Matthew 27 (BNTLV)

1 Guur datsgatson kahni naashwotsnat dats eenash jametswots Iyesus ats b́k'iritwok'o angshosh boshiyeyi. 2 Maniyak Iyesusi tipdek' amt dats k'eezirwo P'ilat'ossh beshidek't boími. 3 Iyesusats angshetsok'o b́ bek'tsok'on bín beshi dek't imtso Yhud b́goyni, shaash t'agoronowere kahni naashwotsnat eenashwotssh hank'o ett aani b́k'ri, 4 «Ash s'ayino k'irosh beshidek'at t imtsotse morro finere.» Boomó «Eshe noon eege giri! man n took kis'e!» boet. 5 Bíwere shaash t'agarman Ik' moots bad'ik'rat, bowoke k'az b́keshi, amtnwe guuk'at k'ir b́úwts. 6 Kahani naashwotswere shaash t'agar man k'aaúdek't «Ambaran s'atsi giz b́wottsotse Ik' mootse ko'íyeyiru gizots eeko nemon baziyeke» boet. 7 Mansh bo shiyeyakon ibwotsi dukosh b́ wotisha ett shal wozirwooke datso bokeewi. 8 Manatse tuutson datsman andish bodt «S'ats datsa» ett b́s'egeyiri. 9 Han jangatse tuutson «Esra'el nanaúwots bo k'oortsok'on bísh wotitwo shaash t'agaro bodek', 10 Doonzonwe taan bíazaztsok'on shal wozet datsi k'awntso dashbok'ri» ett nebiyo Ermiyas bek'on b́keewtso b́s'eeni. 11 Manoor Iyesus dats k'eeziru P'ilat'os shinats b́t'iini, dats k'ezirwonwere «Nee ayhudiyots naasho neeneya?» Ett bíaati, Iyesuswere «Nee ni'ettsok'oyiye» ett bí aani. 12 Ernmó kahni naashwotsnat eenashwotsn bín s'amiyosh bo etor eegor aaniratse. 13 Maniyak P'ilat'os «Ay keewon neen bos'amirúwan shiyatsneya?» bí eti. 14 Iyesusmó dats k'eezirwo ayidek't bí adfetsosh bín bos'aamiru keewosh eegoru aaniratse. 15 Dats k'eezirwo woriwot woriwoton ayhudiyots fazigi worwot baloyon tipetswotsitse noosh bishowe err boaatfwotsitse iko b́shde'e faksho bo nema b́tesh. 16 Manoor «Barbani» eteets gond finon daneets tipetso fa'e b́ tesh. 17 Manoor ashuwots ko'ebowtsere P'ilat'os, «Koni itsh t biitse it geyi? Berbannemó Krstosi eteyrwo Iyesusne?» ett boon bí aati. 18 Hank'o b́ etts jangonwee okooron bín beshidek't boimirwok'o b́ dantsosha b́ teshi. 19 Manoor P'ilat'os b́ angshi jooratse b́ befere b́ moo gen, «B́ jangosh hmbets t'ú taa gúmotse aydek'at tikic'tsotse ash s'aynmanats eegoru nk'alrawok'owa» etaat bwoshi. 20 Manoor kahani naashwotsnat eenash eenashwotsn «Barban bishowe! Iyesus úd'ewe!» err bo aatitwok'o ashuwotssh boizi. 21 Dats k'ezirwonu, «Gitetswotsitse aawi itsh t bitsishe itgeyri?» ett ashuwotsi b́ aati. «Bowere Berbani noosh bíshe» bo eti. 22 P'lat'oswere «Eshe Krstosi eteetso Iyesusi aak'owe nok'aliti?» bíet. Jamwotswere «Jitewe!» ett boaani. 23 Dats k'ezirwonu eegishe? «Bí b́ t'afitso eebi?» bíet. Boomó «Jitewe!» ett aydek't bokuhi. 24 Hansh P'ilat'os keewan faye b́tiziti bako egoshoru b́ k'alrawok'o b́ bek'tsotse, manoor aatso de'eweetwok'o k'alt «Taa ashaan s'atsotse s'ayn taane, b́ s'atso it tokatse?» ett ashuwots shinatse b́kisho b́mashi. 25 Ash jamwotswere «B́ s'atso noonat nona'ats wotowe» boet. 26 Manoor P'lat'os Barbani bitsdek't faksh b́k'r, Iyesusnmó b́ jot'iyakon b́ jiteyish beshidek't boosh b́ ími. 27 Manoor dats k'eezirwo kes'fwots Iyesusi dats k'eziruman múlo maantsan dek't boami, kes'f jamwots Iyesusi gúrdek't ko'eebowtsi. 28 B́ tahono kishbazt tah bíro takbok'ri. 29 Angitson shordek't dozets akliliya eteetso b́ tookats jip'ii bok'ri, b́ k'ani kishats gumbo detsik'rat, b́shinats tuk'mal dek't «Ayhudiyotsko nugusono! jeeno neesh wotowe!» ett bí ats nic'o bokaashi. 30 Bos'udono bíats bos'udfera boteshi, b́ kishatsenowere gumbo k'aaúdek't b́ took tookats bojot'fera botesh. 31 Bíats tirgic'o bo kaashiyakono tah biro kishbazt b́took taho takdek't, jitosh dek't bo ami. 32 Dats keewirwo múúlotse keshoke bobefere Simoni eteefo K'erena eteets dats asho daatsdek't Iyesus mask'aliyo shefdek't b́kuritwok'o bowshi. 33 Maniyere il b́bitsonwere «Took k'oola» eteef beyokok bobodi. 34 Maniyeokon úmonton eekets weyni biro b́ úshetwok'o Iyesussh t'ints bok'ri, ernmó bí fadbek't úsho geeratse b́tesh. 35 Iyesusi bojitiyakon b́ tahats it'o shap't kaybodek'i. 36 Manoknowere bedek'tni bín bokotfere botesh. 37 Bín s'amiyetsok'o kitsitwo, «Han ayhdiwots nugúso Iyesusiye?» Etirwo guut'etso b́ mask'aliy k'oyok gedbok'ri. 38 Manoor Iyesusnton git wonbedewotsi iko k'ano maants iko giro maants jit bok'ri. 39 B́ ganoke beshefts teshts ashuwotswere gac'on botoko shek'efetst 40 «Nee Ik' k'oni moo gaahr keez aawotse agetuwonoo! aab n tooko kashiwe! Ik'o naayi n wotiyal aab mask'aliyatse ood'e!» eton bíats bokashfera botesh. 41 Mank'o kahniy naashwots nemo danifwotsntoonat eenashwotsnton hank'o ett bíats bokaashfere botesh. 42 «K'oshwotsi kashire, b́tooknmó kashiyo falratse! bí Israe'el nugúsoni wotiyal aab mask'aliyatse ood'e, noowere bín amanone! 43 Bí Ik'ats amanere, ‹Ik'o naay taane› etre, eshe Ik'o bín shunfee wotiyal and aab bín fariwe!» 44 Ando mank'o bínton jitets wombediwots bín boc'ashfera botesh. 45 Shirt sa'aton b́tuutso jed'isa'ato b́ borfetso dats jamatse t'alu wotb́gutsi. 46 Jed'i sa'at b́ wottsok'oon Iyesus, «Elohe! elohe! lama sebek'tani?» eton k'aari eenon b́ kuhi, b́bitsonwere «T Ik'ono! t Ik'ono! eegishe taan k'aznk'ri?» eta. 47 Manoke need'dek't teshts ashuwotsitse man shisht «Hanwo Eliyasiye b́ s'eegiri!» boet. 48 Manoor boyitsi iko sefnegiya eteetso dek'wat shash keewo bíts s'eentsdek't gumbats geddek't Iyesus b́úshetwok'o t'intsb́k'ri. 49 K'oshwotsmó «Need'owe aab́ Eliyas waar bín kashitwe wotiyal be'one!» boet. 50 Iyesus aaniy een k'ááron kuhat b́ kasho b́ ími. 51 Manoor Ik'i meyitsi magarajiwo dambe dek't dash b́ borfetso gaad'at gitoko kayb́wts, datsonwere shek'eb́wtsi, shúts s'aalwotswere kap'ebowtsi, 52 Dowwotswere bok'eshere k'irt teshts S'ayin ash aywots k'irotse botuwi. 53 Dowootse keshtnwere Iyesus k'irotse b́ tuwiyakon S'ayn kitu Iyerusalemits bokindi, manokno ay ashuwotsats bobe'eyi. 54 Balatsi naashonat bínton beyirwotsn Iyesusi kotirowots dats giwonat manoke wotts jamman bobek'tsok'on aydek't shatt «Arikon han Ik'o naayiye b́ teshi!» boet. 55 Wokoon wotdek't man s'iliru ay máátswots manoke fa'ano botesh, boowere Geliln tuut Iyesussh finefetst b́ shutsats bosha'efera boteshi. 56 Boyitsnowere megdelawiti eteetsu Mariyamna Yak'obnat Yosef ind mariymna Zebdiyos nanaúwots indna manoke fa'úwotsi. 57 Datso b́ iliyakono Yosefi eteets asho Armatiyas eteets kitutse gaalets ash iko manok b́weyi, bíwere Iyesus danifwotsitska b́ tesh. 58 Ashmanwere, P'ilat'os maantsan amt Iyesus duuno b́ k'oni, P'ilat'oswere duunman bísh imetwok'o b́azazi. 59 Manoor Yosef duunman orshdekt shemi s'aynon k'odb́k'r. 60 B́ tookish shúts s'alotse k'ewdek't b́dozts doowi handrots duukb́k'r, shúts eeno kukulshdek't doowi fengeshats is'k'rat kazbíami. 61 Megdelawi dats ashu Mariyamnat k'oshu Mariyamn, manoke doowi shinatse bobefere boteshi. 62 K'andek'i aawoniyere yaatsok'o guur, kahni naashwotsnat feresawiyotsn ik wotdek' P'ilat'os maantsan amt hank'o boeti, 63 «Doonzono! dariifmań kashon befetst ‹Keez aawoniye okoon k'irotse tuwitwe› bíettso gawdek'rone. 64 Mansh b́ danifuwots amr úmp'de ashuwotssh ‹Hamb k'irotse tuure› boerawok'o doowman keez aawo b́ borfetso kotetwok'o azazowe, man wotob́k'azal ili b́dariytwo shintsoniyere ayide gonde b́ wotiti.» 65 P'ilat'oswer «Hambe, kotet kes'fwots fa'ane, de'amr it dantsok'on kotiwere» bíet. 66 Mansh amt shútsmanats matabon togk'rat doowman kes'fuwotsn bokoti.

In Other Versions

Matthew 27 in the ANGEFD

Matthew 27 in the ANTPNG2D

Matthew 27 in the AS21

Matthew 27 in the BAGH

Matthew 27 in the BBPNG

Matthew 27 in the BBT1E

Matthew 27 in the BDS

Matthew 27 in the BEV

Matthew 27 in the BHAD

Matthew 27 in the BIB

Matthew 27 in the BLPT

Matthew 27 in the BNT

Matthew 27 in the BNTABOOT

Matthew 27 in the BOATCB

Matthew 27 in the BOATCB2

Matthew 27 in the BOBCV

Matthew 27 in the BOCNT

Matthew 27 in the BOECS

Matthew 27 in the BOGWICC

Matthew 27 in the BOHCB

Matthew 27 in the BOHCV

Matthew 27 in the BOHLNT

Matthew 27 in the BOHNTLTAL

Matthew 27 in the BOICB

Matthew 27 in the BOILNTAP

Matthew 27 in the BOITCV

Matthew 27 in the BOKCV

Matthew 27 in the BOKCV2

Matthew 27 in the BOKHWOG

Matthew 27 in the BOKSSV

Matthew 27 in the BOLCB

Matthew 27 in the BOLCB2

Matthew 27 in the BOMCV

Matthew 27 in the BONAV

Matthew 27 in the BONCB

Matthew 27 in the BONLT

Matthew 27 in the BONUT2

Matthew 27 in the BOPLNT

Matthew 27 in the BOSCB

Matthew 27 in the BOSNC

Matthew 27 in the BOTLNT

Matthew 27 in the BOVCB

Matthew 27 in the BOYCB

Matthew 27 in the BPBB

Matthew 27 in the BPH

Matthew 27 in the BSB

Matthew 27 in the CCB

Matthew 27 in the CUV

Matthew 27 in the CUVS

Matthew 27 in the DBT

Matthew 27 in the DGDNT

Matthew 27 in the DHNT

Matthew 27 in the DNT

Matthew 27 in the ELBE

Matthew 27 in the EMTV

Matthew 27 in the ESV

Matthew 27 in the FBV

Matthew 27 in the FEB

Matthew 27 in the GGMNT

Matthew 27 in the GNT

Matthew 27 in the HARY

Matthew 27 in the HNT

Matthew 27 in the IRVA

Matthew 27 in the IRVB

Matthew 27 in the IRVG

Matthew 27 in the IRVH

Matthew 27 in the IRVK

Matthew 27 in the IRVM

Matthew 27 in the IRVM2

Matthew 27 in the IRVO

Matthew 27 in the IRVP

Matthew 27 in the IRVT

Matthew 27 in the IRVT2

Matthew 27 in the IRVU

Matthew 27 in the ISVN

Matthew 27 in the JSNT

Matthew 27 in the KAPI

Matthew 27 in the KBT1ETNIK

Matthew 27 in the KBV

Matthew 27 in the KJV

Matthew 27 in the KNFD

Matthew 27 in the LBA

Matthew 27 in the LBLA

Matthew 27 in the LNT

Matthew 27 in the LSV

Matthew 27 in the MAAL

Matthew 27 in the MBV

Matthew 27 in the MBV2

Matthew 27 in the MHNT

Matthew 27 in the MKNFD

Matthew 27 in the MNG

Matthew 27 in the MNT

Matthew 27 in the MNT2

Matthew 27 in the MRS1T

Matthew 27 in the NAA

Matthew 27 in the NASB

Matthew 27 in the NBLA

Matthew 27 in the NBS

Matthew 27 in the NBVTP

Matthew 27 in the NET2

Matthew 27 in the NIV11

Matthew 27 in the NNT

Matthew 27 in the NNT2

Matthew 27 in the NNT3

Matthew 27 in the PDDPT

Matthew 27 in the PFNT

Matthew 27 in the RMNT

Matthew 27 in the SBIAS

Matthew 27 in the SBIBS

Matthew 27 in the SBIBS2

Matthew 27 in the SBICS

Matthew 27 in the SBIDS

Matthew 27 in the SBIGS

Matthew 27 in the SBIHS

Matthew 27 in the SBIIS

Matthew 27 in the SBIIS2

Matthew 27 in the SBIIS3

Matthew 27 in the SBIKS

Matthew 27 in the SBIKS2

Matthew 27 in the SBIMS

Matthew 27 in the SBIOS

Matthew 27 in the SBIPS

Matthew 27 in the SBISS

Matthew 27 in the SBITS

Matthew 27 in the SBITS2

Matthew 27 in the SBITS3

Matthew 27 in the SBITS4

Matthew 27 in the SBIUS

Matthew 27 in the SBIVS

Matthew 27 in the SBT

Matthew 27 in the SBT1E

Matthew 27 in the SCHL

Matthew 27 in the SNT

Matthew 27 in the SUSU

Matthew 27 in the SUSU2

Matthew 27 in the SYNO

Matthew 27 in the TBIAOTANT

Matthew 27 in the TBT1E

Matthew 27 in the TBT1E2

Matthew 27 in the TFTIP

Matthew 27 in the TFTU

Matthew 27 in the TGNTATF3T

Matthew 27 in the THAI

Matthew 27 in the TNFD

Matthew 27 in the TNT

Matthew 27 in the TNTIK

Matthew 27 in the TNTIL

Matthew 27 in the TNTIN

Matthew 27 in the TNTIP

Matthew 27 in the TNTIZ

Matthew 27 in the TOMA

Matthew 27 in the TTENT

Matthew 27 in the UBG

Matthew 27 in the UGV

Matthew 27 in the UGV2

Matthew 27 in the UGV3

Matthew 27 in the VBL

Matthew 27 in the VDCC

Matthew 27 in the YALU

Matthew 27 in the YAPE

Matthew 27 in the YBVTP

Matthew 27 in the ZBP