Jeremiah 49 (BOSCB)

1 Pamusoro paAmoni:Zvanzi naJehovha:“Ko, Israeri haana mwanakomana here?Haana vadyi venhaka here?Ko, zvino Moreki atorerei nhaka yaGadhi?Nemhaka yeiko vanhu vake vachigara mumaguta ayo? 2 Asi mazuva anouya,”ndizvo zvinotaura Jehovha,“andicharidza mhere yehondopamusoro peRabha ravaAmoni;richaitwa murwi wamatongo,uye misha yakaripoteredza ichapiswa nomoto.Ipapo Israeri achadzingavaya vakanga vamudzinga,”ndizvo zvinotaura Jehovha. 3 “Ungudza, iwe Heshibhoni, nokuti Ai raparadzwa!Ridzai mhere, imi vanogara muRabha!Pfekai masaga mucheme,mhanyai pano nekoko pakati porusvingo,nokuti Moreki achaenda kuutapwa,pamwe chete navaprista vake namachinda ake. 4 Unozvikudzireiko nemipata yako,kuzvikudza nemipata inobereka kwazvo?Haiwa mwanasikana wokusatendeka,unovimba nepfuma yako uchiti,‘Ndiani acharwa neni?’ 5 Ndichauyisa kutya pamusoro pakokunobva kuna avo vakakupoteredza,”ndizvo zvinotaura Jehovha Wamasimba Ose.“Mumwe nomumwe wenyu achadzingirwa kure,uye hakuna achaunganidza vatizi. 6 “Asi shure kwaizvozvo, ndichadzosazve pfuma yavaAmoni,”ndizvo zvinotaura Jehovha. 7 Pamusoro peEdhomu:Zvanzi naJehovha Wamasimba Ose:“Ko, muTemani hamuchina uchenjeri here?Mano atsakatika here kuna vakangwara?Ko, uchenjeri hwavo hwaora here? 8 Dzokai uye mutize, muwande mumapako akadzika,imi munogara muDhedhani,nokuti ndichauyisa njodzi pamusoro paEsau,panguva yandinomuranga. 9 Kana vanononga mazambiringa vakasvika kwauri,havangasiyi mazambiringa mashoma here?Kana mbavha dzikasvika usiku,havangabi zvavanoda chete here? 10 Asi ndichafukura Esau;ndichazarura nzvimbo dzake dzokuvanda,kuitira kuti akundikane kuzvivanza.Vana vake, nehama dzake navavakidzani vake vachafa,uye iye haachazovapozve. 11 Siya nherera dzako; ini ndicharwira upenyu hwavo.Chirikadzi dzakowo dzichagona kuvimba neni.” 12 Zvanzi naJehovha: “Kana avo vakanga vasingafaniri kunwa pamukombe vakodzera kuunwa, iwe ucharegereiko kurangwa? Haungaregi kurangwa, asi unofanira kunwa pamukombe wacho. 13 Ndinopika neni ndimene,” ndizvo zvinotaura Jehovha, “kuti Bhozira richava dongo nechinhu chinonyangadza, nechinhu chinotyisa, chinozvidzwa nechinotukwa; uye maguta aro ose achava matongo nokusingaperi.” 14 Ndakanzwa shoko rakabva kuna Jehovha, richiti:Nhume yakatumwa kundudzi kunoti,“Unganai kuti murwe naro!Simukai murwe!” 15 “Zvino ndichakuita muduku pakati pendudzi,anozvidzwa pakati pavanhu. 16 Kutyisa kwaunoita,nokuzvikudza kwomwoyo wako zvakunyengera,iwe unogara mumikaha yematombo,ugere panzvimbo dzakakwirira dzechikomo.Kunyange ukavaka dendere rako pakakwirira segondo,ndichakukoromora kubva ipapo,”ndizvo zvinotaura Jehovha. 17 “Edhomu richava chinhu chinotyisa,vose vachapfuura napo vachashamiswa,uye vachaseka nokuda kwamavanga aro ose. 18 Sokuparadzwa kwakaitwa Sodhomu neGomora,pamwe chete namaguta akanga akavakidzana nawo,”ndizvo zvinotaura Jehovha,“saka hakuna munhu achazogarako;hakuna munhu achagara mariri. 19 “Seshumba inobuda mumatenhere eJorodhaniichienda kumafuro akapfuma,ndichadzinga Edhomu kubva munyika yake pakarepo.Ndianiko akasarudzwa wandichagadza kuti aite izvi?Ndiani akafanana neni uye ndiani angakwikwidzane neni?Uye ndoupi mufudzi angamisidzana neni?” 20 Naizvozvo, inzwai zvakarongwa naJehovha pamusoro peEdhomu,zvaakafunga pamusoro peavo vagere muTemani:Achakwekweredza vaduku vemapoka;achaparadza chose mafuro avo nokuda kwavo. 21 Nyika ichadedera nokuda kwomubvumo wokuwa kwavo;kuchema kwavo kuchanzwikwawo kusvikira kuGungwa Dzvuku. 22 Tarirai gondo richabhururuka ndokudzika nesimba,rakatambanudza mapapiro aro pamusoro peBhozira.Pazuva iro mwoyo yemhare dzeEdhomuichafanana nomwoyo womukadzi orwadziwa. 23 Pamusoro peDhamasiko:“Hamati neAripadhi avhundutswa,nokuti agamuchira mashoko akaipa.Aora mwoyo,atambudzika segungwa risina zororo. 24 Dhamasiko harichina simba,rakatendeuka kuti ritize,kuvhunduka kukaribata;kugomera nokurwadziwa zvakaribata,kurwadziwa sekwomukadzi osununguka. 25 Guta remukurumbira harina kusiyiwa seiko,iro guta randinofarira? 26 Zvirokwazvo majaya aro achawa mumigwagwa;varwi varo vose vachati mwiro pazuva iroro,”ndizvo zvinotaura Jehovha Wamasimba Ose. 27 “Ndichatungidza moto kumasvingo eDhamasiko;uchaparadza nhare dzose dzaBheni-Hadhadhi.” 28 Pamusoro peKedhari noumambo hweHazori, hwakarwiswa naNebhukadhinezari mambo weBhabhironi:Zvanzi naJehovha:“Simukai, murwise Kedhariuye muparadze vanhu vokuMabvazuva. 29 Matende avo namapoka avo amakwai achatorwa;matumba avo achatorwa achiendwa nawo,nemidziyo yavo yose nengamera.Vanhu vachadanidzira kwavari vachiti,‘Zvinhu zviri kutyisa kumativi ose!’ 30 “Tizirai kure nokukurumidza!Garai mumapako akadzika, imi vagari vomuHazari,”ndizvo zvinotaura Jehovha.“Nebhukadhinezari mambo weBhabhironi aita zvakaipa pamusoro penyu;aronga zano pamusoro penyu. 31 “Simukai mundorwisa rudzi rwakazvigarira zvarwo,rugere zvarwo rusina hanya,”ndizvo zvinotaura Jehovha,“irwo rudzi rusina masuo kana mazariro;vanhu varwo vanogara voga zvavo. 32 Ngamera dzavo dzichapambwa,uye mombe dzavo dzakawanda dzichapambwa.Ndichaparadzira kumhepo avo vari kunyika dzokure,uye ndichauyisa njodzi pamusoro pavo kubva kumativi ose,”ndizvo zvinotaura Jehovha. 33 “Hazori richava ugaro hwamakava,dongo nokusingaperi.Hapana achagarako;hakuna munhu achagara mariri.” 34 Iri ndiro shoko raJehovha rakasvika kuna Jeremia muprofita pamusoro peEramu, pakutanga kwokubata ushe kwaZedhekia mambo weJudha, richiti: 35 Zvanzi naJehovha Wamasimba Ose:“Tarirai, ndichavhuna uta hweEramu,iwo musimboti wesimba ravo. 36 Ndichauyisa pamusoro paEramu mhepo ina,kubva kumativi mana ematenga;ndichavaparadzira kumhepo inauye hakungavi norudzi rumwekusingaendwi navavakidzani veEramu. 37 Ndichapwanya Eramu pamberi pavavengi vavo,pamberi paivo vanotsvaka kuvauraya;ndichauyisa njodzi pamusoro pavo,iko kutsamwa kwangu kunotyisa,”ndizvo zvinotaura Jehovha.“Ndichavatevera nomunondokusvikira ndavapedza. 38 Ndichaisa chigaro changu choushe muEramuuye ndichaparadza mambo wayo namachinda ayo,”ndizvo zvinotaura Jehovha. 39 “Asi ndichadzosa nhaka yeEramumumazuva okupedzisira,”ndizvo zvinotaura Jehovha.

In Other Versions

Jeremiah 49 in the ANGEFD

Jeremiah 49 in the ANTPNG2D

Jeremiah 49 in the AS21

Jeremiah 49 in the BAGH

Jeremiah 49 in the BBPNG

Jeremiah 49 in the BBT1E

Jeremiah 49 in the BDS

Jeremiah 49 in the BEV

Jeremiah 49 in the BHAD

Jeremiah 49 in the BIB

Jeremiah 49 in the BLPT

Jeremiah 49 in the BNT

Jeremiah 49 in the BNTABOOT

Jeremiah 49 in the BNTLV

Jeremiah 49 in the BOATCB

Jeremiah 49 in the BOATCB2

Jeremiah 49 in the BOBCV

Jeremiah 49 in the BOCNT

Jeremiah 49 in the BOECS

Jeremiah 49 in the BOGWICC

Jeremiah 49 in the BOHCB

Jeremiah 49 in the BOHCV

Jeremiah 49 in the BOHLNT

Jeremiah 49 in the BOHNTLTAL

Jeremiah 49 in the BOICB

Jeremiah 49 in the BOILNTAP

Jeremiah 49 in the BOITCV

Jeremiah 49 in the BOKCV

Jeremiah 49 in the BOKCV2

Jeremiah 49 in the BOKHWOG

Jeremiah 49 in the BOKSSV

Jeremiah 49 in the BOLCB

Jeremiah 49 in the BOLCB2

Jeremiah 49 in the BOMCV

Jeremiah 49 in the BONAV

Jeremiah 49 in the BONCB

Jeremiah 49 in the BONLT

Jeremiah 49 in the BONUT2

Jeremiah 49 in the BOPLNT

Jeremiah 49 in the BOSNC

Jeremiah 49 in the BOTLNT

Jeremiah 49 in the BOVCB

Jeremiah 49 in the BOYCB

Jeremiah 49 in the BPBB

Jeremiah 49 in the BPH

Jeremiah 49 in the BSB

Jeremiah 49 in the CCB

Jeremiah 49 in the CUV

Jeremiah 49 in the CUVS

Jeremiah 49 in the DBT

Jeremiah 49 in the DGDNT

Jeremiah 49 in the DHNT

Jeremiah 49 in the DNT

Jeremiah 49 in the ELBE

Jeremiah 49 in the EMTV

Jeremiah 49 in the ESV

Jeremiah 49 in the FBV

Jeremiah 49 in the FEB

Jeremiah 49 in the GGMNT

Jeremiah 49 in the GNT

Jeremiah 49 in the HARY

Jeremiah 49 in the HNT

Jeremiah 49 in the IRVA

Jeremiah 49 in the IRVB

Jeremiah 49 in the IRVG

Jeremiah 49 in the IRVH

Jeremiah 49 in the IRVK

Jeremiah 49 in the IRVM

Jeremiah 49 in the IRVM2

Jeremiah 49 in the IRVO

Jeremiah 49 in the IRVP

Jeremiah 49 in the IRVT

Jeremiah 49 in the IRVT2

Jeremiah 49 in the IRVU

Jeremiah 49 in the ISVN

Jeremiah 49 in the JSNT

Jeremiah 49 in the KAPI

Jeremiah 49 in the KBT1ETNIK

Jeremiah 49 in the KBV

Jeremiah 49 in the KJV

Jeremiah 49 in the KNFD

Jeremiah 49 in the LBA

Jeremiah 49 in the LBLA

Jeremiah 49 in the LNT

Jeremiah 49 in the LSV

Jeremiah 49 in the MAAL

Jeremiah 49 in the MBV

Jeremiah 49 in the MBV2

Jeremiah 49 in the MHNT

Jeremiah 49 in the MKNFD

Jeremiah 49 in the MNG

Jeremiah 49 in the MNT

Jeremiah 49 in the MNT2

Jeremiah 49 in the MRS1T

Jeremiah 49 in the NAA

Jeremiah 49 in the NASB

Jeremiah 49 in the NBLA

Jeremiah 49 in the NBS

Jeremiah 49 in the NBVTP

Jeremiah 49 in the NET2

Jeremiah 49 in the NIV11

Jeremiah 49 in the NNT

Jeremiah 49 in the NNT2

Jeremiah 49 in the NNT3

Jeremiah 49 in the PDDPT

Jeremiah 49 in the PFNT

Jeremiah 49 in the RMNT

Jeremiah 49 in the SBIAS

Jeremiah 49 in the SBIBS

Jeremiah 49 in the SBIBS2

Jeremiah 49 in the SBICS

Jeremiah 49 in the SBIDS

Jeremiah 49 in the SBIGS

Jeremiah 49 in the SBIHS

Jeremiah 49 in the SBIIS

Jeremiah 49 in the SBIIS2

Jeremiah 49 in the SBIIS3

Jeremiah 49 in the SBIKS

Jeremiah 49 in the SBIKS2

Jeremiah 49 in the SBIMS

Jeremiah 49 in the SBIOS

Jeremiah 49 in the SBIPS

Jeremiah 49 in the SBISS

Jeremiah 49 in the SBITS

Jeremiah 49 in the SBITS2

Jeremiah 49 in the SBITS3

Jeremiah 49 in the SBITS4

Jeremiah 49 in the SBIUS

Jeremiah 49 in the SBIVS

Jeremiah 49 in the SBT

Jeremiah 49 in the SBT1E

Jeremiah 49 in the SCHL

Jeremiah 49 in the SNT

Jeremiah 49 in the SUSU

Jeremiah 49 in the SUSU2

Jeremiah 49 in the SYNO

Jeremiah 49 in the TBIAOTANT

Jeremiah 49 in the TBT1E

Jeremiah 49 in the TBT1E2

Jeremiah 49 in the TFTIP

Jeremiah 49 in the TFTU

Jeremiah 49 in the TGNTATF3T

Jeremiah 49 in the THAI

Jeremiah 49 in the TNFD

Jeremiah 49 in the TNT

Jeremiah 49 in the TNTIK

Jeremiah 49 in the TNTIL

Jeremiah 49 in the TNTIN

Jeremiah 49 in the TNTIP

Jeremiah 49 in the TNTIZ

Jeremiah 49 in the TOMA

Jeremiah 49 in the TTENT

Jeremiah 49 in the UBG

Jeremiah 49 in the UGV

Jeremiah 49 in the UGV2

Jeremiah 49 in the UGV3

Jeremiah 49 in the VBL

Jeremiah 49 in the VDCC

Jeremiah 49 in the YALU

Jeremiah 49 in the YAPE

Jeremiah 49 in the YBVTP

Jeremiah 49 in the ZBP