Galatians 3 (GNT)
1 Hinttenoo, akeeki baynna Galaatiya asato, hintte ayfiyaa sinthan Kiristtoosi masqale bolla kaqettida misileda qonccidi benttees. Yaatin, tumaas hintte kiitettonna mela hinttena bitiday oonee? 2 Ta issibaa eranaw koyays; hintte Geeshsha Ayyaana ekkiday higge naagidiyye woykko hintte si7ida Wonggelaa ammanidi ekkideti? 3 Hintte hessa mela eeye? Hintte Xoossaa Ayyaanan doomidi, ha77i wolqqan polanaw koyeetii? 4 Hintte Wonggelaa gaason daro waayettiday melee? He waaye ubbay coo gididee? 5 Xoossay hinttew Geeshsha Ayyaana immeynne hintte giddon malaatata oothey, hintte higge naagida gishoyye woykko Wonggelaa si7idi ammanida gisho? 6 Ane Abrahaame be7ite, “I Xoossaa ammanis; Xoossay iyaw hessa xillotethi oothidi ekkis” geetettidi xaafettis. 7 Hiza, ammaneyssati Abrahaame nayta gideyssa erite. 8 Xoossay Ayhude gidonna asaa ammanon xillisanayssa Geeshsha Maxaafay be7idi, “Kawotetha ubbay nenan anjjettana” yaagidi, Wonggelaa Abrahames kasetidi odis. 9 Hessa gisho, ammaniyaa ubbay ammanida Abrahamera issife anjjettidosona. 10 Higge naagidi xillana giya oonikka qanggettidayssa. Ays giikko, Geeshsha Maxaafan, “Higge maxaafan xaafettida ubbaa naagonna oonikka qanggettidayssa gido” geetettidi xaafettis. 11 “Xilloy ammanon daana” geetettidi xaafettida gisho, oonikka Xoossaa sinthan higge naagidi xillonnayssi erettidabaa. 12 Higgey ammanon zemppenna. Shin, “Higgiya naagiya oonikka higgiyan de7on daana” yaagees. 13 “Mitha bolla kaqettidi hayqqiya oonikka qanggettidayssa” geetetti xaafettida gisho, Kiristtoosi nu gisho qanggettidayssa gididi, nuna higge qanggethafe wozis. 14 Xoossay Abrahames immida anjjoy, Yesuus Kiristtoosa baggara Ayhude gidonna asaa gakkana melanne Xoossay immana gida Geeshsha Ayyaana nuuni ammanon ekkana mela hessa oothis. 15 Ta ishato, ta hinttew asa de7on meeze gididi de7iyabaa leemiso oothada odays. Asi caaqqida caaqoy minnidaappe guye, oonikka he caaquwa shaaranaw woykko iya bolla haraa gujjanaw dandda7enna. 16 Xoossay he keeke qaalaa Abrahamesinne iya zerethaas immis. Geeshsha Maxaafay, daro asas odiyada, “Ne zerethatas” geenna. Shin issi asas odiyada, “Ne zerethaas” yaagees; ikka Kiristtoosa. 17 Taani gey hayssa; oyddu xeetanne hasttamu laythafe guye imettida higgey, koyro Xoossay minthida caaquwa shaaridi ufayssa qaala dhayssanaw dandda7enna. 18 Xoossay immiya laatay higgen ekettiyabaa gidiyakko Xoossay immida ufayssaa baggara gideyssi attees. Shin Xoossay ba aadho keehatethan laata Abrahames ufayssa qaala baggara immis. 19 Yaatin, higgey ays imettidee? Higgey imettiday, Abrahames ufayssa qaali imettida zerethay yaana gakkanaw iita oosoy aybeekko erisanaassa. Higgey kiitanchchota baggara imettidi, gido gididi sigethiya issi asa baggara ooso bolla pee7is. 20 Giddo gididi sigethiya uray issi asa xalaalas gidenna, shin Xoossay issino. 21 Yaatin, higgey Xoossaa ufayssa qaalara eqettiyye? Akkay, gidenna! Higgey imettiday asas de7o immanaw gidiyakko, xillotethi higge baggara benttanashin. 22 Shin Yesuus Kiristtoosa ammanin benttiya ufayssa qaalay ammaneyssatas imettana mela kumetha alamey nagaras haarettidi de7eyssa Geeshsha Maxaafay odees. 23 Shin ammanoy yaanappe kase higgey nuna qachchi wothis. He ammanoy qonccana gakkanaw higgey nu bolla gorddi wothis. 24 Hessa gisho, nuuni ammanon xillana mela Kiristtoosi yaana gakkanaw higgey na7a naagiya asa mela nuna naageyssa gidis. 25 Shin ha77i ammanoy yida gisho, higgey hizappe guye na7a naagiya asa mela nuna naageyssi attis. 26 Hintte ubbay Yesuus Kiristtoosa ammanidi Xoossaa nayta gidideta. 27 Kiristtoosara issino gidanaw xammaqettida ubbay Kiristtoosa ma7oda ma77ideta. 28 Hintte ubbay Kiristtoosan issino gidiya gisho, Ayhude asaa giddoninne Girike asaa giddon, aylle giddoninne womaanno giddon, adde giddoninne maccasa giddon dummatethi baawa. 29 Hiza, hintte Kiristtoosabaa gidikko hintte Abrahaame zare. Xoossaa ufayssa qaalada hintte laatteyssata.
In Other Versions
Galatians 3 in the ANGEFD
Galatians 3 in the ANTPNG2D
Galatians 3 in the AS21
Galatians 3 in the BAGH
Galatians 3 in the BBPNG
Galatians 3 in the BBT1E
Galatians 3 in the BDS
Galatians 3 in the BEV
Galatians 3 in the BHAD
Galatians 3 in the BIB
Galatians 3 in the BLPT
Galatians 3 in the BNT
Galatians 3 in the BNTABOOT
Galatians 3 in the BNTLV
Galatians 3 in the BOATCB
Galatians 3 in the BOATCB2
Galatians 3 in the BOBCV
Galatians 3 in the BOCNT
Galatians 3 in the BOECS
Galatians 3 in the BOGWICC
Galatians 3 in the BOHCB
Galatians 3 in the BOHCV
Galatians 3 in the BOHLNT
Galatians 3 in the BOHNTLTAL
Galatians 3 in the BOICB
Galatians 3 in the BOILNTAP
Galatians 3 in the BOITCV
Galatians 3 in the BOKCV
Galatians 3 in the BOKCV2
Galatians 3 in the BOKHWOG
Galatians 3 in the BOKSSV
Galatians 3 in the BOLCB
Galatians 3 in the BOLCB2
Galatians 3 in the BOMCV
Galatians 3 in the BONAV
Galatians 3 in the BONCB
Galatians 3 in the BONLT
Galatians 3 in the BONUT2
Galatians 3 in the BOPLNT
Galatians 3 in the BOSCB
Galatians 3 in the BOSNC
Galatians 3 in the BOTLNT
Galatians 3 in the BOVCB
Galatians 3 in the BOYCB
Galatians 3 in the BPBB
Galatians 3 in the BPH
Galatians 3 in the BSB
Galatians 3 in the CCB
Galatians 3 in the CUV
Galatians 3 in the CUVS
Galatians 3 in the DBT
Galatians 3 in the DGDNT
Galatians 3 in the DHNT
Galatians 3 in the DNT
Galatians 3 in the ELBE
Galatians 3 in the EMTV
Galatians 3 in the ESV
Galatians 3 in the FBV
Galatians 3 in the FEB
Galatians 3 in the GGMNT
Galatians 3 in the HARY
Galatians 3 in the HNT
Galatians 3 in the IRVA
Galatians 3 in the IRVB
Galatians 3 in the IRVG
Galatians 3 in the IRVH
Galatians 3 in the IRVK
Galatians 3 in the IRVM
Galatians 3 in the IRVM2
Galatians 3 in the IRVO
Galatians 3 in the IRVP
Galatians 3 in the IRVT
Galatians 3 in the IRVT2
Galatians 3 in the IRVU
Galatians 3 in the ISVN
Galatians 3 in the JSNT
Galatians 3 in the KAPI
Galatians 3 in the KBT1ETNIK
Galatians 3 in the KBV
Galatians 3 in the KJV
Galatians 3 in the KNFD
Galatians 3 in the LBA
Galatians 3 in the LBLA
Galatians 3 in the LNT
Galatians 3 in the LSV
Galatians 3 in the MAAL
Galatians 3 in the MBV
Galatians 3 in the MBV2
Galatians 3 in the MHNT
Galatians 3 in the MKNFD
Galatians 3 in the MNG
Galatians 3 in the MNT
Galatians 3 in the MNT2
Galatians 3 in the MRS1T
Galatians 3 in the NAA
Galatians 3 in the NASB
Galatians 3 in the NBLA
Galatians 3 in the NBS
Galatians 3 in the NBVTP
Galatians 3 in the NET2
Galatians 3 in the NIV11
Galatians 3 in the NNT
Galatians 3 in the NNT2
Galatians 3 in the NNT3
Galatians 3 in the PDDPT
Galatians 3 in the PFNT
Galatians 3 in the RMNT
Galatians 3 in the SBIAS
Galatians 3 in the SBIBS
Galatians 3 in the SBIBS2
Galatians 3 in the SBICS
Galatians 3 in the SBIDS
Galatians 3 in the SBIGS
Galatians 3 in the SBIHS
Galatians 3 in the SBIIS
Galatians 3 in the SBIIS2
Galatians 3 in the SBIIS3
Galatians 3 in the SBIKS
Galatians 3 in the SBIKS2
Galatians 3 in the SBIMS
Galatians 3 in the SBIOS
Galatians 3 in the SBIPS
Galatians 3 in the SBISS
Galatians 3 in the SBITS
Galatians 3 in the SBITS2
Galatians 3 in the SBITS3
Galatians 3 in the SBITS4
Galatians 3 in the SBIUS
Galatians 3 in the SBIVS
Galatians 3 in the SBT
Galatians 3 in the SBT1E
Galatians 3 in the SCHL
Galatians 3 in the SNT
Galatians 3 in the SUSU
Galatians 3 in the SUSU2
Galatians 3 in the SYNO
Galatians 3 in the TBIAOTANT
Galatians 3 in the TBT1E
Galatians 3 in the TBT1E2
Galatians 3 in the TFTIP
Galatians 3 in the TFTU
Galatians 3 in the TGNTATF3T
Galatians 3 in the THAI
Galatians 3 in the TNFD
Galatians 3 in the TNT
Galatians 3 in the TNTIK
Galatians 3 in the TNTIL
Galatians 3 in the TNTIN
Galatians 3 in the TNTIP
Galatians 3 in the TNTIZ
Galatians 3 in the TOMA
Galatians 3 in the TTENT
Galatians 3 in the UBG
Galatians 3 in the UGV
Galatians 3 in the UGV2
Galatians 3 in the UGV3
Galatians 3 in the VBL
Galatians 3 in the VDCC
Galatians 3 in the YALU
Galatians 3 in the YAPE
Galatians 3 in the YBVTP
Galatians 3 in the ZBP