Acts 13 (DNT)

1 Anxxookiyan de7iyaa ammaniyaa asaa giddon nabatuunne tamaarssiyaawanttu de7iino; unttunttukka Barnaabaasa, Karethaa giyaa Simoona, Qereenappe yeedda Luuqiyoosa, gadiyaa mooddiyaa Heroodisanna dicceedda Minaahanne Saa7oola. 2 Unttunttu Godaassi goyinnishshinanne xoomishshin, Geeshsha Ayyaanay, “Taani xeeseedda oosuwaassi Barnnaabaasanne Saa7oola taw dummayite” yaageedda. 3 Unttunttu xoomeeddawaappenne woosseeddawaappe guyyiyan, barenttu kushiyaa Barnaabaasa bollaninne Saa7oola bollan wothiide, unttuntta yeddeeddino. 4 Hewaa diraw, Geeshsha Ayyaanay unttuntta kiittina, Seeluuqiyaa wodhdheeddino; hewaappe wonggiriyaan geliide, Qophiroosa haathaani doodetteeddasaa beeddino. 5 Unttunttu Silmaana gakkiide, Ayihuda woosa golletuwaan Xoossaa qaalaa odeeddino; unttuntta maaddanaw Yohaannisi unttunttunna de7ee. 6 Unttunttu Qophiroosa haathaan doodetteedda sa7aa ubbaa Phaafu gakkanaw yuuyyiide, nabiyaa itti worddanchchaa, Ayihuda asaa Bar-Yesuusa giyaa shareechchuwaa demmeeddino. 7 He sharechchuu gadiyaa mooddiyaa Sarggiyoosa Phawuloosa giyaa akeekanchcha bitaniyaanna de7ee. Sarggiyoosa Phawuloosa Barnnaabaasanne Saa7oola barekko xeesiide, Xoossaa qaalaa sisanaw koyyeedda. 8 Shin shareechchuwaa Elimaasi (Giriike qaalaan hewe A sunthaa) gadiyaa mooddiyaawaa ammanuwaa digganaw koyyiide, unttunttu haasayaa phalqqeedda. 9 Shin Phawuloosa giyaa Saa7ooli barenan Geeshsha Ayyaanay kumina, shareechchuwaa caddi xeelliide, 10 A, “Laa ha xalahiyaa kaappuwaa na7aw, genetethay ubbaynne iitatethay ubbay kumeeddawoo, xillotethaa ubbaa morkkew, Godaa ogiyaa suuriyaa geellayiyaawaa aggikkii? 11 Be7a; ha77i Godaa kushii ne bolla de7ee; neeni qooqa gidana; amareedda wodii gakkanaw, awaa poo7uwaa be7akka” yaageedda.He man77iyankka shaannochchaynne dhumay A ayfiyaa goozzina, bare kushiyaa oyqqiide, kaalethiyaa uraa koyyiidde yuuyyeedda. 12 He wode gadiyaa mooddiyaawe hewaa be7eedda wode, Goday tamaarissiyaawaan maalalettiide ammaneedda. 13 Phawuloosinne aananna de7iyaawanttu Phaafuppe denddiide, Phinifiliyan de7iyaa Phergge wonggiriyaan beeddino; Yohaannisi unttunttuppe shaaketti, Yeerusalaame simmeedda. 14 Shin unttunttu Pherggeppe aadhdhiide, Phiisiidiyan de7iyaa Anxxookiyaa gakkeeddino; Sambbata gallassan Ayihuda woosa golle geliide utteeddino. 15 Muse higgiinne nabatuwaa maxaafay nabbabetteeddawaappe guyyiyan, Ayihuda woosa golle kaappatuu, “Nu ishatoo asaa minissiyaa qaalay hinttenttoo de7ooppe, asaw haasayeerikkitee” yaagiide unttunttoo kiitteeddino. 16 Phawuloosi denddi eqqiide, bare kushiyan xorssiide, hawaadan yaageedda; “Israa7eeliyaa asatoo, Xoossaassi yayyiyaawanttoo sisite. 17 Ha Israa7eeliyaa asaa Xoossay nu aawatuwa dooriide, Gibxe gadiyan imathatethaan unttunttu de7ishshin, unttuntta corisseedda; bare wolqqaama wolqqaanikka Gibxe gadiyaappe unttuntta kesseedda. 18 Bazzuwan oytamu laythaa keenaa nu aawatuwa I danddayeedda. 19 Kanaane giyaa gadiyan Ayihuda gidenna laappu kawutethaa dhayissiide, unttunttu gadiyaa bare asaa laatisseedda. 20 Hewaappe guyyiyan, nabiyaa Saameela wodiyaa gakkanaassi, oyddu xeetanne ishatamu laythaa keenaa daannatuwaa unttunttoo immeedda. 21 Hewaappe guyyiyan, unttunttu barenttoo kaatiyaa immana mala woossina, Xoossay Biiniyaama zariyaappe Qiisa na7aa Saa7oola oytamu laythaw kawutana mala, unttunttoo immeedda. 22 Xoossay Saa7oola shaareeddawaappe guyyiyan, unttunttu bolla Daawite kawutana mala, A dentheedda; Daawitebaa markkattiidde, ‘Taani koyyiyaa ubbabaa ta wozanaadan oothiyaa Issey na7aa Daawita demmaaddi’ yaageedda. 23 “Xoossay, ‘Taani Daawita zariyaappe Israa7eeliyaa asaa ashshiyaawaa ahana’ qaalaa geleeddawaadankka, Yesuusa aheedda. 24 Yesuusi yaanaappe kase Israa7eeliyaa asay ubbay barenttu nagaraappe simmiide xammaqettana mala, Yohaannisi qaalaa odeedda. 25 Qassi Yohaannisi bare oosuwaa wurssana haniidde asaa, ‘Taana oona giide qoppiitee? Taani hintte naagiyaawaa gidikke; shin be7ite, A gediyaa caammaa qashuwaakka gediyaappe billanaw taw bessennawe taappe guyyenna yee’ yaageedda. 26 “Taanaadan ammaniyaawanttoo, Abraahaame zerethatoo, qassi hawaan Ayihuda gidennawanttoo Xoossaassi yayyiyaawanttoo, ha atotethaa qaalay nuussi kiitetteedda. 27 Ayissi gooppe, Yeerusalaamen de7iyaa asaynne unttunttu kaappatuu Yesuusanne Sambbata gallassaa ubbaan nabbabettiyaa nabatuwaa qaalaa akeekibeenna diraw, A bolla pirddiide, nabatuwaa qaalaa poleeddino. 28 Yesuusa wodhissanaw itti gaasuukka unttunttoo beettennaan ixxina, Philaaxoosi A wodhana mala woosseeddino. 29 “Unttunttu Yesuusabay Xoossaa Maxaafan xaafetteeddawaa ubbaa poleedda wode, masqqaliyaappe A wothiide moogeeddino. 30 Shin Xoossay hayquwaappe Yesuusa dentheedda. 31 Hewaappe guyyiyan I barenanna Galiilaappe Yeerusalaame yeedda asatoo cora gallassaa beetteedda unttunttu ha77i aabaa asaassi markkattiino. 32 “Xoossay nu aawatuwassi immana geedda wonggalaa mishiraachchuwaa nuuni hinttenttoo odeetto. 33 Daawite Mazimuriyaa Maxaafaan laa7etho shemppuwaan,‘Neeni Ta Na7aa.Hachche Taani ne Aawuwaa gidaaddi’geetettiide xaafetteeddawaadan, Xoossay Yesuusa denthiide, nu aawatuwassi immana geeddawaa nuussi unttunttu naanaassi poleedda. 34 Laa7enthuwaa I hayqqenna mala, hayquwaappe A dentheeddawaassi Xoossay, ‘Taani Daawitew immana geedda ammanetteedda geeshsha anjjuwaa hinttenttoo immana’ yaagiide haasayeedda. 35 Hewaa diraw, Mazimuriyaa Maxaafaan harasaan qassi, ‘Ne Geeshsha Na7aa anhaakka musissakka’ yaageedda. 36 Ayissi gooppe, Daawite bare wodiyaan Xoossaa qofaa ootheeddawaappe guyyiyan hayqqiide, bare aawatuwanna hayqqi museedda. 37 Shin Xoossay hayquwaappe dentheeddawe musibeenna. 38 38-39 “Hewaa diraw, taanaadan ammaniyaawanttoo, nagaraa atto geetetteeddawe hinttenttoo Yesuusa bagganna odetteeddawenne, Muse higgiyan xillanaw hinttenttoo danddayettenna ubbabaappe aani ammaniyaa ubbay xillanawe hinttenttoo eretto. 40 Hewaa diraw, nabatuu geeddawe hintte bolla gakkenna mala naagettite; 41 ‘Xoossay geeddabaa qilliicciyaawanttoo, be7ite; haray atto itti uray hinttenttoo odinttokka,hintte ammanenna oosuwaa taani hinttenttu wodiyaanoothiyaa diraw, poora giite; hayqqite’geeddino” yaageedda. 42 Phawuloosinne Barnaabaasi Ayihuda woosa golliyaappe kesishshin, asay unttuntta laa7enthuwaa Sambbatankka hewaa gujjiide odana mala woosseeddino. 43 Shiiquu laaletteeddawaappe guyyiyan, cora Ayihudatuunne Ayihudatuwaa ammanuwan geliide Xoossaw yayyiyaa coratuu, Phawuloosanne Barnaabaasa kaalleeddino; Yesuusi kiitteeddawanttu Xoossaa aadho keekatethaan minni de7ana mala, unttunttoo odiide minisseeddino. 44 Laa7enthuwaa Sambbataan amareedda asatuwaappe attin, katamaa asay ubbay Xoossaa qaalaa sisanaw shiiqeedda. 45 Shin Ayihudatuu cora asaa be7eedda wode, Phawuloosa qanaateeddino; A haasayaa phalqqiide, A boreeddino. 46 Phawuloosinne Barnaabaasi xaliide, “Xoossaa qaalay kasetiide hinttenttoo odettanaw koshshee; shin qaalaa hintte ixxeedda dirawunne medhinaa de7uwaa akkanaw hinttenttoo bessenna giide, hintte hinttenttu huuphiyan pirddeedda diraw, be7ite, nuuni Ayihuda gidennawanttukko simmeetto. 47 Ayissi gooppe, Goday nuuna, “ ‘Asay ubbay hintte bagganna attana mala,hinttentta taani Ayihuda gidennawanttoo poo7uwaa oothaaddi’yaagi azazeedda”yaageeddino. 48 Ayihuda gidennawanttu hewaa siseedda wode, nashettiide Xoossaa qaalaa bonchcheeddino; qassi medhinaa de7uwaassi dooretteedda ubbay ammaneeddino. 49 Godaa qaalay he gadiyaa ubbaa gakkeedda. 50 Shin Ayihudatuu Xoossaw goyinniyaa bonchchetteedda maccawanttanne katamaan de7iyaa wolqqaama asatuwaa Phawuloosa bollaninne Barnaabaasa bolla denthethina, asatuu unttuntta yederssuwaa doommiide, barenttu gadiyaappe keseeddino. 51 Shin Yesuusi kiitteeddawanttu unttuntta ixxiyaawanttussi malaata gidana mala, barenttu gediyaappe baanaa shociide, Iqooniyoone katamaa beeddino. 52 Qassi Anxxookiyan de7iyaa kaalliyaawanttunikka Geeshsha Ayyaanaynne nashechchay kumeedda.

In Other Versions

Acts 13 in the ANGEFD

Acts 13 in the ANTPNG2D

Acts 13 in the AS21

Acts 13 in the BAGH

Acts 13 in the BBPNG

Acts 13 in the BBT1E

Acts 13 in the BDS

Acts 13 in the BEV

Acts 13 in the BHAD

Acts 13 in the BIB

Acts 13 in the BLPT

Acts 13 in the BNT

Acts 13 in the BNTABOOT

Acts 13 in the BNTLV

Acts 13 in the BOATCB

Acts 13 in the BOATCB2

Acts 13 in the BOBCV

Acts 13 in the BOCNT

Acts 13 in the BOECS

Acts 13 in the BOGWICC

Acts 13 in the BOHCB

Acts 13 in the BOHCV

Acts 13 in the BOHLNT

Acts 13 in the BOHNTLTAL

Acts 13 in the BOICB

Acts 13 in the BOILNTAP

Acts 13 in the BOITCV

Acts 13 in the BOKCV

Acts 13 in the BOKCV2

Acts 13 in the BOKHWOG

Acts 13 in the BOKSSV

Acts 13 in the BOLCB

Acts 13 in the BOLCB2

Acts 13 in the BOMCV

Acts 13 in the BONAV

Acts 13 in the BONCB

Acts 13 in the BONLT

Acts 13 in the BONUT2

Acts 13 in the BOPLNT

Acts 13 in the BOSCB

Acts 13 in the BOSNC

Acts 13 in the BOTLNT

Acts 13 in the BOVCB

Acts 13 in the BOYCB

Acts 13 in the BPBB

Acts 13 in the BPH

Acts 13 in the BSB

Acts 13 in the CCB

Acts 13 in the CUV

Acts 13 in the CUVS

Acts 13 in the DBT

Acts 13 in the DGDNT

Acts 13 in the DHNT

Acts 13 in the ELBE

Acts 13 in the EMTV

Acts 13 in the ESV

Acts 13 in the FBV

Acts 13 in the FEB

Acts 13 in the GGMNT

Acts 13 in the GNT

Acts 13 in the HARY

Acts 13 in the HNT

Acts 13 in the IRVA

Acts 13 in the IRVB

Acts 13 in the IRVG

Acts 13 in the IRVH

Acts 13 in the IRVK

Acts 13 in the IRVM

Acts 13 in the IRVM2

Acts 13 in the IRVO

Acts 13 in the IRVP

Acts 13 in the IRVT

Acts 13 in the IRVT2

Acts 13 in the IRVU

Acts 13 in the ISVN

Acts 13 in the JSNT

Acts 13 in the KAPI

Acts 13 in the KBT1ETNIK

Acts 13 in the KBV

Acts 13 in the KJV

Acts 13 in the KNFD

Acts 13 in the LBA

Acts 13 in the LBLA

Acts 13 in the LNT

Acts 13 in the LSV

Acts 13 in the MAAL

Acts 13 in the MBV

Acts 13 in the MBV2

Acts 13 in the MHNT

Acts 13 in the MKNFD

Acts 13 in the MNG

Acts 13 in the MNT

Acts 13 in the MNT2

Acts 13 in the MRS1T

Acts 13 in the NAA

Acts 13 in the NASB

Acts 13 in the NBLA

Acts 13 in the NBS

Acts 13 in the NBVTP

Acts 13 in the NET2

Acts 13 in the NIV11

Acts 13 in the NNT

Acts 13 in the NNT2

Acts 13 in the NNT3

Acts 13 in the PDDPT

Acts 13 in the PFNT

Acts 13 in the RMNT

Acts 13 in the SBIAS

Acts 13 in the SBIBS

Acts 13 in the SBIBS2

Acts 13 in the SBICS

Acts 13 in the SBIDS

Acts 13 in the SBIGS

Acts 13 in the SBIHS

Acts 13 in the SBIIS

Acts 13 in the SBIIS2

Acts 13 in the SBIIS3

Acts 13 in the SBIKS

Acts 13 in the SBIKS2

Acts 13 in the SBIMS

Acts 13 in the SBIOS

Acts 13 in the SBIPS

Acts 13 in the SBISS

Acts 13 in the SBITS

Acts 13 in the SBITS2

Acts 13 in the SBITS3

Acts 13 in the SBITS4

Acts 13 in the SBIUS

Acts 13 in the SBIVS

Acts 13 in the SBT

Acts 13 in the SBT1E

Acts 13 in the SCHL

Acts 13 in the SNT

Acts 13 in the SUSU

Acts 13 in the SUSU2

Acts 13 in the SYNO

Acts 13 in the TBIAOTANT

Acts 13 in the TBT1E

Acts 13 in the TBT1E2

Acts 13 in the TFTIP

Acts 13 in the TFTU

Acts 13 in the TGNTATF3T

Acts 13 in the THAI

Acts 13 in the TNFD

Acts 13 in the TNT

Acts 13 in the TNTIK

Acts 13 in the TNTIL

Acts 13 in the TNTIN

Acts 13 in the TNTIP

Acts 13 in the TNTIZ

Acts 13 in the TOMA

Acts 13 in the TTENT

Acts 13 in the UBG

Acts 13 in the UGV

Acts 13 in the UGV2

Acts 13 in the UGV3

Acts 13 in the VBL

Acts 13 in the VDCC

Acts 13 in the YALU

Acts 13 in the YAPE

Acts 13 in the YBVTP

Acts 13 in the ZBP