Jeremiah 49 (BOICB)

1 Nke a dịrị ndị Amọn: Ihe ndị a ka ONYENWE ANYỊ kwuru,“Ọ bụ na Izrel enweghị ụmụ ndị ikom?Izrel o nweghị onye nnweta ihe o nwere?Gịnị mere Molek ji nweta obodo Gad?Gịnị mere ndị ya ji bichie obodo ya niile? 2 Ma ụbọchị ahụ na-abịa,” ka ONYENWE ANYỊ kwupụtara,“mgbe m ga-eme ka a nụ ụda iti mkpu agha,nke a ga-eti megide Raba, obodo ndị Amọn.A ga-eme ya ka ọ ghọọ mkputamkpu ebe.A ga-esurekwa ya ọkụ, ya na obodo nta niile gbara ya gburugburu.Mgbe ahụ Izrel ga-achụpụkwandị ahụ niile chụpụrụ ya.”Otu a ka ONYENWE ANYỊ kwuru. 3 “Kpọọ mkpu akwa, gị Heshbọn, nʼihi na ebibiela Ai!Tisienụ mkpu akwa ike unu ndị bi na Raba!Yirinụ uwe mkpe unu, tiekwanụ aka nʼobi nʼihi iru ụjụ;gbagharịanụ nʼogige mgbidi obodo unu,nʼihi na a ga-adọta Molek nʼagha,buru ya na ndị nchụaja ya na ndịisi ọchịchị ya gaa mba ọzọ. 4 Gịnị mere unu ji anya isi nʼihi ndagwurugwunke na-amị mkpụrụ hiri nne,gị ada nwanyị na-ekwesighị ntụkwasị obi,onye ntụkwasị obi ya dị nʼakụnụba ya,gị onye na-asị, ‘Onye ga-ebuso m agha?’ 5 Aga m esite nʼaka ndị niile gbara gị gburugburumee ka oke egwu bịakwasị gị,”otu a ka Onye kachasị ihe niile elu, bụ ONYENWE ANYỊ, Onye pụrụ ime ihe niile kwupụtara ya,“A ga-achụpụ onye ọbụla nʼime unu.Ọ dịkwaghị onye ga-achịkọta ndị ahụ niile gbapụrụ agbapụ. 6 “Ma mgbe e mesịrị, aga m emekwa ka ndị Amọn laghachikwa nʼala ha.”Otu a ka ONYENWE ANYỊ kwubiri. 7 Nke dịrị Edọm: Ihe ndị a ka ONYENWE ANYỊ, Onye pụrụ ime ihe niile kwuru,“Ọ pụtara na onye amamihe adịghịkwa na Teman?Okwu ndụmọdụ ọ gwụla nʼọnụ ndị nwere nghọta?Amamihe ha o reela ure? 8 Chigharịanụ gbalaga, unu ndị bi na Dedan.Gaa zoonụ onwe unu nʼọgba nkume miri emi,nʼihi na aga m eme ka ihe ọjọọ bịakwasị Ịsọ,nʼoge ahụ m ga-ata ya ahụhụ. 9 Ọ bụrụ na ndị na-aghọrọ mkpụrụ vaịnị abịakwute gị,ọ bụ na ha agaghị ahapụrụ gị mkpụrụ ole na ole?Ọ bụrụkwa na ndị ohi abịa nʼabalị,ọ bụghị naanị ihe ha chọrọ ka ha ga-akwakọrọ? 10 Ma aga m agba Ịsọ ọtọ.Aga m ekpughe ebe nzuzo ya niileka ọ ghara izobe onwe ya.Ụmụ ya na ndị ikwu ya,tinyere ndị ya na ha dị na mma na ndị agbataobi ya, ga-ala nʼiyi.Ya mere, ọ dịghịkwa onye ga-asị, 11 ‘Hapụnụ ụmụ mgbei unu niile, nʼihi na mụ onwe m ga-edebe ha ndụ.Ndị inyom unu niile ndị di ha nwụrụ nwere ike ịtụkwasị m obi.’ ” 12 Ihe ndị a ka ONYENWE ANYỊ kwuru, “Ọ bụrụ na e mere ka ndị ahụ na-ekwesighị ịṅụ ihe dị nʼiko ahụ ṅụọ ya, a ga-esi aṅaa ghara ịta gị ahụhụ? A ghaghị ịta gị ahụhụ; ị ghakwaghị ịṅụ site nʼiko ahụ.” 13 “Eji m onwe m ṅụọ iyi, otu a ka ONYENWE ANYỊ kwupụtara, sị, na Bozra ga-aghọ mkpọmkpọ ebe, na ihe iju anya, na ihe ịta ụta, na ihe ịbụ ọnụ. Obodo ya niile ga-aghọkwa mkpọmkpọ ebe ruo mgbe ebighị ebi.” 14 Anụla m ozi si nʼọnụ ONYENWE ANYỊ.E zipụla onyeozi ka ọ ga mba niile dị iche iche zie ha ozi, sị,“Chịkọtaanụ onwe, megide ya.Bilikwanụ maka ibu agha!” 15 Ugbu a, aga m eme ka ị dị nta nʼetiti mba dị iche iche,ihe nlelị na-ebe mmadụ nọ. 16 Ịdị egwu gị nke na-eyinye ndị mmadụ egwu,na nganga nke obi gị eduhiela gị,gị onye na-ebi na mgbawa niile nke nkume dị elu,gị onye ji ebe niile dị elu nke ugwu nʼaka ya.A sịkwarị na i wuo akwụ gị nʼebe dị elu, dịka ebe ugo ga-ewu akwụ ya,aga m esite nʼebe ahụ kpụdata gị nʼala,otu a ka ONYENWE ANYỊ kwubiri ya. 17 “Edọm ga-aghọ ihe iju anya.Ndị niile na-esi nʼakụkụ ya agafe ga-anọ nʼọnọdụ iju anya,ha ga-eledakwa ya anya nʼihi ọnya ya niile. 18 Dịka a kwaturu Sọdọm na Gọmọra,ya na obodo niile gbara ya gburugburu.Otu a kwa, ọ dịghị onye ọbụla ga-ebi nʼebe ahụ;nwa mmadụ ọbụla agakwaghị ebi nʼime ya,” otu a ka ONYENWE ANYỊ kwuru. 19 “Aga m esi nʼala ya chụpụ Edọm nʼotu ntabi anya,dịka mgbe ọdụm na-esi nʼoke ọhịa Jọdanna-arịgopụta nʼebe ịta nri nke ụmụ anụmanụ jupụtara nʼahịhịa ndụ.Ma onye bụ onye ahụ a họpụtara, onye m ga-enyefe ọrụ a nʼaka ya?Onye dịka m? Onye kwa pụrụ ịpụta tụọ m aka nʼihu?Onye bụkwa onye ọzụzụ atụrụ ahụ nke pụrụ ido onwe ya megide m?” 20 Nʼihi nke a, nụrụ ihe ONYENWE ANYỊ kwadobere megide Edọm,nụrụkwa ihe o zubere megide ndị bi na Teman.A ga-adọkpụrụ ndị dị nta nʼetiti igwe ewu na atụrụ ahụ,ebe ịta nri ha ga-anọ nʼọnọdụ mgbagwoju anya nʼihi nke a. 21 Ụwa ga-ama jijiji mgbe ha nụrụ mkpọtụ ọdịda ha;iti mkpu akwa ha ga-adakwa ụda ruo nʼOsimiri Uhie. 22 Lee, otu ugo ga-efeli elu, fedatakwa.Ọ ga-agbasapụ nku ya kpuchie ala Bozra niile.Nʼụbọchị ahụ, obi ndị bu dike nʼagha nʼEdọmga-adị ka obi nwanyị ime na-eme. 23 Nke dịrị Damaskọs:“Ụjọ ejula Hamat na Apad obi,nʼihi na ha anụla akụkọ ọjọọ.Ha adaala mba,nọọkwa nʼoke echiche dịka osimiri nke ebili na-amagharị nʼelu ya. 24 Damaskọs aghọọla onye ike gwụrụ.Ọ tụgharịala ịgbapụ ọsọ,ma ọma jijiji ejidela ya.Oke obi ụfụ na ihe mgbu ejidesiela ya aka ike,dịka obi ụfụ na ihe mgbu nke na-ejide nwanyị ime na-eme. 25 Gịnị mere na-agbahapụbeghị obodo ahụ a maara aha ya,bụ obodo ahụ nke ihe ya na-atọ obi m ụtọ? 26 Nʼezie, ụmụ okorobịa nọ nʼime ya ga-ada nʼokporoụzọ niile,a ga-emekwa ka ndị agha ya niile dere duu nʼụbọchị ahụ.”Otu a ka ONYENWE ANYỊ, Onye pụrụ ime ihe niile kwubiri. 27 “Aga m esunye mgbidi Damaskọs ọkụ.Ọkụ ahụ ga-eripịakwa ebe e wusiri ike nke Ben-Hadad.” 28 Banyere Keda na alaeze Hazọ, nke Nebukadneza eze Babilọn busoro agha: Ihe ndị a ka ONYENWE ANYỊ kwuru,“Bilienụ gaa buso Keda agha.Bibiekwanụ ndị ahụ niile bi nʼakụkụ ọwụwa anyanwụ. 29 A ga-adọta ụlọ ikwu ha, na igwe ewu na atụrụ ha nʼagha.A ga-ebukọrọkwa ụlọ mgbochi ha niile,ya na ngwongwo na ịnyịnya kamel ha niile.Ndị mmadụ ga-etikwa mkpu sị ha,‘Oke egwu dị nʼakụkụ niile!’ 30 “Gbalaganụ ọsịịsọ.Jeenụ nọdụ nʼime ọgba nkume niile miri emi, unu ndị niile bi na Hazọ,”otu a ka ONYENWE ANYỊ kwupụtara.Nebukadneza eze Babilọn atụọla atụmatụ megide unu,o chepụtakwala ụzọ ọ ga-esi megide unu. 31 “Bilienụ, gaa buso mba ahụ agha,bụ mba ahụ na-ebi na ntụkwasị obi,”otu a ka ONYENWE ANYỊ kwupụtara,“mba nke na-enweghị ibo ọnụ ụzọ, maọbụ mkpọrọ e ji akpọchi ya,mba ahụ nke ndị ya na-ebiri naanị onwe ha. 32 Ịnyịnya kamel ha ga-abụ ihe a ga-akwata nʼagha,ọtụtụ igwe ehi ha ga-abụkwa ihe a ga-alụta nʼagha.Aga m efesa ha nye ifufe, bụ ndị niile nọ ebe dị anya, bụ ndị ahụ niile na-akpụchapụ agịrị isi egedege ihu ha.Aga m emekwa ka ihe ọjọọ si nʼakụkụ niile bịakwasị ha,”otu a ka ONYENWE ANYỊ kwubiri. 33 “Mgbe ahụ, Hazọ ga-aghọ ebe obibi nke nkịta ọhịa.Ọ ga-aghọ ebe tọgbọrọ nʼefu ruo mgbe ebighị ebi.O nweghị onye ọbụla ga-ebi nʼebe ahụ,nwa mmadụ ọbụla agakwaghị ebi nʼime ya.” 34 Nke a bụ okwu ONYENWE ANYỊ ndị ruru Jeremaya onye amụma ntị banyere Elam, mgbe Zedekaya eze Juda bidoro ọchịchị ya. 35 Ihe ndị a ka ONYENWE ANYỊ, Onye pụrụ ime ihe niile kwuru,“Lee, aga m agbaji ụta nke Elam,bụ ụta ahụ ha ji anya isi na ọ bụ ebe ike ha dị. 36 Aga m esite nʼakụkụ anọ nke mbara eluigwe zite oke ifufe anọ,nke ga-abịa megide Elam.Aga m efesa ha nye oke ifufe anọ ndị a,ndị ga-ebufu ha buga ha na mba niile dị iche iche,ọ dịghị obodo a na-agaghị ahụ ndị Ilam a dọtara nʼagha. 37 Aga m etipịa Elam nʼihu ndị iro ha,e, nʼihu ndị ahụ na-achọsi ndụ ya ike.Aga m eme ka ihe ọjọọ bịakwasị ha,meekwa ka oke iwe m dị ọkụ bịakwasị ha,”otu a ka ONYENWE ANYỊ kwubiri.“Aga m eji mma agha chụọ ha ọsọtutu ruo mgbe m mere ka ha niile gwụsịa. 38 Aga m edo ocheeze m nʼElam,bibiekwa eze ya na ndịisi ọchịchị ya,”otu a ka ONYENWE ANYỊ kwubiri. 39 “Ma nʼikpeazụ, nʼụbọchị ndị ahụ na-abịa,aga m eweghachite akụnụba niile nke Elam.”Otu a ka ONYENWE ANYỊ kwubiri ya.

In Other Versions

Jeremiah 49 in the ANGEFD

Jeremiah 49 in the ANTPNG2D

Jeremiah 49 in the AS21

Jeremiah 49 in the BAGH

Jeremiah 49 in the BBPNG

Jeremiah 49 in the BBT1E

Jeremiah 49 in the BDS

Jeremiah 49 in the BEV

Jeremiah 49 in the BHAD

Jeremiah 49 in the BIB

Jeremiah 49 in the BLPT

Jeremiah 49 in the BNT

Jeremiah 49 in the BNTABOOT

Jeremiah 49 in the BNTLV

Jeremiah 49 in the BOATCB

Jeremiah 49 in the BOATCB2

Jeremiah 49 in the BOBCV

Jeremiah 49 in the BOCNT

Jeremiah 49 in the BOECS

Jeremiah 49 in the BOGWICC

Jeremiah 49 in the BOHCB

Jeremiah 49 in the BOHCV

Jeremiah 49 in the BOHLNT

Jeremiah 49 in the BOHNTLTAL

Jeremiah 49 in the BOILNTAP

Jeremiah 49 in the BOITCV

Jeremiah 49 in the BOKCV

Jeremiah 49 in the BOKCV2

Jeremiah 49 in the BOKHWOG

Jeremiah 49 in the BOKSSV

Jeremiah 49 in the BOLCB

Jeremiah 49 in the BOLCB2

Jeremiah 49 in the BOMCV

Jeremiah 49 in the BONAV

Jeremiah 49 in the BONCB

Jeremiah 49 in the BONLT

Jeremiah 49 in the BONUT2

Jeremiah 49 in the BOPLNT

Jeremiah 49 in the BOSCB

Jeremiah 49 in the BOSNC

Jeremiah 49 in the BOTLNT

Jeremiah 49 in the BOVCB

Jeremiah 49 in the BOYCB

Jeremiah 49 in the BPBB

Jeremiah 49 in the BPH

Jeremiah 49 in the BSB

Jeremiah 49 in the CCB

Jeremiah 49 in the CUV

Jeremiah 49 in the CUVS

Jeremiah 49 in the DBT

Jeremiah 49 in the DGDNT

Jeremiah 49 in the DHNT

Jeremiah 49 in the DNT

Jeremiah 49 in the ELBE

Jeremiah 49 in the EMTV

Jeremiah 49 in the ESV

Jeremiah 49 in the FBV

Jeremiah 49 in the FEB

Jeremiah 49 in the GGMNT

Jeremiah 49 in the GNT

Jeremiah 49 in the HARY

Jeremiah 49 in the HNT

Jeremiah 49 in the IRVA

Jeremiah 49 in the IRVB

Jeremiah 49 in the IRVG

Jeremiah 49 in the IRVH

Jeremiah 49 in the IRVK

Jeremiah 49 in the IRVM

Jeremiah 49 in the IRVM2

Jeremiah 49 in the IRVO

Jeremiah 49 in the IRVP

Jeremiah 49 in the IRVT

Jeremiah 49 in the IRVT2

Jeremiah 49 in the IRVU

Jeremiah 49 in the ISVN

Jeremiah 49 in the JSNT

Jeremiah 49 in the KAPI

Jeremiah 49 in the KBT1ETNIK

Jeremiah 49 in the KBV

Jeremiah 49 in the KJV

Jeremiah 49 in the KNFD

Jeremiah 49 in the LBA

Jeremiah 49 in the LBLA

Jeremiah 49 in the LNT

Jeremiah 49 in the LSV

Jeremiah 49 in the MAAL

Jeremiah 49 in the MBV

Jeremiah 49 in the MBV2

Jeremiah 49 in the MHNT

Jeremiah 49 in the MKNFD

Jeremiah 49 in the MNG

Jeremiah 49 in the MNT

Jeremiah 49 in the MNT2

Jeremiah 49 in the MRS1T

Jeremiah 49 in the NAA

Jeremiah 49 in the NASB

Jeremiah 49 in the NBLA

Jeremiah 49 in the NBS

Jeremiah 49 in the NBVTP

Jeremiah 49 in the NET2

Jeremiah 49 in the NIV11

Jeremiah 49 in the NNT

Jeremiah 49 in the NNT2

Jeremiah 49 in the NNT3

Jeremiah 49 in the PDDPT

Jeremiah 49 in the PFNT

Jeremiah 49 in the RMNT

Jeremiah 49 in the SBIAS

Jeremiah 49 in the SBIBS

Jeremiah 49 in the SBIBS2

Jeremiah 49 in the SBICS

Jeremiah 49 in the SBIDS

Jeremiah 49 in the SBIGS

Jeremiah 49 in the SBIHS

Jeremiah 49 in the SBIIS

Jeremiah 49 in the SBIIS2

Jeremiah 49 in the SBIIS3

Jeremiah 49 in the SBIKS

Jeremiah 49 in the SBIKS2

Jeremiah 49 in the SBIMS

Jeremiah 49 in the SBIOS

Jeremiah 49 in the SBIPS

Jeremiah 49 in the SBISS

Jeremiah 49 in the SBITS

Jeremiah 49 in the SBITS2

Jeremiah 49 in the SBITS3

Jeremiah 49 in the SBITS4

Jeremiah 49 in the SBIUS

Jeremiah 49 in the SBIVS

Jeremiah 49 in the SBT

Jeremiah 49 in the SBT1E

Jeremiah 49 in the SCHL

Jeremiah 49 in the SNT

Jeremiah 49 in the SUSU

Jeremiah 49 in the SUSU2

Jeremiah 49 in the SYNO

Jeremiah 49 in the TBIAOTANT

Jeremiah 49 in the TBT1E

Jeremiah 49 in the TBT1E2

Jeremiah 49 in the TFTIP

Jeremiah 49 in the TFTU

Jeremiah 49 in the TGNTATF3T

Jeremiah 49 in the THAI

Jeremiah 49 in the TNFD

Jeremiah 49 in the TNT

Jeremiah 49 in the TNTIK

Jeremiah 49 in the TNTIL

Jeremiah 49 in the TNTIN

Jeremiah 49 in the TNTIP

Jeremiah 49 in the TNTIZ

Jeremiah 49 in the TOMA

Jeremiah 49 in the TTENT

Jeremiah 49 in the UBG

Jeremiah 49 in the UGV

Jeremiah 49 in the UGV2

Jeremiah 49 in the UGV3

Jeremiah 49 in the VBL

Jeremiah 49 in the VDCC

Jeremiah 49 in the YALU

Jeremiah 49 in the YAPE

Jeremiah 49 in the YBVTP

Jeremiah 49 in the ZBP