Mark 4 (SBIIS3)

1 anantaraṁ sa samudrataṭē punarupadēṣṭuṁ prārēbhē, tatastatra bahujanānāṁ samāgamāt sa sāgarōpari naukāmāruhya samupaviṣṭaḥ; sarvvē lōkāḥ samudrakūlē tasthuḥ| 2 tadā sa dr̥ṣṭāntakathābhi rbahūpadiṣṭavān upadiśaṁśca kathitavān, 3 avadhānaṁ kuruta, ēkō bījavaptā bījāni vaptuṁ gataḥ; 4 vapanakālē kiyanti bījāni mārgapāśvē patitāni, tata ākāśīyapakṣiṇa ētya tāni cakhāduḥ| 5 kiyanti bījāni svalpamr̥ttikāvatpāṣāṇabhūmau patitāni tāni mr̥dōlpatvāt śīghramaṅkuritāni; 6 kintūditē sūryyē dagdhāni tathā mūlānō nādhōgatatvāt śuṣkāṇi ca| 7 kiyanti bījāni kaṇṭakivanamadhyē patitāni tataḥ kaṇṭakāni saṁvr̥dvya tāni jagrasustāni na ca phalitāni| 8 tathā kiyanti bījānyuttamabhūmau patitāni tāni saṁvr̥dvya phalānyutpāditāni kiyanti bījāni triṁśadguṇāni kiyanti ṣaṣṭiguṇāni kiyanti śataguṇāni phalāni phalitavanti| 9 atha sa tānavadat yasya śrōtuṁ karṇau staḥ sa śr̥ṇōtu| 10 tadanantaraṁ nirjanasamayē tatsaṅginō dvādaśaśiṣyāśca taṁ taddr̥ṣṭāntavākyasyārthaṁ papracchuḥ| 11 tadā sa tānuditavān īśvararājyasya nigūḍhavākyaṁ bōddhuṁ yuṣmākamadhikārō'sti; 12 kintu yē vahirbhūtāḥ "tē paśyantaḥ paśyanti kintu na jānanti, śr̥ṇvantaḥ śr̥ṇvanti kintu na budhyantē, cēttai rmanaḥsu kadāpi parivarttitēṣu tēṣāṁ pāpānyamōcayiṣyanta," atōhētōstān prati dr̥ṣṭāntairēva tāni mayā kathitāni| 13 atha sa kathitavān yūyaṁ kimētad dr̥ṣṭāntavākyaṁ na budhyadhvē? tarhi kathaṁ sarvvān dr̥ṣṭāntāna bhōtsyadhvē? 14 bījavaptā vākyarūpāṇi bījāni vapati; 15 tatra yē yē lōkā vākyaṁ śr̥ṇvanti, kintu śrutamātrāt śaitān śīghramāgatya tēṣāṁ manaḥsūptāni tāni vākyarūpāṇi bījānyapanayati taēva uptabījamārgapārśvēsvarūpāḥ| 16 yē janā vākyaṁ śrutvā sahasā paramānandēna gr̥hlanti, kintu hr̥di sthairyyābhāvāt kiñcit kālamātraṁ tiṣṭhanti tatpaścāt tadvākyahētōḥ 17 kutracit klēśē upadravē vā samupasthitē tadaiva vighnaṁ prāpnuvanti taēva uptabījapāṣāṇabhūmisvarūpāḥ| 18 yē janāḥ kathāṁ śr̥ṇvanti kintu sāṁsārikī cintā dhanabhrānti rviṣayalōbhaśca ētē sarvvē upasthāya tāṁ kathāṁ grasanti tataḥ mā viphalā bhavati 19 taēva uptabījasakaṇṭakabhūmisvarūpāḥ| 20 yē janā vākyaṁ śrutvā gr̥hlanti tēṣāṁ kasya vā triṁśadguṇāni kasya vā ṣaṣṭiguṇāni kasya vā śataguṇāni phalāni bhavanti taēva uptabījōrvvarabhūmisvarūpāḥ| 21 tadā sō'paramapi kathitavān kōpi janō dīpādhāraṁ parityajya drōṇasyādhaḥ khaṭvāyā adhē vā sthāpayituṁ dīpamānayati kiṁ? 22 atōhētō ryanna prakāśayiṣyatē tādr̥g lukkāyitaṁ kimapi vastu nāsti; yad vyaktaṁ na bhaviṣyati tādr̥śaṁ guptaṁ kimapi vastu nāsti| 23 yasya śrōtuṁ karṇau staḥ sa śr̥ṇōtu| 24 aparamapi kathitavān yūyaṁ yad yad vākyaṁ śr̥ṇutha tatra sāvadhānā bhavata, yatō yūyaṁ yēna parimāṇēna parimātha tēnaiva parimāṇēna yuṣmadarthamapi parimāsyatē; śrōtārō yūyaṁ yuṣmabhyamadhikaṁ dāsyatē| 25 yasyāśrayē varddhatē tasmai aparamapi dāsyatē, kintu yasyāśrayē na varddhatē tasya yat kiñcidasti tadapi tasmān nēṣyatē| 26 anantaraṁ sa kathitavān ēkō lōkaḥ kṣētrē bījānyuptvā 27 jāgaraṇanidrābhyāṁ divāniśaṁ gamayati, parantu tadvījaṁ tasyājñātarūpēṇāṅkurayati varddhatē ca; 28 yatōhētōḥ prathamataḥ patrāṇi tataḥ paraṁ kaṇiśāni tatpaścāt kaṇiśapūrṇāni śasyāni bhūmiḥ svayamutpādayati; 29 kintu phalēṣu pakkēṣu śasyacchēdanakālaṁ jñātvā sa tatkṣaṇaṁ śasyāni chinatti, anēna tulyamīśvararājyaṁ| 30 punaḥ sō'kathayad īśvararājyaṁ kēna samaṁ? kēna vastunā saha vā tadupamāsyāmi? 31 tat sarṣapaikēna tulyaṁ yatō mr̥di vapanakālē sarṣapabījaṁ sarvvapr̥thivīsthabījāt kṣudraṁ 32 kintu vapanāt param aṅkurayitvā sarvvaśākād br̥had bhavati, tasya br̥hatyaḥ śākhāśca jāyantē tatastacchāyāṁ pakṣiṇa āśrayantē| 33 itthaṁ tēṣāṁ bōdhānurūpaṁ sō'nēkadr̥ṣṭāntaistānupadiṣṭavān, 34 dr̥ṣṭāntaṁ vinā kāmapi kathāṁ tēbhyō na kathitavān paścān nirjanē sa śiṣyān sarvvadr̥ṣṭāntārthaṁ bōdhitavān| 35 taddinasya sandhyāyāṁ sa tēbhyō'kathayad āgacchata vayaṁ pāraṁ yāma| 36 tadā tē lōkān visr̥jya tamavilambaṁ gr̥hītvā naukayā pratasthirē; aparā api nāvastayā saha sthitāḥ| 37 tataḥ paraṁ mahājhañbhśagamāt nau rdōlāyamānā taraṅgēṇa jalaiḥ pūrṇābhavacca| 38 tadā sa naukācaścādbhāgē upadhānē śirō nidhāya nidrita āsīt tatastē taṁ jāgarayitvā jagaduḥ, hē prabhō, asmākaṁ prāṇā yānti kimatra bhavataścintā nāsti? 39 tadā sa utthāya vāyuṁ tarjitavān samudrañcōktavān śāntaḥ susthiraśca bhava; tatō vāyau nivr̥ttē'bdhirnistaraṅgōbhūt| 40 tadā sa tānuvāca yūyaṁ kuta ētādr̥kśaṅkākulā bhavata? kiṁ vō viśvāsō nāsti? 41 tasmāttē'tīvabhītāḥ parasparaṁ vaktumārēbhirē, ahō vāyuḥ sindhuścāsya nidēśagrāhiṇau kīdr̥gayaṁ manujaḥ|

In Other Versions

Mark 4 in the ANGEFD

Mark 4 in the ANTPNG2D

Mark 4 in the AS21

Mark 4 in the BAGH

Mark 4 in the BBPNG

Mark 4 in the BBT1E

Mark 4 in the BDS

Mark 4 in the BEV

Mark 4 in the BHAD

Mark 4 in the BIB

Mark 4 in the BLPT

Mark 4 in the BNT

Mark 4 in the BNTABOOT

Mark 4 in the BNTLV

Mark 4 in the BOATCB

Mark 4 in the BOATCB2

Mark 4 in the BOBCV

Mark 4 in the BOCNT

Mark 4 in the BOECS

Mark 4 in the BOGWICC

Mark 4 in the BOHCB

Mark 4 in the BOHCV

Mark 4 in the BOHLNT

Mark 4 in the BOHNTLTAL

Mark 4 in the BOICB

Mark 4 in the BOILNTAP

Mark 4 in the BOITCV

Mark 4 in the BOKCV

Mark 4 in the BOKCV2

Mark 4 in the BOKHWOG

Mark 4 in the BOKSSV

Mark 4 in the BOLCB

Mark 4 in the BOLCB2

Mark 4 in the BOMCV

Mark 4 in the BONAV

Mark 4 in the BONCB

Mark 4 in the BONLT

Mark 4 in the BONUT2

Mark 4 in the BOPLNT

Mark 4 in the BOSCB

Mark 4 in the BOSNC

Mark 4 in the BOTLNT

Mark 4 in the BOVCB

Mark 4 in the BOYCB

Mark 4 in the BPBB

Mark 4 in the BPH

Mark 4 in the BSB

Mark 4 in the CCB

Mark 4 in the CUV

Mark 4 in the CUVS

Mark 4 in the DBT

Mark 4 in the DGDNT

Mark 4 in the DHNT

Mark 4 in the DNT

Mark 4 in the ELBE

Mark 4 in the EMTV

Mark 4 in the ESV

Mark 4 in the FBV

Mark 4 in the FEB

Mark 4 in the GGMNT

Mark 4 in the GNT

Mark 4 in the HARY

Mark 4 in the HNT

Mark 4 in the IRVA

Mark 4 in the IRVB

Mark 4 in the IRVG

Mark 4 in the IRVH

Mark 4 in the IRVK

Mark 4 in the IRVM

Mark 4 in the IRVM2

Mark 4 in the IRVO

Mark 4 in the IRVP

Mark 4 in the IRVT

Mark 4 in the IRVT2

Mark 4 in the IRVU

Mark 4 in the ISVN

Mark 4 in the JSNT

Mark 4 in the KAPI

Mark 4 in the KBT1ETNIK

Mark 4 in the KBV

Mark 4 in the KJV

Mark 4 in the KNFD

Mark 4 in the LBA

Mark 4 in the LBLA

Mark 4 in the LNT

Mark 4 in the LSV

Mark 4 in the MAAL

Mark 4 in the MBV

Mark 4 in the MBV2

Mark 4 in the MHNT

Mark 4 in the MKNFD

Mark 4 in the MNG

Mark 4 in the MNT

Mark 4 in the MNT2

Mark 4 in the MRS1T

Mark 4 in the NAA

Mark 4 in the NASB

Mark 4 in the NBLA

Mark 4 in the NBS

Mark 4 in the NBVTP

Mark 4 in the NET2

Mark 4 in the NIV11

Mark 4 in the NNT

Mark 4 in the NNT2

Mark 4 in the NNT3

Mark 4 in the PDDPT

Mark 4 in the PFNT

Mark 4 in the RMNT

Mark 4 in the SBIAS

Mark 4 in the SBIBS

Mark 4 in the SBIBS2

Mark 4 in the SBICS

Mark 4 in the SBIDS

Mark 4 in the SBIGS

Mark 4 in the SBIHS

Mark 4 in the SBIIS

Mark 4 in the SBIIS2

Mark 4 in the SBIKS

Mark 4 in the SBIKS2

Mark 4 in the SBIMS

Mark 4 in the SBIOS

Mark 4 in the SBIPS

Mark 4 in the SBISS

Mark 4 in the SBITS

Mark 4 in the SBITS2

Mark 4 in the SBITS3

Mark 4 in the SBITS4

Mark 4 in the SBIUS

Mark 4 in the SBIVS

Mark 4 in the SBT

Mark 4 in the SBT1E

Mark 4 in the SCHL

Mark 4 in the SNT

Mark 4 in the SUSU

Mark 4 in the SUSU2

Mark 4 in the SYNO

Mark 4 in the TBIAOTANT

Mark 4 in the TBT1E

Mark 4 in the TBT1E2

Mark 4 in the TFTIP

Mark 4 in the TFTU

Mark 4 in the TGNTATF3T

Mark 4 in the THAI

Mark 4 in the TNFD

Mark 4 in the TNT

Mark 4 in the TNTIK

Mark 4 in the TNTIL

Mark 4 in the TNTIN

Mark 4 in the TNTIP

Mark 4 in the TNTIZ

Mark 4 in the TOMA

Mark 4 in the TTENT

Mark 4 in the UBG

Mark 4 in the UGV

Mark 4 in the UGV2

Mark 4 in the UGV3

Mark 4 in the VBL

Mark 4 in the VDCC

Mark 4 in the YALU

Mark 4 in the YAPE

Mark 4 in the YBVTP

Mark 4 in the ZBP