Acts 13 (MNT2)

1 Munlhokoni mwa attu anrumelhenlhe Kuristo o Uantiokiya yahokhalha akina yaari anamilhohi ni owiittuchiha, Nabanaba ni Nasimeoni aneehaniya Oriipa ni Nalukiyo o Ukirene ni Nasauli ni Namanaeni yaalhelhiye vamoka ni Naherode Antipasi. 2 Nihuku nimoka vaari aya yaalhapelhaka Athithi ni uttuka, Iphumu ya Nlhuku nkeerelha, “Nkeeshereke Nabanaba ni Nasauli apange ntheko weehanenlhe aka.” 3 Nkaayaattuka ni unlhapelha Nlhuku, nkayeeshera miono, nkayaahiya arwaacheke apange ntheko wo uhimiacha Malhove Orera a Nlhuku. 4 Nabanaba ni Nasauli yahorwaa iwani yo Useleukiya waarumiye aya ni Iphumu ya Nlhuku. Uthama wowo yahowelha mmeelini nkayaarwaa u ichirumba yo Ukipro. 5 Yaphiyeke iwani yo Usalami yahohimiacha Nlhove na Nlhuku mu inupa cho unlhapelha Nlhuku cha Ayahudi. Nayohana eehaniya Namako yaari phi anamitheko aakaviha munthekoni mwaya. 6 Nkayaalhapuwa ukhopelhelhe nkayaaphiya Upafo. Wowo nkayamphwanya ntu mmoka namihapo Nyahudi namilhohi o woothacha eehaniya Bariyesu. 7 Yoyo aari ampwana a Segiyo Paolo, ntu o irusho chinene aatawara yeyo ichirumba iyo. Segiyo Paolo aheehana Nabanaba ni Nasauli wiira awe eewa nlhove na Nlhuku. 8 Nansho yayo ahovingiya ni nkhwiri o mihapo Elima, thoko cheehaniya awe we Igiriki. Yoyo aholhikacha untiyelhelha Segiyo Paolo hiwe aapisha nrima ni urumelhelha Nlhove na Nlhuku. 9 Paahi, Nasauli aneehaniya Napaolo, uno anachariye ni Iphumu ya Nlhuku, nkayammweha chinene yoyo nkhwiri uyo, 10 nkayaamwiirelha, “Uwe mwaana a Nakare! Inyu nnovinga kila ittu iriyoothe irii yo ikekhiaye. Nhochara uhilhoka wo kila iphiro. Nnaathepiacha attu kila ikatema wiira ikeekhene ya Athithi iri yo wookolhia! 11 Moono wa Athithi unowaatani, nnookhalha ohoona ni inyu khannoona nchuwa wo mahuku.”Vavawovavawo Elima nkaakelhiya naawiriphi mmiithoni nkoocheelha woona, nkeeta uno amwaaviaka ntu o ummara moono. 12 Ntawara o iwani ulhe ooneke chikhumelhenlhe, nkaarumelhelha, ukhalhawaya aari noomiye uwanoni veewa awe meettuchiho a Athithi. 13 Napaolo ni akhunanaya yahothama Upafo nkayaawelha mmeelini nkayarwaa Uperga ilhapo yo Upamfiliya. Wowo Nayohana aneehaniya Namako ahaahiya akhunanaya, nkayaahokolhia Uyerusalemu. 14 Nabanaba ni Napaolo nkayaathama Uperga nkayaaphiya Uantiokiya yo Upisidiya. Nihuku no Wiittuwa nkayaarwaa inupa yo unlhapelha Nlhuku ya Ayahudi nkayaakhalha. 15 Yamalheke ushomiya ikitabu yo Malhehero a ashinna Musa ni malhove a anamilhohi a Nlhuku, olhupalhe eemelhelha inupa yo unlhapelha Nlhuku ilhe nkayaarwehelha nttenga, “Ashilhoko ihu, yakhalhaka nhanaa nttenga uriyoothe wo waavaha attu nrima, muulhumacheke.” 16 Napaolo nkayeemelha nkayaapungelha attu moono, nkayaachokholha wulhumacha,“Aisraeli nanaka ni attu ahiri Ayahudi nnonthimicha Nlhuku, nkiiwelhelheke! 17 Nlhuku a attu o Uisraeli ahaathanlha manyaapwiiya ihu, nkaapanga ukhalha ilhapo yuulhupalhe vaari aya upottani Umisri. Nlhuku ahaathamiha Umisri wo machiri awe moolhupalhe, 18 ni wo iyaakha makhumi ncheshe ahaavilhelha uthakoni ulhe. 19 Ahorimeelhiha ilhapo saba cha attu yaakhalhelha ilhapo yo Ukanaani nkaapanga ukhalha ilhapo ya attu awe. 20 Yayo onkhaye yaapangelhe iyaakha imia ncheshe ni makhumi nthanu.“Nkayaavaha owaahukumulha o waaholhelha mpaka ikatema ya anamilhohi Nasamweli. 21 Vavawo yavekelheke umpatta mwene, Nlhuku nkaavaha Sauli, mwaana a Naakishi ntu o nikosho ni Nabenyamini, ukhalha mwene wo iyaakha makhumi ncheshe. 22 Yaathamiheke Nasauli, Nlhuku ahaathanlha Adaudi ukhalha mwene aya. Nlhuku aathanlhe wo uhimiechesha vachulhu aya, ‘Kihomwoona Daudi mwaana a Nayese, ntu nokiteelhiha nrima aka nohalha upangacha chittu chonkhaye chinothanana aka upanga.’ ” 23 “Nhina iyari ya Adaudi, Nlhuku ahaawiihera attu o Uisraeli Moopolhi, phi Yesu thoko chaalhehilhe awe. 24 Yesu hinaaya uchokholha ntheko awe, Nayohana yahaahimiachera mwaha wo ukhoroma attu onkhaye o Uisraeli, ahiye uwonya waya abatiiziye. 25 Nayohana vaari aya amalhihaka ntheko aya, nkayeerelha attu, Nnaanyihera wiira mii phi Kuristo? Mena! Mii kakihiwe. Nansho mwiiwelhelheke, Yoyo noowa utulhi waka ni mii kihiphwanelhiyaka ata unrulha ikwakwata mmietoni mwawe. 26 “Ashilhoko aka, Aisraeli nanaka, o nihimo ni Aburahimu ni attu nhiri Ayahudi onkhaye nnonthimicha Nlhuku, ulha nttenga wo noopo ulha uhowiihiya uwanihu! 27 Ukhalhawaya attu o Uyerusalemu ni aholhelhi aya khayanchuwenlhe wiira Yoyo phi Moopolhi, mena khayaachuwenlhe malhove a anamilhohi anoshomiya kila Nihuku no Wiittuwa. Ata chiicho yahopanga malhove a anamilhohi atimire wo unhukumulha Yesu wiiviya. 28 Inakhalhaka khayaapantte nlhatu uriyoothe waaphwanenlhe umwiiva, yahaavekelha Napilato wiira anhukumulhe Yesu eeviye. 29 Vaamalhinhe aya upanga thoko chilhepiye ni Malhove Matakatifu chimwaaka, ahonkurusha vansalaabani, nkayamweesha nnihiyeni. 30 Nansho Nlhuku ahonhihimusha nnookhwani, 31 ni wo mahuku menchi ahaakhumelhelha attu aattukanne awe ukhuma Ugalilaya mpaka Uyerusalemu. Ni yayo vano phi nohimiechesha wa attu o Israeli. 32 Ni hii nihowa vaa niuhimiachereni mwaatti Malhove Orera, Nlhuku aalhehire awe manyaapwiiya ihu wiira, 33 Nlhuku nowaapangelha, anipangelhaka vano hii nirii iyari aya wo unhihimusha Yesu muukumini. Thoko malhove o izaburi yo nayelhi chineera aya,‘Uweva phi Mwaamwanaka, lhelho mii phi Athumwana.’ 34 Nlhuku enre cho vachulhu mwaha wo unhihimusha, wiira khanonta umahiyeni,‘Kinouvaha nnema wo utakatifu wo ukhulhuvelhiya kaalhenhe aka Adaudi.’ 35 Tho nlhako nkina wo izaburi uneera,‘Nlhuku khannonhiya karumiya awe matakatifu ontilhe umahiyeni.’ 36 Ulha nohimiya ulha kahiwe Adaudi. Ukhalhawaya Adaudi ahotimiriha ntheko wo mattunelho a Nlhuku wo ikatema aya, nkayaarimeelha ni uvithiya wo waatamana ni manyaapwiiya aya, iruttu aya nkayonta nnihiyeni. 37 Nansho uyo Yesu aahihimushiye ni Nlhuku uyo, khontilhe. 38 “Paahi etu ashilhoko aka nchuwelheke wiira, wo iphiro awe Yesu uyo, nttenga unolhehera uhiyereriya uwonya unoohimiachiya uwaninyu vano. 39 Ntu riyoothe nonrumelhelha Yesu, noohiyereriya milhatu chawe chonkhaye, ittu yahooriya upangiya ni Malhehero a ashinna Musa. 40 Mwiishungeke etu, nhiwe mwaawulhuwelha mwaahimiye ni anamilhohi a Nlhuku. 41 ‘Mwiiwelhelheke inyu mwaatti o nihambu va.Nshangeke ni upotera!Ukhalhawaya ittu kinopanga aka lhelho ilha,phi ittu ihinorumelhelha inyu, ata mwanahimeriyaka chani!’ ” 42 Napaolo ni Nabanaba vaakhuma aya nnupani mwo lhapelha mmo, yaholhalheiya wiira awe tho Nihuku no Wiittuwa naattwara, awe aahimiachera attu chinene yoyo mwaha uyo. 43 Nkutaano vaamanlhe aya wi inupa yo unlhapelha Nlhuku, nkutiro wa Ayahudi enchi ni attu ahiri Ayahudi yeettuchilhe idini ya Ayahudi, yahaattwara Napaolo ni Nabanaba. Akarumiya nkayaarerihana ni waahelha nrima wiira athepeke ukhalha akhulhuvelhelhaka nnema wa Nlhuku. 44 Nihuku no Wiittuwa naatwara, kila ntu o iwani iyo ahowa wiiwelhelha nlhove na Athithi. 45 Ayahudi vonne aya nlhoko wa attu, nkayaakelhiya ihache, nkayaavinga malhove olhumachiya ni Napaolo nkayaaruwana. 46 Nansho inakhalhaka chiicho etu, Napaolo ni Nabanaba yahoolhumacha wo machiri chinene, eeraka, “Nhochuwelha wiira yaari lazima nlhove na Nlhuku nichokholheke uhimiachiya uwaninyu mwaatti, nansho ukhalhawaya mwahokhota mwiichonaka wiira khamphwanelhiye ukumi wo uhimalha, ninouhiyani ni urwaa wa attu ahiri Ayahudi. 47 Ukhalhawaya Athithi ahonilhehera wiira,‘Kihoweeshani inyuva ukhalha nthuko wa ahiri Ayahudi, wiira attu oopolhiye velhaponi voothe.’ ” 48 Attu ahiri Ayahudi veewilhe aya yahoteelhiya, nkayaatotopelha wiira nlhove na Athithi noombone, ni attu yaathanlhiye upatta ukumi wo uhimalha, nkayaarumelhelha. 49 Nlhove ni Athithi nkanaawanelha mwonkhaye velhaponi vawo. 50 Nansho Aholhelhi a Ayahudi yahaahelha ichimwa manyopani o nhakhu ahiri Ayahudi yanthimicha Nlhuku ni manyaalhopwana ochuwania o yeyo iwani iyo. Nkayaachokholha waatwarusha Napaolo ni Nabanaba, nkayoomolhacha athame vawani vawo. 51 Paahi etu, akarumiya nkayaakukuttacha ntukurukhu nnyaani mwaya ikhalhaka iphiro yo waamuka, nkayaathamacha nkayaarwaa Uikoniyo. 52 Owiittucha o Uantiokiya yaari anachariye mpuha ni Iphumu ya Nlhuku.

In Other Versions

Acts 13 in the ANGEFD

Acts 13 in the ANTPNG2D

Acts 13 in the AS21

Acts 13 in the BAGH

Acts 13 in the BBPNG

Acts 13 in the BBT1E

Acts 13 in the BDS

Acts 13 in the BEV

Acts 13 in the BHAD

Acts 13 in the BIB

Acts 13 in the BLPT

Acts 13 in the BNT

Acts 13 in the BNTABOOT

Acts 13 in the BNTLV

Acts 13 in the BOATCB

Acts 13 in the BOATCB2

Acts 13 in the BOBCV

Acts 13 in the BOCNT

Acts 13 in the BOECS

Acts 13 in the BOGWICC

Acts 13 in the BOHCB

Acts 13 in the BOHCV

Acts 13 in the BOHLNT

Acts 13 in the BOHNTLTAL

Acts 13 in the BOICB

Acts 13 in the BOILNTAP

Acts 13 in the BOITCV

Acts 13 in the BOKCV

Acts 13 in the BOKCV2

Acts 13 in the BOKHWOG

Acts 13 in the BOKSSV

Acts 13 in the BOLCB

Acts 13 in the BOLCB2

Acts 13 in the BOMCV

Acts 13 in the BONAV

Acts 13 in the BONCB

Acts 13 in the BONLT

Acts 13 in the BONUT2

Acts 13 in the BOPLNT

Acts 13 in the BOSCB

Acts 13 in the BOSNC

Acts 13 in the BOTLNT

Acts 13 in the BOVCB

Acts 13 in the BOYCB

Acts 13 in the BPBB

Acts 13 in the BPH

Acts 13 in the BSB

Acts 13 in the CCB

Acts 13 in the CUV

Acts 13 in the CUVS

Acts 13 in the DBT

Acts 13 in the DGDNT

Acts 13 in the DHNT

Acts 13 in the DNT

Acts 13 in the ELBE

Acts 13 in the EMTV

Acts 13 in the ESV

Acts 13 in the FBV

Acts 13 in the FEB

Acts 13 in the GGMNT

Acts 13 in the GNT

Acts 13 in the HARY

Acts 13 in the HNT

Acts 13 in the IRVA

Acts 13 in the IRVB

Acts 13 in the IRVG

Acts 13 in the IRVH

Acts 13 in the IRVK

Acts 13 in the IRVM

Acts 13 in the IRVM2

Acts 13 in the IRVO

Acts 13 in the IRVP

Acts 13 in the IRVT

Acts 13 in the IRVT2

Acts 13 in the IRVU

Acts 13 in the ISVN

Acts 13 in the JSNT

Acts 13 in the KAPI

Acts 13 in the KBT1ETNIK

Acts 13 in the KBV

Acts 13 in the KJV

Acts 13 in the KNFD

Acts 13 in the LBA

Acts 13 in the LBLA

Acts 13 in the LNT

Acts 13 in the LSV

Acts 13 in the MAAL

Acts 13 in the MBV

Acts 13 in the MBV2

Acts 13 in the MHNT

Acts 13 in the MKNFD

Acts 13 in the MNG

Acts 13 in the MNT

Acts 13 in the MRS1T

Acts 13 in the NAA

Acts 13 in the NASB

Acts 13 in the NBLA

Acts 13 in the NBS

Acts 13 in the NBVTP

Acts 13 in the NET2

Acts 13 in the NIV11

Acts 13 in the NNT

Acts 13 in the NNT2

Acts 13 in the NNT3

Acts 13 in the PDDPT

Acts 13 in the PFNT

Acts 13 in the RMNT

Acts 13 in the SBIAS

Acts 13 in the SBIBS

Acts 13 in the SBIBS2

Acts 13 in the SBICS

Acts 13 in the SBIDS

Acts 13 in the SBIGS

Acts 13 in the SBIHS

Acts 13 in the SBIIS

Acts 13 in the SBIIS2

Acts 13 in the SBIIS3

Acts 13 in the SBIKS

Acts 13 in the SBIKS2

Acts 13 in the SBIMS

Acts 13 in the SBIOS

Acts 13 in the SBIPS

Acts 13 in the SBISS

Acts 13 in the SBITS

Acts 13 in the SBITS2

Acts 13 in the SBITS3

Acts 13 in the SBITS4

Acts 13 in the SBIUS

Acts 13 in the SBIVS

Acts 13 in the SBT

Acts 13 in the SBT1E

Acts 13 in the SCHL

Acts 13 in the SNT

Acts 13 in the SUSU

Acts 13 in the SUSU2

Acts 13 in the SYNO

Acts 13 in the TBIAOTANT

Acts 13 in the TBT1E

Acts 13 in the TBT1E2

Acts 13 in the TFTIP

Acts 13 in the TFTU

Acts 13 in the TGNTATF3T

Acts 13 in the THAI

Acts 13 in the TNFD

Acts 13 in the TNT

Acts 13 in the TNTIK

Acts 13 in the TNTIL

Acts 13 in the TNTIN

Acts 13 in the TNTIP

Acts 13 in the TNTIZ

Acts 13 in the TOMA

Acts 13 in the TTENT

Acts 13 in the UBG

Acts 13 in the UGV

Acts 13 in the UGV2

Acts 13 in the UGV3

Acts 13 in the VBL

Acts 13 in the VDCC

Acts 13 in the YALU

Acts 13 in the YAPE

Acts 13 in the YBVTP

Acts 13 in the ZBP