabiŋ tɨbɨ valɨdanaŋ hɨdam uami. Nudɨ nagɨlihalinu agɨladɨ avi abamɨgɨlɨmɨnaŋ uami. Vana uu veve iga iga nusaŋ akuaba akuaba iguavɨbali uami. 24 La uaiaŋ akape uci Felikɨsɨ agaŋ abinu Dɨlusila hula vehavɨmi. Nudɨ abinu nɨbu Isɨlaelɨ hɨdɨlɨ. Vevɨla Felikɨsɨ agaŋ abɨci Polɨ dɨ vavehavɨmi. Vavehavɨci Polɨ agaŋ Jisasɨ Kɨlaisɨ saŋ hɨji vɨdɨvɨdɨŋ lamalama saŋ nudɨ abami. 25 Asɨ dɨ ciaŋ agadɨ sɨhɨvia lubiahɨlahɨla saŋ abami. La hulaŋ iamɨgali nulɨdɨ nukeŋ hadipɨlɨ hɨsɨŋ hɨji humɨgaŋ agɨladɨ lubiahɨlɨmagalu aba vɨsɨvasi igu igu saŋ abami. Asɨ agaŋ mufɨli aludɨ ciaŋ hɨvɨ lamɨbali agasaŋ avi abami. Hameŋ abɨci Felikɨsɨ agaŋ ciaŋ agadɨ igahɨlavɨla lɨdavɨla abami. Ha ci uha uami. Mu tɨbɨ viaŋ havɨ hɨniavɨla nadɨ veve saŋ abɨlɨŋ cɨhu ve iadɨ abɨbanaŋ uami. 26 La Felikɨsɨ hɨji nameŋ lamami. Polɨ agaŋ iasaŋ anɨm hɨlɨcɨ nɨfɨlɨ cɨki iguci viaŋ nudɨ valɨlɨŋ havɨ ubali uami. Hameŋ sadaŋ akape tɨbɨ abɨdaci veve nɨbu hula ciaŋ abadami. 27 Hameŋ laci uu veve aba aba hɨdɨdaci hualɨ ahica umi. Lɨdaci cɨhu Felikɨsɨ agaŋ hɨji mu lamami. Viaŋ Polɨ dɨ valɨlɨŋ lɨmɨn sɨbɨlɨ ulaŋ hɨvɨ hɨnidaci Isɨlaelɨ hɨdɨlɨ agɨlaŋ iasaŋ hɨjɨŋalavɨbali uami. Lɨci Polɨ agaŋ lɨmɨn sɨbɨlɨ ulaŋ hɨvɨ hɨnidaci Fesɨtusɨ agaŋ cɨhu Felikɨsɨ dɨ uvɨsɨjiŋ vimi. Fesɨtusɨ dɨ ibi mu Polɨsiusɨ.

In Other Versions

Acts 24 in the ANTPNG2D

Acts 24 in the AS21

Acts 24 in the BAGH

Acts 24 in the BBPNG

Acts 24 in the BBT1E

Acts 24 in the BDS

Acts 24 in the BEV

Acts 24 in the BHAD

Acts 24 in the BIB

Acts 24 in the BLPT

Acts 24 in the BNT

Acts 24 in the BNTABOOT

Acts 24 in the BNTLV

Acts 24 in the BOATCB

Acts 24 in the BOATCB2

Acts 24 in the BOBCV

Acts 24 in the BOCNT

Acts 24 in the BOECS

Acts 24 in the BOGWICC

Acts 24 in the BOHCB

Acts 24 in the BOHCV

Acts 24 in the BOHLNT

Acts 24 in the BOHNTLTAL

Acts 24 in the BOICB

Acts 24 in the BOILNTAP

Acts 24 in the BOITCV

Acts 24 in the BOKCV

Acts 24 in the BOKCV2

Acts 24 in the BOKHWOG

Acts 24 in the BOKSSV

Acts 24 in the BOLCB

Acts 24 in the BOLCB2

Acts 24 in the BOMCV

Acts 24 in the BONAV

Acts 24 in the BONCB

Acts 24 in the BONLT

Acts 24 in the BONUT2

Acts 24 in the BOPLNT

Acts 24 in the BOSCB

Acts 24 in the BOSNC

Acts 24 in the BOTLNT

Acts 24 in the BOVCB

Acts 24 in the BOYCB

Acts 24 in the BPBB

Acts 24 in the BPH

Acts 24 in the BSB

Acts 24 in the CCB

Acts 24 in the CUV

Acts 24 in the CUVS

Acts 24 in the DBT

Acts 24 in the DGDNT

Acts 24 in the DHNT

Acts 24 in the DNT

Acts 24 in the ELBE

Acts 24 in the EMTV

Acts 24 in the ESV

Acts 24 in the FBV

Acts 24 in the FEB

Acts 24 in the GGMNT

Acts 24 in the GNT

Acts 24 in the HARY

Acts 24 in the HNT

Acts 24 in the IRVA

Acts 24 in the IRVB

Acts 24 in the IRVG

Acts 24 in the IRVH

Acts 24 in the IRVK

Acts 24 in the IRVM

Acts 24 in the IRVM2

Acts 24 in the IRVO

Acts 24 in the IRVP

Acts 24 in the IRVT

Acts 24 in the IRVT2

Acts 24 in the IRVU

Acts 24 in the ISVN

Acts 24 in the JSNT

Acts 24 in the KAPI

Acts 24 in the KBT1ETNIK

Acts 24 in the KBV

Acts 24 in the KJV

Acts 24 in the KNFD

Acts 24 in the LBA

Acts 24 in the LBLA

Acts 24 in the LNT

Acts 24 in the LSV

Acts 24 in the MAAL

Acts 24 in the MBV

Acts 24 in the MBV2

Acts 24 in the MHNT

Acts 24 in the MKNFD

Acts 24 in the MNG

Acts 24 in the MNT

Acts 24 in the MNT2

Acts 24 in the MRS1T

Acts 24 in the NAA

Acts 24 in the NASB

Acts 24 in the NBLA

Acts 24 in the NBS

Acts 24 in the NBVTP

Acts 24 in the NET2

Acts 24 in the NIV11

Acts 24 in the NNT

Acts 24 in the NNT2

Acts 24 in the NNT3

Acts 24 in the PDDPT

Acts 24 in the PFNT

Acts 24 in the RMNT

Acts 24 in the SBIAS

Acts 24 in the SBIBS

Acts 24 in the SBIBS2

Acts 24 in the SBICS

Acts 24 in the SBIDS

Acts 24 in the SBIGS

Acts 24 in the SBIHS

Acts 24 in the SBIIS

Acts 24 in the SBIIS2

Acts 24 in the SBIIS3

Acts 24 in the SBIKS

Acts 24 in the SBIKS2

Acts 24 in the SBIMS

Acts 24 in the SBIOS

Acts 24 in the SBIPS

Acts 24 in the SBISS

Acts 24 in the SBITS

Acts 24 in the SBITS2

Acts 24 in the SBITS3

Acts 24 in the SBITS4

Acts 24 in the SBIUS

Acts 24 in the SBIVS

Acts 24 in the SBT

Acts 24 in the SBT1E

Acts 24 in the SCHL

Acts 24 in the SNT

Acts 24 in the SUSU

Acts 24 in the SUSU2

Acts 24 in the SYNO

Acts 24 in the TBIAOTANT

Acts 24 in the TBT1E

Acts 24 in the TBT1E2

Acts 24 in the TFTIP

Acts 24 in the TFTU

Acts 24 in the TGNTATF3T

Acts 24 in the THAI

Acts 24 in the TNFD

Acts 24 in the TNT

Acts 24 in the TNTIK

Acts 24 in the TNTIL

Acts 24 in the TNTIN

Acts 24 in the TNTIP

Acts 24 in the TNTIZ

Acts 24 in the TOMA

Acts 24 in the TTENT

Acts 24 in the UBG

Acts 24 in the UGV

Acts 24 in the UGV2

Acts 24 in the UGV3

Acts 24 in the VBL

Acts 24 in the VDCC

Acts 24 in the YALU

Acts 24 in the YAPE

Acts 24 in the YBVTP

Acts 24 in the ZBP