Hebrews 12 (SBICS)
1 atO hEtOrEtAvatsAkSimEghai rvESTitAH santO vayamapi sarvvabhAram AzubAdhakaM pApanjca nikSipyAsmAkaM gamanAya nirUpitE mArgE dhairyyENa dhAvAma| 2 yazcAsmAkaM vizvAsasyAgrEsaraH siddhikarttA cAsti taM yIzuM vIkSAmahai yataH sa svasammukhasthitAnandasya prAptyartham apamAnaM tucchIkRtya kruzasya yAtanAM sOPhavAn IzvarIyasiMhAsanasya dakSiNapArzvE samupaviSTavAMzca| 3 yaH pApibhiH svaviruddham EtAdRzaM vaiparItyaM sOPhavAn tam AlOcayata tEna yUyaM svamanaHsu zrAntAH klAntAzca na bhaviSyatha| 4 yUyaM pApEna saha yudhyantO'dyApi zONitavyayaparyyantaM pratirOdhaM nAkuruta| 5 tathA ca putrAn pratIva yuSmAn prati ya upadEza uktastaM kiM vismRtavantaH? "parEzEna kRtAM zAstiM hE matputra na tucchaya| tEna saMbhartsitazcApi naiva klAmya kadAcana| 6 parEzaH prIyatE yasmin tasmai zAstiM dadAti yat| yantu putraM sa gRhlAti tamEva praharatyapi|" 7 yadi yUyaM zAstiM sahadhvaM tarhIzvaraH putrairiva yuSmAbhiH sArddhaM vyavaharati yataH pitA yasmai zAstiM na dadAti tAdRzaH putraH kaH? 8 sarvvE yasyAH zAstEraMzinO bhavanti sA yadi yuSmAkaM na bhavati tarhi yUyam AtmajA na kintu jArajA AdhvE| 9 aparam asmAkaM zArIrikajanmadAtArO'smAkaM zAstikAriNO'bhavan tE cAsmAbhiH sammAnitAstasmAd ya AtmanAM janayitA vayaM kiM tatO'dhikaM tasya vazIbhUya na jIviSyAmaH? 10 tE tvalpadinAni yAvat svamanO'matAnusArENa zAstiM kRtavantaH kintvESO'smAkaM hitAya tasya pavitratAyA aMzitvAya cAsmAn zAsti| 11 zAstizca varttamAnasamayE kEnApi nAnandajanikA kintu zOkajanikaiva manyatE tathApi yE tayA vinIyantE tEbhyaH sA pazcAt zAntiyuktaM dharmmaphalaM dadAti| 12 ataEva yUyaM zithilAn hastAn durbbalAni jAnUni ca sabalAni kurudhvaM| 13 yathA ca durbbalasya sandhisthAnaM na bhajyEta svasthaM tiSThEt tathA svacaraNArthaM saralaM mArgaM nirmmAta| 14 aparanjca sarvvaiH sArtham EेkyabhAvaM yacca vinA paramEzvarasya darzanaM kEnApi na lapsyatE tat pavitratvaM cESTadhvaM| 15 yathA kazcid IzvarasyAnugrahAt na patEt, yathA ca tiktatAyA mUlaM praruhya bAdhAjanakaM na bhavEt tEna ca bahavO'pavitrA na bhavEyuH, 16 yathA ca kazcit lampaTO vA EkakRtva AhArArthaM svIyajyESThAdhikAravikrEtA ya ESaustadvad adharmmAcArI na bhavEt tathA sAvadhAnA bhavata| 17 yataH sa ESauH pazcAd AzIrvvAdAdhikArI bhavitum icchannapi nAnugRhIta iti yUyaM jAnItha, sa cAzrupAtEna matyantaraM prArthayamAnO'pi tadupAyaM na lEbhE| 18 aparanjca spRzyaH parvvataH prajvalitO vahniH kRSNAvarNO mEghO 'ndhakArO jhanjbhza tUrIvAdyaM vAkyAnAM zabdazca naitESAM sannidhau yUyam AgatAH| 19 taM zabdaM zrutvA zrOtArastAdRzaM sambhASaNaM yat puna rna jAyatE tat prArthitavantaH| 20 yataH pazurapi yadi dharAdharaM spRzati tarhi sa pASANAghAtai rhantavya ityAdEzaM sOPhuM tE nAzaknuvan| 21 tacca darzanam EvaM bhayAnakaM yat mUsasOktaM bhItastrAsayuktazcAsmIti| 22 kintu sIyOnparvvatO 'marEzvarasya nagaraM svargasthayirUzAlamam ayutAni divyadUtAH 23 svargE likhitAnAM prathamajAtAnAm utsavaH samitizca sarvvESAM vicArAdhipatirIzvaraH siddhIkRtadhArmmikAnAm AtmAnO 24 nUtananiyamasya madhyasthO yIzuH, aparaM hAbilO raktAt zrEyaH pracArakaM prOkSaNasya raktanjcaitESAM sannidhau yUyam AgatAH| 25 sAvadhAnA bhavata taM vaktAraM nAvajAnIta yatO hEtOH pRthivIsthitaH sa vaktA yairavajnjAtastai ryadi rakSA nAprApi tarhi svargIyavaktuH parAgmukhIbhUyAsmAbhiH kathaM rakSA prApsyatE? 26 tadA tasya ravAt pRthivI kampitA kintvidAnIM tEnEdaM pratijnjAtaM yathA, "ahaM punarEkakRtvaH pRthivIM kampayiSyAmi kEvalaM tannahi gaganamapi kampayiSyAmi|" 27 sa EkakRtvaH zabdO nizcalaviSayANAM sthitayE nirmmitAnAmiva canjcalavastUnAM sthAnAntarIkaraNaM prakAzayati| 28 ataEva nizcalarAjyaprAptairasmAbhiH sO'nugraha AlambitavyO yEna vayaM sAdaraM sabhayanjca tuSTijanakarUpENEzvaraM sEvituM zaknuyAma| 29 yatO'smAkam IzvaraH saMhArakO vahniH|
In Other Versions
Hebrews 12 in the ANGEFD
Hebrews 12 in the ANTPNG2D
Hebrews 12 in the AS21
Hebrews 12 in the BAGH
Hebrews 12 in the BBPNG
Hebrews 12 in the BBT1E
Hebrews 12 in the BDS
Hebrews 12 in the BEV
Hebrews 12 in the BHAD
Hebrews 12 in the BIB
Hebrews 12 in the BLPT
Hebrews 12 in the BNT
Hebrews 12 in the BNTABOOT
Hebrews 12 in the BNTLV
Hebrews 12 in the BOATCB
Hebrews 12 in the BOATCB2
Hebrews 12 in the BOBCV
Hebrews 12 in the BOCNT
Hebrews 12 in the BOECS
Hebrews 12 in the BOGWICC
Hebrews 12 in the BOHCB
Hebrews 12 in the BOHCV
Hebrews 12 in the BOHLNT
Hebrews 12 in the BOHNTLTAL
Hebrews 12 in the BOICB
Hebrews 12 in the BOILNTAP
Hebrews 12 in the BOITCV
Hebrews 12 in the BOKCV
Hebrews 12 in the BOKCV2
Hebrews 12 in the BOKHWOG
Hebrews 12 in the BOKSSV
Hebrews 12 in the BOLCB
Hebrews 12 in the BOLCB2
Hebrews 12 in the BOMCV
Hebrews 12 in the BONAV
Hebrews 12 in the BONCB
Hebrews 12 in the BONLT
Hebrews 12 in the BONUT2
Hebrews 12 in the BOPLNT
Hebrews 12 in the BOSCB
Hebrews 12 in the BOSNC
Hebrews 12 in the BOTLNT
Hebrews 12 in the BOVCB
Hebrews 12 in the BOYCB
Hebrews 12 in the BPBB
Hebrews 12 in the BPH
Hebrews 12 in the BSB
Hebrews 12 in the CCB
Hebrews 12 in the CUV
Hebrews 12 in the CUVS
Hebrews 12 in the DBT
Hebrews 12 in the DGDNT
Hebrews 12 in the DHNT
Hebrews 12 in the DNT
Hebrews 12 in the ELBE
Hebrews 12 in the EMTV
Hebrews 12 in the ESV
Hebrews 12 in the FBV
Hebrews 12 in the FEB
Hebrews 12 in the GGMNT
Hebrews 12 in the GNT
Hebrews 12 in the HARY
Hebrews 12 in the HNT
Hebrews 12 in the IRVA
Hebrews 12 in the IRVB
Hebrews 12 in the IRVG
Hebrews 12 in the IRVH
Hebrews 12 in the IRVK
Hebrews 12 in the IRVM
Hebrews 12 in the IRVM2
Hebrews 12 in the IRVO
Hebrews 12 in the IRVP
Hebrews 12 in the IRVT
Hebrews 12 in the IRVT2
Hebrews 12 in the IRVU
Hebrews 12 in the ISVN
Hebrews 12 in the JSNT
Hebrews 12 in the KAPI
Hebrews 12 in the KBT1ETNIK
Hebrews 12 in the KBV
Hebrews 12 in the KJV
Hebrews 12 in the KNFD
Hebrews 12 in the LBA
Hebrews 12 in the LBLA
Hebrews 12 in the LNT
Hebrews 12 in the LSV
Hebrews 12 in the MAAL
Hebrews 12 in the MBV
Hebrews 12 in the MBV2
Hebrews 12 in the MHNT
Hebrews 12 in the MKNFD
Hebrews 12 in the MNG
Hebrews 12 in the MNT
Hebrews 12 in the MNT2
Hebrews 12 in the MRS1T
Hebrews 12 in the NAA
Hebrews 12 in the NASB
Hebrews 12 in the NBLA
Hebrews 12 in the NBS
Hebrews 12 in the NBVTP
Hebrews 12 in the NET2
Hebrews 12 in the NIV11
Hebrews 12 in the NNT
Hebrews 12 in the NNT2
Hebrews 12 in the NNT3
Hebrews 12 in the PDDPT
Hebrews 12 in the PFNT
Hebrews 12 in the RMNT
Hebrews 12 in the SBIAS
Hebrews 12 in the SBIBS
Hebrews 12 in the SBIBS2
Hebrews 12 in the SBIDS
Hebrews 12 in the SBIGS
Hebrews 12 in the SBIHS
Hebrews 12 in the SBIIS
Hebrews 12 in the SBIIS2
Hebrews 12 in the SBIIS3
Hebrews 12 in the SBIKS
Hebrews 12 in the SBIKS2
Hebrews 12 in the SBIMS
Hebrews 12 in the SBIOS
Hebrews 12 in the SBIPS
Hebrews 12 in the SBISS
Hebrews 12 in the SBITS
Hebrews 12 in the SBITS2
Hebrews 12 in the SBITS3
Hebrews 12 in the SBITS4
Hebrews 12 in the SBIUS
Hebrews 12 in the SBIVS
Hebrews 12 in the SBT
Hebrews 12 in the SBT1E
Hebrews 12 in the SCHL
Hebrews 12 in the SNT
Hebrews 12 in the SUSU
Hebrews 12 in the SUSU2
Hebrews 12 in the SYNO
Hebrews 12 in the TBIAOTANT
Hebrews 12 in the TBT1E
Hebrews 12 in the TBT1E2
Hebrews 12 in the TFTIP
Hebrews 12 in the TFTU
Hebrews 12 in the TGNTATF3T
Hebrews 12 in the THAI
Hebrews 12 in the TNFD
Hebrews 12 in the TNT
Hebrews 12 in the TNTIK
Hebrews 12 in the TNTIL
Hebrews 12 in the TNTIN
Hebrews 12 in the TNTIP
Hebrews 12 in the TNTIZ
Hebrews 12 in the TOMA
Hebrews 12 in the TTENT
Hebrews 12 in the UBG
Hebrews 12 in the UGV
Hebrews 12 in the UGV2
Hebrews 12 in the UGV3
Hebrews 12 in the VBL
Hebrews 12 in the VDCC
Hebrews 12 in the YALU
Hebrews 12 in the YAPE
Hebrews 12 in the YBVTP
Hebrews 12 in the ZBP