Matthew 20 (TNFD)

1 Jisas takaw olap agak, God binɨb dɨl kɨlop kod yenɨgab ak, kesɨm debin awl tek gɨnɨgab agak. Bɨ wayn wog nap olap, bɨ ogɨnap am dad apen wog yad ak gɨlaŋ agɨl, man tɨkaknɨŋ tɨkjakɨl bɨ ogɨnap dɨnɨg amnɨgab agak. 2 Amɨl binɨb sɨkim jɨmñɨl gɨpal okok apjakɨl, bɨ ogɨnap pɨyow nɨŋɨd, nɨbop mani anɨgɨl tawnɨgayn agɨl, kɨli ayɨp takaw ag adek nokom lɨl, agyokek am wayn wog nop ak gɨ yenɨgabal agak. 3 Pen sub ak yep nab sɨŋak aplanɨgab won ak, binɨb sɨkim jɨmñɨl gɨpal okok jɨ tep amɨl nɨgɨnɨgab, bɨ ogɨnap sek yokɨp yenɨgabal agak. 4 Kɨlop nɨŋɨd anɨb agɨnɨgab, Nɨbi abe am wog yɨp ak gem, wog gɨnɨgabɨm tek, mani anɨb ak nɨbop ñɨnɨgayn agɨnɨgab agak. 5 Agek, am wog nop ak gɨ yenɨgabal agak. Pen subnab awl alaŋ won ak sek, sub kuyan gɨnɨgab won ak sek, ne binɨb sɨkim jɨmñɨl gɨpal okok jɨ tep amɨl, takaw anɨb ak nep agɨl, bɨ ogɨnap sek dek, wog nop ak gɨ yenɨgabal agak. 6 Pen sub saŋɨd amnɨgeb won ak, binɨb sɨkim jɨmñɨl gɨpal okok tepayaŋ amɨl nɨgɨnɨgab, bɨ ogɨnap sek ap yenɨgabal ak nɨm, kɨlop agɨnɨgab, Nɨbi taynen ñɨn awl wog ma gɨl, yokɨp yɨbɨl mɨdebɨm agɨnɨgab agak? 7 Agek nop agɨnɨgabal, Bɨ olap chɨnop wog olap ma ñub agɨnɨgabal agak. Agel agɨnɨgab, Nɨbi abe am wayn wog yɨp ak gɨnɨmɨb agɨnɨgab agak. 8 Pen dugep won ak, bɨawl ne bɨ wog kod mɨdep ne anop agɨnɨgab, Am bɨ wog yɨp gebal okok kɨlop age apel, bɨ kɨdek opal okok mani kɨli ak ned ñɨl, bɨ ned opal okok kɨli ak kɨdek ñɨnɨmɨn agɨnɨgab agak. 9 Agek, bɨ wog kod mɨdep ak, ne bɨ anɨb okok kɨlop suk agek apel, bɨ sub saŋɨd amnaknɨŋ ap wog gɨnɨgabal okok, ap mani kɨli ak ned dɨnɨgabal agak. 10 Pen kɨli anɨgɨl dɨlaknɨŋ, bɨ ned agek ap wog gɨnɨgabal okok, mani awl ak dɨnɨgabun agɨnɨgabal ak pen, kɨdek dɨlɨg nɨgɨnɨgabal, mani nab anɨb anep dɨnɨgabal agak. 11 Dɨl, day bɨ wayn wog nap nɨb ak ayɨp penpen agɨl agɨnɨgabal, 12 Chɨn taynen bɨ kɨdek opal okok mani dɨpal tek nep dɨpun agɨnɨgabal agak? Man tɨkup won ak tɨkjakɨl, sub sɨj tɨmel nɨgaknɨŋ, wog gon gon yɨlɨk gup ak pen, bɨ apɨl sɨkol won olap wog gesɨpal okok, kɨlop mani ñɨban tek nep chɨnop ñɨban agɨnɨgabal agak. 13 Agel, bɨ wog day nap nɨb ak nɨŋɨd, bɨ kɨli olap nop agɨnɨgab, Bogɨlak, nep gɨ tɨmel ma gɨpin agɨnɨgab agak. Takaw ag adek nokom lɨl, apul tek ñɨbin agɨnɨgab agak. 14 14-15 Bɨ kɨdek opal okok, bɨ ned opal okok ayɨp adɨp adɨp ñɨnɨg ñɨnɨgayn, ak tap yad agɨnɨgab agak. Anɨb ak bɨ ogɨnap taydɨl mel agɨnɨgabal agɨnɨgab agak. Kɨlop monmon ñɨbin ak taynen nep mɨlɨk yowup agɨnɨgab agak. Mani ñɨbin ak dad kal nad amnoŋ agɨnɨgab agak. 16 Jisas kesɨm anɨb ak agjuwɨl agak, Binbɨ kasek amnun agɨl ned abal, kɨli kɨdek amnɨgabal agak. Pen binbɨ kɨdek abal okok, kɨlop tawsak lɨl ned amnɨgabal agak. 17 Jisas Jelusalem amɨlɨg, kanɨb nab okok bɨne anep umɨgan ak kɨlop dad gol okok amɨl, ke yelaknɨŋ kɨlop agak, 18 Nɨgɨm. Chɨn Jelusalem amon, Bɨ Olap Ñɨne nop mɨmug gɨl, dɨl bɨ God nop sɨbogep bɨawl okok sek, bɨ kɨli Mosis takaw ñu kɨl tɨkak ak nɨgtep gep okok sek kɨlop ñɨnɨgab agak. Ñek, kɨli takaw aglɨl agɨnɨgabal, Bɨ anɨb awl nop paklep agɨnɨgabal agak. 19 Anɨb agɨl, bɨ Juda mel okok kɨlop ñɨnɨgabal agɨlak. Ñel, nop agjuwɨl, nag dɨl pakɨl, dam mab bak alaŋ chɨpɨl pak tɨbɨk lel kumnɨgab ak pen, ñɨn omɨŋal nokom mɨdɨl, tepayaŋ tɨkjakɨnɨgab agak. 20 Pen bɨ Sepedi ñɨne omɨŋal ak kɨlop, nonɨm poŋɨd Jisas yek ak apɨl, kɨgom yɨmɨl agak, Yad takaw olap mɨdek apebin agak. 21 Agek Jisas agak, Takaw anɨb ak tay agak. Agek agak, Yɨp tep gɨnɨgab ak, nad age, kɨdek nad bɨnonɨm mɨdɨl binɨb kod yenɨgaban ñɨn ak, ñɨ yad omɨŋal ak bak nep sɨŋak pɨspɨs besɨgɨnɨmil agak. 22 Anɨb agek Jisas pen kɨlop agak, Nɨbi gos nɨgtep gɨl yɨp ma agnɨgebɨm agak. Ñɨli omɨŋal ñɨg sɨlek yad ñɨŋɨnɨgayn ak abe ñɨŋɨnɨgayl akaŋ agak? Agek, Yaw, ñɨŋɨnɨgul tek lɨnɨgab agɨlek. 23 Agelek agak, Nɨŋɨd apil, ñɨg sɨlek ñɨŋɨnɨgayn ak ñɨŋɨnɨgayl agak. Ak pen an ñɨn yɨpɨd kɨd ak besɨgɨnɨgab, an ñɨn aŋɨd kɨd ak besɨgɨnɨgab ak, yad ke ma aglɨnɨgayn agak. Ak God tap ne, ne ke kɨlop nɨgup tek gɨnɨgab agak. 24 Pen Jisas bɨne anep wajɨlem okok, kɨli bɨ madɨlmal agnɨgep anɨb ak nɨŋɨd, kɨlop ag gɨlak. 25 Ag gelak, Jisas kɨlop agek mɨdupsek apel agak, Nɨbi nepɨm, man keke binɨb Juda mel okok, bɨawl yɨbɨl kɨli okok kɨlop kodɨpal agak. Pen bɨawl kɨli okok, kɨli takaw kɨles gɨl agɨl apal, Takaw chɨnop kɨdek gem apal agak. 26 Nɨbi pen anɨb ak tek ma gɨnɨmɨb agak. Bɨ nɨbi olap bɨawl mɨdɨnɨg gonɨmuŋ ak, ne wog gɨñeb nɨbi yonɨmuŋ agak. 27 Pen bɨawl yɨbɨl mɨdɨnɨg gonɨmuŋ ak, binɨb okok mɨdupsek kɨlop monmon yɨbɨl wog gɨñeb yonɨmuŋ agak. 28 Bɨ Olap Ñɨne abe anɨb ak nep tek agak. Yad bɨawl mɨden yɨp wog gɨñɨnɨgel agɨl lum awl ma owak agak. Ne kɨlop gɨñɨnɨg owak agak. Kɨlop kuŋay tawnɨm agɨl gos nɨŋɨd kumak agak. 29 Pen Jisas bɨne okok ayɨp taun Jeliko kelɨg amnɨlaknɨŋ, binɨb kuŋay yɨbɨl nop kɨdek gɨlak. 30 Pen bɨ wɨdɨn koy omɨŋal ak, kanɨb gol sɨŋak besɨg mɨdɨleknɨŋ, Jisas padɨkeb agel nɨŋɨd, meg mɨgan dad aplanɨl agɨlek, Depid Ñɨne, chɨlop mapen nɨŋɨd dɨtep gɨnɨmɨn agɨlek. 31 Agelek, binɨb okok kɨlop omɨŋal nɨŋɨjsek lɨl ag gɨl agɨlak, Takaw pug ma agɨnɨmil agɨlak. Anɨb agelak pen, takaw kɨlop ak ma dɨl, meg mɨgan awl dad aplanɨl agɨlek, Depid Ñɨne, chɨlop mapen nɨŋɨd dɨtep gɨnɨmɨn agɨlek. 32 Anɨb agel, Jisas ap yelek sɨŋak alad gɨl, kɨlop omɨŋal suk agɨl agak, Ñɨlop taydɨnɨm agak? 33 Agek agɨlek, Bɨawl, chɨlop ge wɨdɨn nɨgul agɨlek. 34 Agelek, Jisas kɨlop omɨŋal yɨmug nɨŋɨd, wɨdɨn kɨlop ak dɨnɨgek, won anɨb anep wɨdɨn nɨgɨlek, ne amnaknɨŋ kɨdek gɨlek.

In Other Versions

Matthew 20 in the ANGEFD

Matthew 20 in the ANTPNG2D

Matthew 20 in the AS21

Matthew 20 in the BAGH

Matthew 20 in the BBPNG

Matthew 20 in the BBT1E

Matthew 20 in the BDS

Matthew 20 in the BEV

Matthew 20 in the BHAD

Matthew 20 in the BIB

Matthew 20 in the BLPT

Matthew 20 in the BNT

Matthew 20 in the BNTABOOT

Matthew 20 in the BNTLV

Matthew 20 in the BOATCB

Matthew 20 in the BOATCB2

Matthew 20 in the BOBCV

Matthew 20 in the BOCNT

Matthew 20 in the BOECS

Matthew 20 in the BOGWICC

Matthew 20 in the BOHCB

Matthew 20 in the BOHCV

Matthew 20 in the BOHLNT

Matthew 20 in the BOHNTLTAL

Matthew 20 in the BOICB

Matthew 20 in the BOILNTAP

Matthew 20 in the BOITCV

Matthew 20 in the BOKCV

Matthew 20 in the BOKCV2

Matthew 20 in the BOKHWOG

Matthew 20 in the BOKSSV

Matthew 20 in the BOLCB

Matthew 20 in the BOLCB2

Matthew 20 in the BOMCV

Matthew 20 in the BONAV

Matthew 20 in the BONCB

Matthew 20 in the BONLT

Matthew 20 in the BONUT2

Matthew 20 in the BOPLNT

Matthew 20 in the BOSCB

Matthew 20 in the BOSNC

Matthew 20 in the BOTLNT

Matthew 20 in the BOVCB

Matthew 20 in the BOYCB

Matthew 20 in the BPBB

Matthew 20 in the BPH

Matthew 20 in the BSB

Matthew 20 in the CCB

Matthew 20 in the CUV

Matthew 20 in the CUVS

Matthew 20 in the DBT

Matthew 20 in the DGDNT

Matthew 20 in the DHNT

Matthew 20 in the DNT

Matthew 20 in the ELBE

Matthew 20 in the EMTV

Matthew 20 in the ESV

Matthew 20 in the FBV

Matthew 20 in the FEB

Matthew 20 in the GGMNT

Matthew 20 in the GNT

Matthew 20 in the HARY

Matthew 20 in the HNT

Matthew 20 in the IRVA

Matthew 20 in the IRVB

Matthew 20 in the IRVG

Matthew 20 in the IRVH

Matthew 20 in the IRVK

Matthew 20 in the IRVM

Matthew 20 in the IRVM2

Matthew 20 in the IRVO

Matthew 20 in the IRVP

Matthew 20 in the IRVT

Matthew 20 in the IRVT2

Matthew 20 in the IRVU

Matthew 20 in the ISVN

Matthew 20 in the JSNT

Matthew 20 in the KAPI

Matthew 20 in the KBT1ETNIK

Matthew 20 in the KBV

Matthew 20 in the KJV

Matthew 20 in the KNFD

Matthew 20 in the LBA

Matthew 20 in the LBLA

Matthew 20 in the LNT

Matthew 20 in the LSV

Matthew 20 in the MAAL

Matthew 20 in the MBV

Matthew 20 in the MBV2

Matthew 20 in the MHNT

Matthew 20 in the MKNFD

Matthew 20 in the MNG

Matthew 20 in the MNT

Matthew 20 in the MNT2

Matthew 20 in the MRS1T

Matthew 20 in the NAA

Matthew 20 in the NASB

Matthew 20 in the NBLA

Matthew 20 in the NBS

Matthew 20 in the NBVTP

Matthew 20 in the NET2

Matthew 20 in the NIV11

Matthew 20 in the NNT

Matthew 20 in the NNT2

Matthew 20 in the NNT3

Matthew 20 in the PDDPT

Matthew 20 in the PFNT

Matthew 20 in the RMNT

Matthew 20 in the SBIAS

Matthew 20 in the SBIBS

Matthew 20 in the SBIBS2

Matthew 20 in the SBICS

Matthew 20 in the SBIDS

Matthew 20 in the SBIGS

Matthew 20 in the SBIHS

Matthew 20 in the SBIIS

Matthew 20 in the SBIIS2

Matthew 20 in the SBIIS3

Matthew 20 in the SBIKS

Matthew 20 in the SBIKS2

Matthew 20 in the SBIMS

Matthew 20 in the SBIOS

Matthew 20 in the SBIPS

Matthew 20 in the SBISS

Matthew 20 in the SBITS

Matthew 20 in the SBITS2

Matthew 20 in the SBITS3

Matthew 20 in the SBITS4

Matthew 20 in the SBIUS

Matthew 20 in the SBIVS

Matthew 20 in the SBT

Matthew 20 in the SBT1E

Matthew 20 in the SCHL

Matthew 20 in the SNT

Matthew 20 in the SUSU

Matthew 20 in the SUSU2

Matthew 20 in the SYNO

Matthew 20 in the TBIAOTANT

Matthew 20 in the TBT1E

Matthew 20 in the TBT1E2

Matthew 20 in the TFTIP

Matthew 20 in the TFTU

Matthew 20 in the TGNTATF3T

Matthew 20 in the THAI

Matthew 20 in the TNT

Matthew 20 in the TNTIK

Matthew 20 in the TNTIL

Matthew 20 in the TNTIN

Matthew 20 in the TNTIP

Matthew 20 in the TNTIZ

Matthew 20 in the TOMA

Matthew 20 in the TTENT

Matthew 20 in the UBG

Matthew 20 in the UGV

Matthew 20 in the UGV2

Matthew 20 in the UGV3

Matthew 20 in the VBL

Matthew 20 in the VDCC

Matthew 20 in the YALU

Matthew 20 in the YAPE

Matthew 20 in the YBVTP

Matthew 20 in the ZBP