Matthew 26 (MNT)

1 ዬሱሴ ዬንሢ ባኮ ኬኤዚ ጋፔሢኮ ጊንፃ፥ ዒዛኮ ጊንፆ ሃንታ ናኣቶ''ም፦ 2 «ላምዖ ኬሊ''ኮ ጊንፃፓ ዓይሁዶ ዓሶኮ ዑሣ ዓኣዺፆ ኬላ'' ቦንቺንታያ ማዔሢ ዒንሢ ዔራኔ፤ ዓሲኮ ናዓሢ ሱፂንታንዳጉዲ ዓኣሢ ዒንጊንታንዳኔ» ጌዔኔ። 3 ዬካፓ ቄኤሶኮ ሱኡጎና ዴሮ''ኮ ጪማ''፥ ቄኤሶ ቢያሢኮ ሱኡጋሢ ቃያፓ ማኣሮ ካሮ''ይዳ ቡኪንቴኔ። 4 ዒኢካ ዔያታ ዔርቱዋ ጎይሢና ዓርቂ ዬሱሴ ዎዻኒ ዎላ'' ዞርቴኔ። 5 ጋዓንቴ ዔያታ፦ «ዴሮ''ኮ ባኣካ'' ዣላ ዔቁዋጉዲ ቦንቾ ኬሎ''ና ማዖፓ» ጌዒ ዎላ'' ጌስቴኔ። 6 ዒኢካ ዬሱሴ ቢታኒያይዳ ዑፃ ኬስካ ዶርዓሢ ዓርቄንቴ ፖዔ፥ ሲሞኦኔ ማኣራ ዓኣንቴ፥ 7 ፔቴ'' ላኣሊስኬና ሹቺፓ ኮሾ''ና ቢልቃፄይዳ ሻንቾናቴ ሚርጌ ሚኢሼ ዔካንዳ ሳውቃ ቲሺ ኩንሢ ዔኪ ሙካዖ፥ ዬሱሴ ሙዖሮ ዴዒ ዓኣንቴ ዒዛኮ ቶኦካ'' ዋሄኔ። 8 ዒዛኮ ጊንፆ ሃንታ ናኣታ'' ዬያ ዛጌ ዎዶ''ና ጎሪ''ንታዖ፦ «ሓያ ሳውቃ ቲዦ ጉሪ ላኣሎሢ ዓይጎሮዳይ! 9 ሃይ ሳውቃ ቲዣ ሚርጌ ሚኢሼም ሻንቺንቲ፥ ሚኢሻ ማንቆ ዓሶም ዒንጊንታንዳንቴኬ» ጌዔኔ። 10 ዬሱሴ ዬያ ዔያታ ጋዓሢ ዔራዖ፦ «ሃኖ'' ላኣሌሎ ዒንሢ ዓይጎሮ ሜታሳይ? ዒዛ ኮሺ ባኣዚ'' ታኣም ማዼኔ፤ 11 ማንቆ ዓሳ ቢያ ዎዴ ዒንሢና ዎላ''ኬ፤ ታኣኒ ጋዓንቴ ቢያ ዎዴ ዒንሢና ዎላ'' ማዓዓኬ። 12 ሳውቃ ቲዦ ታ ዑፃ ዒዛ ዋሄሢ ታና ዱኡፖም ጊኢጊሻኒኬ፤ 13 ጎኔ ታ ዒንሢም ጋዓኔ፤ ሃይ ኮዦ ሃይሳ ኬኤዚንታ ዓጮ'' ቢያይዳ ዓንካ ማዔቶዋ ዒዛ ማዼ ባካ ‹ዒዛ ዬያይዴኔ› ጌይንቲ ኬኤዚንታንዳኔ» ጌዔኔ። 14 ዬካፓ ታጶ ላምዖንሢዳፓ ፔቴ''ሢ ማዔ፥ ዓስቆሮንቶ ዪሁዳ ጌይንታሢ ቄኤሶኮ ሱኡጎ ኮራ ዓኣዻዖ፦ 15 «ታኣኒ ዒዛ ዓኣሢ ዒንሢም ዒንጌቶ ዒንሢ ታኣም ዓይጎ ዒንጋንዳይ?» ጋዓዛ፥ ዔያታ ዒዛም ሃይሢታሚ'' ሹቺ ቢራ ፓይዲ ዒንጌኔ። 16 ዬማፓ ዓርቃዖ ዪሁዳ ዬሱሴ ዓኣሢ ዒንጋኒ ጊኢጋ ኬሊ'' ኮዓኔ። 17 ዓይሁዶኮ ላኣዶ'' ሙዒ ቦንቾሢኮ ቤርታሳ ኬሎ''፥ ዒዛኮ ጊንፆ ሃንታ ናኣታ'' ዬሱሴ ኮራ ሙካዖ፦ «ዑሣ ዓኣዺፆ ቦንቾ ኬሎ'' ካዋሢ፥ ዎካ ኔኤም ኑ ጊኢጊሻንዳጉዲ ኔ ኮዓይ?» ጌዒ ዒዛ ዖኦጬኔ። 18 ዒዚ ማሃዖ፦ «ካታሞይዳ ናንጋ፥ ሃያ ማኣሪ ዴንዲጋፓ ‹ዔርዛሢ፥ ታኣኮ ዎዳ'' ዑኬሢሮ ታኣኮ ጊንፆ ሃንታዞንሢና ዎላ'' ዑሣ ዓኣዺፆ ቦንቾ ኬሎ'' ካዋሢ ኔ ማኣራ ታ ሙዒ ቦንቻንዳኔ› ጋዓኔ፥ ጎዑዋቴ» ጌዔኔ። 19 ዒዛኮ ጊንፆ ሃንታዞንሢያ ዒዚ ዓይሤሢጉዲ ዑሣ ዓኣዺፆ ቦንቾ ኬሎ'' ካዋሢ ጊኢጊሼኔ። 20 ዬካፓ ሳዓ ዓማዛ ዬሱሴ ታጶ ላምዖንሢና ዎላ'' ሙዖሮ ዴዔኔ፤ 21 ዒኢካ ዔያታ ሙዒፆይዳ ዓኣንቴ ዬሱሴ፦ «ጎኔ ታ ዒንሢም ጋዓኔ፤ ዒንሢዳፓ ፔቴ''፥ ታና ዓኣሢ ዒንጋንዳኔ» ጌዔኔ። 22 ዬያሮ ዔያታ ሚርጌና ዖያዖ ፔቴ'' ፔቴ''ሢ፦ «ጎዳሢዮ፥ ታናቱዋሴ፤ ታናኬ ኔ ጋዓ?» ጌዔኔ። 23 ዒዚ ዔያቶም፦ «ዒንሢዳፓ ዓኣሢ ታና ዒንጋንዳሢ ሃሢ ታኣና ዎላ'' ጎንጋ ኩጮ ዳካሢኬ፤ 24 ዓሲኮ ናዓሢ ዒዛ ዛሎ'' ፃኣፒንቴ ጎይፆና ሃይቃንዳኔ፤ ጋዓንቴ ዓሲኮ ናዓሢ ዓኣሢ ዒንጋ ዓሢም ባዴዔ! ዬይ ዓሢ ሾይንቲባኣያታቴ ኮሺታዖ ዓቴ''ኔ» ጌዔኔ። 25 ዓኣሢ ዒዛ ዒንጋንዳ፥ ዪሁዳ ሃሣ፦ «ዔርዛሢዮ! ታናቱዋሴ፤ ታናኬ ኔ ጋዓ?» ጋዓዛ፥ ዬሱሴ ዒዛም፦ «ሂዮ፥ ኔ ጌዔሢጉዴያኬ» ጌዔኔ። 26 ዔያታ ካዋሢ ሙዓኣና ዬሱሴ ካሣ ዔኪ ጋላታ ሺኢጲሢ ሺኢቃዖ፥ ቡንፂ ዒዛኮ ጊንፆ ሃንታዞንሢም፦ «ሃቦቴ ሙዑዋቴ፤ ሃይ ታናኬ» ጌይ ዒንጌኔ። 27 ዬያጉዲ ሃሣ ዑሽኮ ባኮዋ ዔኪ ጋላታ ሺኢጲሢ ሺኢቃዖ፦ «ቢያሢ ሃያይዳፓ ዑሽኩዋቴ፤ 28 ሃይ ሚርጌ ዓሶኮ ጎሞ ጌኤሻኒ ላኣሊንታንዳ ታኣኮ ዓኮ ጫኣቁሞ ሱጉፆኬ፤ 29 ታ ዓዶ ካኣቱሞይዳ ዎይናፓ ኮሾ''ና ዓኮ ዑዦ ዒንሢና ዎላ'' ታ ዑሽካንዳያ ሄላ''ንዳኣና ሃይካፓ ሴካ ሃኖ' ዎይናፓ ኮሾ''ና ዑዤሎ ላሚ ታ ዑሽካዓኬ ታ ዒንሢም ጋዓኔ» ጌዔኔ። 30 ዬካፓ ዔያታ ፆኦሲ ቦንቾም ማዓ ዓይኑሞ ዓይናዻዖ፥ ዛይቶ ሪሚቶ ዹኮ'' ኬስኬኔ። 31 ዬካፓ ዬሱሴ ዒዛኮ ጊንፆ ሃንታዞንሢም፦ « ‹ሄንቃሢ ታ ዎዻንዳኔ፤ ማራታኣ ዣኣላንዳኔ› ጌይንቲ ፃኣፒንቴሢሮ ሃኖ'' ዒባኒ ታ ዒንሢኮ ዹቆ ማዔም ዒንሢ ቢያሢ ታና ሃሺ'' ዓኣዻንዳኔ፤ 32 ጋዓንቴ ሃይባ''ፓ ታ ዔቄሢኮ ጊንፃ፥ ጌሊላ ዒንሢ ቢሪ ታ ዓኣዻንዳኔ።» 33 ዒዞና ጴፂሮሴ ማሃዖ፦ «ሃንጎዋታ ቢያ ኔ ዛሎ''ና ዹቂንቲ፥ ሃሺ'' ኔና ዓኣዼቶዋ ታኣኒ ፔቴ''ታዖ ኔና ሃሺ'' ዓኣዻዓኬ!» ጌዔኔ። 34 ዬሱሴ፦ «ጎኔ ታ ኔኤም ጋዓኔ፤ ሃኖ'' ዒባኒ ኮይዳ ቂኢቃንዳሢኮ ቤርታ ሃይሢ ማይንቲ ኔ ‹ታ ዒዛ ዔሩዋሴ› ጋዓንዳኔ» ጌዔኔ። 35 ጴፂሮሴ ጋዓንቴ፦ «ኔኤና ዎላ'' ሃሃይቆቴያ ፔቴ''ታዖ ታ ኔና ‹ታ ዒዛ ዔሩዋሴ› ጋዓዓ» ጋዓዛ፥ ሃንጎ ዒዛኮ ጊንፆ ሃንታዞንሢ ቢያ ዒማዺ ጌዔኔ። 36 ዬካፓ ዬሱሴ ዒዛኮ ጊንፆ ሃንታዞንሢና ዎላ'' ጌኤቴሴማኔ ጌይንታ ቤሲ ዓኣዻዖ፥ ዔያቶም፦ «ታኣኒ ሴኬያ ዴንዲ ሺኢቃንዳኣና ዒንሢ ሃካ ዴዑዋቴ» ጋዓዖ፥ 37 ዒዛና ዎላ'' ጴፂሮሴና ላምዖ ዜብዲዮሴ ናኣቶ''ንሢ ዔኪ ዴንዳዖ ዖዪ ማሊሢ ዓርቄኔ፤ 38 ዬካፓ ዔያቶም፦ «ሼምፓሢ ታኣኮ ሚርጌ ዖዪ ሃይቃኒ ዑኬኔ፤ ዒንሢ ታኣና ዎላ'' ሃካ ዶዲ ዴዑዋቴ» ጌዔኔ። 39 ዒማ''ና ዔያቶይዳፓ ዻካ'' ዶጫዖ፥ ባሊቲና ሳዓ ሎኦሚ፦ «ታ ዓዳሢዮ! ኔኤም ዳንዳዒንታያ ማዔቴ ሃይ ሜታሢ ታና ዖኦኮንጎ! ጋዓንቴ ኔ ጌዔሢጉዲ ማዓንዳኣፓዓቴም ታ ማሊፆጉዲ ማዖፓ» ጌዒ ሺኢቄኔ። 40 ዬካፓ ዒ ማዒ ሃይሦ ዒዛኮ ጊንፆ ሃንታዞንሢ ባንሢ ሙኪ፥ ዔያታ ጊንዒ ዓኣንቴ ዴንቃዖ ጴፂሮሴ ኮይላ''፦ «ታኣና ዎላ'' ዻካ'' ዎዴታዖ ዶዲ ዒንሢ ዴዓኒ ዳንዳዒባኣዓዳ? 41 ዻቢሻኒ ጌሾ ጌሺሢዳ ዒንሢ ጌሉዋጉዲ ዶዲ ሺኢቁዋቴ፤ ዓሲኮ ዓያና ቢያ ዎዴ ጊኢጌያኬ፤ ዓሽኪ ጋዓንቴ ላቤያኬ» ጌዔኔ። 42 ላሚ ሃሣ ዴንዳዖ፦ «ታ ዓዳሢዮ፥ ሃያ ታ ዔኩዋዖ ዓቱዋ ሜቶ ማዔቶ ኔ ማሊፃ ኩሞንጎ» ጌዒ ሺኢቄኔ። 43 ላሚ ማዒ ሙካንቴ ጊንዓሢ ዔያቶ ኮሺ'' ባሼሢሮ ጊንዒ ዓኣንቴ ዴንቃዖ፥ 44 ሃሣ ዔያቶ ሃሺ'' ዴንዲ፥ ቤርታ ሺኢቄማ ጎይፆ ሃይሣሲ ሺኢቄኔ። 45 ዬካፓ ጊንፆ ሃንታዞንሢ ኮይላ'' ማዒ ሙካዖ፦ «ሃሢ ሄላ''ዖ ዒንሢ ጊንዓሢዳዳ? ዓሲኮ ናዓሢ ጎሞ ዓሶም ዓኣሢ ዒንጊንታንዳ ዎዳ'' ዑኬኔ፤ 46 ዓካሪ ዔቁዋቴ፥ ኑ ዓኣዾም፤ ሃይሾ ዓኣሢ ታና ዒንጋሢ ሙኬኔ!» ጌዔኔ። 47 ዬሱሴ ዬያ ኬኤዛ ጎይሣ ዓኣንቴ ታጶ ላምዖንሢዳፓ ፔቴ''ሢ፥ ዪሁዳ ሙኬኔ፤ ዒዛና ዎላ'' ጬንቻ ዓፓሮና ኮኦሎ''ና ዓርቄ ሚርጌ ዓሲ ሙኬኔ፤ ዔያታ ዳኪንቲ ሙኬሢ፦ ቄኤሶኮ ሱኡጎና ዴሮ''ኮ ጪሞናይዳፓኬ። 48 ዬሱሴ ዓኣሢ ዒንጋ፥ ዪሁዳ ዓሶም፦ «ዒንሢ ኮዓሢ፥ ታኣኒ ዒዛ ሄርቃንዳሢ ማዔሢሮ ዒዛ ዓርቁዋቴ» ጌዒ ቤርታ ኬኤዜያኬ። 49 ዒማ''ና ዪሁዳ ዑኬና ዬሱሴ ባንሢ ሙካዖ፦ «ዔርዛሢዮ! ኔ ኮሺዳ?» ጌዒ ሄርቄኔ። 50 ዬሱሴያ፦ «ታ ዒጊናሢዮ! ዓካሪ ኔ ሙኬ ማሊፆ ኩኩንሤ» ጋዓዛ ዓሳ ዬሱሴ ባንሢ ሙኪ ዓርቃዖ ሱሲና ዒዛ ቱኬ''ኔ። 51 ዬማና ዬሱሴና ዎላ'' ዓኣዞንሢዳፓ ፔቴ''ሢ ዓፓሮ ቱጋዖ፥ ቄኤሶ ቢያኮ ሱኡጋሢም ማዻሢኮ ዋዮ ቆፂ'' ቲቄኔ። 52 ዬሱሴ ጋዓንቴ፦ «ዔዛ ሃይ፥ ጬንቾ ዓፓሮ ጎንጎና ዳኬ፤ ዓፓሮ ቱጋዞንሢ ቢያ ዓፓሮና ሃይቃንዳኔ። 53 ዎንዴ ያዺ ማዓኒ ኮይሳያ ማዔቴ ታ ዓዶ ታ ዖኦጬም ታጶ ላምዖ ቤሲ ፓቂንታ ፖኦሊሶይዳፓ ባሼ፥ ኬኢታንቾ ታኣም ዳኪንዱዋያ ኔኤም ማላ? 54 ዬይ ያዺ ማዔቶ ሃሣ ጌኤዦ ማፃኣፓ ‹ማዓንዳኔ› ጌዔ ባካ ዎይቲ ኩማንዳይ?» ጌዔኔ። 55 ዒማ''ና ዬሱሴ ዴሮ''ም፦ «ሱላ ዓርቃ ዓሲጉዲ ጬንቻ ዓፓሮና ኮኦሎ''ና ዒንሢ ዔኪ ታና ዓርቃኒ ሙኪያ? ቢያ ዎዴና ጌኤዦ ማኣሮይዳ ዴዒ ታ ዔርዛኣና ዒንሢ ታና ዓርቂባኣሴ፤ 56 ጋዓንቴ ሃይ ቢያ ማዔሢ ፆኦሲ ማሊፆ ኬኤዛ ዓሶ ማፃኣፖይዳ ኬኤዚንቴ ባካ ኩማንዳጉዲኬ» ጋዓዛ፥ ዒዛኮ ጊንፆ ሃንታዞንሢ ቢያ ዒዛ ሌሊ ሃሺ'' ፑኒንቴኔ። 57 ዬማ''ና ዬሱሴ ዓርቄ ዓሳ' ሙሴ ዎጎ ዔርዛ ዓሶንታ ዴሮ''ኮ ጪሞንታ ቡኪንቲ ዓኣ ቤዞ፥ ቄኤሶ ቢያኮ ሱኡጋሢ፥ ቃያፓ ማኣሪ ዒዛ ዔኪ ዓኣዼኔ። 58 ጋዓንቴ ጴፂሮሴ ዒዛኮ ጊንፆ ሃኬ ሃኬ፥ ቄኤሶ ቢያኮ ሱኡጋሢ ማኣሪ ሄላ''ንዳኣና ዓኣዻኔ፤ ዒኢካ ጋሮ ጌሊ ማዺንታ ባኮ ቢያ፥ ጋፒንፆ ሄላ''ንዳኣና ዛጋኒ ካፓ ዓሶና ዎላ'' ዴዔኔ። 59 ዬማና ቄኤሶኮ ሱኡጎና ዓይሁዶ ዓሶኮ ዎጎ ዎጋ ዓሳ ቢያ ዬሱሴ ዎዺሻንዳ ሉኡዙሞ ማርካ ኮዓኔ፤ 60 ሚርጌ ሉኡዙሞና ማርካዻ ማርካ ሺኢኬቶዋ፥ ሃይቃንዳጉዲ ዎጊሳ ማርካ ዔያታ ዴንቂባኣሴ፤ ጊንፃፓ ላምዖ ዓሲ ሙኪ፦ 61 «ሃይ ዓሢ ‹ጌኤዦ ማኣሮ ሻሂ ሃይሦ ኬሊ''ዳ ጊንሣ ታ ማዣኒ ዳንዳዓኔ› ጌዔኔ» ጌይ ማርካዼኔ። 62 ዬኖና ቄኤሶ ቢያኮ ሱኡጋሢ ዔቃዖ፦ «ሃንሢ ዓሳ ኔ ጊዳ'' ማርካዻ ባኮኮ ቢያ ማሂ ኔ ኬኤዛ ባኣዚ'' ባኣዓዳ?» ጌዔኔ። 63 ዬሱሴ ጋዓንቴ ዚቲዮ ጋዓዛ፥ ቄኤሶ ቢያኮ ሱኡጋሢ፦ «ኔ ሜሲሔ ሃሣ ፆኦሲ ናይ ማዒፆ፥ ናንጊና ናንጋ ፆኦዛሢ ሱንፆና ጫኣቂ ታኣም ኬኤዜ» ጌዔኔ። 64 ዬሱሴ ማሃዖ፦ «ኔ ጌዔሢጉዲኬ፤ ጋዓንቴ ሃይካፓ ሴካ ዓሲኮ ናዓሢ ዼኤፖ ፆኦዛሢኮ ሚዛቆ ዛላ'' ዴዒ ዓኣንቴ ዒንሢ ዛጋንዳኔ፤ ዬያጉዲ ሃሣ ጫሪንጮ ሻኣሮና ማዒ ሙካንቴያ ዒዛ ዒንሢ ዛጋንዳኔ፤ ታ ዒንሢም ጋዓኣኬ» ጌዔኔ። 65 ዬማና ቄኤሶ ቢያሢኮ ሱኡጋሢ ዓፒሎ ፔኤኮ ዻጋና ዳርዛዖ፦ «ሃይሾ ዒ ፆኦሲ ጫሽኬኔ! ዒንሢያ ዬያ ጫዦ ዋይዜኔ፤ ሃይካፓ ሴካ ማይ ዓይጎ ማርካ ኮይሳይ? 66 ዓካሪ ዒንሢም ዓይጎ ማላይ?» ጋዓዛ፥ ዔያታ፦ «ዒ ሃይቃንዳያ ኮይሳኔ!» ጌዒ ማሄኔ። 67 ዒማ''ና ዒዛኮ ዔያታ ዓኣፖ ካራ'' ጩቲ''ያ ጩቲ''፥ ኩቺ ሙሊያ ዱላ''ዛ፥ ዛላ'' ሃሣ ዒዛ ባዒ ባዒ፦ 68 «ሜሲሔ! ዖናዳይ ኔና ጳርቄሢ? ሂንዳ ፆኦሲ ማሊሢ ኑም ኬኤዜ!» ጌዔኔ። 69 ዬካፓ ጴፂሮሴ ቄኤሶኮ ቢያ ሱኡጋሢ ዲሮ ጋራ ዴዒ ዓኣንቴ ፔቴ'' ዉዱሮ ናይ ዒኢካ ማኣራ ማዻስኬና ዒዛ ኮይላ'' ሙካዖ፦ «ኔኤኒያ ጌሊላ ዓጮ'' ዓሢ፥ ዬሱሴና ዎላ'' ዓኣያኬ» ጌዔኔ። 70 ዒዚ ጋዓንቴ፦ «ኔኤኒ ዓይጎ ጋዓቴያ ታኣም ዔርቱዋሴ» ቢያሢ ቤርታ ጌዔኔ። 71 ዒዚ ኬስካኒ ማርሾ ካሮ'' ባንሢ ዓኣዻንቴ ሃሣ ሜሌ'' ማዻስኬና ዒዛ ዴንቃዖ ዒኢካ ዓኣ ዓሶም፦ «ሃይ፡ ናዚሬቶ ዓሢ፥ ዬሱሴና ዎላ'' ዓኣያኬ» ጌዔኔ። 72 ዒዚያ ጫኣቂ ጫኣቂ፥ ቢያሢኮ ቤርታ፦ «ታ ዒዛ ዓሢ ዔሩዋሴ» ጌዔኔ። 73 ዬካፓ ዻካ'' ሃሣ ኔጋዖ ዒኢካ ዔቂ ዓኣ ዓሳ ጴፂሮሴ ኮራ ሙኪ፦ «ኔኤኮ ጌኤዛፓ ዔርታሢሮ ጎኔና ኔኤኒ ዔያቶይዳፓ ፔቴ''ሢኬ!» ጌዔኔ። 74 ዒማ''ና ጴፂሮሴ፦ «ታና ባይዞም» ጌዒ ጫኣቃዖ «ታ ዬያ ዓሢ ዔሩዋሴ!» ጌዔኔ። ዬማና ኮይዳ ቂኢቃዛ፥ 75 ጴፂሮሴ «ኮይዳ ቂኢቁዋንቴ ሃይሢ ማይንቲ ኔ ታና ‹ዔሩዋሴ› ጋዓንዳኔ» ዬሱሴ ጌዔሢ ጶቂሣዖ ካሮ'' ኬስኪ ዒናፓ ጎጋይቂ ዬኤኬኔ።

In Other Versions

Matthew 26 in the ANGEFD

Matthew 26 in the ANTPNG2D

Matthew 26 in the AS21

Matthew 26 in the BAGH

Matthew 26 in the BBPNG

Matthew 26 in the BBT1E

Matthew 26 in the BDS

Matthew 26 in the BEV

Matthew 26 in the BHAD

Matthew 26 in the BIB

Matthew 26 in the BLPT

Matthew 26 in the BNT

Matthew 26 in the BNTABOOT

Matthew 26 in the BNTLV

Matthew 26 in the BOATCB

Matthew 26 in the BOATCB2

Matthew 26 in the BOBCV

Matthew 26 in the BOCNT

Matthew 26 in the BOECS

Matthew 26 in the BOGWICC

Matthew 26 in the BOHCB

Matthew 26 in the BOHCV

Matthew 26 in the BOHLNT

Matthew 26 in the BOHNTLTAL

Matthew 26 in the BOICB

Matthew 26 in the BOILNTAP

Matthew 26 in the BOITCV

Matthew 26 in the BOKCV

Matthew 26 in the BOKCV2

Matthew 26 in the BOKHWOG

Matthew 26 in the BOKSSV

Matthew 26 in the BOLCB

Matthew 26 in the BOLCB2

Matthew 26 in the BOMCV

Matthew 26 in the BONAV

Matthew 26 in the BONCB

Matthew 26 in the BONLT

Matthew 26 in the BONUT2

Matthew 26 in the BOPLNT

Matthew 26 in the BOSCB

Matthew 26 in the BOSNC

Matthew 26 in the BOTLNT

Matthew 26 in the BOVCB

Matthew 26 in the BOYCB

Matthew 26 in the BPBB

Matthew 26 in the BPH

Matthew 26 in the BSB

Matthew 26 in the CCB

Matthew 26 in the CUV

Matthew 26 in the CUVS

Matthew 26 in the DBT

Matthew 26 in the DGDNT

Matthew 26 in the DHNT

Matthew 26 in the DNT

Matthew 26 in the ELBE

Matthew 26 in the EMTV

Matthew 26 in the ESV

Matthew 26 in the FBV

Matthew 26 in the FEB

Matthew 26 in the GGMNT

Matthew 26 in the GNT

Matthew 26 in the HARY

Matthew 26 in the HNT

Matthew 26 in the IRVA

Matthew 26 in the IRVB

Matthew 26 in the IRVG

Matthew 26 in the IRVH

Matthew 26 in the IRVK

Matthew 26 in the IRVM

Matthew 26 in the IRVM2

Matthew 26 in the IRVO

Matthew 26 in the IRVP

Matthew 26 in the IRVT

Matthew 26 in the IRVT2

Matthew 26 in the IRVU

Matthew 26 in the ISVN

Matthew 26 in the JSNT

Matthew 26 in the KAPI

Matthew 26 in the KBT1ETNIK

Matthew 26 in the KBV

Matthew 26 in the KJV

Matthew 26 in the KNFD

Matthew 26 in the LBA

Matthew 26 in the LBLA

Matthew 26 in the LNT

Matthew 26 in the LSV

Matthew 26 in the MAAL

Matthew 26 in the MBV

Matthew 26 in the MBV2

Matthew 26 in the MHNT

Matthew 26 in the MKNFD

Matthew 26 in the MNG

Matthew 26 in the MNT2

Matthew 26 in the MRS1T

Matthew 26 in the NAA

Matthew 26 in the NASB

Matthew 26 in the NBLA

Matthew 26 in the NBS

Matthew 26 in the NBVTP

Matthew 26 in the NET2

Matthew 26 in the NIV11

Matthew 26 in the NNT

Matthew 26 in the NNT2

Matthew 26 in the NNT3

Matthew 26 in the PDDPT

Matthew 26 in the PFNT

Matthew 26 in the RMNT

Matthew 26 in the SBIAS

Matthew 26 in the SBIBS

Matthew 26 in the SBIBS2

Matthew 26 in the SBICS

Matthew 26 in the SBIDS

Matthew 26 in the SBIGS

Matthew 26 in the SBIHS

Matthew 26 in the SBIIS

Matthew 26 in the SBIIS2

Matthew 26 in the SBIIS3

Matthew 26 in the SBIKS

Matthew 26 in the SBIKS2

Matthew 26 in the SBIMS

Matthew 26 in the SBIOS

Matthew 26 in the SBIPS

Matthew 26 in the SBISS

Matthew 26 in the SBITS

Matthew 26 in the SBITS2

Matthew 26 in the SBITS3

Matthew 26 in the SBITS4

Matthew 26 in the SBIUS

Matthew 26 in the SBIVS

Matthew 26 in the SBT

Matthew 26 in the SBT1E

Matthew 26 in the SCHL

Matthew 26 in the SNT

Matthew 26 in the SUSU

Matthew 26 in the SUSU2

Matthew 26 in the SYNO

Matthew 26 in the TBIAOTANT

Matthew 26 in the TBT1E

Matthew 26 in the TBT1E2

Matthew 26 in the TFTIP

Matthew 26 in the TFTU

Matthew 26 in the TGNTATF3T

Matthew 26 in the THAI

Matthew 26 in the TNFD

Matthew 26 in the TNT

Matthew 26 in the TNTIK

Matthew 26 in the TNTIL

Matthew 26 in the TNTIN

Matthew 26 in the TNTIP

Matthew 26 in the TNTIZ

Matthew 26 in the TOMA

Matthew 26 in the TTENT

Matthew 26 in the UBG

Matthew 26 in the UGV

Matthew 26 in the UGV2

Matthew 26 in the UGV3

Matthew 26 in the VBL

Matthew 26 in the VDCC

Matthew 26 in the YALU

Matthew 26 in the YAPE

Matthew 26 in the YBVTP

Matthew 26 in the ZBP