Revelation 9 (TBT1E)
1 Vbvrikunamv nyidogindung angunvnv vv ninyigv tapu nga milinto. Ho ngo takar nga sichingmooku lo olu kunam am kaato, okv ho dootarkamanv ungrung gv chabi nga jilwkto. 2 Takar angv vv dootarkamanv ungrung nga ikukto, okv kairungnv vmv mvriak lokv mvkw sukchanam aingbv, mvkw ngv soksok pabv soklinto; Doonyi loung okv doori ngv dootarkamanv lokv mvkw sokchanv kanv ngv dwk pato. 3 Takam vdw sum mvkw lokv sichingmooku so limu toku, okv modwdwkong gv jwkrw sum karing sibv bunua vdwaka jwkrw aka vbvching jidu kalumto. 4 Bunua vbv minto singnvsingu sum vmalo singnv vdwa vmalo kvvbi nvsinnvmwng vdwaka oguguka twkma dubv minto; vbvritola yvvdw bunugv tuktumlo Pwknvyarnv gv siel lokv tupnam kaama pvdw vkvnv nyi mvngchik ka bunua chetwkkvrwk dubv tulwkto. 5 Takamkamar vdw sum oogv nyi vdwa mvki dubv jimato, vbvritola poolu pwkngu gv lvgabv bunua mvdwkmvku rungdubv tulwk jito. Oogv mvdwkmvku la achinamv modwdwkong gv cheetwk tvla achinam aingbv rimuto. 6 Oogv poolu pwngu lo bunu sinam lvgabv mare, vbvritola bunu paamare; bunu vdwv sinwngre, vbvrijvka sinamv bunua kiyure. 7 Takam vdwv kaanamv nyimak vngtvnv gora aingbv ridung nyadu. Bunugv dumpo lo bunu vdwv ain biotung bimpvnv jvbv kaato, okv bunugv nyukmu ngv nyi aingbv ridu. 8 Bunugv dvmw ngv nyimv vdwgv dvmw jvbv rito, bunugv hijung ngv abwngapa gv hijung jvbv rito. 9 Bunugv hakwng lo riokdvr saruk aingbv kaanv vkvnv hokto, okv bunugv lap lokv lapdwn la vdu dunv ngv goragari atwng go nyimak lo jokdunv jvbv tvvto. 10 Bunu vdwgv nyabung gvvnamv, okv dwkong gv nyabung gv lvtak jvbv ridu, okv bunugv nyabung ngv vkvnv jwkrw ngv doodu nyi vdwa hirukaya modubv poolu pwkngu lo gobv nvkwng more. 11 Bunu gvlo ka bunua rigv jinv dvbv go doodu, vv dootarkamanv ungrung nga kaayatayanv nyidogindung ngv. Vkvgv amina Hebrew lo Abaddon gobv mindu; Okv Greek lo Apollyon gobv amin am mindu (vbv mindunam v “Mvyakriyakyanv” ngv vdu). 12 Soogv busu sucho jinamv vngroku; soogv kokwngbv um busu yaya dubv rimu jinv ngv anyigo aare. 13 Akvnv nyidogindung angv vv ninyigv tapu nga mito. Ho Pwknvyarnv gv dooku agumai gv doonv namwnama ramnvnv ain takbvr gv chenyung api lokv gaam vdugo aadu bv ngo tvvpato. 14 Vdu ngv nyidogindung akv nga minto, “Kairungnv Euphrarates siko lo, nyidogindung api go kintung pvvnama tulin jito kuka!” 15 Nyidogindung api nga tulin jitoku; ogulvgavbolo hogv anying chinglo hogv poolu chinglo hogv aluchinglo hogv dw chinglo bunu nyi mvnwng nga apum aom gobv mvnam lokv apum gonvnyi mvki dukubv mvpv ripvla vvpvtoku. 16 Ngo gorajoknv sipai vdwa kiitokula mintam jitoku: Vv lvngnyi milion gobv ritoku 17 Ngo nyikrw kaakulo gora achialvgo kaato okv vkv aolo bunugv oogv doonv nyi aka kaato: bunu vmv mvru jvbv kaanv lvngchingnv saruk go kooto, yabubulu tvla sapire vlwng ainggo, okv yage tvla salpar amwk ainggo. Gora gv dumpo ngv abwngapa vdwgv dumpo jvbv rito, okv bunugv gaam lokv vmv ngv soksok lindu. Mvkw ngv soksok lindu okv salpar amwk vkvnv linto. 18 Nyiamooku sokv nyi nyitwng aom lokv akonyi: bunu napa lokv linv vmv, mvkw, okv salpar amwk vkvnv aomgo linv vkvnv lokv, chilichilam aingbv mvki nyami toku. 19 Ogulvgavbolo gora gv jwkrw ngv bunugv napa lola okv nyabung lo doodu. Bunugv nyabung ngv tabw gv dumpo aingbv ridu, okv bunu um mvnvrinv la nyi vdwa achialvbv achi dubv mvdu. 20 Oogv chilichinam lokv, yvvdw nyia opi simabv doobvla ribvdw oogv doonv dvdv ngv, bunu atubogv vkvnv mvsu risunam lokv mvngdinla lingku mato. Bunu uyuvram am kumnam um kayu mabv kumbv la ridu, vmajvka ain lokv, Raaji lokv, tamba lokv, vlwng lokv, okv vsing lokv, mvnam morti oogv nyik kaala manv nyarung tvvla manv, vmajvka vngla manv vkv nvnga kumbvla ridu. 21 Vbvmajvka bunu mvkipaki minsunam lokv, bunugv lamahinv lokv, bunugv yomurminsunam, vmalo bunugv choonam lokv bunu mvngdin kumaduku.
In Other Versions
Revelation 9 in the ANGEFD
Revelation 9 in the ANTPNG2D
Revelation 9 in the AS21
Revelation 9 in the BAGH
Revelation 9 in the BBPNG
Revelation 9 in the BBT1E
Revelation 9 in the BDS
Revelation 9 in the BEV
Revelation 9 in the BHAD
Revelation 9 in the BIB
Revelation 9 in the BLPT
Revelation 9 in the BNT
Revelation 9 in the BNTABOOT
Revelation 9 in the BNTLV
Revelation 9 in the BOATCB
Revelation 9 in the BOATCB2
Revelation 9 in the BOBCV
Revelation 9 in the BOCNT
Revelation 9 in the BOECS
Revelation 9 in the BOGWICC
Revelation 9 in the BOHCB
Revelation 9 in the BOHCV
Revelation 9 in the BOHLNT
Revelation 9 in the BOHNTLTAL
Revelation 9 in the BOICB
Revelation 9 in the BOILNTAP
Revelation 9 in the BOITCV
Revelation 9 in the BOKCV
Revelation 9 in the BOKCV2
Revelation 9 in the BOKHWOG
Revelation 9 in the BOKSSV
Revelation 9 in the BOLCB
Revelation 9 in the BOLCB2
Revelation 9 in the BOMCV
Revelation 9 in the BONAV
Revelation 9 in the BONCB
Revelation 9 in the BONLT
Revelation 9 in the BONUT2
Revelation 9 in the BOPLNT
Revelation 9 in the BOSCB
Revelation 9 in the BOSNC
Revelation 9 in the BOTLNT
Revelation 9 in the BOVCB
Revelation 9 in the BOYCB
Revelation 9 in the BPBB
Revelation 9 in the BPH
Revelation 9 in the BSB
Revelation 9 in the CCB
Revelation 9 in the CUV
Revelation 9 in the CUVS
Revelation 9 in the DBT
Revelation 9 in the DGDNT
Revelation 9 in the DHNT
Revelation 9 in the DNT
Revelation 9 in the ELBE
Revelation 9 in the EMTV
Revelation 9 in the ESV
Revelation 9 in the FBV
Revelation 9 in the FEB
Revelation 9 in the GGMNT
Revelation 9 in the GNT
Revelation 9 in the HARY
Revelation 9 in the HNT
Revelation 9 in the IRVA
Revelation 9 in the IRVB
Revelation 9 in the IRVG
Revelation 9 in the IRVH
Revelation 9 in the IRVK
Revelation 9 in the IRVM
Revelation 9 in the IRVM2
Revelation 9 in the IRVO
Revelation 9 in the IRVP
Revelation 9 in the IRVT
Revelation 9 in the IRVT2
Revelation 9 in the IRVU
Revelation 9 in the ISVN
Revelation 9 in the JSNT
Revelation 9 in the KAPI
Revelation 9 in the KBT1ETNIK
Revelation 9 in the KBV
Revelation 9 in the KJV
Revelation 9 in the KNFD
Revelation 9 in the LBA
Revelation 9 in the LBLA
Revelation 9 in the LNT
Revelation 9 in the LSV
Revelation 9 in the MAAL
Revelation 9 in the MBV
Revelation 9 in the MBV2
Revelation 9 in the MHNT
Revelation 9 in the MKNFD
Revelation 9 in the MNG
Revelation 9 in the MNT
Revelation 9 in the MNT2
Revelation 9 in the MRS1T
Revelation 9 in the NAA
Revelation 9 in the NASB
Revelation 9 in the NBLA
Revelation 9 in the NBS
Revelation 9 in the NBVTP
Revelation 9 in the NET2
Revelation 9 in the NIV11
Revelation 9 in the NNT
Revelation 9 in the NNT2
Revelation 9 in the NNT3
Revelation 9 in the PDDPT
Revelation 9 in the PFNT
Revelation 9 in the RMNT
Revelation 9 in the SBIAS
Revelation 9 in the SBIBS
Revelation 9 in the SBIBS2
Revelation 9 in the SBICS
Revelation 9 in the SBIDS
Revelation 9 in the SBIGS
Revelation 9 in the SBIHS
Revelation 9 in the SBIIS
Revelation 9 in the SBIIS2
Revelation 9 in the SBIIS3
Revelation 9 in the SBIKS
Revelation 9 in the SBIKS2
Revelation 9 in the SBIMS
Revelation 9 in the SBIOS
Revelation 9 in the SBIPS
Revelation 9 in the SBISS
Revelation 9 in the SBITS
Revelation 9 in the SBITS2
Revelation 9 in the SBITS3
Revelation 9 in the SBITS4
Revelation 9 in the SBIUS
Revelation 9 in the SBIVS
Revelation 9 in the SBT
Revelation 9 in the SBT1E
Revelation 9 in the SCHL
Revelation 9 in the SNT
Revelation 9 in the SUSU
Revelation 9 in the SUSU2
Revelation 9 in the SYNO
Revelation 9 in the TBIAOTANT
Revelation 9 in the TBT1E2
Revelation 9 in the TFTIP
Revelation 9 in the TFTU
Revelation 9 in the TGNTATF3T
Revelation 9 in the THAI
Revelation 9 in the TNFD
Revelation 9 in the TNT
Revelation 9 in the TNTIK
Revelation 9 in the TNTIL
Revelation 9 in the TNTIN
Revelation 9 in the TNTIP
Revelation 9 in the TNTIZ
Revelation 9 in the TOMA
Revelation 9 in the TTENT
Revelation 9 in the UBG
Revelation 9 in the UGV
Revelation 9 in the UGV2
Revelation 9 in the UGV3
Revelation 9 in the VBL
Revelation 9 in the VDCC
Revelation 9 in the YALU
Revelation 9 in the YAPE
Revelation 9 in the YBVTP
Revelation 9 in the ZBP