Matthew 27 (YBVTP)

1 Pakwachele, achakulu ŵambopesi ni achakulu ŵa ŵandu ŵajilene ichajile pakwaulaga Che Yesu. 2 Ŵataŵile magwedegwede, ŵanjigele, ŵampeleche ku che Pilato, jwankulu jwa Chiloma. 3 Pelepo, che Yuda juŵangalawiche, paŵaiweni kuti Che Yesu amasile kulamulikwa, ŵalilasiche muntima, ŵausisye kwa achakulu ŵambopesi ni achakulu ŵa ŵandu ipande selasini ya feza. 4 Ŵaasalile, “Leŵile kwa kuntyosya mundu jwangali ni sambi aulajikwe.” Nambo ŵele ŵanyawo ŵatite, “Yeleyo ili yetuwe? Chimmanyilile mwasyene.” 5 Nombejo ŵaponyele feza sila pa Nyuumba ja Akunnungu, ŵakopweche paasa, ŵajawile kukulitaŵilila. 6 Achakulu ŵambopesi ŵasijigele feza sila, nikuti, “Ngalumbana kusiŵika kwa jwakugosa feza sya Nyuumba ja Akunnungu pakuŵa sili feza sisyapatikene kwa kuulaga.” 7 Nipele, ŵajilene, ŵasumile ngunda wa lilongo kuti paŵe pakwasichila achalendo. 8 Nipele, mpaka lelo jino wele ngunda wo ukuŵilanjikwa ngunda uwasumikwe kwa feza sisyapatikene kwa kuulaga. 9 Kwa yeleyo maloŵe gaŵaŵechete che Yelemia jwakulondola jwa Akunnungu gamalile gagakuti, “Ŵajigele ipande selasini ya feza, malinga ni malipilo gaŵajilene Ŵaisilaeli kulipa kwa ligongo lyao. 10 Feza syo ŵasumile ngunda wa lilongo, mpela iŵanajisye Ambuje.” 11 Che Yesu ŵajimi mmbujo mwa jwankulu jwa chilambo. Nipele, jwankulu jwa Chiloma ŵammusisye, “Ana mmwe ni Mwenye jwa Ŵayahudi?” Che Yesu ŵanjanjile, “Mmwe mmechete.” 12 Nambo achakulu ŵambopesi ni achachekulu paŵammechetelaga, nganajanga. 13 Nipele che Pilato ŵammusisye, “Ana ngankupilikana ganagose gele gakummechetela go?” 14 Nambo Che Yesu nganajanga namose liloŵe limo, jwankulu jwa Chiloma jo ŵasimosile nnope. 15 Yasyoŵeleche jwankulu jwa Chiloma kwagopolela Myahudi jumo jwataŵikwe juŵansachile katema ka chindimba cha Pasaka. 16 Kele katema ko paliji ni jwantawe juŵamanyiche nnope, liina lyakwe che Balaba. 17 Nipele, paŵasongangene ŵandu pamo, che Pilato ŵausisye, “Ana nkusaka nangopole jwapi mwa ŵele ŵaŵili, che Balaba pane Che Yesu jwakuŵilanjikwa Kilisito?” 18 Pakuŵa ŵaimanyilile kuti ŵantyosisye kwa ligongo lya wiu. 19 Che Pilato paŵatemi pa chitengu cha kulamulila, ŵankwawo ŵaichenawo utenga wanti, “Nkalipasyapasya kutenda chachili chose nkati jwele mundu jwambone jo, pakuŵa lelo lasile mu sagamisi kwa ligongo lyakwe.” 20 Nambo achakulu ŵambopesi ni achakulu ŵane ŵanyenjile ŵandu kuti ŵaŵende agopolwe che Balaba ni ŵaulaje Che Yesu. 21 Che Pilato ŵausisye ŵanyawo, “Nkunsaka jwapi nangopolele mwa ŵele ŵaŵili ŵa?” Ŵajanjile, “Che Balaba!” 22 Che Pilato ŵausisye ŵanyawo, “Sano, naatende chichi Che Yesu jwakuŵilanjikwa Kilisito?” Ŵanawose ŵatite, “Mwaŵambe pa nsalaba!” 23 Nambo che Pilato ŵausisye, “Ligongochi? Ungalumbana chi watesile?” Ŵanyawo ŵanyanyisye achitiji, “Mwaŵambe pa nsalaba!” 24 Nipele, che Pilato paŵaiweni kuti ngakukombola kupanganya chachili chose nambo kutindiganya kukutanda, ŵajigele meesi ni kunaŵa makono mmbujo pa ŵandu ni ŵatite, “Une ngangulipasyapasya nkati chiwa cha aju mundu ju, chinyimanyilile mwachinsyene.” 25 Ŵandu ŵanawose ŵatite, “Miasi jao jiŵe pachanya petu ni achiŵana ŵetu!” 26 Nipele che Pilato ŵagopolele che Balaba kutyochela mu nyuumba jakutaŵilwa, nambo paŵamasile kumputa Che Yesu ibokola ŵantyosisye kukwaŵamba pa nsalaba. 27 Nipele ŵangondo ŵa jwankulu jwa Chiloma ŵanjinjisye Che Yesu nkati likome, wansyungwile mpingo wose. 28 Ŵammusile nguo syao, ŵammwasisye mwinjilo wechejeu wa chimwenye. 29 Nipele ŵakolosiye chindu mpela singwa ja miiŵa, ŵammwasisye mu ntwe, sooni ŵammichile nnasi kundyo. Ŵatindiŵele mmbujo mwao ni kuntendela chanache achitiji, “Tukunkomasya Mwenye jwa Ŵayahudi!” 30 Ŵansunile mata, ŵaujigele nnasi ula ni kumputa mu ntwe. 31 Paŵamasile kuntendela chanache, ŵammusile mwinjilo ula ni kuntakusya nguo syao, nipele ŵampeleche kukwaŵamba pa nsalaba. 32 Paŵajaulaga, ŵansimene mundu jumo liina lyakwe che Simoni jwa musi wa ku Kulene, ŵankanganichisye kujigala nsalaba u Che Yesu. 33 Paŵaiche peuto papakuŵilanjikwa Goligota, malumbo gakwe, peuto pa Chikalakasa cha Ntwe, 34 ŵampele divai jewanganye chindu chakuŵaŵa kutyosya kupeteka. Nambo Che Yesu nkupasya pe ŵakanile kung'wa. 35 Ŵaŵambile pa nsalaba, nipele ŵagaŵene nguo syao kwakutendela gudugudu. 36 Ŵatemi pepala, ŵaliji nkwalindilila. 37 Pachanya ntwe wakwe pa nsalaba ŵaŵisile chibao cha maloŵe gagalembekwe, “Aŵa ni Che Yesu, Mwenye jwa Ŵayahudi.” 38 Paliji ni ŵachiswamba ŵaŵili ŵaŵambikwe pamo nawo, jumo kunchiji ni jwine kundyo. 39 Ŵandu ŵaŵapitaga pelepo ŵantukene achipukunyaga mitwe jao nikuti, 40 “Mmwe jumwatite kuti nkukombola kujigumula Nyuumba ja Akunnungu ni kujitaŵa kwa moŵa gatatu. Sambano nlikulupusye mwasyene. Iŵaga mmwe ndi Mwana jwa Akunnungu, ntuluche pa nsalaba po!” 41 Iyoyo peyo achakulu ŵambopesi pamo ni ŵakwiganya malajisyo ni achachekulu ŵantendele chanache achitiji, 42 “Ŵakulupwisye ŵane, nambo asyene ngakukombola kulikulupusya! Iŵaga ŵele ali Mwenye jwa Ŵaisilaeli! Sambano atuluche pa nsalaba po, noweji tutwakulupile. 43 Ŵaakulupilile Akunnungu ni kuŵecheta kuti ŵele ali Mwana jwa Akunnungu, nipele, iŵaga Akunnungu akunsaka ŵakulupusye sambano.” 44 Iyoyo peyo ŵeŵala uŵaŵambikwe pamo nawo pa nsalaba nombe ŵantukene. 45 Chitandile lyuŵa pantwe mpaka saa tisa, chilambo chose chaliji chipi. 46 Pajaiche saa tisa Che Yesu ŵalisile kwa liloŵe lyekulungwa, “Eloi, Eloi, lama sabakitani?” Malumbo gakwe, “Akunnungu ŵangu, Akunnungu ŵangu, kwachichi mulesile?” 47 Nambo ŵandu ŵane ŵaŵajimi pele paŵapilikene yele ŵatite, “Akwaŵilanga che Elia.” 48 Jumo jwao ŵautwiche, ŵajigele lidodoki ni kunyoya mu divai jakuipa, ŵajiŵisile mu nnasi, ŵapele ang'we. 49 Ŵane ŵatite, “Nnindilile tulole iŵaga che Elia chaiche kukwakulupusya.” 50 Nipele, Che Yesu ŵalisile sooni kwa liloŵe lyekulungwa, ŵajasiche. 51 Pelepo nguo ja lusasa ja Nyuumba ja Akunnungu japapwiche pambindikati, kutyochela mwinani mpaka paasi, chilambo chatinganyiche ni lwala syapalwiche. 52 Malembe gaunukwiche ni iilu ya ŵandu ŵajinji ŵa Akunnungu ŵaŵajasiche ŵasyuchikwe. 53 Nombewo ŵakopweche mmalembe, ni Che Yesu paŵamasile kusyuka, ŵajinjile mu mmusi wa Akunnungu, yaani Yelusalemu, ni ŵandu ŵajinji ŵaweni. 54 Nipele, jwankulu jwa ŵangondo ni ŵangondo ŵane ŵaŵaliji pamo nawo achinlindililaga Che Yesu paŵachiweni chilambo chininkutinganyika ni gagakopochele gala, ŵajogwepe nnope, ŵatite, “Isyene aju mundu ju ŵaliji Mwana jwa Akunnungu.” 55 Pelepo paliji ni achakongwe ŵajinji ŵaŵalolechesyaga kwakutali. Ŵanyawo ni ŵeŵala ŵaŵankuiye Che Yesu kutyochela ku Galilaya ni kwatumichila. 56 Mwa ŵele ŵanyawo ŵaliji che Maliamu jwa musi wa ku Magidala ni che Maliamu achikulugwe che Yakobo ni che Yusufu, pamo ni achikulu ŵa ŵanache ŵa che Sebedayo. 57 Pakwaswele, ŵaiche mundu jumo jwa chipanje jwa musi wa ku Alimataya liina lyao che Yusufu, nombejo jwaliji jwakulijiganya jwa Che Yesu. 58 Ŵajawile kwa che Pilato, ŵaŵendile apegwe chiilu chi Che Yesu. Che Pilato ŵalamwile kuti apegwe. 59 Che Yusufu ŵachijigele chiilu chila, ŵachiŵijilile nguo jeswela mbee jajili jasambano, 60 Che Yusufu ŵachiŵisile chiilu chi Che Yesu mu lilembe lyasambano liŵasepile palwala kwa ligongo lyakwe nsyene. Nipele, ŵaligalambulile liganga lyekulungwa pa nnango wa lilembe ni kutyoka. 61 Che Maliamu jwa musi wa ku Magidala ni che Maliamu ŵane ŵala ŵatemi aninkulolechesya ku lilembe. 62 Malaŵi jakwe, yaani lyuŵa lyakuliŵika chile kwa ligongo lya Lyuŵa lya Kupumulila, achakulu ŵambopesi ni Mafalisayo ŵajaulile che Pilato, 63 Ŵatite, “Achimwene, tukukumbuchila kuti jwakulambusya jula akanaŵe kuwa ŵatite, ‘Pakumala moŵa gatatu chisyuche.’ 64 Kwayele tukummenda mwasalile ŵangondo ajaule akalilindilile lilembe kwa moŵa gatatu, kuti ŵakulijiganya ŵao anakombole kuchijigala chiilu chao ni kwasalila ŵandu kuti asyuchile. Akuno kulambusya kwa mbesi kuno chikuŵe kwawamba nnope kupunda kwaandanda kula.” 65 Che Pilato ŵaasalile, “Ayaga, nkwete ŵangondo, njaule nkalilindilile inkuti pakukombola.” 66 Nipele, ŵajawile, ŵalilindilile lilembe, ŵaŵisile chiugulilo peganga ni kwaleka ŵangondo kulindilila.

In Other Versions

Matthew 27 in the ANGEFD

Matthew 27 in the ANTPNG2D

Matthew 27 in the AS21

Matthew 27 in the BAGH

Matthew 27 in the BBPNG

Matthew 27 in the BBT1E

Matthew 27 in the BDS

Matthew 27 in the BEV

Matthew 27 in the BHAD

Matthew 27 in the BIB

Matthew 27 in the BLPT

Matthew 27 in the BNT

Matthew 27 in the BNTABOOT

Matthew 27 in the BNTLV

Matthew 27 in the BOATCB

Matthew 27 in the BOATCB2

Matthew 27 in the BOBCV

Matthew 27 in the BOCNT

Matthew 27 in the BOECS

Matthew 27 in the BOGWICC

Matthew 27 in the BOHCB

Matthew 27 in the BOHCV

Matthew 27 in the BOHLNT

Matthew 27 in the BOHNTLTAL

Matthew 27 in the BOICB

Matthew 27 in the BOILNTAP

Matthew 27 in the BOITCV

Matthew 27 in the BOKCV

Matthew 27 in the BOKCV2

Matthew 27 in the BOKHWOG

Matthew 27 in the BOKSSV

Matthew 27 in the BOLCB

Matthew 27 in the BOLCB2

Matthew 27 in the BOMCV

Matthew 27 in the BONAV

Matthew 27 in the BONCB

Matthew 27 in the BONLT

Matthew 27 in the BONUT2

Matthew 27 in the BOPLNT

Matthew 27 in the BOSCB

Matthew 27 in the BOSNC

Matthew 27 in the BOTLNT

Matthew 27 in the BOVCB

Matthew 27 in the BOYCB

Matthew 27 in the BPBB

Matthew 27 in the BPH

Matthew 27 in the BSB

Matthew 27 in the CCB

Matthew 27 in the CUV

Matthew 27 in the CUVS

Matthew 27 in the DBT

Matthew 27 in the DGDNT

Matthew 27 in the DHNT

Matthew 27 in the DNT

Matthew 27 in the ELBE

Matthew 27 in the EMTV

Matthew 27 in the ESV

Matthew 27 in the FBV

Matthew 27 in the FEB

Matthew 27 in the GGMNT

Matthew 27 in the GNT

Matthew 27 in the HARY

Matthew 27 in the HNT

Matthew 27 in the IRVA

Matthew 27 in the IRVB

Matthew 27 in the IRVG

Matthew 27 in the IRVH

Matthew 27 in the IRVK

Matthew 27 in the IRVM

Matthew 27 in the IRVM2

Matthew 27 in the IRVO

Matthew 27 in the IRVP

Matthew 27 in the IRVT

Matthew 27 in the IRVT2

Matthew 27 in the IRVU

Matthew 27 in the ISVN

Matthew 27 in the JSNT

Matthew 27 in the KAPI

Matthew 27 in the KBT1ETNIK

Matthew 27 in the KBV

Matthew 27 in the KJV

Matthew 27 in the KNFD

Matthew 27 in the LBA

Matthew 27 in the LBLA

Matthew 27 in the LNT

Matthew 27 in the LSV

Matthew 27 in the MAAL

Matthew 27 in the MBV

Matthew 27 in the MBV2

Matthew 27 in the MHNT

Matthew 27 in the MKNFD

Matthew 27 in the MNG

Matthew 27 in the MNT

Matthew 27 in the MNT2

Matthew 27 in the MRS1T

Matthew 27 in the NAA

Matthew 27 in the NASB

Matthew 27 in the NBLA

Matthew 27 in the NBS

Matthew 27 in the NBVTP

Matthew 27 in the NET2

Matthew 27 in the NIV11

Matthew 27 in the NNT

Matthew 27 in the NNT2

Matthew 27 in the NNT3

Matthew 27 in the PDDPT

Matthew 27 in the PFNT

Matthew 27 in the RMNT

Matthew 27 in the SBIAS

Matthew 27 in the SBIBS

Matthew 27 in the SBIBS2

Matthew 27 in the SBICS

Matthew 27 in the SBIDS

Matthew 27 in the SBIGS

Matthew 27 in the SBIHS

Matthew 27 in the SBIIS

Matthew 27 in the SBIIS2

Matthew 27 in the SBIIS3

Matthew 27 in the SBIKS

Matthew 27 in the SBIKS2

Matthew 27 in the SBIMS

Matthew 27 in the SBIOS

Matthew 27 in the SBIPS

Matthew 27 in the SBISS

Matthew 27 in the SBITS

Matthew 27 in the SBITS2

Matthew 27 in the SBITS3

Matthew 27 in the SBITS4

Matthew 27 in the SBIUS

Matthew 27 in the SBIVS

Matthew 27 in the SBT

Matthew 27 in the SBT1E

Matthew 27 in the SCHL

Matthew 27 in the SNT

Matthew 27 in the SUSU

Matthew 27 in the SUSU2

Matthew 27 in the SYNO

Matthew 27 in the TBIAOTANT

Matthew 27 in the TBT1E

Matthew 27 in the TBT1E2

Matthew 27 in the TFTIP

Matthew 27 in the TFTU

Matthew 27 in the TGNTATF3T

Matthew 27 in the THAI

Matthew 27 in the TNFD

Matthew 27 in the TNT

Matthew 27 in the TNTIK

Matthew 27 in the TNTIL

Matthew 27 in the TNTIN

Matthew 27 in the TNTIP

Matthew 27 in the TNTIZ

Matthew 27 in the TOMA

Matthew 27 in the TTENT

Matthew 27 in the UBG

Matthew 27 in the UGV

Matthew 27 in the UGV2

Matthew 27 in the UGV3

Matthew 27 in the VBL

Matthew 27 in the VDCC

Matthew 27 in the YALU

Matthew 27 in the YAPE

Matthew 27 in the ZBP