Jeremiah 13 (FBV)
1 This is what the Lord told me to do: Go and buy yourself a linen loincloth and put it on, but don't wash it. 2 So I went and bought a loincloth as the Lord had instructed me, and I put it on. 3 Then the Lord gave me another message: 4 Take the loincloth that you bought and put on, and go immediately to the River Perath and hide it there in a hole among the rocks. 5 So I went and hid it at the River Perath, as the Lord had told me. 6 A long time later the Lord told me, Go to Perath, and get the loincloth that I ordered you to hide there. 7 I went to Perath and dug up the loincloth, and removed it from where I'd hidden it. Obviously it was ruined—completely useless. 8 Then a message from the Lord came to me: 9 This is what the Lord says: I will ruin the arrogance of Judah and the great arrogance of Jerusalem in exactly the same way. 10 These evil people refuse to listen to what I tell them. They follow their own stubborn and evil thinking and run off to worship other gods—they will be like this loincloth, completely useless. 11 In the same way that a loincloth holds tightly to the body, so I made all the people of Israel and Judah hold tightly to me, declares the Lord. Then they could have been my people, representing me, giving me honor and praise. But they refused to listen. 12 So tell them this is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: Every wine jar shall be filled with wine.When they reply, “Don't we know that already? Of course every wine jar should be filled with wine!” 13 then tell them that this is what the Lord says: I'm going to make everyone who lives in this land drunk—the kings sitting on David's throne, the priests, the prophets, and all the people of Jerusalem. 14 I'm going to smash them against each other like wine jars, both parents and children, declares the Lord. I won't let any mercy or pity or compassion stop me from destroying them. 15 Listen and pay attention. Don't be arrogant, for the Lord has spoken. 16 Honor the Lord your God before he brings the darkness, before you trip and fall in the twilight on the mountains. You long for light to come, but he sends only gloom and complete darkness. 17 But if you refuse to listen, I will weep secretly inside because of your pride. My tears pour down because the Lord's flock has been captured. 18 Tell the king and the queen mother: Get down from your thrones, because your splendid crowns have fallen from your heads. 19 The towns in the Negev are surrounded; no one can get through to them. The whole of Judah has been taken away into exile, everyone has been exiled. 20 Look up and you'll see the invaders coming from the north. Where is the flock that was given to you to look after? Where are the sheep you were so proud of? 21 What are you going to say when he puts your enemies in charge of you, people you once counted as your friends? Won't you suffer pains like a woman in labor? 22 If you say to yourself, Why has this happened to me? it's because you have been so wicked. That's why your skirts were stripped off and you were raped. 23 Can Ethiopians change the color of their skin? Can a leopard change its spots? In the same way you can't change and do good because you're so used to doing evil. 24 I'm going to scatter you like chaff blown away by the desert wind. 25 This is what's going to happen to you; this is what I have decided to do to you, declares the Lord, because you have forgotten me and believed in lies. 26 I will pull your skirts up over your face, so you will be seen naked and ashamed. 27 I watched your acts of adultery and lust, how you prostituted yourselves shamelessly, worshipping idols on the hills and in the fields. Yes, I saw the disgusting things you did.Disaster is coming to you, Jerusalem! How long are you going to remain unclean?
In Other Versions
Jeremiah 13 in the ANGEFD
Jeremiah 13 in the ANTPNG2D
Jeremiah 13 in the AS21
Jeremiah 13 in the BAGH
Jeremiah 13 in the BBPNG
Jeremiah 13 in the BBT1E
Jeremiah 13 in the BDS
Jeremiah 13 in the BEV
Jeremiah 13 in the BHAD
Jeremiah 13 in the BIB
Jeremiah 13 in the BLPT
Jeremiah 13 in the BNT
Jeremiah 13 in the BNTABOOT
Jeremiah 13 in the BNTLV
Jeremiah 13 in the BOATCB
Jeremiah 13 in the BOATCB2
Jeremiah 13 in the BOBCV
Jeremiah 13 in the BOCNT
Jeremiah 13 in the BOECS
Jeremiah 13 in the BOGWICC
Jeremiah 13 in the BOHCB
Jeremiah 13 in the BOHCV
Jeremiah 13 in the BOHLNT
Jeremiah 13 in the BOHNTLTAL
Jeremiah 13 in the BOICB
Jeremiah 13 in the BOILNTAP
Jeremiah 13 in the BOITCV
Jeremiah 13 in the BOKCV
Jeremiah 13 in the BOKCV2
Jeremiah 13 in the BOKHWOG
Jeremiah 13 in the BOKSSV
Jeremiah 13 in the BOLCB
Jeremiah 13 in the BOLCB2
Jeremiah 13 in the BOMCV
Jeremiah 13 in the BONAV
Jeremiah 13 in the BONCB
Jeremiah 13 in the BONLT
Jeremiah 13 in the BONUT2
Jeremiah 13 in the BOPLNT
Jeremiah 13 in the BOSCB
Jeremiah 13 in the BOSNC
Jeremiah 13 in the BOTLNT
Jeremiah 13 in the BOVCB
Jeremiah 13 in the BOYCB
Jeremiah 13 in the BPBB
Jeremiah 13 in the BPH
Jeremiah 13 in the BSB
Jeremiah 13 in the CCB
Jeremiah 13 in the CUV
Jeremiah 13 in the CUVS
Jeremiah 13 in the DBT
Jeremiah 13 in the DGDNT
Jeremiah 13 in the DHNT
Jeremiah 13 in the DNT
Jeremiah 13 in the ELBE
Jeremiah 13 in the EMTV
Jeremiah 13 in the ESV
Jeremiah 13 in the FEB
Jeremiah 13 in the GGMNT
Jeremiah 13 in the GNT
Jeremiah 13 in the HARY
Jeremiah 13 in the HNT
Jeremiah 13 in the IRVA
Jeremiah 13 in the IRVB
Jeremiah 13 in the IRVG
Jeremiah 13 in the IRVH
Jeremiah 13 in the IRVK
Jeremiah 13 in the IRVM
Jeremiah 13 in the IRVM2
Jeremiah 13 in the IRVO
Jeremiah 13 in the IRVP
Jeremiah 13 in the IRVT
Jeremiah 13 in the IRVT2
Jeremiah 13 in the IRVU
Jeremiah 13 in the ISVN
Jeremiah 13 in the JSNT
Jeremiah 13 in the KAPI
Jeremiah 13 in the KBT1ETNIK
Jeremiah 13 in the KBV
Jeremiah 13 in the KJV
Jeremiah 13 in the KNFD
Jeremiah 13 in the LBA
Jeremiah 13 in the LBLA
Jeremiah 13 in the LNT
Jeremiah 13 in the LSV
Jeremiah 13 in the MAAL
Jeremiah 13 in the MBV
Jeremiah 13 in the MBV2
Jeremiah 13 in the MHNT
Jeremiah 13 in the MKNFD
Jeremiah 13 in the MNG
Jeremiah 13 in the MNT
Jeremiah 13 in the MNT2
Jeremiah 13 in the MRS1T
Jeremiah 13 in the NAA
Jeremiah 13 in the NASB
Jeremiah 13 in the NBLA
Jeremiah 13 in the NBS
Jeremiah 13 in the NBVTP
Jeremiah 13 in the NET2
Jeremiah 13 in the NIV11
Jeremiah 13 in the NNT
Jeremiah 13 in the NNT2
Jeremiah 13 in the NNT3
Jeremiah 13 in the PDDPT
Jeremiah 13 in the PFNT
Jeremiah 13 in the RMNT
Jeremiah 13 in the SBIAS
Jeremiah 13 in the SBIBS
Jeremiah 13 in the SBIBS2
Jeremiah 13 in the SBICS
Jeremiah 13 in the SBIDS
Jeremiah 13 in the SBIGS
Jeremiah 13 in the SBIHS
Jeremiah 13 in the SBIIS
Jeremiah 13 in the SBIIS2
Jeremiah 13 in the SBIIS3
Jeremiah 13 in the SBIKS
Jeremiah 13 in the SBIKS2
Jeremiah 13 in the SBIMS
Jeremiah 13 in the SBIOS
Jeremiah 13 in the SBIPS
Jeremiah 13 in the SBISS
Jeremiah 13 in the SBITS
Jeremiah 13 in the SBITS2
Jeremiah 13 in the SBITS3
Jeremiah 13 in the SBITS4
Jeremiah 13 in the SBIUS
Jeremiah 13 in the SBIVS
Jeremiah 13 in the SBT
Jeremiah 13 in the SBT1E
Jeremiah 13 in the SCHL
Jeremiah 13 in the SNT
Jeremiah 13 in the SUSU
Jeremiah 13 in the SUSU2
Jeremiah 13 in the SYNO
Jeremiah 13 in the TBIAOTANT
Jeremiah 13 in the TBT1E
Jeremiah 13 in the TBT1E2
Jeremiah 13 in the TFTIP
Jeremiah 13 in the TFTU
Jeremiah 13 in the TGNTATF3T
Jeremiah 13 in the THAI
Jeremiah 13 in the TNFD
Jeremiah 13 in the TNT
Jeremiah 13 in the TNTIK
Jeremiah 13 in the TNTIL
Jeremiah 13 in the TNTIN
Jeremiah 13 in the TNTIP
Jeremiah 13 in the TNTIZ
Jeremiah 13 in the TOMA
Jeremiah 13 in the TTENT
Jeremiah 13 in the UBG
Jeremiah 13 in the UGV
Jeremiah 13 in the UGV2
Jeremiah 13 in the UGV3
Jeremiah 13 in the VBL
Jeremiah 13 in the VDCC
Jeremiah 13 in the YALU
Jeremiah 13 in the YAPE
Jeremiah 13 in the YBVTP
Jeremiah 13 in the ZBP