Hebrews 12 (BOGWICC)

1 Tsono popeza ifenso tazunguliridwa ndi gulu lalikulu la mboni, tiyeni titaye chilichonse chimene chimatitchinga, makamaka tchimo limene limatikola mosavuta, ndipo tithamange ndi khama mpikisano umene tayambawu. 2 Tiyeni tiyangʼanitsitse Yesu, amene ndi woyamba ndi wotsiriza wa chikhulupiriro chathu. Chifukwa cha chimwemwe chimene chimamudikira anapirira zowawa zapamtanda. Iye ananyoza manyazi a imfa yotere ndipo tsopano akukhala ku dzanja lamanja la mpando waufumu wa Mulungu. 3 Muzilingalira za Iye amene anapirira udani waukulu chotere wochokera kwa anthu ochimwa, kuti musafowoke ndi kutaya mtima. 4 Polimbana ndi uchimo, simunafike mpaka pokhetsa magazi. 5 Kodi mwayiwala mawu olimbitsa mtima aja, amene Mulungu anayankhula kwa inu ngati ana ake? Mawuwo ndi awa:“Mwana wanga, usapeputse kulanga kwa Ambuyendipo usataye mtima pamene akukudzudzula. 6 Chifukwa Ambuye amadzudzula amene amawakondandipo amalanga aliyense amene amamulandira.” 7 Pamene mukupirira masautso monga chilango, Mulungu achitira inu monga ana ake. Kodi ndi mwana wotani amene abambo ake samulanga? 8 Ngati inu simulangidwa, komatu aliyense amalangidwa, ndiye kuti sindinu ana enieni koma amʼchigololo. 9 Komanso, tonsefe tinali ndi abambo athu otibala amene amatilanga ndipo timawapatsa ulemu. Nanga kodi sitidzagonjera Atate a mizimu yathu kuti tikhale ndi moyo? 10 Abambo athu ankatilanga kwa kanthawi kochepa monga amaonera kufunika kwake, koma Mulungu amatilanga kuti tipindule, kuti tikhale oyera mtima. 11 Palibe chilango chimene chimaoneka kuti ndi chabwino pa nthawiyo, komatu chowawa. Koma pambuyo pake, chimabweretsa chipatso chachilungamo ndi mtendere kwa iwo amene aleredwa mwa njira imeneyi. 12 Nʼchifukwa chake limbitsani manja anu otopa ndi mawondo anu ogowoka. 13 Muziyenda mʼnjira zowongoka, kuti iwo amene akukutsatirani ngakhale ndi olumala ndi ofowoka asapunthwe ndi kugwa koma adzilimbikitsidwa. 14 Yesetsani kukhala pa mtendere ndi anthu onse ndi kukhala oyera mtima, pakuti popanda chiyero palibe ndi mmodzi yemwe adzaona Ambuye. 15 Yangʼanitsitsani kuti wina aliyense asachiphonye chisomo cha Mulungu ndiponso kuti pasaphuke muzu wamkwiyo umene udzabweretsa mavuto ndi kudetsa ambiri. 16 Yangʼanitsitsani kuti pasakhale wina wachigololo. Kapena wosapembedza ngati Esau, amene chifukwa cha chakudya cha kamodzi kokha anagulitsa ukulu wake. 17 Monga inu mukudziwa, pambuyo pake pamene anafuna kuti adalitsidwe anakanidwa. Sanapezenso mpata woti asinthe maganizo, ngakhale anafuna madalitsowo ndi misozi. 18 Inu simunafike ku phiri limene mungathe kulikhudza, loyaka moto wa mdima bii, la mphepo yamkuntho; 19 limene pali kulira kwa lipenga, ndiponso kumveka kwa mawu. Anthu amene amamva mawuwo anapempha kuti asawayankhulenso mawu ena. 20 Iwo anachita mantha ndi lamulo lija lakuti, “Ngakhale nyama ikangokhudza phirilo, iphedwe ndi miyala.” 21 Maonekedwenso a Mose anali woopsa kwambiri, ngakhale Mose yemwe anati, “Ine ndinachita mantha ndi kunjenjemera.” 22 Koma inu mwafika ku Phiri la Ziyoni, ku mzinda wa Mulungu wamoyo, Yerusalemu wakumwamba. Mwafika mu msonkhano wa angelo osangalala osawerengeka. 23 Mwafika mu mpingo wa ana oyamba kubadwa, amene mayina awo analembedwa kumwamba. Inu mwafika kwa Mulungu, woweruza anthu onse, ndiponso kwa mizimu ya anthu olungama ndi osandutsidwa kukhala angwiro. 24 Kwa Yesu mʼkhalapakati wa pangano latsopano, ndiponso mwafika ku magazi owazidwa amene amayankhula mawu abwino kuposa magazi a Abele. 25 Chenjerani kuti musakane kumvera amene akuyankhula nanu. Anthu amene anakana kumvera iye amene anawachenjeza uja pa dziko lapansi pano, sanapulumuke ku chilango ayi, nanga tsono ife tidzapulumuka bwanji ngati tikufulatira wotichenjeza wochokera kumwamba? 26 Pa nthawiyo mawu ake anagwedeza dziko lapansi, koma tsopano Iye walonjeza kuti, “Kamodzi kenanso ndidzagwedeza osati dziko lapansi lokha komanso thambo.” 27 Mawu akuti, “Kamodzi kenanso,” akuonetsa kuchotsedwa kwa zimene zitha kugwedezeka, zonse zolengedwa, kotero kuti zimene sizingatheke kugwedezeka zitsale. 28 Popeza tikulandira ufumu umene sungagwedezeke, tiyeni tikhale oyamika ndi kupembedza Mulungu movomerezeka ndi mwaulemu ndi mantha. 29 Pakuti Mulungu wathu ndi moto wonyeketsa.

In Other Versions

Hebrews 12 in the ANGEFD

Hebrews 12 in the ANTPNG2D

Hebrews 12 in the AS21

Hebrews 12 in the BAGH

Hebrews 12 in the BBPNG

Hebrews 12 in the BBT1E

Hebrews 12 in the BDS

Hebrews 12 in the BEV

Hebrews 12 in the BHAD

Hebrews 12 in the BIB

Hebrews 12 in the BLPT

Hebrews 12 in the BNT

Hebrews 12 in the BNTABOOT

Hebrews 12 in the BNTLV

Hebrews 12 in the BOATCB

Hebrews 12 in the BOATCB2

Hebrews 12 in the BOBCV

Hebrews 12 in the BOCNT

Hebrews 12 in the BOECS

Hebrews 12 in the BOHCB

Hebrews 12 in the BOHCV

Hebrews 12 in the BOHLNT

Hebrews 12 in the BOHNTLTAL

Hebrews 12 in the BOICB

Hebrews 12 in the BOILNTAP

Hebrews 12 in the BOITCV

Hebrews 12 in the BOKCV

Hebrews 12 in the BOKCV2

Hebrews 12 in the BOKHWOG

Hebrews 12 in the BOKSSV

Hebrews 12 in the BOLCB

Hebrews 12 in the BOLCB2

Hebrews 12 in the BOMCV

Hebrews 12 in the BONAV

Hebrews 12 in the BONCB

Hebrews 12 in the BONLT

Hebrews 12 in the BONUT2

Hebrews 12 in the BOPLNT

Hebrews 12 in the BOSCB

Hebrews 12 in the BOSNC

Hebrews 12 in the BOTLNT

Hebrews 12 in the BOVCB

Hebrews 12 in the BOYCB

Hebrews 12 in the BPBB

Hebrews 12 in the BPH

Hebrews 12 in the BSB

Hebrews 12 in the CCB

Hebrews 12 in the CUV

Hebrews 12 in the CUVS

Hebrews 12 in the DBT

Hebrews 12 in the DGDNT

Hebrews 12 in the DHNT

Hebrews 12 in the DNT

Hebrews 12 in the ELBE

Hebrews 12 in the EMTV

Hebrews 12 in the ESV

Hebrews 12 in the FBV

Hebrews 12 in the FEB

Hebrews 12 in the GGMNT

Hebrews 12 in the GNT

Hebrews 12 in the HARY

Hebrews 12 in the HNT

Hebrews 12 in the IRVA

Hebrews 12 in the IRVB

Hebrews 12 in the IRVG

Hebrews 12 in the IRVH

Hebrews 12 in the IRVK

Hebrews 12 in the IRVM

Hebrews 12 in the IRVM2

Hebrews 12 in the IRVO

Hebrews 12 in the IRVP

Hebrews 12 in the IRVT

Hebrews 12 in the IRVT2

Hebrews 12 in the IRVU

Hebrews 12 in the ISVN

Hebrews 12 in the JSNT

Hebrews 12 in the KAPI

Hebrews 12 in the KBT1ETNIK

Hebrews 12 in the KBV

Hebrews 12 in the KJV

Hebrews 12 in the KNFD

Hebrews 12 in the LBA

Hebrews 12 in the LBLA

Hebrews 12 in the LNT

Hebrews 12 in the LSV

Hebrews 12 in the MAAL

Hebrews 12 in the MBV

Hebrews 12 in the MBV2

Hebrews 12 in the MHNT

Hebrews 12 in the MKNFD

Hebrews 12 in the MNG

Hebrews 12 in the MNT

Hebrews 12 in the MNT2

Hebrews 12 in the MRS1T

Hebrews 12 in the NAA

Hebrews 12 in the NASB

Hebrews 12 in the NBLA

Hebrews 12 in the NBS

Hebrews 12 in the NBVTP

Hebrews 12 in the NET2

Hebrews 12 in the NIV11

Hebrews 12 in the NNT

Hebrews 12 in the NNT2

Hebrews 12 in the NNT3

Hebrews 12 in the PDDPT

Hebrews 12 in the PFNT

Hebrews 12 in the RMNT

Hebrews 12 in the SBIAS

Hebrews 12 in the SBIBS

Hebrews 12 in the SBIBS2

Hebrews 12 in the SBICS

Hebrews 12 in the SBIDS

Hebrews 12 in the SBIGS

Hebrews 12 in the SBIHS

Hebrews 12 in the SBIIS

Hebrews 12 in the SBIIS2

Hebrews 12 in the SBIIS3

Hebrews 12 in the SBIKS

Hebrews 12 in the SBIKS2

Hebrews 12 in the SBIMS

Hebrews 12 in the SBIOS

Hebrews 12 in the SBIPS

Hebrews 12 in the SBISS

Hebrews 12 in the SBITS

Hebrews 12 in the SBITS2

Hebrews 12 in the SBITS3

Hebrews 12 in the SBITS4

Hebrews 12 in the SBIUS

Hebrews 12 in the SBIVS

Hebrews 12 in the SBT

Hebrews 12 in the SBT1E

Hebrews 12 in the SCHL

Hebrews 12 in the SNT

Hebrews 12 in the SUSU

Hebrews 12 in the SUSU2

Hebrews 12 in the SYNO

Hebrews 12 in the TBIAOTANT

Hebrews 12 in the TBT1E

Hebrews 12 in the TBT1E2

Hebrews 12 in the TFTIP

Hebrews 12 in the TFTU

Hebrews 12 in the TGNTATF3T

Hebrews 12 in the THAI

Hebrews 12 in the TNFD

Hebrews 12 in the TNT

Hebrews 12 in the TNTIK

Hebrews 12 in the TNTIL

Hebrews 12 in the TNTIN

Hebrews 12 in the TNTIP

Hebrews 12 in the TNTIZ

Hebrews 12 in the TOMA

Hebrews 12 in the TTENT

Hebrews 12 in the UBG

Hebrews 12 in the UGV

Hebrews 12 in the UGV2

Hebrews 12 in the UGV3

Hebrews 12 in the VBL

Hebrews 12 in the VDCC

Hebrews 12 in the YALU

Hebrews 12 in the YAPE

Hebrews 12 in the YBVTP

Hebrews 12 in the ZBP