Matthew 26 (BNTLV)

1 Iyesus jam daniyo daniy b́k'rtsok'on b́ danifwotssh hank'o bíeti, 2 «Git aawoniyere okoon fazigi baaliyo b́wotitwok'o danfte, Ash na'onwere jitewosh besheyarr imetwe.» 3 Manoor kahni naashwotsnat ashuwotsitse eenashwots kahni naashi naasho K'eyaf múúlotse kakwebowtsi. 4 Manoknowere Iyesusi málon deshde boúd'itwok'o mál bok'ri. 5 Ernmó, «Ashuwots dagotse fayo b́tuurawok'o baaliy aawon wotk'aye» boeti. 6 Iyesusmó, Bitaniyi datsatse een shodets teshtso Sim'on mootsna b́tesh. 7 Manoknowere Iyesus mishi maratse b́befere mááts ikú b́k'awntso ayidek' shaaw wotts shitúwo bín s'eents albast'rosiya eteets shútson dozets b́lk'at'iyo dek'at b́ maants bt'iini, shitú manowere b́tokats b kuut'i. 8 B́danifwots man bek't fayat hank'o boeti, «Shitúwan eegishe hank'o datsmec'ron b́ t'afiri? 9 Shitúwan ay gizosh kemeyar t'owwotssh imo faleyank'e b́teshi!» 10 Iyesuswere hank'o boetirwok'o dank'rat boosh hank'o bíeti, «Máátsani eegoshe it kic'iri? Biye taash sheeng keewo k'alraniye, 11 T'owwots úni aawo itoke bofa'oni, taamó jam aawo itnton hanoke beeratse. 12 Bi shitúwan tiats b kuut'o taan duukeyorish k'aniyoshee. 13 Arikon itsh keewirwe dats jamatse doo shishiyan b́keewetsoke bi b k'altson bin gawetwok'o bjango keewetwe.» 14 Manoor tatse gitwotsitse ik wottso Keriyot dats asho Yhud, kahni naashwots maants amt, 15 «Iyesusi itsh beshide'er ti imal taash eege it imeti?» bíet. Bowere shaash t'agaro bo imi. 16 Manoori sa'aton dek' tuut Iyesusi beshide b́imet sheeng aawa b́ geefoni b́tesh. 17 Tush meyi baaliyots shints aawots b́ danifwots Iyesusok t'int «Fazig ba'aliyi kooc' misho aawoke neesh nok'aniytwok'owe ngeyi?» ett boaati. 18 Bíwere «Kitots itkindor it daatsit asho galok amr ‹Danifo tiaawo b́t'intsotse t danifwotsnton fazigi kooc'misho t meet nmootsnee etfe› erere» bíet. 19 B́ danifwots Iyesus boosh bí ettsok'o bok'ali, fazigi kooc' misho bo k'aniyi. 20 Datso b́iltsok'on Iyesus tatse git woshetswotsnton kooc' mishi marats beeb́dek'i. 21 Bomafero Iyesus, «Arikoniye itsh t keewiri, ititsi ikoniye taan beshide imetwe» bí eti. 22 B́ danifwots b́ keewts manatse tuutson aydek't shiyanat ik ikon, doonzono, «Taa wotifta?» ett aato dek' botuwi. 23 Ieyesuswere hank'o ett boosh bíaani, «Taan beshide imetwoniye taanton tohaat b́kishon sahaniyotse ito itdek'irwoniye. 24 Ash na'o b́ jangosh guut'etsok'on k'iritwe, ernmó Ash na'o beshide imet ashmansh indowe bína! ash man shuweraniye b́oorink'ee bísh k'anefe b́ teshi.» 25 Bín beshide imetwo Yhudwere, «Danifono! taane k'uwa b́ wotiti?» bí eti. Iyesuswere, «Nee nittsok'oyiye» bíet. 26 Bo mafere Iyesus tushman k'a'údek't b́deeri, tiitsdek't b́ danifwotssh, «Nahere mooree han tmetsoniye» ett boosh bí'imi. 27 Wanc'mano k'aúdek'́t Ik'o údon b́ k'oniyakon hank'o ett boosh bí'imi, «It únets wanc'anitse úyeree, 28 Han ay ash morro oorowe eti jangon taarewosh kuud'it t s'atsoniye. 29 Tnihi mengstotse weyni shwi fíís' hanedro itnton túshet aawo b́ borfetsosh haniye okoon woyni shuwanatse fíís'otse gitlo úyatse etirwe,» 30 Maniye il udi duubo duubt Debre zeyit guri abaats k'az bokeshi. 31 Manoor Iyesus, b́ danifwotssh hanek'o bíeti, « ‹Jintso jot'etwee, mereer s'enwotsu bad'ni bowtsiti› ett guut'etsok'on t'uwanitse, it jametsanots taan k'ak'rar tiatse wos'etute. 32 Ernmó k'ironiye t tuwiyako itiyere shino Galil datso maants ametuwe.» 33 Manoor P'et'ros, «K'osh jametswots dab neen k'ay boamal taa b́ jamon neen k'ayk'rar woc'atse!» ett b́ keewi. 34 Iyesuswere «Arikone neesh tietiri, hambets t'úwaanitse baako b́ k'adfetsosh keezoto taan haalitune» bíet. 35 P'et'rosmó, «K'ira wotiyalor nenetoni t k'iriti bako b́ jamon neen haaleratse!» bíet. Oorts b́danifwotswere mank'o boet. 36 Maniyere il Iyesus b́danifwotsnton Getesemaniy eteef beyokok bí ami, manok bobodtsok'on Iyesus b́ danifwotssh «Taa ekewok amr Ik'o t k'onfetsosh it hanoke betere» bíet. 37 Bínton P'et'rosnat Zebdiwos nana'a gitetswots b́ shutsatse dek't bíami, shiyanefetst kic'o dek't b́tuwi. 38 Hank'owere boosh bíeti «K'iro tborfetsosh shiyanwtsere, it hanoke betere, tantonwere kup'ore.» 39 Boyere muk'i okaan wokat amt́, datsats b́baron gup' gup'dek't, hank'o ett Ik'o b́ k'oni, «Nihono! faleetkawotiyal gondbek'i wanc'an tiyatsere ok beshowe! ernmó nee nshuntsok'owa bako taa t shuntsok'o wotk'aye.» 40 Maniyere il b́danif keezwotsok aanat b́ waatsok'on bok'eefere boon b́daatsi, mansh P'et'rossh hank'o bíeti, «Taanton dab ik sa'atush kup'at it tokrerawon beyo falratsteya? 41 Fadewots it kindrawok'o kup'de'er Ik'o k'onwere, shayiro arikon k'andek'kee, meetsonmó maawke.» 42 Ando aani gitlo Iyesus wokdek't amt «T nihono! gondbek'i úshi wanc'an t úyawon b́ besho faleratse wotiyal nee ni ettsok'o wotowe» ett b́ k'oni. 43 Ando aaniyi b́ danifwotsok aani b́ woor bo ááwo tokron maawt b́teshtsotse botookrefere boon b́ daatsi. 44 Ando aani boon k'azkraat amt shintsman aaniyi keewon keezlo Ik'o b́ k'oni. 45 Maniyere il b́ danifwotsok waat boosh hank'o bíeti, «Anodoor k'ewoke itfa'oni? kashdek'oke itfa'oni? Hamb ash na'o morretswots kishots beshide'e imet sa'ato bodre, 46 Tuuwere amone! hamb taan beshide imetwo t'inree!» 47 Iyesus man keewoke b́befere, tatse git b́ danifwotsitse wottso iko Yhud b́weyi, bíntonwere shiki goradonat gumbo kurdek'ts ay ashuwots boweyi, boowere kahniy naashwotsnat eenashwotsoke woshekno botesh. 48 Iyesusi beshide imetwo Yhud́ ash ashuwotssh «It geyirwoniye taa t joobitwoniye bín deshde'ere» eton milikito imtni b́tesh. 49 Yhud manoor waat Iyesusok t'ínt «Danifono! jeeno neesh wotowe!» ett b́ joobi. 50 Iyesuswere, «T mashono! eshe nwaats kis'o s'eentswe» bíet. Maniyere il ashuwots Iyesusok t'int detsbodek'i. 51 Manoor Iyesusnton teshtswotsitse iko b́ kisho jargt b́ shiki gorado kaas'dek't́ kahani naasho guutso togt b́ waazo b́k'ut'i. 52 Iyesusmó hanek'owa bíet, «Shik k'aa'utswots shikon bot'afitwotsee nshiko b́batots aani de'er gerk'rowee. 53 Taa t nihi t k'oniyal bí ay kum kees'et melakiwotsi wosho b́ maawitk'o arefáá itsha? 54 Mank'oyi wotink'e ‹Gond bek'o bín geyife› etirwo S'ayn mas'afotstsi aap'o aawk'o k'alrniya b́ s'eeneti?» 55 Manoori sa'ator, manoke ko'ets ash ashosh Iyesus hank'owa bíet, «Wonbedewo detsfwotskok'oye taan detsosh shikonat gumbon detsdekat it weyi? Aaw aawon Ik' mootse itn danifetsat itnton tbeyor taan deshatste b́teshi. 56 Ernmó jaman b́wotir nebiywotsn guut'etso b́s'eenetwok'owe.» Manoor b́ danif jametswots bín k'azk'rat bowos'i. 57 Maniyakon Iyesusi detsdek'ts ashuwots kahni naasho K'eyaafok dek't boami, manoknowere nem danifwotsnat eenash eenashwots kakuweyatni botesh. 58 P'et'rosmóó kaahniywots naasho múúlok b́borfetso Iyesus jafrats wokoon sha'o b́ tuwi, biitsowere kinddek't keewman b́s'uufetso bek'osh múúl kotirwotsntoon be b́dek'i. 59 Kahini naashwotsnat ayhudiwots moosh mooshif jametswots Iyesus ats k'iro angshosh kooti gawo bogeyiri. 60 Kooti gaw gawiru aywots bí ats bot'iinalor, k'iro bí ats angshit gawo daatsratsno, il gaw gitetswots t'int, 61 «Ashaan ‹Ik'iko Ik' moo gaahde keez aawotse agosh falitwe› etre» ett bokeewi. 62 Kahniwots naashonwere tuut «Ashaanots ni aats bo gawiru jamansh eegor boosh aaniyalkneneya?» ett bíaat. 63 Iyesusmo s'ik et b́wtsi. Kahniwotsatsi naashonwere aaniy Iyesussh «Beyat beyiru Ik'o shúútson neen taarirwe! nee Ik'o naay Krstosi nwoto noosh keewwe!» bíet. 64 Iyesuswere bísh hank'o bíet, «Nee níettsok'oyiye, ernmó haniyak ash na'o bí jam falts Ik'o k'ani aaromantse b́befere bek'etute, aaninwere mank'o darotse daawnatse wotde b́woor bek'etute etirwe.» 65 Manoor kahniwotsatsi naasho nib k'úúnon b́ taho gaat't hank'o bíet, «Hamb Ik'e b́ c'ashiriye! b́ c'ashirwonowere it shishrte! haniyere bogo eeg gawe b́geyiti! 66 Eshe, itsh eeg arefa?» boowere «K'ire bísh wotitiye!» ett boaaniyi. 67 Manoor bo s'udo bíats bos'udi, bín bok'is'i, b́ k'eelatsowere jabefetst. 68 «Krstoso! kone neen jot'tsoní? aab bek'on keewwe» boetiri botesh. 69 P'et'ros mooniyere úratse kahni naashwots k'aab naasho múúlotsna b́beyiri b́tesh, manoor gon iku b́ maants t'iinat «Nee weree Gelil datstso Iyesusntoniye n teshiye!» bí et. 70 Bímó, «Nietirwo danatse!» eton jami shinatse jamere bíet. 71 Keshosh fengeshomaand bí amfere gon k'oshu bek'k'rat manoke teshts ashuwotssh, «Ashaan Nazrettso Iyesusntoniye b́ teshi!» biet. 72 P'et'roswere «Ni etiru ashman danatse!» ett taaron aani b́ jamere bíet. 73 Muk'i boteshihakon manoke need'dek't teshts ashuwots P'et'rosok t'iindek't «N noon keew keewo danifee, arikon neewor boyitse iko neene» boeti. 74 Manoor P'et'ros, «Taa han danatse!» et fetst b́tooko c'ashfetst taaro dek't b́tuwi. Manoor baako b́ k'adi. 75 P'et'roswere, «Baako b́ k'adfetso keezoto taash bín danatse jamere etetune» ett Iyesus b́ keewts aap'o gaw b́dek'i. Úrats kesht s'aamts eepo bí eepi.

In Other Versions

Matthew 26 in the ANGEFD

Matthew 26 in the ANTPNG2D

Matthew 26 in the AS21

Matthew 26 in the BAGH

Matthew 26 in the BBPNG

Matthew 26 in the BBT1E

Matthew 26 in the BDS

Matthew 26 in the BEV

Matthew 26 in the BHAD

Matthew 26 in the BIB

Matthew 26 in the BLPT

Matthew 26 in the BNT

Matthew 26 in the BNTABOOT

Matthew 26 in the BOATCB

Matthew 26 in the BOATCB2

Matthew 26 in the BOBCV

Matthew 26 in the BOCNT

Matthew 26 in the BOECS

Matthew 26 in the BOGWICC

Matthew 26 in the BOHCB

Matthew 26 in the BOHCV

Matthew 26 in the BOHLNT

Matthew 26 in the BOHNTLTAL

Matthew 26 in the BOICB

Matthew 26 in the BOILNTAP

Matthew 26 in the BOITCV

Matthew 26 in the BOKCV

Matthew 26 in the BOKCV2

Matthew 26 in the BOKHWOG

Matthew 26 in the BOKSSV

Matthew 26 in the BOLCB

Matthew 26 in the BOLCB2

Matthew 26 in the BOMCV

Matthew 26 in the BONAV

Matthew 26 in the BONCB

Matthew 26 in the BONLT

Matthew 26 in the BONUT2

Matthew 26 in the BOPLNT

Matthew 26 in the BOSCB

Matthew 26 in the BOSNC

Matthew 26 in the BOTLNT

Matthew 26 in the BOVCB

Matthew 26 in the BOYCB

Matthew 26 in the BPBB

Matthew 26 in the BPH

Matthew 26 in the BSB

Matthew 26 in the CCB

Matthew 26 in the CUV

Matthew 26 in the CUVS

Matthew 26 in the DBT

Matthew 26 in the DGDNT

Matthew 26 in the DHNT

Matthew 26 in the DNT

Matthew 26 in the ELBE

Matthew 26 in the EMTV

Matthew 26 in the ESV

Matthew 26 in the FBV

Matthew 26 in the FEB

Matthew 26 in the GGMNT

Matthew 26 in the GNT

Matthew 26 in the HARY

Matthew 26 in the HNT

Matthew 26 in the IRVA

Matthew 26 in the IRVB

Matthew 26 in the IRVG

Matthew 26 in the IRVH

Matthew 26 in the IRVK

Matthew 26 in the IRVM

Matthew 26 in the IRVM2

Matthew 26 in the IRVO

Matthew 26 in the IRVP

Matthew 26 in the IRVT

Matthew 26 in the IRVT2

Matthew 26 in the IRVU

Matthew 26 in the ISVN

Matthew 26 in the JSNT

Matthew 26 in the KAPI

Matthew 26 in the KBT1ETNIK

Matthew 26 in the KBV

Matthew 26 in the KJV

Matthew 26 in the KNFD

Matthew 26 in the LBA

Matthew 26 in the LBLA

Matthew 26 in the LNT

Matthew 26 in the LSV

Matthew 26 in the MAAL

Matthew 26 in the MBV

Matthew 26 in the MBV2

Matthew 26 in the MHNT

Matthew 26 in the MKNFD

Matthew 26 in the MNG

Matthew 26 in the MNT

Matthew 26 in the MNT2

Matthew 26 in the MRS1T

Matthew 26 in the NAA

Matthew 26 in the NASB

Matthew 26 in the NBLA

Matthew 26 in the NBS

Matthew 26 in the NBVTP

Matthew 26 in the NET2

Matthew 26 in the NIV11

Matthew 26 in the NNT

Matthew 26 in the NNT2

Matthew 26 in the NNT3

Matthew 26 in the PDDPT

Matthew 26 in the PFNT

Matthew 26 in the RMNT

Matthew 26 in the SBIAS

Matthew 26 in the SBIBS

Matthew 26 in the SBIBS2

Matthew 26 in the SBICS

Matthew 26 in the SBIDS

Matthew 26 in the SBIGS

Matthew 26 in the SBIHS

Matthew 26 in the SBIIS

Matthew 26 in the SBIIS2

Matthew 26 in the SBIIS3

Matthew 26 in the SBIKS

Matthew 26 in the SBIKS2

Matthew 26 in the SBIMS

Matthew 26 in the SBIOS

Matthew 26 in the SBIPS

Matthew 26 in the SBISS

Matthew 26 in the SBITS

Matthew 26 in the SBITS2

Matthew 26 in the SBITS3

Matthew 26 in the SBITS4

Matthew 26 in the SBIUS

Matthew 26 in the SBIVS

Matthew 26 in the SBT

Matthew 26 in the SBT1E

Matthew 26 in the SCHL

Matthew 26 in the SNT

Matthew 26 in the SUSU

Matthew 26 in the SUSU2

Matthew 26 in the SYNO

Matthew 26 in the TBIAOTANT

Matthew 26 in the TBT1E

Matthew 26 in the TBT1E2

Matthew 26 in the TFTIP

Matthew 26 in the TFTU

Matthew 26 in the TGNTATF3T

Matthew 26 in the THAI

Matthew 26 in the TNFD

Matthew 26 in the TNT

Matthew 26 in the TNTIK

Matthew 26 in the TNTIL

Matthew 26 in the TNTIN

Matthew 26 in the TNTIP

Matthew 26 in the TNTIZ

Matthew 26 in the TOMA

Matthew 26 in the TTENT

Matthew 26 in the UBG

Matthew 26 in the UGV

Matthew 26 in the UGV2

Matthew 26 in the UGV3

Matthew 26 in the VBL

Matthew 26 in the VDCC

Matthew 26 in the YALU

Matthew 26 in the YAPE

Matthew 26 in the YBVTP

Matthew 26 in the ZBP