Acts 7 (BNTLV)

1 Kahniwotsatsi naasho Ist'fanossh, «Eteets keewan arikeya?» eton bíaati. 2 Ist'fanosuwere hank'o ett bísh bíaniyi, «Ti eeshuwotsnat tnihotso! aab taan k'ewere! Nonih Abraham Karan datsatse beyosh bíamfetsre shino shin Mesp'et'omiya eteets datsatse b́ befere Mangts Ik'o bísh be'eyat 3 ‹N datsatse keer, n jagatse k'alyarr, taa neesh t kitsit datsats amee› bí eti. 4 Manoor Keledawiyots datsatse kesht Karani eteets datsats be b́wtsi, b́ nih b́k'irihakonowere Ik'o Karanitse kisht hambets it beyiru datsanats bín dek'et b́weyi. 5 Wotowabako dab tufi need'okok'o bodts rstiyo bísh imatse, b́wotefere datsani bínat bíyere il b́ naarosh rstiyo woshde'er b́imetuwok'o taarre b́teshi, bísh b́taaruwere Abraham na'o b́ detsfetsere shine. 6 B́ naaronuwere ash datsatse gooshtsi wotar b́beetuwok'o datsmanatsnowere awd bal natosh guuts woshde'er was'o kayde'er boon bokewituwok'o bísh keewure b́ teshi. 7 Manats dabtnwere, ‹Guuts woshde'er b́ keewit ashuwotsats angshitwe, datsmanatse keer hanoke taan ik'itúne› ett Ik'o keewre. 8 Gof ami taaronowere bísh bími, mansha Abraham Yishak'i b́shuwor shimtl aawots gofo b́daamiyi, Mank'o b́ naayi Yisak'i gofo b́daamiyi. Yak'obuwere b́ jir tatse gitetsuwotsi gofo b́damyi. 9 «Yak'ob nanaúwots bo eshuwi Yosefi okoort Gbs' datsatsere guutso b́ wotituwok'o bokemi, Ik'onmó bíntoniye b́ teshi, 10 Gond bek' jamotse bín b́ kishi, Gbs' naasho Fer'on shinatsere baatsonat danitelefo bísh bi'imi. Naashonuwere Gbs'nat b́ maa jamatse alituwo bín b́woshi. 11 Manór Gbs'nat Kene'an dats jamatse ayidek't ash kic'its k'ak'i eeno b́ woti, no nihuwotsuwere misho daatsosh falatsne. 12 Ya'ak'obwere Gbs'itse mááyo b́ beyok'owo b́ shishtsok'on tuwreerosh nonihotsi manok b́ woshi. 13 Aani gitlo aanat Gbs'i bo amor Yosef b́ eshuotsesh b́ tooko b́ daneyi, jag bowotonúwere Fere'onokere b́ daneyi. 14 Maniye hakon Yosef b́ nihi, Yak'obnat b́ jag jamo b́mandan dek't b́weyi, bo bojametsuwre shabe úts ashno. 15 Mansh Yak'ob Gbs' maantsan bí ami, bínat no nihwotsn manoke bok'iri. 16 Bomak'tsonowere Sekem maantsan dek'amt Abraham Sekemn Emor nan'úwotsoke b́ gizon b́keewts doowots dukeyi. 17 Ik'o Abrahamsh taart b́ jangitso wotit aawo b́ t'inor Gbs'n beyiru ashuwots taawo ayefere bí ami. 18 Man b́ wotwere Yosefi danawo k'osh Nugúso Gbs'n b́ naashefetsoniye. 19 Handr naash manuwere no ashuwotsats gondo k'úmt no nihwotsats kic'iyo dek't bo tuwi, bo nana'i marmat'uwotsno bok'irituwok'o úratse kishde'er bo juwituwok'o, no nihuwotsi bokic'iyi. 20 Manór Muse b́ shuweyi, bíwere Ik'i shinatse na'i az sheenge b́teshi, keez shashonowre b́nihi meyitse b́ eeni, 21 Uratso juu k'irewor Fereon mááts naú k'audekat b́ naayik'o woshdek'at b ditsi. 22 Musewwere Gbs' datsi dani teleef jamo danb́dek'i, b́ keewiru keewonat b́ finonowere kup' wotb́wtsi. 23 «Muse hab nato b́ s'eentsok'on bí eshuwotsi Israe'el nana'úwotsi s'iilo b́ tuwi. 24 Bí eshuwotsitse ikonuwere Gbs' dats ash ikon t'uk'eyat was'o b́kashefere bek't bísh b́ gatsi, t'uk'eetsmanshowere weero weersht Gbs' dats asho togdek't b́úd'i. 25 Ik'o b́ weeron boon b́ fakshiyituwok'o b́ jaguwots t'iwints bodek'etuwok'owa bísh araatni b́ tesh, bomó t'iwintsratsno. 26 Yaats guurok'onowere Israe'el ash gitetsuwots bo atsatseyo bo fayefere daatsdek't bonbaziyo geeyat ‹It ashuwtso! itwo eshu itnere, eegishe itfayeyiri?› bíet. 27 B́ tooho togiru ashman Museyi okaan gifnit ‹Neenmó noon alituwonat noatse angshituwo kone nee wosh? 28 Oots Gbs' dats asho núd'tsok'o taanowere úd'osh geefiya?› bíet. 29 Muse man b́shishtsok'on Gbs'itse kesht Midiyam datsomants amt gooshtsi wotat b́beeyi, Manoke nungush nana'a gituwotsi b́shuwi. 30 «Muse datsmanatse hab nato b́beshiyakon Debre Sin woruwotse aat'iru t'ugi atatsi tawi laluwotse melaki iko b́be'eyi. 31 Muse man b́bek'tsok'on bíadi, karndek't b́s'iilorowere hank'o etiru Doonzo k'aro b́shishi, 32 ‹Taahe nnihotsko Izar Izewer taane, Abarhamko Izar Izewer, Yisahak'ko Izar Izewer, Yak'obko Izar Izewer taane,› Muse were shatoon k'ewub́wutsi, s'iloshowere aawo shu'atse. 33 Doonzonuwere hank'o b́ eti, ‹N ned'iruwok man S'ayin datso b́ wottsotse n tufitsi c'aamo kishuwe, 34 Gbs'itse fa'a ti ashuwots weralo gond bo bek'iruwok'o bek're, kic'at bo kuhirwono shishre, mansh boon kashiyosh oot're, andoor wowe! taa neen Gbs'its woshona.› 35 «Israe'el ashuwotsu Musesh ‹Neen noats altsonat angshituwon woshtso kone?› Eton bín k'efatni botesh, wotowa boko t'ugi atatse bísh be'ets melakiyo jangon alituwonat nas' kishituwon woshdek't bomandan bín b́ woshi. 36 Gbs'nat Aats k'ar birokere aditsonat milikito finat bí ashuwotsi kish dek't hab natosh dats woruwtse jishtso Museyiye b́ teshi. 37 ‹Doonzo Izar Izewer taan b́ tiztsok'o mank'o it eshuwotsitse nebiyiyo itsh tuuzitwe› ett Isra'el ashuwots keewutso Museyiye b́teshi. 38 Woruwotse kakuwedek't teshts ashuwotsntonat Sin guri abaatse keewuts Ik'i melakiyonton animank'o no nihotsnton teshtso bíne. Ik'o keewuts kash imetu aap'o noosh beshitsonuwere un bíne Museyiye. 39 «No nihots bína bok'efibako bísh aleratsnee, Bonibotsnowere Gbs' maants aano bo gawi. 40 Aronshowere ‹Noon Gbs'itse kishts Muse han eeg bíyats bodtsok'o no danawotse noshin shinatse sha'arr noon jishituwo Izar izewerotsi noosh doozwe› bo eti. 41 Manór manz aron dozets Ik'o doozdek't bísh wosho bo t'intsi, bokishi finonowere bogenee'úwi. 42 Ik'onmó boatse k'aleniye b́wutsi. Daritsi k'eenwotssh bo ik'ituwok'o boon beshidek't bími. Manwere Nebiywotsn hank'o ett guut'etsok'one,‹It Israe'el ashuwotso!Shúkeets gizonat woshonHab nati s'eenosh woruwotse it t'ints tasheya? 43 Dek'at it amtso Molok gofonatRefani eteef k'enon it arits it ik'oniye b́ teshi,Bowere it kishon findek'at,It boosh it boosh sagadat it teshts ik'irwotsiye,Taawere Babloniye ok it gishetuwok'o woshituwe.› 44 «No nihots woruwotse gawi gofu detsfne b́ teshi, gofmanuwere Ik'o b́ keewutsok'onat b́ kitstsok'o bin fintso Museyiye b́ teshi. 45 Ik'o boshinatse b́ gishts Ik' ash Woteraw ashuwots datso bo nator no nihots bodek'ts gofani Iyasunton manok bo kindshi, Dawit dúro b́ borfetsosh manoke b beyi. 46 Dawituwere Ik' shinatse baatso daatst Yak'ob Ik'o Izar Izewersh k'ewok wotit moo agosh Ik'o b́ k'oni. 47 Ernmó Ik'í maa agtso Solomoniye. 48 «B́woteferor jam falts Ik'onmó ash kishon ageets moots beerake, manwere Nebiyon hank'o ett guut'etsoniye, 49 ‹Daro t be jooroniye,Datsonuwere t tufi ned'oke,Eshe ááwu naari mee taash it agetuwoni?›‹Bíyok t kashituwokonu awuk'one?› Etfe Doonzoni. 50 ‹Jaman taa t kishon t finkoshna?› Bíeti Ik'oni. 51 «It wed'etswotso it nibo is'etswotso! it k'el kúp'uwotso! it nihuwotskok'o jam aawo S'ayin shayiro it k'efiri. 52 Nebíyiwotsitse it nihots bo gisherawo kone fa'oni? boowere kááw finetsman b́ weetuwok'o shin keewutswotsi boúd'i, It were and kááwu finetsan beshidek' imaat it úd'i. 53 It Ik'i melakiwots weeron Muse nemo dek'at it teshi, ernmó kotde'atste.» 54 Mooshiru jirwots han boshishtsok'on nibo k'únbowutsi, Ist'ifanosi fayat bí'ats gasho bo shas'i. 55 Ist'ifanosmó S'ayin shayiron s'eent daro maantsan kawudek't s'iilt, Ik'i mango darotse b́bek'i, Iyesus noowere Ik' k'ani aaromadan b́ need'efere b́ bek'i, 56 Eshe «Hambe, daro k'eshe b́ gwutsere ash na'o Ik'i k'ani aaro maantsan b́ need'efere t bek'iri» bí eti. 57 Manoor bo k'aari eenon bo kuhi, bo waazono is'dekt ik wotdek't b́ maantsan bowos'i. 58 Kitotsno kishdek't shútson bo jot'i, gawuwotsuwre bo shemo dek'amt Sa'oli eteets jawets iko b́ kotetwok'o b́ tufi shirots ged bok'ri. 59 Shútson bín bo jot'fere, Ist'ifanos, «Doonzo Iyesuso! t kashu k'aaú de'e!» ett b́ k'oni. 60 Tuk'umaldek't, «Doonzono! bo morran boats taawk'aye!» ett k'aari eenon kuhat man ettnuwere k'ir b́wutsi.

In Other Versions

Acts 7 in the ANGEFD

Acts 7 in the ANTPNG2D

Acts 7 in the AS21

Acts 7 in the BAGH

Acts 7 in the BBPNG

Acts 7 in the BBT1E

Acts 7 in the BDS

Acts 7 in the BEV

Acts 7 in the BHAD

Acts 7 in the BIB

Acts 7 in the BLPT

Acts 7 in the BNT

Acts 7 in the BNTABOOT

Acts 7 in the BOATCB

Acts 7 in the BOATCB2

Acts 7 in the BOBCV

Acts 7 in the BOCNT

Acts 7 in the BOECS

Acts 7 in the BOGWICC

Acts 7 in the BOHCB

Acts 7 in the BOHCV

Acts 7 in the BOHLNT

Acts 7 in the BOHNTLTAL

Acts 7 in the BOICB

Acts 7 in the BOILNTAP

Acts 7 in the BOITCV

Acts 7 in the BOKCV

Acts 7 in the BOKCV2

Acts 7 in the BOKHWOG

Acts 7 in the BOKSSV

Acts 7 in the BOLCB

Acts 7 in the BOLCB2

Acts 7 in the BOMCV

Acts 7 in the BONAV

Acts 7 in the BONCB

Acts 7 in the BONLT

Acts 7 in the BONUT2

Acts 7 in the BOPLNT

Acts 7 in the BOSCB

Acts 7 in the BOSNC

Acts 7 in the BOTLNT

Acts 7 in the BOVCB

Acts 7 in the BOYCB

Acts 7 in the BPBB

Acts 7 in the BPH

Acts 7 in the BSB

Acts 7 in the CCB

Acts 7 in the CUV

Acts 7 in the CUVS

Acts 7 in the DBT

Acts 7 in the DGDNT

Acts 7 in the DHNT

Acts 7 in the DNT

Acts 7 in the ELBE

Acts 7 in the EMTV

Acts 7 in the ESV

Acts 7 in the FBV

Acts 7 in the FEB

Acts 7 in the GGMNT

Acts 7 in the GNT

Acts 7 in the HARY

Acts 7 in the HNT

Acts 7 in the IRVA

Acts 7 in the IRVB

Acts 7 in the IRVG

Acts 7 in the IRVH

Acts 7 in the IRVK

Acts 7 in the IRVM

Acts 7 in the IRVM2

Acts 7 in the IRVO

Acts 7 in the IRVP

Acts 7 in the IRVT

Acts 7 in the IRVT2

Acts 7 in the IRVU

Acts 7 in the ISVN

Acts 7 in the JSNT

Acts 7 in the KAPI

Acts 7 in the KBT1ETNIK

Acts 7 in the KBV

Acts 7 in the KJV

Acts 7 in the KNFD

Acts 7 in the LBA

Acts 7 in the LBLA

Acts 7 in the LNT

Acts 7 in the LSV

Acts 7 in the MAAL

Acts 7 in the MBV

Acts 7 in the MBV2

Acts 7 in the MHNT

Acts 7 in the MKNFD

Acts 7 in the MNG

Acts 7 in the MNT

Acts 7 in the MNT2

Acts 7 in the MRS1T

Acts 7 in the NAA

Acts 7 in the NASB

Acts 7 in the NBLA

Acts 7 in the NBS

Acts 7 in the NBVTP

Acts 7 in the NET2

Acts 7 in the NIV11

Acts 7 in the NNT

Acts 7 in the NNT2

Acts 7 in the NNT3

Acts 7 in the PDDPT

Acts 7 in the PFNT

Acts 7 in the RMNT

Acts 7 in the SBIAS

Acts 7 in the SBIBS

Acts 7 in the SBIBS2

Acts 7 in the SBICS

Acts 7 in the SBIDS

Acts 7 in the SBIGS

Acts 7 in the SBIHS

Acts 7 in the SBIIS

Acts 7 in the SBIIS2

Acts 7 in the SBIIS3

Acts 7 in the SBIKS

Acts 7 in the SBIKS2

Acts 7 in the SBIMS

Acts 7 in the SBIOS

Acts 7 in the SBIPS

Acts 7 in the SBISS

Acts 7 in the SBITS

Acts 7 in the SBITS2

Acts 7 in the SBITS3

Acts 7 in the SBITS4

Acts 7 in the SBIUS

Acts 7 in the SBIVS

Acts 7 in the SBT

Acts 7 in the SBT1E

Acts 7 in the SCHL

Acts 7 in the SNT

Acts 7 in the SUSU

Acts 7 in the SUSU2

Acts 7 in the SYNO

Acts 7 in the TBIAOTANT

Acts 7 in the TBT1E

Acts 7 in the TBT1E2

Acts 7 in the TFTIP

Acts 7 in the TFTU

Acts 7 in the TGNTATF3T

Acts 7 in the THAI

Acts 7 in the TNFD

Acts 7 in the TNT

Acts 7 in the TNTIK

Acts 7 in the TNTIL

Acts 7 in the TNTIN

Acts 7 in the TNTIP

Acts 7 in the TNTIZ

Acts 7 in the TOMA

Acts 7 in the TTENT

Acts 7 in the UBG

Acts 7 in the UGV

Acts 7 in the UGV2

Acts 7 in the UGV3

Acts 7 in the VBL

Acts 7 in the VDCC

Acts 7 in the YALU

Acts 7 in the YAPE

Acts 7 in the YBVTP

Acts 7 in the ZBP