Matthew 27 (PFNT)

1 Ɓay weetii, hooreeɓe *yottinooɓe sadaka ɓen fow e mawɓe jamaa on fewjodi fii no ɓe warira Iisaa. 2 Ɓay wonii ɓe haɓɓii mo, ɓe naɓi mo, ɓe watti e juuɗe Pilaatu, ɗun ko hooreejo diiwal ngal. 3 Ɓay Yudaasi janfiiɗo mo on tawii Iisaa happanaama wareede, o ninsi, o natti tammaaji cappanɗe tati kaalisi ɗin ka hooreeɓe yottinooɓe sadaka ɓen e ka mawɓe ɓen, 4 e hoore himo wi'a: «Mi waɗii junuubu, fawugol mo bonnaa mayde.»Ɓe jaabii mo, ɓe wi'i: «Haaju amen e ɗun? Ɗun ko haaju maa!» 5 Onsay Yudaasi bugii tammaaji kaalisi ɗin ka nder *juulirde mawnde, o iwi ɗon, o yahi, o wengitoyii. 6 Hooreeɓe yottinooɓe sadaka ɓen mooɓiti tammaaji kaalisi ɗin, ɓe wi'i: «Dagaaki ka ɗi wattee ka marirde laaɓunde, ko fii ko ɗi coggu ƴiiƴan.» 7 Ɓay wonii ɓe fottanii, ɓe ƴetti ɗin mbuuɗi, ɓe soodi ngesa mahoowo paya fii ko wona berɗe hoɓɓe. 8 Ko ɗun waɗi si mban ngesa no wi'ee haa hande Ngesa Ƴiiƴan. 9 Ko nii ko annabi Yeremiiya wi'unoo kon laatori, wonde: «Ɓe ƴettii tammaaji cappanɗe tati kaalisi ɗin, ɗun ko mbuuɗi ɗi *Isra'iilayankeeɓe ɓen fottunoo yoɓugol fii makko ɗin, 10 ɓe soodii ɗi ngesa mahoowo paya, wano Joomiraaɗo on yamirirnoo lan non.» 11 Ɓay wonii Iisaa ɓannaama yeeso hooreejo diiwal ngal, kanko hooreejo on o landii mo, o wi'i: «Hara ko an woni lanɗo Yahuudiyanke'en?»Iisaa jaabii mo: «Ko wano wi'irɗaa non.» 12 Kono o jaabaaki huunde e ko hooreeɓe yottinooɓe sadaka ɓen e mawɓe ɓen tooɲata mo kon. 13 Onsay Pilaatu landii mo, wi'i: «A nanaali koo ko ɓe woni seeditaade e hoore maa fow?» 14 Kono Iisaa jaabaaki mo hay huunde e ɗun. Ɗun ŋalɗini hooreejo diiwal ngal fota. 15 Tawi juldeere kala, hooreejo diiwal ngal no woowi accitande ɓe kasoojo gooto, mo jamaa on torinoo fii mun woo. 16 Hari hiɓe marnoo kasoojo andanooɗo fii mun, wi'eteeɗo Barabaasi. 17 Nde tawnoo hiɓe mooɓondiri, Pilaatu landii ɓe, o wi'i: «Ko hombo e ɓee faalaɗon yo mi accitan on? Ko Barabaasi kaa ko Iisaa, wi'eteeɗo *Almasiihu on?» 18 Ko fii hari himo andunoo ko sabu nawliigu ɓe waɗiri Iisaa e joge. 19 Wa fewndo ko o jooɗii himo ɲaawude ka ɲaawirdu, ɓeyngu makko nuli e makko, wi'i: «Wota a ukko e fii oo feewuɗo, ko fii hande mi tampii fota e koyɗol fii makko.» 20 Kono hooreeɓe yottinooɓe sadaka ɓen e mawɓe ɓen ƴuuni jamaa on tortagol Barabaasi, ɓe wara Iisaa. 21 Onsay hooreejo diiwal ngal ƴetti haala kan, wi'i ɓe: «Ko hombo e hakkunde ɓee ɗiɗo faalaɗon yo mi accitan on?»Ɓe jaabii: «Ko Barabaasi!» 22 Pilaatu wi'i ɓe kadi: «Ko honɗun non mi waɗata Iisaa, oo wi'eteeɗo Almasiihu?»Fow jaabii: «Ko yo o fempe!» 23 Kanko hooreejo diiwal ngal, o wi'i: «Hara ko bone hombo oo waɗi?»Ɓe ɓurti ewnaade, wi'a: «Yo o fempe!» 24 Ɓay Pilaatu tawii alaa waawude huunde, awa kadi murtaldu ndun ɓeydoto woni, onsay o ƴetti ndiyan, o sooɗii e tawnde jamaa on, o wi'i: «Min mi tawetaake e hibbugol ƴiiƴan oo ɗan! Ɗun ko onon wonani!» 25 Onsay jamaa on fow jaabii, wi'i: «Si men tooɲu mo, yo ƴiiƴan makko ɗan hibbitu e hoore amen, e hoore ɓiɓɓe amen ɓen kadi!» 26 Ɓawto ɗun, Pilaatu accitani ɓe Barabaasi. Ɓay wonii Iisaa gaynaama focceede, kanko Pilaatu o watti mo e juuɗe maɓɓe fii yo o fempe. 27 Onsay suufaaɓe hooreejo diiwal ngal naɓi Iisaa ka nder suudu laamu, ɓe mottindiri dental suufaaɓe ɓen fow, ɓe hunditi mo. 28 Ɓe ɓorti mo conci ɗin, ɓe ɓorni mo dolokke boɗeejo. 29 Ɓe sacci katanwol bulle, ɓe waɗi ka hoore makko, ɓe tambini mo kalinwol ka jungo makko ɲaamo. E hoore ɗun ɓe ari, ɓe jiccii yeeso makko e nder jalnori, e hoore hiɓe wi'a: «Salminaango e maa, yaa an lanɗo Yahuudiyankeeɓe!» 30 Ɓe tutti mo, ɓe ƴetti kalinwol ngol, ɓe tappiri mo ka hoore. 31 Ɓay wonii ɓe gaynii mo waɗude jalnori, ɓe ɓorti mo dolokke on, ɓe ɓorni mo conci makko ɗin, ɓe naɓi mo fii fempoyegol. 32 Ko ɓe yaltata, ɓe fotti e gorko mo Sirenii wi'eteeɗo Sim'uunu, ɓe karhi mo naɓugol *leggal Iisaa altindiraangal ngal. 33 Ɓay wonii ɓe hewtii e ndee nokkuure wi'eteende Golgotaa, ko woni firo ɗun ko ‹Nokkuure Laalagal Hoore›, 34 ɓe okkori mo njaram jillaaɗan hahhannde. Kono ɓay o mettike ɗan, o jaɓaali yarude. 35 Ɓay wonii ɓe fempii mo, ɓe sendiri conci makko ɗin urɓa. 36 E hoore ɗun ɓe jooɗii ɗon, ɓe ayni mo. 37 Ɓe waɗi ka dow hoore makko bindi ɓanginɗi fii ko o happiranaa kon, ɗun ko: «Ko oo woni Iisaa Lanɗo Yahuudiyanke'en.» 38 Tawi wuyɓe ɗiɗo no fempidaa e makko, goɗɗo on ka sengo makko ɲaamo, oya on ka nano makko. 39 Tawi feƴƴooɓe ɓen no hoyna mo, hayla hoore, 40 hara hiɓe wi'a: «An oo wi'unooɗo lancay juulirde mawnde nden, darnita nde e nder balɗe tati, dandito an tigi! Si tawii ko an woni *Ɓiɗɗo Alla on, tippo ka leggal altindiraangal ɗon!» 41 Tawi hooreeɓe yottinooɓe sadaka ɓen e jannooɓe fii Sariya on ɓen e mawɓe ɓen kaɲun kadi no jalaynoo mo, wi'a: 42 «O dandii ɓeya, kono o waawataa dandude hoore makko? Si ko o lanɗo Isra'iila'en, yo o jippo ka leggal altindiraangal, ɗun en gomɗinay mo. 43 Ɓay himo halfinii e Alla, yo Allaahu on dandu mo jooni si himo yiɗi mo, ko fii o wi'ii ko o Ɓiɗɗo Alla!» 44 Tawi wuyɓe ɓe o fempidaa ɓen no yennira mo wano non kaɲun kadi. 45 Gila naange e hoore, niwre waɗi e leydi ndin fow haa ka ɓaawo fanaa. 46 Telen wa ka ɓaawo fanaa, Iisaa ewnii ko tiiɗi, o wi'i: «Iilooyi, Iilooyi, lama sabaxtanii?» (Ɗun no firi: Alla an, Alla an, ko fii honɗun tertaniɗaa mi?) 47 Woɓɓe e wonnooɓe ɗon ɓen nani ko o wi'i kon, ɓe wi'i: «O noddii Iiliiya!» 48 Tun, goɗɗo e maɓɓe dogi, ƴettoyi linsere, o ɓuɓɓini nde haa nde loppii ndiyan lammuɗan, o waɗi nde e tuggordu, o townani mo fii yo o yaru. 49 Kono ɓeya wi'i: «Accu, ndaaren si Iiliiya aray danda mo.» 50 Iisaa ewnii kadi ko tiiɗi, o timmi. 51 Onsay *wirngallo ngon ka juulirde mawnde seekii, woni pecce ɗiɗi, gila dow haa ley. Leydi ndin dimbii, pete ɗen feccii. 52 Genaale ɗen udditii, ɓalli yimɓe Alla maayunooɓe buy immitii, 53 ɓe yalti ka genaale, ɓe naati ka saare hormorde ɓawto immitagol Iisaa, ɓe feeɲani yimɓe ɗuuɗuɓe. 54 Ɓay hooreejo suufaaɓe ɓen e wondunooɓe e makko ɓen fii aynugol Iisaa yi'ii ko leydi ndin dimbii kon e ko ari e waɗude kon, ɓe huli fota, ɓe wi'i: «Ka haqiiqa, hari oo ko Ɓiɗɗo Alla!» 55 Tawi rewɓe ɗuuɗuɓe no ka woɗɗitii, no ndaara, tawi ko ɓen tigi jokkunoo Iisaa gila Jaliilu fii ko kurkanoo mo. 56 Tawi no tawdanoo e maɓɓe Mariyama jeyaaɗo Magaduuna, e Mariyama yumma Yaaquuba e Yuusufu, e yumma ɓiɓɓe Zabadii ɓen. 57 Ɓay niɓɓii, aaden alɗuɗo, wi'eteeɗo Yuusufu jeyaaɗo Raamati ari, tawi on kadi ko taalibaajo Iisaa. 58 O yahi ka Pilaatu, o torii mo hettugol furee Iisaa on. Onsay Pilaatu yamiri jonnugol mo mo. 59 Ɓawto ɗun, kanko Yuusufu o ƴetti furee on, o tumbi e kasannge laaɓuɗo, 60 o belnoyi mo e qaburu keso mo o asunoo e feto fii hoore makko. O talli hayre njannde, o waɗi ka dambugal qaburu, o yahi. 61 Tawi Mariyama jeyaaɗo Magaduuna e Mariyama oya no jooɗii ɗon, fewtondiri e yenaande nden. 62 Bimbi nden ɲande, ɗun ko ɲande ɓawto hebulanagol fii *aseweere nden, hooreeɓe yottinooɓe sadaka ɓen e *Fariisiyaaɓe ɓen yaadi ka Pilaatu. 63 Ɓe wi'i: «Koohoojo, men anditii, oo majjinoowo wi'uno wa fewndo ko o wuuri, si balɗe tati feƴƴii o immitoto. 64 Awa yamir fii yo yenaande nden ayne haa ka ɲalaande tammere, fii wota taalibaaɓe makko ɓen aru wujjita furee on, wi'a jamaa on wonde o immitike e hakkunde mayɓe ɓen. Ɗun, nden majjinannde ɗon ɓuray aranere nden.» 65 Onsay Pilaatu wi'i ɓe: «E hino suufaaɓe ko yaha ayna. Yahee ayninon ɓe yenaande nden yeru no waawirɗon woo.» 66 Onsay ɓe yahi ka yenaande, ɓe ɓurti hiɓɓude hayre nden, nota. Ɓe joɗɗini ɗon aynooɓe ɓen.

In Other Versions

Matthew 27 in the ANGEFD

Matthew 27 in the ANTPNG2D

Matthew 27 in the AS21

Matthew 27 in the BAGH

Matthew 27 in the BBPNG

Matthew 27 in the BBT1E

Matthew 27 in the BDS

Matthew 27 in the BEV

Matthew 27 in the BHAD

Matthew 27 in the BIB

Matthew 27 in the BLPT

Matthew 27 in the BNT

Matthew 27 in the BNTABOOT

Matthew 27 in the BNTLV

Matthew 27 in the BOATCB

Matthew 27 in the BOATCB2

Matthew 27 in the BOBCV

Matthew 27 in the BOCNT

Matthew 27 in the BOECS

Matthew 27 in the BOGWICC

Matthew 27 in the BOHCB

Matthew 27 in the BOHCV

Matthew 27 in the BOHLNT

Matthew 27 in the BOHNTLTAL

Matthew 27 in the BOICB

Matthew 27 in the BOILNTAP

Matthew 27 in the BOITCV

Matthew 27 in the BOKCV

Matthew 27 in the BOKCV2

Matthew 27 in the BOKHWOG

Matthew 27 in the BOKSSV

Matthew 27 in the BOLCB

Matthew 27 in the BOLCB2

Matthew 27 in the BOMCV

Matthew 27 in the BONAV

Matthew 27 in the BONCB

Matthew 27 in the BONLT

Matthew 27 in the BONUT2

Matthew 27 in the BOPLNT

Matthew 27 in the BOSCB

Matthew 27 in the BOSNC

Matthew 27 in the BOTLNT

Matthew 27 in the BOVCB

Matthew 27 in the BOYCB

Matthew 27 in the BPBB

Matthew 27 in the BPH

Matthew 27 in the BSB

Matthew 27 in the CCB

Matthew 27 in the CUV

Matthew 27 in the CUVS

Matthew 27 in the DBT

Matthew 27 in the DGDNT

Matthew 27 in the DHNT

Matthew 27 in the DNT

Matthew 27 in the ELBE

Matthew 27 in the EMTV

Matthew 27 in the ESV

Matthew 27 in the FBV

Matthew 27 in the FEB

Matthew 27 in the GGMNT

Matthew 27 in the GNT

Matthew 27 in the HARY

Matthew 27 in the HNT

Matthew 27 in the IRVA

Matthew 27 in the IRVB

Matthew 27 in the IRVG

Matthew 27 in the IRVH

Matthew 27 in the IRVK

Matthew 27 in the IRVM

Matthew 27 in the IRVM2

Matthew 27 in the IRVO

Matthew 27 in the IRVP

Matthew 27 in the IRVT

Matthew 27 in the IRVT2

Matthew 27 in the IRVU

Matthew 27 in the ISVN

Matthew 27 in the JSNT

Matthew 27 in the KAPI

Matthew 27 in the KBT1ETNIK

Matthew 27 in the KBV

Matthew 27 in the KJV

Matthew 27 in the KNFD

Matthew 27 in the LBA

Matthew 27 in the LBLA

Matthew 27 in the LNT

Matthew 27 in the LSV

Matthew 27 in the MAAL

Matthew 27 in the MBV

Matthew 27 in the MBV2

Matthew 27 in the MHNT

Matthew 27 in the MKNFD

Matthew 27 in the MNG

Matthew 27 in the MNT

Matthew 27 in the MNT2

Matthew 27 in the MRS1T

Matthew 27 in the NAA

Matthew 27 in the NASB

Matthew 27 in the NBLA

Matthew 27 in the NBS

Matthew 27 in the NBVTP

Matthew 27 in the NET2

Matthew 27 in the NIV11

Matthew 27 in the NNT

Matthew 27 in the NNT2

Matthew 27 in the NNT3

Matthew 27 in the PDDPT

Matthew 27 in the RMNT

Matthew 27 in the SBIAS

Matthew 27 in the SBIBS

Matthew 27 in the SBIBS2

Matthew 27 in the SBICS

Matthew 27 in the SBIDS

Matthew 27 in the SBIGS

Matthew 27 in the SBIHS

Matthew 27 in the SBIIS

Matthew 27 in the SBIIS2

Matthew 27 in the SBIIS3

Matthew 27 in the SBIKS

Matthew 27 in the SBIKS2

Matthew 27 in the SBIMS

Matthew 27 in the SBIOS

Matthew 27 in the SBIPS

Matthew 27 in the SBISS

Matthew 27 in the SBITS

Matthew 27 in the SBITS2

Matthew 27 in the SBITS3

Matthew 27 in the SBITS4

Matthew 27 in the SBIUS

Matthew 27 in the SBIVS

Matthew 27 in the SBT

Matthew 27 in the SBT1E

Matthew 27 in the SCHL

Matthew 27 in the SNT

Matthew 27 in the SUSU

Matthew 27 in the SUSU2

Matthew 27 in the SYNO

Matthew 27 in the TBIAOTANT

Matthew 27 in the TBT1E

Matthew 27 in the TBT1E2

Matthew 27 in the TFTIP

Matthew 27 in the TFTU

Matthew 27 in the TGNTATF3T

Matthew 27 in the THAI

Matthew 27 in the TNFD

Matthew 27 in the TNT

Matthew 27 in the TNTIK

Matthew 27 in the TNTIL

Matthew 27 in the TNTIN

Matthew 27 in the TNTIP

Matthew 27 in the TNTIZ

Matthew 27 in the TOMA

Matthew 27 in the TTENT

Matthew 27 in the UBG

Matthew 27 in the UGV

Matthew 27 in the UGV2

Matthew 27 in the UGV3

Matthew 27 in the VBL

Matthew 27 in the VDCC

Matthew 27 in the YALU

Matthew 27 in the YAPE

Matthew 27 in the YBVTP

Matthew 27 in the ZBP