John 6 (BOATCB2)

1 Eyi akyi no, Yesu kɔɔ tɔnn kotwaa Galilea Po, a ɛyɛ Tiberia Po no. 2 Esiane sɛ nkurɔfo huu sɛ Yesu nam anwonwakwan so asa nnipa pii yare no nti, wodii nʼakyi. 3 Yesu ne nʼasuafo no kɔɔ bepɔw bi so kɔtenaa hɔ kakra. 4 Saa bere no na Twam Afahyɛ no abɛn. 5 Bere a Yesu twaa nʼani, huu sɛ nnipakuw no reba ne nkyɛn no, obisaa Filipo se, “Ɛhe na yebenya aduan ama saa nnipa dodow yi?” 6 Yesu bisaa Filipo saa asɛm yi de sɔɔ no hwɛe, efisɛ na onim nea ɔbɛyɛ. 7 Filipo buae se, “Ansa na yebetumi ama saa nnipa dodow yi aduan no, ɛsɛ sɛ yenya asram awotwe akatua.” 8 Andrea a ɔyɛ Simon Petro nua no kae se, 9 “Abarimaa bi wɔ ha a ɔwɔ brodo anum ne kyenam abien; na eyi betumi aso nnipa dodow yi di?” 10 Yesu hyɛɛ nʼasuafo no se, “Momma obiara ntena ase.” Asuafo no ma wɔtenatenaa sare no so. Na mmarima a wɔwɔ wɔn mu no dodow bɛyɛ mpem anum. 11 Yesu faa brodo no bɔɔ mpae na ɔkyɛ maa wɔn. Ɔfaa saa kwan koro no ara so kyɛɛ kyenam no nso maa wɔn. 12 Wodidi mee akyi no, Yesu ka kyerɛɛ wɔn se, “Mommoaboa aduan a aka no ano na bi ansɛe.” 13 Wɔboaboaa aduan a ɛkae no ano no, ɛyɛɛ nkɛntɛn dumien. 14 Nnipa no huu nsɛnkyerɛnne a Yesu ayɛ no, wɔkae se, “Ampa ara, onipa yi ne odiyifo a yɛrehwɛ no kwan no.” 15 Yesu huu sɛ nnipa no ayɛ wɔn adwene sɛ wɔbɛkyere no asi no hene no, ɔtwee ne ho fii wɔn mu kɔɔ bepɔw no so bio. 16 Onwini dwoe no, Yesu asuafo no kɔɔ Galilea mpoano. 17 Wɔtwɛn kosii sɛ ade sae na ɔmma no, wɔkɔtenaa ɔkorow mu se wɔrekɔ Kapernaum. 18 Saa bere no na ahum retu wɔ po so ama po no ani afono. 19 Wɔhare kɔɔ wɔn anim bɛyɛ akwansin abiɛsa anaa anan no, wohuu sɛ obi nam po no so reba; eyi maa ehu kaa wɔn kosii sɛ, 20 Yesu kae se, “Ɛyɛ me, Munnsuro!” 21 Asuafo no pɛɛ sɛ anka wɔde no tena ɔkorow no mu, nanso ntɛm ara ɔkorow no koduu Kapernaum. 22 Ade kyee no, nnipa a na wɔwɔ Galilea po no agya no huu sɛ ɔkorow baako pɛ na na ɛwɔ hɔ, nanso asuafo no tenaa mu kɔe a na Yesu nka wɔn ho. 23 Ankyɛ koraa na akorow afoforo bi fi Tiberia baa faako a Awurade maa nnipakuw no aduan dii no. 24 Bere a nnipa no huu sɛ Yesu ne nʼasuafo no nni hɔ no, wɔtenatenaa akorow no mu sɛ wɔrekɔ Kapernaum akɔhwehwɛ no. 25 Woduu Kapernaum na wohuu Yesu no, wobisaa no se, “Kyerɛkyerɛfo, bere bɛn na wobaa ha?” 26 Yesu buaa wɔn se, “Mereka nokware akyerɛ mo se, ɛnyɛ sɛ muhuu anwonwade a meyɛe no nti na morehwehwɛ me, na mmom sɛ munyaa aduan di mee no nti. 27 Monnsɛe mo bere nyinaa mpere nhwehwɛ aduan a etumi sɛe no akyi kwan, na mmom mompere nhwehwɛ aduan a ɛtena hɔ daa a ɛma nkwa a enni awiei a Onipa Ba no de bɛma mo no akyi kwan. Efisɛ eyi nti na mʼAgya somaa me.” 28 Nnipa no bisaa no se, “Dɛn na yɛnyɛ na yɛasɔ Onyankopɔn ani?” 29 Yesu buaa wɔn se, “Eyi ne nea Onyankopɔn pɛ sɛ moyɛ, munnye nea wasoma no no nni.” 30 Nnipa no bisaa no bio se, “Anwonwade bɛn na wobɛyɛ akyerɛ yɛn ama yɛagye wo adi? 31 Sɛ wopɛ sɛ yegye wo di sɛ wone Agyenkwa no de a, ɛno de ma yɛn aduan nni daa sɛnea Kyerɛwsɛm no di ho adanse sɛ, Mose maa yɛn nenanom ɔsoro aduan dii wɔ sare no so.” 32 Yesu ka kyerɛɛ wɔn se, “Mereka nokware akyerɛ mo se, ɛnyɛ Mose na ɔmaa mo nenanom aduan a efi ɔsoro no dii wɔ sare so hɔ no na mmom ɛyɛ mʼAgya. Na afei de, ɔma mo aduan a efi ɔsoro a ɛma nkwa a enni awiei no di daa. 33 Saa aduan a efi Onyankopɔn nkyɛn no ne onipa a ofi ɔsoro ba asase so na ɔde nkwa brɛ wiase no.” 34 Nnipa no ka kyerɛɛ no se, “Owura, ma yɛn saa aduan no bi nni daa.” 35 Yesu kae se, “Mene brodo a ɛma nkwa no. Obiara a ɔba me nkyɛn na ogye me di no, ɔkɔm anaa osukɔm renne no da. 36 Sɛnea maka akyerɛ mo no, moahu me nnwuma, nanso munnye me nni. 37 Obiara a mʼAgya de no ama me no bɛba me nkyɛn, na obiara a ɔbɛba me nkyɛn nso no, merempam no. 38 Na mifi ɔsoro baa asase so sɛ merebɛyɛ nea ɔsomaa me no apɛde, na ɛnyɛ mʼapɛde. 39 Na nea ɔsomaa me no apɛde ne sɛ mɛhwɛ wɔn a ɔde wɔn ama me no nyinaa so yiye na da a edi akyiri no, manyan wɔn ama wɔn nkwa foforo. 40 MʼAgya apɛde ne sɛ obiara a ɔba me nkyɛn na ogye me di no benya nkwa a enni awiei, na da a edi akyiri no manyan no ama no nkwa foforo.” 41 Yudafo no tee sɛ Yesu aka se, “Mene aduan a efi ɔsoro” no, wonwiinwii. 42 Wɔkɔɔ so kae se, “Ɛnyɛ Yosef ne Maria ba ne saa Yesu yi? Ɛyɛɛ dɛn na otumi ka se ofi ɔsoro na ɔbae?” 43 Yesu buaa wɔn se, “Munnyae anwiinwii no. 44 Mommma ɛnyɛ mo nwonwa sɛ maka saa, na obiara nni hɔ a obetumi aba me nkyɛn, gye sɛ Agya no a ɔsomaa me no twe no ba me ho, na da a edi akyiri no, menyan no. 45 Adiyifo no akyerɛw se, ‘Onyankopɔn ankasa bɛkyerɛkyerɛ ne mma.’ Ɛno nti, obiara a otie Agya no nkyerɛkyerɛ no ba me nkyɛn. 46 Asɛm a maka yi nkyerɛ sɛ obi ahu Agya no pɛn, gye onipa a ofi Agya no nkyɛn no. 47 Mereka nokwasɛm akyerɛ mo se, nea ogye di no nya nkwa a enni awiei. 48 Mene brodo a ɛma nkwa no. 49 Mo nenanom dii mana wɔ sare so nso wowuwui, 50 nanso brodo a efi ɔsoro ba no yɛ brodo a obi di a ɔrenwu da. 51 Mene brodo a efi ɔsoro no; sɛ obi di saa brodo yi a ɔbɛtena ase daa. Brodo a mede bɛma obiara a ɔba me nkyɛn no ne me honam a mede ma, sɛnea ɛbɛyɛ na wiase benya nkwa.” 52 Asɛm a Yesu kaa yi maa Yudafo no bo fuwii, ma wobisabisaa wɔn ho wɔn ho se, “Ɛbɛyɛ dɛn na saa onipa yi betumi de ne honam ama yɛn sɛ aduan ama yɛadi?” 53 Yesu ka kyerɛɛ wɔn se, “Mereka nokwasɛm akyerɛ mo; moanni Onipa Ba no honam sɛ aduan na moannom ne mogya a, morennya nkwa a enni awiei. 54 Obiara a odi me honam sɛ aduan na ɔnom me mogya no nya nkwa a enni awiei, na da a edi akyiri no menyan no ama no nkwa foforo. 55 Me honam ne aduan pa no, na me mogya nso ne nsu pa no. 56 Obiara a odi me honam sɛ aduan na ɔnom me mogya sɛ nsu no te me mu, na me nso mete ne mu. 57 Sɛnea Agya teasefo no somaa me na ɔno nti mete ase no, saa ara nso na obiara a odi me honam sɛ aduan no, me nti ɔbɛtena ase. 58 Eyi ne brodo a efi ɔsoro bae. Ɛnte sɛ mana a yɛn nenanom dii wɔ sare so na wowuwui no. Saa brodo yi de, obiara a obedi bi no bɛtena ase daa.” 59 Bere a na Yesu rekyerɛkyerɛ wɔ hyiadan mu wɔ Kapernaum no na ɔkaa saa nsɛm yi. 60 Yesu akyidifo no mu pii tee asɛm a ɔkae no, wɔkae se, “Saa asɛm yi de, ɛkyerɛ yɛn adwene. Hena na ɔbɛte ase?” 61 Yesu huu sɛ nʼakyidifo no renwiinwii no, obisaa wɔn se, “Asɛm a mekae yi to mo hintidua ana? 62 Ɛno de ɛba sɛ Onipa Ba no resan akɔ ɔsoro, faako a ofi bae no a, dɛn na mobɛyɛ? 63 Onyankopɔn honhom na ɛma nkwa. Onipa ntumi mma nkwa. Nsɛm a maka akyerɛ mo yi yɛ honhom na nkwa wɔ mu, 64 nanso mo mu bi nnye nni.” Efi mfiase no na Yesu huu wɔn a wonnye no nni ne wɔn a wɔbɛtwe wɔn ho afi ne ho no. 65 Ɔkɔɔ so kae se, “Eyi nti na meka kyerɛɛ mo se obi ntumi mma me nkyɛn gye sɛ Agya no ama no ho kwan” no. 66 Esiane saa nsɛm a Yesu kae no nti, nʼakyidifo no mu pii twee wɔn ho fii ne ho na wɔanni nʼakyi bio. 67 Yesu huu saa no, obisaa asuafo dumien no se, “Mo nso mubegyae mʼakyidi ana?” 68 Simon Petro buaa no se, “Awurade, hena nkyɛn na yɛbɛkɔ? Wo na wowɔ nsɛm a ɛwɔ nkwa a enni awiei. 69 Na yegye wo nsɛm no di na yenim sɛ wone Onyankopɔn Ba Kronkron no.” 70 Yesu kɔɔ so kae sɛ, “Me ara na miyii mo dumien yi, nanso mo mu baako yɛ ɔbonsam.” 71 Asɛm a Yesu kae no, na ɛfa Yuda a ɔyɛ Simon Iskariot ba no a ɔyɛ asuafo dumien no mu baako a obeyi Yesu ama no ho.

In Other Versions

John 6 in the ANGEFD

John 6 in the ANTPNG2D

John 6 in the AS21

John 6 in the BAGH

John 6 in the BBPNG

John 6 in the BBT1E

John 6 in the BDS

John 6 in the BEV

John 6 in the BHAD

John 6 in the BIB

John 6 in the BLPT

John 6 in the BNT

John 6 in the BNTABOOT

John 6 in the BNTLV

John 6 in the BOATCB

John 6 in the BOBCV

John 6 in the BOCNT

John 6 in the BOECS

John 6 in the BOGWICC

John 6 in the BOHCB

John 6 in the BOHCV

John 6 in the BOHLNT

John 6 in the BOHNTLTAL

John 6 in the BOICB

John 6 in the BOILNTAP

John 6 in the BOITCV

John 6 in the BOKCV

John 6 in the BOKCV2

John 6 in the BOKHWOG

John 6 in the BOKSSV

John 6 in the BOLCB

John 6 in the BOLCB2

John 6 in the BOMCV

John 6 in the BONAV

John 6 in the BONCB

John 6 in the BONLT

John 6 in the BONUT2

John 6 in the BOPLNT

John 6 in the BOSCB

John 6 in the BOSNC

John 6 in the BOTLNT

John 6 in the BOVCB

John 6 in the BOYCB

John 6 in the BPBB

John 6 in the BPH

John 6 in the BSB

John 6 in the CCB

John 6 in the CUV

John 6 in the CUVS

John 6 in the DBT

John 6 in the DGDNT

John 6 in the DHNT

John 6 in the DNT

John 6 in the ELBE

John 6 in the EMTV

John 6 in the ESV

John 6 in the FBV

John 6 in the FEB

John 6 in the GGMNT

John 6 in the GNT

John 6 in the HARY

John 6 in the HNT

John 6 in the IRVA

John 6 in the IRVB

John 6 in the IRVG

John 6 in the IRVH

John 6 in the IRVK

John 6 in the IRVM

John 6 in the IRVM2

John 6 in the IRVO

John 6 in the IRVP

John 6 in the IRVT

John 6 in the IRVT2

John 6 in the IRVU

John 6 in the ISVN

John 6 in the JSNT

John 6 in the KAPI

John 6 in the KBT1ETNIK

John 6 in the KBV

John 6 in the KJV

John 6 in the KNFD

John 6 in the LBA

John 6 in the LBLA

John 6 in the LNT

John 6 in the LSV

John 6 in the MAAL

John 6 in the MBV

John 6 in the MBV2

John 6 in the MHNT

John 6 in the MKNFD

John 6 in the MNG

John 6 in the MNT

John 6 in the MNT2

John 6 in the MRS1T

John 6 in the NAA

John 6 in the NASB

John 6 in the NBLA

John 6 in the NBS

John 6 in the NBVTP

John 6 in the NET2

John 6 in the NIV11

John 6 in the NNT

John 6 in the NNT2

John 6 in the NNT3

John 6 in the PDDPT

John 6 in the PFNT

John 6 in the RMNT

John 6 in the SBIAS

John 6 in the SBIBS

John 6 in the SBIBS2

John 6 in the SBICS

John 6 in the SBIDS

John 6 in the SBIGS

John 6 in the SBIHS

John 6 in the SBIIS

John 6 in the SBIIS2

John 6 in the SBIIS3

John 6 in the SBIKS

John 6 in the SBIKS2

John 6 in the SBIMS

John 6 in the SBIOS

John 6 in the SBIPS

John 6 in the SBISS

John 6 in the SBITS

John 6 in the SBITS2

John 6 in the SBITS3

John 6 in the SBITS4

John 6 in the SBIUS

John 6 in the SBIVS

John 6 in the SBT

John 6 in the SBT1E

John 6 in the SCHL

John 6 in the SNT

John 6 in the SUSU

John 6 in the SUSU2

John 6 in the SYNO

John 6 in the TBIAOTANT

John 6 in the TBT1E

John 6 in the TBT1E2

John 6 in the TFTIP

John 6 in the TFTU

John 6 in the TGNTATF3T

John 6 in the THAI

John 6 in the TNFD

John 6 in the TNT

John 6 in the TNTIK

John 6 in the TNTIL

John 6 in the TNTIN

John 6 in the TNTIP

John 6 in the TNTIZ

John 6 in the TOMA

John 6 in the TTENT

John 6 in the UBG

John 6 in the UGV

John 6 in the UGV2

John 6 in the UGV3

John 6 in the VBL

John 6 in the VDCC

John 6 in the YALU

John 6 in the YAPE

John 6 in the YBVTP

John 6 in the ZBP