Acts 5 (SBIIS3)

1 tadā anāniyanāmaka ēkō janō yasya bhāryyāyā nāma saphīrā sa svādhikāraṁ vikrīya 2 svabhāryyāṁ jñāpayitvā tanmūlyasyaikāṁśaṁ saṅgōpya sthāpayitvā tadanyāṁśamātramānīya prēritānāṁ caraṇēṣu samarpitavān| 3 tasmāt pitarōkathayat hē anāniya bhūmē rmūlyaṁ kiñcit saṅgōpya sthāpayituṁ pavitrasyātmanaḥ sannidhau mr̥ṣāvākyaṁ kathayituñca śaitān kutastavāntaḥkaraṇē pravr̥ttimajanayat? 4 sā bhūmi ryadā tava hastagatā tadā kiṁ tava svīyā nāsīt? tarhi svāntaḥkaraṇē kuta ētādr̥śī kukalpanā tvayā kr̥tā? tvaṁ kēvalamanuṣyasya nikaṭē mr̥ṣāvākyaṁ nāvādīḥ kintvīśvarasya nikaṭē'pi| 5 ētāṁ kathāṁ śrutvaiva sō'nāniyō bhūmau patan prāṇān atyajat, tadvr̥ttāntaṁ yāvantō lōkā aśr̥ṇvan tēṣāṁ sarvvēṣāṁ mahābhayam ajāyat| 6 tadā yuvalōkāstaṁ vastrēṇācchādya bahi rnītvā śmaśānē'sthāpayan| 7 tataḥ praharaikānantaraṁ kiṁ vr̥ttaṁ tannāvagatya tasya bhāryyāpi tatra samupasthitā| 8 tataḥ pitarastām apr̥cchat, yuvābhyām ētāvanmudrābhyō bhūmi rvikrītā na vā? ētatvaṁ vada; tadā sā pratyavādīt satyam ētāvadbhyō mudrābhya ēva| 9 tataḥ pitarōkathayat yuvāṁ kathaṁ paramēśvarasyātmānaṁ parīkṣitum ēkamantraṇāvabhavatāṁ? paśya yē tava patiṁ śmaśānē sthāpitavantastē dvārasya samīpē samupatiṣṭhanti tvāmapi bahirnēṣyanti| 10 tataḥ sāpi tasya caraṇasannidhau patitvā prāṇān atyākṣīt| paścāt tē yuvānō'bhyantaram āgatya tāmapi mr̥tāṁ dr̥ṣṭvā bahi rnītvā tasyāḥ patyuḥ pārśvē śmaśānē sthāpitavantaḥ| 11 tasmāt maṇḍalyāḥ sarvvē lōkā anyalōkāśca tāṁ vārttāṁ śrutvā sādhvasaṁ gatāḥ| 12 tataḥ paraṁ prēritānāṁ hastai rlōkānāṁ madhyē bahvāścaryyāṇyadbhutāni karmmāṇyakriyanta; tadā śiṣyāḥ sarvva ēkacittībhūya sulēmānō 'lindē sambhūyāsan| 13 tēṣāṁ saṅghāntargō bhavituṁ kōpi pragalbhatāṁ nāgamat kintu lōkāstān samādriyanta| 14 striyaḥ puruṣāśca bahavō lōkā viśvāsya prabhuṁ śaraṇamāpannāḥ| 15 pitarasya gamanāgamanābhyāṁ kēnāpi prakārēṇa tasya chāyā kasmiṁścijjanē lagiṣyatītyāśayā lōkā rōgiṇaḥ śivikayā khaṭvayā cānīya pathi pathi sthāpitavantaḥ| 16 caturdiksthanagarēbhyō bahavō lōkāḥ sambhūya rōgiṇō'pavitrabhutagrastāṁśca yirūśālamam ānayan tataḥ sarvvē svasthā akriyanta| 17 anantaraṁ mahāyājakaḥ sidūkināṁ matagrāhiṇastēṣāṁ sahacarāśca 18 mahākrōdhāntvitāḥ santaḥ prēritān dhr̥tvā nīcalōkānāṁ kārāyāṁ baddhvā sthāpitavantaḥ| 19 kintu rātrau paramēśvarasya dūtaḥ kārāyā dvāraṁ mōcayitvā tān bahirānīyākathayat, 20 yūyaṁ gatvā mandirē daṇḍāyamānāḥ santō lōkān pratīmāṁ jīvanadāyikāṁ sarvvāṁ kathāṁ pracārayata| 21 iti śrutvā tē pratyūṣē mandira upasthāya upadiṣṭavantaḥ| tadā sahacaragaṇēna sahitō mahāyājaka āgatya mantrigaṇam isrāyēlvaṁśasya sarvvān rājasabhāsadaḥ sabhāsthān kr̥tvā kārāyāstān āpayituṁ padātigaṇaṁ prēritavān| 22 tatastē gatvā kārāyāṁ tān aprāpya pratyāgatya iti vārttām avādiṣuḥ, 23 vayaṁ tatra gatvā nirvvighnaṁ kārāyā dvāraṁ ruddhaṁ rakṣakāṁśca dvārasya bahirdaṇḍāyamānān adarśāma ēva kintu dvāraṁ mōcayitvā tanmadhyē kamapi draṣṭuṁ na prāptāḥ| 24 ētāṁ kathāṁ śrutvā mahāyājakō mandirasya sēnāpatiḥ pradhānayājakāśca, ita paraṁ kimaparaṁ bhaviṣyatīti cintayitvā sandigdhacittā abhavan| 25 ētasminnēva samayē kaścit jana āgatya vārttāmētām avadat paśyata yūyaṁ yān mānavān kārāyām asthāpayata tē mandirē tiṣṭhantō lōkān upadiśanti| 26 tadā mandirasya sēnāpatiḥ padātayaśca tatra gatvā cēllōkāḥ pāṣāṇān nikṣipyāsmān mārayantīti bhiyā vinatyācāraṁ tān ānayan| 27 tē mahāsabhāyā madhyē tān asthāpayan tataḥ paraṁ mahāyājakastān apr̥cchat, 28 anēna nāmnā samupadēṣṭuṁ vayaṁ kiṁ dr̥ḍhaṁ na nyaṣēdhāma? tathāpi paśyata yūyaṁ svēṣāṁ tēnōpadēśēnē yirūśālamaṁ paripūrṇaṁ kr̥tvā tasya janasya raktapātajanitāparādham asmān pratyānētuṁ cēṣṭadhvē| 29 tataḥ pitarōnyaprēritāśca pratyavadan mānuṣasyājñāgrahaṇād īśvarasyājñāgrahaṇam asmākamucitam| 30 yaṁ yīśuṁ yūyaṁ kruśē vēdhitvāhata tam asmākaṁ paitr̥ka īśvara utthāpya 31 isrāyēlvaṁśānāṁ manaḥparivarttanaṁ pāpakṣamāñca karttuṁ rājānaṁ paritrātārañca kr̥tvā svadakṣiṇapārśvē tasyānnatim akarōt| 32 ētasmin vayamapi sākṣiṇa āsmahē, tat kēvalaṁ nahi, īśvara ājñāgrāhibhyō yaṁ pavitram ātmanaṁ dattavān sōpi sākṣyasti| 33 ētadvākyē śrutē tēṣāṁ hr̥dayāni viddhānyabhavan tatastē tān hantuṁ mantritavantaḥ| 34 ētasminnēva samayē tatsabhāsthānāṁ sarvvalōkānāṁ madhyē sukhyātō gamilīyēlnāmaka ēkō janō vyavasthāpakaḥ phirūśilōka utthāya prēritān kṣaṇārthaṁ sthānāntaraṁ gantum ādiśya kathitavān, 35 hē isrāyēlvaṁśīyāḥ sarvvē yūyam ētān mānuṣān prati yat karttum udyatāstasmin sāvadhānā bhavata| 36 itaḥ pūrvvaṁ thūdānāmaikō jana upasthāya svaṁ kamapi mahāpuruṣam avadat, tataḥ prāyēṇa catuḥśatalōkāstasya matagrāhiṇōbhavan paścāt sa hatōbhavat tasyājñāgrāhiṇō yāvantō lōkāstē sarvvē virkīrṇāḥ santō 'kr̥takāryyā abhavan| 37 tasmājjanāt paraṁ nāmalēkhanasamayē gālīlīyayihūdānāmaikō jana upasthāya bahūllōkān svamataṁ grāhītavān tataḥ sōpi vyanaśyat tasyājñāgrāhiṇō yāvantō lōkā āsan tē sarvvē vikīrṇā abhavan| 38 adhunā vadāmi, yūyam ētān manuṣyān prati kimapi na kr̥tvā kṣāntā bhavata, yata ēṣa saṅkalpa ētat karmma ca yadi manuṣyādabhavat tarhi viphalaṁ bhaviṣyati| 39 yadīśvarādabhavat tarhi yūyaṁ tasyānyathā karttuṁ na śakṣyatha, varam īśvararōdhakā bhaviṣyatha| 40 tadā tasya mantraṇāṁ svīkr̥tya tē prēritān āhūya prahr̥tya yīśō rnāmnā kāmapi kathāṁ kathayituṁ niṣidhya vyasarjan| 41 kintu tasya nāmārthaṁ vayaṁ lajjābhōgasya yōgyatvēna gaṇitā ityatra tē sānandāḥ santaḥ sabhāsthānāṁ sākṣād agacchan| 42 tataḥ paraṁ pratidinaṁ mandirē gr̥hē gr̥hē cāviśrāmam upadiśya yīśukhrīṣṭasya susaṁvādaṁ pracāritavantaḥ|

In Other Versions

Acts 5 in the ANGEFD

Acts 5 in the ANTPNG2D

Acts 5 in the AS21

Acts 5 in the BAGH

Acts 5 in the BBPNG

Acts 5 in the BBT1E

Acts 5 in the BDS

Acts 5 in the BEV

Acts 5 in the BHAD

Acts 5 in the BIB

Acts 5 in the BLPT

Acts 5 in the BNT

Acts 5 in the BNTABOOT

Acts 5 in the BNTLV

Acts 5 in the BOATCB

Acts 5 in the BOATCB2

Acts 5 in the BOBCV

Acts 5 in the BOCNT

Acts 5 in the BOECS

Acts 5 in the BOGWICC

Acts 5 in the BOHCB

Acts 5 in the BOHCV

Acts 5 in the BOHLNT

Acts 5 in the BOHNTLTAL

Acts 5 in the BOICB

Acts 5 in the BOILNTAP

Acts 5 in the BOITCV

Acts 5 in the BOKCV

Acts 5 in the BOKCV2

Acts 5 in the BOKHWOG

Acts 5 in the BOKSSV

Acts 5 in the BOLCB

Acts 5 in the BOLCB2

Acts 5 in the BOMCV

Acts 5 in the BONAV

Acts 5 in the BONCB

Acts 5 in the BONLT

Acts 5 in the BONUT2

Acts 5 in the BOPLNT

Acts 5 in the BOSCB

Acts 5 in the BOSNC

Acts 5 in the BOTLNT

Acts 5 in the BOVCB

Acts 5 in the BOYCB

Acts 5 in the BPBB

Acts 5 in the BPH

Acts 5 in the BSB

Acts 5 in the CCB

Acts 5 in the CUV

Acts 5 in the CUVS

Acts 5 in the DBT

Acts 5 in the DGDNT

Acts 5 in the DHNT

Acts 5 in the DNT

Acts 5 in the ELBE

Acts 5 in the EMTV

Acts 5 in the ESV

Acts 5 in the FBV

Acts 5 in the FEB

Acts 5 in the GGMNT

Acts 5 in the GNT

Acts 5 in the HARY

Acts 5 in the HNT

Acts 5 in the IRVA

Acts 5 in the IRVB

Acts 5 in the IRVG

Acts 5 in the IRVH

Acts 5 in the IRVK

Acts 5 in the IRVM

Acts 5 in the IRVM2

Acts 5 in the IRVO

Acts 5 in the IRVP

Acts 5 in the IRVT

Acts 5 in the IRVT2

Acts 5 in the IRVU

Acts 5 in the ISVN

Acts 5 in the JSNT

Acts 5 in the KAPI

Acts 5 in the KBT1ETNIK

Acts 5 in the KBV

Acts 5 in the KJV

Acts 5 in the KNFD

Acts 5 in the LBA

Acts 5 in the LBLA

Acts 5 in the LNT

Acts 5 in the LSV

Acts 5 in the MAAL

Acts 5 in the MBV

Acts 5 in the MBV2

Acts 5 in the MHNT

Acts 5 in the MKNFD

Acts 5 in the MNG

Acts 5 in the MNT

Acts 5 in the MNT2

Acts 5 in the MRS1T

Acts 5 in the NAA

Acts 5 in the NASB

Acts 5 in the NBLA

Acts 5 in the NBS

Acts 5 in the NBVTP

Acts 5 in the NET2

Acts 5 in the NIV11

Acts 5 in the NNT

Acts 5 in the NNT2

Acts 5 in the NNT3

Acts 5 in the PDDPT

Acts 5 in the PFNT

Acts 5 in the RMNT

Acts 5 in the SBIAS

Acts 5 in the SBIBS

Acts 5 in the SBIBS2

Acts 5 in the SBICS

Acts 5 in the SBIDS

Acts 5 in the SBIGS

Acts 5 in the SBIHS

Acts 5 in the SBIIS

Acts 5 in the SBIIS2

Acts 5 in the SBIKS

Acts 5 in the SBIKS2

Acts 5 in the SBIMS

Acts 5 in the SBIOS

Acts 5 in the SBIPS

Acts 5 in the SBISS

Acts 5 in the SBITS

Acts 5 in the SBITS2

Acts 5 in the SBITS3

Acts 5 in the SBITS4

Acts 5 in the SBIUS

Acts 5 in the SBIVS

Acts 5 in the SBT

Acts 5 in the SBT1E

Acts 5 in the SCHL

Acts 5 in the SNT

Acts 5 in the SUSU

Acts 5 in the SUSU2

Acts 5 in the SYNO

Acts 5 in the TBIAOTANT

Acts 5 in the TBT1E

Acts 5 in the TBT1E2

Acts 5 in the TFTIP

Acts 5 in the TFTU

Acts 5 in the TGNTATF3T

Acts 5 in the THAI

Acts 5 in the TNFD

Acts 5 in the TNT

Acts 5 in the TNTIK

Acts 5 in the TNTIL

Acts 5 in the TNTIN

Acts 5 in the TNTIP

Acts 5 in the TNTIZ

Acts 5 in the TOMA

Acts 5 in the TTENT

Acts 5 in the UBG

Acts 5 in the UGV

Acts 5 in the UGV2

Acts 5 in the UGV3

Acts 5 in the VBL

Acts 5 in the VDCC

Acts 5 in the YALU

Acts 5 in the YAPE

Acts 5 in the YBVTP

Acts 5 in the ZBP