Matthew 26 (MNT2)

1 Yesu amalhiheke wiittuchiha yayo meettuchiho onkhaye ayo, nkaahimeria owiittucha awe, 2 “Nhochuwelha wiira mahuku melhi anowa, phi nihuku no Pasaka, ni Mwaana a Ntu nookumihiya akhomelhelhiye munsalaabani.” 3 Yeyo ikatema iyo opochera ishaani olhupalhe ni ashulhupalhe ahokumaana vamoka upuwani u Nakayafa, opochera ishaani olhupalhe, 4 nkayeewanana miruku cho unhelha Yesu mmachirini wo umwoonelha, amwiive. 5 Nansho ewananne wiira, “Nihipange nenna nlhove nna ikatema yo Pasaka, ihiwe ikhumelhelhaka injoove mwaattuni.” 6 Yesu vaari awe Ubethaniya, uwani u Nasimoni, ntu o makutulha, 7 opani amoka aawelhe ichupa yo malhuku o alabasta yo makhura o unukhelha o nchurukhu mwinchi, nkayaawa wa Yesu vamezani vaakhalha awe ulhia yolhia. Nkaamminelha makhura ayo mmuruni. 8 Owiittucha awe nkoona yeyo nkayaarushiya. Nkayaakoha, “Yeeshiyani urihakacha alha makhura alha? 9 Makhura thoko alha anthumihiya wo nchurukhu mwinchi, ni nchurukhu uyo waanooria uvahiya attu amashikini.” 10 Yesu ahochuwelha chaanyihera aya, nkaahimeria, “Woonaka nnowahuviha alha opani alha? Yayo ahokipangelha ittu yoombone. 11 Attu ahirina ittu ari mahuku onkhaye vamoka ni inyu, nansho mii akinkhalha vamoka ni inyu mahuku onkhaye. 12 Alha opani alha ahokimiinelha makhura o unukhelha wo weesha iruttu aka tayari wo nihuku no uvithiya waka. 13 Vano etu, kinouhimeriani ikekhiaye wiira, vakittu variwoothe velhaponi va vanohalha uhimiachiya alha Malhove Orera alha, mwaha upangilhe aya alha opani alha, unowa uhimiachiya wo wuupuwelhiya waya.” 14 Yamalheke Nayuda Isikariote, mmoka aya owiittucha khumi ni elhi, nkarwa wa attu opochera ishaani olhupalhe, 15 nkeerelha, “Nnohalha ukivaha ittu yaani kanthumihaka Yesu uwaninyu?” Nkayaamwalhakelha nchurukhu makhobilhi makhumi mararu. 16 Ni toka yeyo ikatema iyo Nayuda nkaavia nipesha no unthumiha Yesu wa attu opochera isadaka. 17 Nihuku naaholhelha nihuku no Pasaka, nihuku no mikatte cho uhihelhiya ihengedure, owiittucha yahonttwara Yesu nkayankoha, “Nnothanana nooterekhelhekeni vayi yolhia yo Pasaka?” 18 Yesu nkaakhulha, “Nrweeke wa ntu mmoka urii iwani mwanhimerieke, ‘Owiittuchiha aneera, ikatema aka ihophiya, mii ni owiittucha aka ninowa unlhelhia Pasaka uwaninyu.’ ” 19 Owiittucha nkayeera thoko Yesu chaalhehenre awe nkayaakoorosha yolhia yo Pasaka. 20 Uchechilho, Yesu nkaakhalha vamezani vamoka ni owiittucha awe khumi ni elhi, 21 Vaari aya alhiaka, Yesu nkeera, “Kinouhimeriani ikekhia wiira, mmoka inyu nookithumiha.” 22 Owiittucha nkayaachukulha chinene, nkayankohacha mmoka mmoka, “Thithi! Chani phi mii?” 23 Yesu nkaakhulha, “Ntu nopapha nkatte vamoka ni mii nnyiponi phi yoyo nohalha ukithumiha. 24 Mwaana a Ntu noorwaa unkelha awe thoko Malhove Matakatifu chinohimia aya, nansho hothapana ntu ulhe nolhoha unthumiha Mwaana a Ntu! Ikaari mbaya wa yoyo ntu uyo ahikaayarelhe!” 25 Nayuda, aari phi ayo yaathanana unthumiha, nkayankoha, “Owiittuchiha! Chani, phi mii?”Yesu nkaakhulha, “Inyuva mwaanene nheeromolha.” 26 Vaari aya alhiachaka, Yesu nkaakusha nkatte, nkaalhapelhelha wa Nlhuku, nkaamia, nkaavahacha owiittucha awe eeraka, “Mmwieke nlhieke, ilha phi iruttu aka.” 27 Amalhiheke nkaathesha ikikombe yo idivai, nkanthimicha Nlhuku, nkaavahacha eeraka, “Mmwurieke onkhaye, 28 ilha phi iphome aka inotimiriha malhehano a Nlhuku, iphome aka inrihiaa wo nlhatu ni attu enchi wo uhiyereriya uwonya waya. 29 Kinouhimeriani, akinowuria tho idivai yo zabibu mpaka nihuku vanohalha aka uwuria idivai yo naanano vamoka ninyu mu Umweneni wa Athumwanaka.” 30 Vaamanlhe aya wiipa ichipo, nkayaathama, nkayaarwaa waari Mwako wo Mizeituni. 31 Yamalheke Yesu nkeerelha, “Uhiyu wo lhelho ulha, mwaattiva onkhaye nnowa uttawa ni ukihiya, ukhalhawaya Malhove Matakatifu anohimia wiira,‘Kinoomwata nshungaNi ikhondoro chinoomwaria.’ 32 Nansho baada yo uhihimmwa, kinouholhelhani Ugalilaya.” 33 Napeturo nkaamwirelha Yesu, “Akinowa koohiyani, ata attu onkhaye anattawaka.” 34 Yesu nkeerelha, “Ikekhia kinouhimeriani, ulha uhiyu ulha nthupi uhinaya wiipa, nnowa mwaakikhota vararu.” 35 Napeturo nkayeera, “Ata yakhalhaka ukhwa, mbaya ni mii kikhwe vamoka ni inyu, akinookhotani mena.”Ni ayo owiittucha akina onkhaye nkayeera chiichammo. 36 Yamalheke Yesu nkaarwa vamoka ni owiittucha awe waari imata yeehaniya Gethsemane, nkeerelha wiira, “Nkhalheke vaa ni mii kirwee vaholho vawo kalhapelhe.” 37 Nkaakusha Napeturo ni ashaana elhi a Nazebedayo. Ihuzuni ni uthemwa nkawanchokholha, 38 nkeerelha, “Nrima aka uhochariya ihuzuni yinchi, uthananaka ukiwulhusha. Nkhalheke vaa nshiheke vamoka ni mii.” 39 Paahi, nkaarwa miholho vakani, nkaawulhuwa makukhu, nkaalhapelha, “Thithi, yakhalhaka inoworiacha, ilha ikikombe ilha ikivire! Nansho ihikalhe thoko chinthanana aka mii, nansho chinottuna inyu inyuva mwaanene.” 40 Nkaahokolhia vaari aya owiittucha, nkaaphwanyacha anarumpe. Nkeerelha Napeturo, “Chani khamwonrie ushelhelhiha vamoka ni mii inakhalhaka isaa imoka? 41 Nshelhelhiheke ni ulhapelha nhiwe mwaakelha muulhikachiyani. Nrima uhottuna nansho iruttu inoohuperia.” 42 Nkaarwa tho no nayelhi nkaalhapelha, “Thithi, yakhalhaka khinooriacha wiira, ilha ikikombe yo uweria ilha ikivire wo uhiwureria, paahi etu, chikhalheke thoko chinothanana inyu mwaanene.” 43 Nkaarwelha tho, nkaaphwanyacha anarupilhe, ukhalhawaya miitho aya aari anachanre ikhove. 44 Paahi, nkaahiyacha, nkaarwa tho ulhapelhani no neraru olhumachaka yayo malhove ayo. 45 Yamalheke nkaarwelha owiittucha, nkeerelha, “Chani, nri muurupani ni wiittuwa mpaka nna? Mwooneke! Ikatema vano ihophiya, ni Mwaana a Ntu nookumihiya wa attu o uwonya. 46 Munkweke etu, nirweeke. Ntu nokithumiha uyo ulha vaa howa!” 47 Yesu aari olhumachaka ikatema Nayuda, owiittucha mmoka aya khumi ni elhi alhe vaawilhe aya. Vamoka ni ayo nkayaawa attu enchi arii ni maphanga ni indonga yaarumiye ni attu opochera ishaani olhupalhe ni ashulhupalhe. 48 Ntu anthumiha Yesu ahomalha waahimeria nlhove no uthikineha wiira, “Ulhe nohalha aka unkumbatira uyo, phi yoyo nothananiya. Mummareke!” 49 Paahi, Nayuda nkaamwatameria Yesu, nkankohacha eeraka, “Mpuha ukhalhe ni inyu Owiittuchiha!” Nkankumbatira. 50 Yesu nkaamwirelha, “Mpwana, upangeke uwenlhe ao.”Vavawo attu alhe nkayaawa, nkayammara Yesu, nkayanhelha mmachirini. 51 Ntu mmoka aari vamoka ni Yesu nkaatholholha mwaalho awe mulhupalhe, nkanthikilha nnyaru no wiimonono karumiya a Opochera ishaani Olhupalhe, nkankwatulha. 52 Nansho Yesu nkaamwirelha, “Nhokolhoshe uphanga inyu nnigonereni, ukhalhawaya ntu riyoothe neeva wo uphanga, nookhwa wo uphanga. 53 Chani, khanchuwenlhe wiira kaanooria waalhepelha Athithi, ni ayo wo uhipicha yankiwihera minepa o wiirimu milhoko cho upwaha milhoko khumi ni melhi? 54 Nansho anohalha utimira chani Malhove Matakatifu anohimiacha wiira phi chiicho chinophwanelhiya aya chikhalhe?” 55 Yeyo ikatema iyo Yesu nkaahimeria attu o nlhoko waawilhe ummarani, “Chani, mmwilhee ukivara ni mialho chulhupalhe ni indonga thoko wiira ki ntu o uvara makhuche? Kila nihuku kaari keettuchihaka attu wi Inupa ya Nlhuku, ni inyu khamwaakivanre! 56 Nansho alha onkhaye alha apangelhe wiira Malhove Matakatifu aalhempe aya anamilhohi atimire.” Yamalheke, owiittucha awe nkayanhiya nkayaattawacha. 57 Paahi, attu yammanre Yesu nkayanrweha upuwani u Nakayafa, Opochera ishaani Olhupalhe, waathukumanne aya attu owiittuchiha Malhehero a ashinna Musa vamoka ni ashulhupalhe. 58 Napeturo nkayanttwara wo utayi mpaka upuwani wa Opochera ishaani Olhupalhe, nkayaakelha mpaani vamoka ni anamitheko nkayaakhalha vathi yoone chittu chinohalha aya wiira. 59 Paahi, Opochera ishaani Olhupalhe ni nkutiro wonkhaye nkayaavia nlhove no uhimiechesha woothacha, umootheria Yesu wiira amwiive, 60 nansho khayaapante nlhove niriyoothe no uhimiechesha, inakhalhaka yahowa attu enchi eepanga uhimiechesha wo malhove o woothacha. Wo umalhihera nkayaawa attu elhi o uhimiechesha, 61 nkayeera, “Ulha ntu ulha aheera, ‘Kinowooria uphomolha Inupa ya Nlhuku ni utheka tho wo mahuku mararu.’ ” 62 Opochera ishaani Olhupalhe nkayeemelha, nkayankoha Yesu, “Chani, woonaka khannaakhulha nlhove? Alha attu alha anohimiecheshani uwaachani?” 63 Nansho Yesu nkaamalha yii. Opochera ishaani Olhupalhe nkayaamwirelha, “Kinowulhupelhihani wa Nlhuku rii nkumi, nnihimerie yakhalhaka ikekhia inyuva phi Kuristo Moopolhi, Mwaana a Nlhuku!” 64 Yesu nkaakhulha eeraka, “Eiyo inyuva nhohimia! Nansho kinouhimeriani mwaattiva onkhaye, toka vano nnoomwona Mwaana a Ntu nakhanlhe wiimonono wa Athithi, awaaka wo ikuru umahuteni wiirimu.” 65 Vavawo, Opochera ishaani Olhupalhe nkaahulha ikuwo chaya, eeraka, “Holhava! Ni rini vano tho yowaavia attu o uhimiechesha? Vano mwaatti nheewa mwaanene ulhava wawe. 66 Haya mwaatti nnoona chani?” Attu ayo nkayaamwaakhulha, “Hotteka, hophwanelhiya ukhwa!” 67 Yamalheke nkayanshuwelha ishenye wiitho, nkayaamwata makofi, ni attu akina nkayaamwata makofi chiicho, 68 nkayaamwiirelha, “Inyuva na Kuristo, nlhamulhelheke etu, mpani owatilheni!” 69 Napeturo yaari anakhanlhe vathe ulhuwanini karumiya mmoka nthiyana a Opochera ishaani Olhupalhe vaawilhe awe nkeera, “Ni inyu, chiicho, mwaari vamoka ni Yesu o Ugalilaya.” 70 Napeturo nkaaruna vaattuni eeraka, “Akichuwelhe ittu inoolhumacha inyu.” 71 Nkaakhuma vathe, nansho vaakhuma aya, vankhorani, karumiya nkina nthiyana nkoona, nkeerelha attu yaari vavawo ayo, “Ulha ntu ulha aari vamoka ni Yesu o Unazareti.” 72 Napeturo nkaaruna tho eeraka, “Kinoolhupelha wiira akinchuwenlhe yoyo ntu uyo!” 73 Miholho vakani, attu yaari vavawo ayo, nkayaarwelha Napeturo, nkayeera, “We ikekhiaye, inyuva mwaari mmoka aya, ukhalhawaya nulhumo ninyu ninouhimiecheshani!” 74 Vavawo Napeturo nkayeera, “Kinoolhupelha wiira kinoolhumacha aka phi ikeekhene! Nlhuku akihukumulheke etu koothachaka! Akinchuwelhaka ulha ntu ulha!” Vahipinche nthupi nkaweepa. 75 Napeturo nkayoopuwelha malhove aahimeriye aya ni Yesu wiira, “Nthupi uhinaya wiipa, nnoowa mwaakiruna mikwaha miraru.” Paahi, nkaakhuma vathe, nkonlha chinene.

In Other Versions

Matthew 26 in the ANGEFD

Matthew 26 in the ANTPNG2D

Matthew 26 in the AS21

Matthew 26 in the BAGH

Matthew 26 in the BBPNG

Matthew 26 in the BBT1E

Matthew 26 in the BDS

Matthew 26 in the BEV

Matthew 26 in the BHAD

Matthew 26 in the BIB

Matthew 26 in the BLPT

Matthew 26 in the BNT

Matthew 26 in the BNTABOOT

Matthew 26 in the BNTLV

Matthew 26 in the BOATCB

Matthew 26 in the BOATCB2

Matthew 26 in the BOBCV

Matthew 26 in the BOCNT

Matthew 26 in the BOECS

Matthew 26 in the BOGWICC

Matthew 26 in the BOHCB

Matthew 26 in the BOHCV

Matthew 26 in the BOHLNT

Matthew 26 in the BOHNTLTAL

Matthew 26 in the BOICB

Matthew 26 in the BOILNTAP

Matthew 26 in the BOITCV

Matthew 26 in the BOKCV

Matthew 26 in the BOKCV2

Matthew 26 in the BOKHWOG

Matthew 26 in the BOKSSV

Matthew 26 in the BOLCB

Matthew 26 in the BOLCB2

Matthew 26 in the BOMCV

Matthew 26 in the BONAV

Matthew 26 in the BONCB

Matthew 26 in the BONLT

Matthew 26 in the BONUT2

Matthew 26 in the BOPLNT

Matthew 26 in the BOSCB

Matthew 26 in the BOSNC

Matthew 26 in the BOTLNT

Matthew 26 in the BOVCB

Matthew 26 in the BOYCB

Matthew 26 in the BPBB

Matthew 26 in the BPH

Matthew 26 in the BSB

Matthew 26 in the CCB

Matthew 26 in the CUV

Matthew 26 in the CUVS

Matthew 26 in the DBT

Matthew 26 in the DGDNT

Matthew 26 in the DHNT

Matthew 26 in the DNT

Matthew 26 in the ELBE

Matthew 26 in the EMTV

Matthew 26 in the ESV

Matthew 26 in the FBV

Matthew 26 in the FEB

Matthew 26 in the GGMNT

Matthew 26 in the GNT

Matthew 26 in the HARY

Matthew 26 in the HNT

Matthew 26 in the IRVA

Matthew 26 in the IRVB

Matthew 26 in the IRVG

Matthew 26 in the IRVH

Matthew 26 in the IRVK

Matthew 26 in the IRVM

Matthew 26 in the IRVM2

Matthew 26 in the IRVO

Matthew 26 in the IRVP

Matthew 26 in the IRVT

Matthew 26 in the IRVT2

Matthew 26 in the IRVU

Matthew 26 in the ISVN

Matthew 26 in the JSNT

Matthew 26 in the KAPI

Matthew 26 in the KBT1ETNIK

Matthew 26 in the KBV

Matthew 26 in the KJV

Matthew 26 in the KNFD

Matthew 26 in the LBA

Matthew 26 in the LBLA

Matthew 26 in the LNT

Matthew 26 in the LSV

Matthew 26 in the MAAL

Matthew 26 in the MBV

Matthew 26 in the MBV2

Matthew 26 in the MHNT

Matthew 26 in the MKNFD

Matthew 26 in the MNG

Matthew 26 in the MNT

Matthew 26 in the MRS1T

Matthew 26 in the NAA

Matthew 26 in the NASB

Matthew 26 in the NBLA

Matthew 26 in the NBS

Matthew 26 in the NBVTP

Matthew 26 in the NET2

Matthew 26 in the NIV11

Matthew 26 in the NNT

Matthew 26 in the NNT2

Matthew 26 in the NNT3

Matthew 26 in the PDDPT

Matthew 26 in the PFNT

Matthew 26 in the RMNT

Matthew 26 in the SBIAS

Matthew 26 in the SBIBS

Matthew 26 in the SBIBS2

Matthew 26 in the SBICS

Matthew 26 in the SBIDS

Matthew 26 in the SBIGS

Matthew 26 in the SBIHS

Matthew 26 in the SBIIS

Matthew 26 in the SBIIS2

Matthew 26 in the SBIIS3

Matthew 26 in the SBIKS

Matthew 26 in the SBIKS2

Matthew 26 in the SBIMS

Matthew 26 in the SBIOS

Matthew 26 in the SBIPS

Matthew 26 in the SBISS

Matthew 26 in the SBITS

Matthew 26 in the SBITS2

Matthew 26 in the SBITS3

Matthew 26 in the SBITS4

Matthew 26 in the SBIUS

Matthew 26 in the SBIVS

Matthew 26 in the SBT

Matthew 26 in the SBT1E

Matthew 26 in the SCHL

Matthew 26 in the SNT

Matthew 26 in the SUSU

Matthew 26 in the SUSU2

Matthew 26 in the SYNO

Matthew 26 in the TBIAOTANT

Matthew 26 in the TBT1E

Matthew 26 in the TBT1E2

Matthew 26 in the TFTIP

Matthew 26 in the TFTU

Matthew 26 in the TGNTATF3T

Matthew 26 in the THAI

Matthew 26 in the TNFD

Matthew 26 in the TNT

Matthew 26 in the TNTIK

Matthew 26 in the TNTIL

Matthew 26 in the TNTIN

Matthew 26 in the TNTIP

Matthew 26 in the TNTIZ

Matthew 26 in the TOMA

Matthew 26 in the TTENT

Matthew 26 in the UBG

Matthew 26 in the UGV

Matthew 26 in the UGV2

Matthew 26 in the UGV3

Matthew 26 in the VBL

Matthew 26 in the VDCC

Matthew 26 in the YALU

Matthew 26 in the YAPE

Matthew 26 in the YBVTP

Matthew 26 in the ZBP