Matthew 20 (KNFD)

1 Zisas mba bunin mbe nzua vov khaŋ mbe nzuai, “Guma Hevenan Fhe Bakɨme piin kɨr za mbui tɨv khaŋ muuŋgi. Guma mbe wain mɨna bakɨme ki. Ana tuga mben manera ra ndav shɨgɨra thagim, ana khavgiap, vov won wain mɨnan ŋgarɨrga gumgi ndiv garav, mbe ndi. 2 Ana mbe ndiga zim, mba ŋaara gumgi, mbe mba raar ŋgargip, mba raa khɨnan vheza ndirga ne vuzvugim, mba mɨna namkam mbara mbe sarigim, mbe ana wain mɨnan ŋgarɨ zav vui. 3 Ana mbe sarigi, mbe vergim, mba mɨna namkam kav kim, ra nda vov saaŋgiap 9 kirok ndigim, mba mɨna namkam vov garim, gumgi mbari mbe fhura mbe phogi ga vhui ŋanan thivgiap ki. 4 Ana mbaram khaŋ mbe nzuai, ‘Nde vhɨra ŋgɨp, na wain mɨnan ŋgarɨrim, gu nde ŋgari ŋaara tugɨra tɨgɨp nde vhezɨrga.’ 5 Ana maaŋ mbe suaŋgim, mbe vhɨra vui. Mbe vegim, ra ndav phɨɨŋ ndigap, vera vov phuni khegene ndim, mba mɨna namkam mba tɨvara mbe muuŋgi. 6 “Mba mɨna namkam kav kim, ra vera vov meeŋ ndim, ana ŋkotuguraagen, ana vov gumgi mbari gari, mbe fhura thivgia ki. Ana mbara mben nzarigi, ‘Nde ram muuŋgiap kha raar fhura thivgiap kim, kha ra vera vov vhɨzgi?’ 7 Mbe ana ŋgarkarav khaŋ nzuai, ‘Nza guma the ŋaarar nza nɨɨŋgi fhuvara.’ Mba mɨna namkam khaŋ mbe nzuai, ‘Nde vhɨra ŋgɨp na wain mɨnan ŋgarɨri.’ 8 “Mba raan ra verav vhɨzgim, mba mɨna namkam mbara wo ŋaara gari mpiiŋsɨga kamgiap khaŋ ana nzuai, ‘Ndu mba ŋaara gumgir kamgirim, mbe zɨrim, nde vhezar mben nɨɨŋ. Ndu fharav mba zɨn zegi ŋaara gumgir vhezar mben nɨɨŋv ŋgɨv, mba fharav zegi ŋaara gumgir nɨɨŋri.’ 9 Mba zumgum ra vera vov mpora ndim, zav ŋaara ndiga ŋgari ŋaara gumgi, mbe zav mba raar ŋgarigi vhez ndi. 10 Mbe won vheza ndim, mba fhara manera ŋaara ndigi ŋaara gumgi, mbe khueŋ ndɨkndɨgi, mbe zɨv mba ŋkotuguraagen ŋaara ndigi gumgi kambara vhez ndigirga. Mbe mba ndɨkndɨga mbui, ne fhuvara. Mbe zav, mbe vhɨra mba raar ŋgarigi ŋaara tugara tɨgav vheza ndigi. 11 Mbe maaŋ muuŋgiap, ndigap, mbe ne nzuav mba mɨna namkama vhegi. 12 Mbe ana vhegap khaŋ ana nzuai, ‘Kha gumgi, mbe nza zɨn zegap ŋgargi. Mbe aua bavira ŋgargi, ndu nza vhezi vhezara mbe nɨɨŋgi. Nza guigira ŋaara bakɨme muuŋgi, nza manera khavgia zav ŋgarav kim, ra guigira nza tuegi.’ 13 “Mba mɨna namkam mbe nzuai kameŋ mbararagiap, ne ŋgarkarav khaŋ mba ŋgarigi ŋaara guma mbe nzuai, ‘Nan kɨvntok, gu tɨva mbatɨga muuŋgi fhuvara. Ndu mbarara! Ŋka fharav wani tɨgap mba vheza tha ndi tɨgap, khaŋ wani ga suaŋgi, Raa bavira vhezra! Ŋka wani ga suaŋgiap wani ŋgari. Ee, fhuve? 14 Ndu won vheza ndigip ŋgɨri! Gu wo vuzvugara, gu ndu ndɨɨ vhezra, gu mba zɨn zegap ŋgarigi gumgi gu mba vhezar mbe nɨɨŋgi. 15 Ana na bigɨn ma. Ee, gu wo vuzvuga zɨn ŋgɨp won ŋkɨɨa shɨgɨp nden nɨɨnga fhuve? Ee, gu maaŋ muuŋgip tɨvar vhuun mba gumgir muunga, ndu thaaŋ nzuav, ndav shigi?’ ” 16 Zisas ne nzuav khaŋ nzuai, “Mba tɨvara, ntige zɨ bisaneŋ ki gumgi, mbe zɨ bakɨme kɨrga. Mba ntigem zɨn ki gumgi, mbe zumgum fhararga, mba fharigi gumgi, mbe zɨn kɨrga.” 17 Zisas mba bunin mbe suaŋgiap, khavgiap Zerusareman ndai. Mbe ndav ana wo phorga rui 12 thɨgi gumgira kov mbe phogia ŋana muen vov, Zisas khaŋ mbe nzuai, 18 “Nde mbarara! Nza ntigem, Zerusareman ndai. Nza naanga, mbe Fhe Bakɨmen Guma Guara ndiv, Fhe Bakɨme rotu gari gumgir pani gum Zudaiŋ tɨvi vhuuiŋ kaŋgi gumgi farve khɨngirga. Mbe ana ndiv mbe farve khɨngirim, mbe ana suaŋv kama shogip, ana shogirim, ana rimgirga. 19 Mbe ana ndi harigi fhaiŋ gumgir farve khɨngirim, mbe ana sɨɨŋv, phivɨgar ana kharɨv, ana ndiv khanarareŋ ga tɨgɨp fugɨrga. Ana rimgip ra phuni vhɨzgirga, ana khegenen taagip khavgirga.” 20 Zumgum, Sebedin muuŋ won kamanin kov Zisas han zi. Mbe zav thɨpanani phɨrgiap bigɨn mueŋ nzuav Zisasan nzan zav mbui. 21 Zisas mbaram kha nzambarar ana muuŋgi, “Ndu thagɨna vuzvugi?” Mba mbik mbara khaŋ Zisas ga nzuai, “Gu khueŋ vuzvugi, ndu khaŋ nan kamani ga suanga, mani ndu ŋgui vhɨrve gari guman pan kɨrim, mani the ndun guva haren perarga, the ndu ŋkɨn haren perarga.” 22 Ana ne nzuaim, Zisas ana mbararagiap ana ŋgarkarav khaŋ nzuai, “Nde mba bigeŋ nde tuituigiap ne kaŋgiap ne ga nzuav nan nzai fhuvara. Ee, ŋko gu mbɨrga mbɨ khɨnigeŋ ŋko niŋgen mbegɨrie?” Ana ne nzuaim, mani ana ŋgarkarav khaŋ nzuai, “Ŋka tuktɨgi.” 23 Mani ne nzuaim, Zisas ne mbararagiap, khaŋ mani ga nzuai, “Ŋko guigira gu mbɨrga mbɨ khɨnigen mbɨrga. Ŋko mba the nan guva haren pigɨrga, the nan ŋkɨn haren pigɨrga ne, ne na bigeŋ fhuvara. Gu mba ŋanenin pigɨrga gumgi ndi fɨrga tuktɨgi fhuvara. Mba mpirmpirɨganin pigɨrga gumgi, nan Ndia mba gumgi kaŋgiap, ana mbe ndi fegi mpirmpirɨgani ma.” 24 Zisas maaŋ mani ga nzuaim, mba Zisas phorga rui phɨk thɨgi gumgi ne mbararagiap, mbe mba bigeŋ ga nzuav mba fek gu ŋguga vhegi. 25 Zisas mbe hiav mben kamgim, mbe zim, ana khaŋ nzuai, “Nde kaŋgi, harigi ŋgui vhɨrve gari gumgir pani, mbe guigira wo ntɨɨri gari. Mben gumgir pani khaŋ tɨgap wari wo piin kɨv wo buni zɨn ŋgɨr zav wari won gumgi gu mbigi ga nzuai. 26 Nde mba tɨv, nden ki thari. Nde rɨgar, nde the zɨ bakɨme kɨr saŋv, ana za nden ŋaara guma kɨri. 27 Gu nde rɨgar zɨ kɨr saŋv ana fhura nden ŋaara guma kɨri. 28 Mba tɨvara Fhe Bakɨme Guma Guar, ana gumgi ana kurkura zav ana zɨgi fhuvara. Ana mben kurkurav zav zɨgi. Ana mben kurkura, mbe suaŋv won tuma fekhɨngip, rimgip, taagip gumgi gu mbigi vhɨrve ndir zav zergi.” 29 Zisas maaŋ kegap wo phorga rui gumgir kov, mbe Zeriko ŋgu bakɨme thav wari vui. Mbe vuim, gumgi gu mbigi vhɨrvera Zisas zɨn vui. 30 Mbe vuim, guma phunini, mani tuav gaa ga perav ki. Mani vhɨra rɨmani mbatɨgi. Mani perav kav Zisas mbararagim, ana zim, mani khɨrɨp kaav khaŋ nzuai, “Guma Bakɨme, Devitan Kam, ndu ŋkan korar muuŋ.” 31 Mani kaav nzuaim, mba gumgi gu mbigi mani mbararagiap, khaŋ tɨgap thɨni pɨnɨn zav mani ga nzuai. Mbe mani ga nzuaim, mani khaŋ tɨgap khɨrɨv kaav khaŋ nzuai, “Guma Bakɨme, Devitan Kam, ndu ŋkan korar muuŋ.” 32 Mani maaŋ nzuaim, Zisas mbara thɨgap, manin kaav, khaŋ mani ga nzuai, “Ŋko vuzvugi, gu ram ŋkon muuŋrie?” 33 Mani ana ŋgarkarav khaŋ ana nzuai, “Guma Bakɨme, ŋka vuzvugi, ndu ŋkan rɨmanin muuŋgirim, ŋka ganɨnga.” 34 Mani maaŋ nzuaim, Zisas manin kora muuŋgi. Ana manin kora muuŋgiap, mbara won farven manin rɨmani khɨngim, manin rɨmani vhemkora nzerigim, mani bigi gari. Manin rɨmani nzerigim, mani mbara Zisas phorga vui.

In Other Versions

Matthew 20 in the ANGEFD

Matthew 20 in the ANTPNG2D

Matthew 20 in the AS21

Matthew 20 in the BAGH

Matthew 20 in the BBPNG

Matthew 20 in the BBT1E

Matthew 20 in the BDS

Matthew 20 in the BEV

Matthew 20 in the BHAD

Matthew 20 in the BIB

Matthew 20 in the BLPT

Matthew 20 in the BNT

Matthew 20 in the BNTABOOT

Matthew 20 in the BNTLV

Matthew 20 in the BOATCB

Matthew 20 in the BOATCB2

Matthew 20 in the BOBCV

Matthew 20 in the BOCNT

Matthew 20 in the BOECS

Matthew 20 in the BOGWICC

Matthew 20 in the BOHCB

Matthew 20 in the BOHCV

Matthew 20 in the BOHLNT

Matthew 20 in the BOHNTLTAL

Matthew 20 in the BOICB

Matthew 20 in the BOILNTAP

Matthew 20 in the BOITCV

Matthew 20 in the BOKCV

Matthew 20 in the BOKCV2

Matthew 20 in the BOKHWOG

Matthew 20 in the BOKSSV

Matthew 20 in the BOLCB

Matthew 20 in the BOLCB2

Matthew 20 in the BOMCV

Matthew 20 in the BONAV

Matthew 20 in the BONCB

Matthew 20 in the BONLT

Matthew 20 in the BONUT2

Matthew 20 in the BOPLNT

Matthew 20 in the BOSCB

Matthew 20 in the BOSNC

Matthew 20 in the BOTLNT

Matthew 20 in the BOVCB

Matthew 20 in the BOYCB

Matthew 20 in the BPBB

Matthew 20 in the BPH

Matthew 20 in the BSB

Matthew 20 in the CCB

Matthew 20 in the CUV

Matthew 20 in the CUVS

Matthew 20 in the DBT

Matthew 20 in the DGDNT

Matthew 20 in the DHNT

Matthew 20 in the DNT

Matthew 20 in the ELBE

Matthew 20 in the EMTV

Matthew 20 in the ESV

Matthew 20 in the FBV

Matthew 20 in the FEB

Matthew 20 in the GGMNT

Matthew 20 in the GNT

Matthew 20 in the HARY

Matthew 20 in the HNT

Matthew 20 in the IRVA

Matthew 20 in the IRVB

Matthew 20 in the IRVG

Matthew 20 in the IRVH

Matthew 20 in the IRVK

Matthew 20 in the IRVM

Matthew 20 in the IRVM2

Matthew 20 in the IRVO

Matthew 20 in the IRVP

Matthew 20 in the IRVT

Matthew 20 in the IRVT2

Matthew 20 in the IRVU

Matthew 20 in the ISVN

Matthew 20 in the JSNT

Matthew 20 in the KAPI

Matthew 20 in the KBT1ETNIK

Matthew 20 in the KBV

Matthew 20 in the KJV

Matthew 20 in the LBA

Matthew 20 in the LBLA

Matthew 20 in the LNT

Matthew 20 in the LSV

Matthew 20 in the MAAL

Matthew 20 in the MBV

Matthew 20 in the MBV2

Matthew 20 in the MHNT

Matthew 20 in the MKNFD

Matthew 20 in the MNG

Matthew 20 in the MNT

Matthew 20 in the MNT2

Matthew 20 in the MRS1T

Matthew 20 in the NAA

Matthew 20 in the NASB

Matthew 20 in the NBLA

Matthew 20 in the NBS

Matthew 20 in the NBVTP

Matthew 20 in the NET2

Matthew 20 in the NIV11

Matthew 20 in the NNT

Matthew 20 in the NNT2

Matthew 20 in the NNT3

Matthew 20 in the PDDPT

Matthew 20 in the PFNT

Matthew 20 in the RMNT

Matthew 20 in the SBIAS

Matthew 20 in the SBIBS

Matthew 20 in the SBIBS2

Matthew 20 in the SBICS

Matthew 20 in the SBIDS

Matthew 20 in the SBIGS

Matthew 20 in the SBIHS

Matthew 20 in the SBIIS

Matthew 20 in the SBIIS2

Matthew 20 in the SBIIS3

Matthew 20 in the SBIKS

Matthew 20 in the SBIKS2

Matthew 20 in the SBIMS

Matthew 20 in the SBIOS

Matthew 20 in the SBIPS

Matthew 20 in the SBISS

Matthew 20 in the SBITS

Matthew 20 in the SBITS2

Matthew 20 in the SBITS3

Matthew 20 in the SBITS4

Matthew 20 in the SBIUS

Matthew 20 in the SBIVS

Matthew 20 in the SBT

Matthew 20 in the SBT1E

Matthew 20 in the SCHL

Matthew 20 in the SNT

Matthew 20 in the SUSU

Matthew 20 in the SUSU2

Matthew 20 in the SYNO

Matthew 20 in the TBIAOTANT

Matthew 20 in the TBT1E

Matthew 20 in the TBT1E2

Matthew 20 in the TFTIP

Matthew 20 in the TFTU

Matthew 20 in the TGNTATF3T

Matthew 20 in the THAI

Matthew 20 in the TNFD

Matthew 20 in the TNT

Matthew 20 in the TNTIK

Matthew 20 in the TNTIL

Matthew 20 in the TNTIN

Matthew 20 in the TNTIP

Matthew 20 in the TNTIZ

Matthew 20 in the TOMA

Matthew 20 in the TTENT

Matthew 20 in the UBG

Matthew 20 in the UGV

Matthew 20 in the UGV2

Matthew 20 in the UGV3

Matthew 20 in the VBL

Matthew 20 in the VDCC

Matthew 20 in the YALU

Matthew 20 in the YAPE

Matthew 20 in the YBVTP

Matthew 20 in the ZBP