Jeremiah 51 (BOICB)

1 Ihe ndị a ka ONYENWE ANYỊ kwuru,“Lee, aga m akpali mmụọ onye mbibi,ka ọ bịa megide Babilọn na ndị bi na Kaldịa. 2 Aga m eziga ndị mba ọzọ nʼobodo Babilọn,ka ha gaa fụchaa ya, bibiekwa ala ya.Ha ga-emegide ya nʼakụkụ niile,nʼụbọchị ahụ ihe ọjọọ ga-abịakwasị ya. 3 Ekwela ka onye na-agba ụta kwee ụta ya,ekwekwala ka o yikwasị uwe agha ya.Enwekwala ọmịiko nʼebe ụmụ okorobịa ya nọ,kama bibie usuu ndị agha ya kpamkpam. 4 Ha ga-ada, bụrụ ndị e gburu egbu nʼime Babilọn,ha ga-abụ ndị e merụrụ oke ahụ nʼokporoụzọ niile. 5 Ọ bụ ezie nʼala ha jupụtara nʼikpe ọmụma,nʼihu Onye nsọ nke Izrel,ma Chineke bụ ONYENWE ANYỊ, Onye pụrụ ime ihe niileagbakụtabeghị ndị Izrel na Juda azụ. 6 “Sinụ na Babilọn gbapụ ọsọ.Gbasienụ ọsọ ike nʼihi ndụ unu.Unu ekwela ka e bibie unu nʼihi mmehie ya.Oge ịbọ ọbọ ONYENWE ANYỊ eruola,ọ ga-akwụghachi ya ihe ruuru ya. 7 Babilọn dị ka iko ọlaedo nʼaka ONYENWE ANYỊ.O mere ka ụwa niile si nʼiko ahụ ṅụbiga ihe ọṅụṅụ oke.Mba niile nke ụwa ṅụrụ mmanya ya.Ugbu a ha niile na-ayị ara. 8 Na mberede, Babilọn ga-ada, a ga-etipịakwa ya.Kwasierenụ ya akwa ike.Wetanụ ọgwụ tee ya,ma eleghị anya ọnya ahụ ga-adị ya mma. 9 “ ‘Anyị gaara agwọ Babilọn,ma ọrịa ji ya enweghị ngwọta.Ka anyị hapụnụ ya; ka anyị niile nʼotu nʼotu laghachi nʼobodo nke aka anyị,nʼihi na ikpe ọmụma dịrị ya eruola mbara eluigwe.Ọ na-arịgokwa ruo nʼigwe ojii.’ 10 “ ‘ONYENWE ANYỊ emeela ka ezi omume anyị pụta ìhè.Ka anyị kwupụtaihe ONYENWE ANYỊ Chineke anyị mere na Zayọn.’ 11 “Mụọnụ ọnụ àkụ unu;bulienụ ọta unu! ONYENWE ANYỊ akwaliela ndị eze ndị Midia,nʼihi na nzube ya bụ ịla Babilọn nʼiyi. ONYENWE ANYỊ ga-abọrọ onwe ya ọbọ,ọ ga-abọtara ụlọnsọ ukwu ya ọbọ. 12 Bulienụ ọkọlọtọ nʼihi imegide mgbidi Babilọn.Tinyekwanụ ndị agha ọzọ nʼetiti ndị nche, ka ọnụọgụgụ ha hie nneKwadoonụ ndị ga na-elepụ anya.Kwadoonụ ndị agha ga-ezo onwe ha,nʼihi na ONYENWE ANYỊ ga-eme ka ihe o zubere mezuo,bụ ihe ahụ o kpebiri megide ndị Babilọn. 13 Unu bụ ndị bi nʼakụkụ ọtụtụ mmiri,ndị nwere akụnụba dị ukwuu,ọgwụgwụ unu abịaruola.Oge ahụ eruola mgbe e ji wezuga unu. 14 ONYENWE ANYỊ, Onye pụrụ ime ihe niile ji onwe ya ṅụọ iyi, sị,Nʼezie, aga m eme ka ndị mmadụ ọnụọgụgụ ha ga-aha ka igurube jupụta nʼime gị.Ha ga-etikwa mkpu ọṅụ megide gị. 15 “O sitere nʼike ya mee ụwa;ọ tọrọ ntọala ụwa mee ka o guzosie ike site nʼamamihe ya,ọ jikwa nghọta ya setịpụ eluigwe niile. 16 Mgbe o bigbọrọ, mmiri niile nke dị nʼeluigwe na-ebigbọkwa.Ọ na-eme ka igwe ojii site na nsọtụ niile nke ụwa kwụlie.Ọ na-ezipụ amụma mgbe mmiri na-ezo,na-esitekwa nʼụlọ nkwakọba ihe ya na-ewepụta ifufe. 17 “Onye ọbụla bụ onye na-enweghị uche nke ihe ọmụma kọrọ.Emeela ka ihere mee onye ọkpụ ụzụ ọlaedo ọbụla site nʼarụsị ọ kpụrụ.Nʼihi na oyiyi niile ọ na-akpụ bụ aghụghọ;ha enweghị nkuume ọbụla nʼime ha. 18 Ha bụ ihe efu, na ihe ịkwa emo,mgbe ikpe ọmụma ha bịakwasịrị ha, ha ga-ala nʼiyi. 19 Ma onye ahụ bụ Oke Jekọb adịghị ka ihe ndị a,nʼihi na Ọ bụ ya na-eke ihe niile,tinyere Izrel bụ ebo nke ihe nketa ya. ONYENWE ANYỊ, Onye pụrụ ime ihe niile bụ aha ya. 20 “Ị bụ mkpọrọ osisi m ji ebu agha,na ngwa agha m ga-eji gaa nʼihu agha.Gị ka m ga-eji tipịa mba niile dị iche iche,gị ka m ga-eji laa alaeze niile nʼiyi; 21 gị ka m ga-eji tipịa ịnyịnya na onye na-agba ya,gị ka m ga-eji tipịa ụgbọ agha na onye na-anya ya; 22 gị ka m ga-eji tipịa nwoke na nwanyị,gị ka m ga-eji tipịa agadi nwoke na okorobịa,gị ka m ga-eji tipịa okorobịa na nwaagbọghọ, 23 gị ka m ga-eji tipịa onye ọzụzụ atụrụ na igwe ewu na atụrụ ya,gị ka m ga-eji tipịa onye ọrụ ubi na ehi ya;gị ka m ga-ejikwa tipịa ndị na-achị achị na ndịisi ọchịchị eze. 24 “Nʼihu gị ka m ga-anọ kwụghachi Babilọn na ndị niile bi na Babilọn ihe ọjọọ niile ha mere na Zayọn,” ọ bụ ihe ONYENWE ANYỊ kwubiri. 25 “Edoola m onwe m imegide gị, gị ugwu ukwu na-emebisi ihe,gị onye na-ala ụwa niile nʼiyi.”Otu a ka ONYENWE ANYỊ kwupụtara.“Aga m esetipụ aka m megide gị,kwapụ gị site na nkume dị elu.Aga m emekwa gị ka ị bụrụ ugwu ukwu e suru ọkụ. 26 A gaghị esite nʼime gị weta nkume e ji ewu isi nkuku ụlọ,maọbụ nke e ji ewu ntọala ụlọ ọbụla,nʼihi na ị ga-abụ ebe tọgbọrọ nʼefu ruo mgbe ebighị ebi,” otu a ka ONYENWE ANYỊ kwubiri ya. 27 “Bulienụ ọkọlọtọ elu nʼala ahụ.Fụọnụ opi ike nʼetiti mba niile.Kwadoonụ mba niile maka ibu agha megide ya;kpọkuonụ alaeze ndị a niile imegide ya:Ararat, na Mini, na Ashkenaz.Họpụtanụ ọchịagha ga-edu usuu ndị agha megide ya;ziganụ ịnyịnya ga-adị ukwuu nʼọnụọgụgụ, dịka igurube. 28 Kwadoonụ mba niile maka ibu agha megide ha,kwadoonụ ndị eze Midia,na ndị ha na-achị achị, na ndịisi ọchịchị,na mba niile nke ha na-achị. 29 Ala ahụ na-ama jijiji, na-atakwa ikikere eze nke ihe mgbu,nʼihi na nzube ONYENWE ANYỊ zubere megide Babilọn ga-emezu.Ọ ga-eme ka ala Babilọn ghọọ ebe tọgbọrọ nʼefu,ka mmadụ ọbụla gharakwa ibi nʼime ya. 30 Ndị bụ dike nʼagha na Babilọn akwụsịla ịlụ ọgụ;ha anọgidela nʼebe ha e wusiri ike.Ike agwụla ha;ha adịla ka ndị inyom.E sunyela ebe obibi ya niile ọkụ,tijiekwa mkpọrọ e ji akpọchi ọnụ ụzọ ama ya niile. 31 Otu onye na-agba ọsọ na-agbaso ọgba ọsọ ibe ya,otu onyeozi na-esochikwa onyeozi ọzọ nʼazụ;ha niile na-abịa izi eze Babilọn ozi sị yana a dọtala obodo ya nʼagha, 32 na ndị iro anọchiela ụzọ e si agafe iyi,na e sunyela ala mmiri mmiri niile ọkụ,na ndị agha niile na-amakwa jijiji.” 33 Ihe ndị a ka ONYENWE ANYỊ, Onye pụrụ ime ihe niile, bụ Chineke Izrel kwuru,“Ada Babilọn dịka ebe ịzọcha ọka,nʼoge a na-azọcha ya.Mgbe a ga-ewe ya dịka e si ewe ihe ubi na-abịa nso.” 34 “Nebukadneza eze Babilọn eripịala anyị,o tinyela anyị nʼọnọdụ mgbagwoju anya.O meela ka anyị dịrị ka ite ihe na-adịghị nʼime ya.O lodara anyị dịka ọ bụ agwọ ọjọọ,jiri ihe ụtọ anyị niile mejuo afọ ya.Emesịa, ọ gbọpụtara anyị. 35 Ka ihe ike ahụ niile o mere anyị na ụmụ anyị dịkwasịkwa Babilọn nʼisi.”Ọ bụ ihe ndị bi na Zayọn kwuru.Jerusalem na-ekwukwa sị,“Ka ọbara anyị dịkwa nʼisi ndị bi na Babilọn.” 36 Nʼihi ya, ihe ndị a ka ONYENWE ANYỊ na-ekwu,“Lee, aga m ekwuchitere gị ọnụ gị,bọtakwara gị ọbọ.Aga m emekwa ka osimiri taa,meekwa ka isi iyi mmiri niile taakwa. 37 Babilọn ga-aghọ mkpọmkpọ ebe,ọ ga-aghọ ebe obibi nke nkịta ọhịa,bụrụkwa ihe iju anya, na ihe nkọcha,na ebe mmadụ ọbụla na-agaghị ebikwa. 38 Ndị ya niile na-agbọ ụja dịka ụmụ ọdụm,ha na-emekwa ụzụ dịka ụmụ ọdụm na-aṅụ ara. 39 Ma nʼoge ahụ a kpaliri ha,aga m edo oriri nʼihu ha.Aga m eme ka ha ṅụbiga mmanya oke,si otu a mee ka ha jiri oke ịchị ọchị tie mkpu ọṅụ.Nʼikpeazụ, ha ga-arahụ ụra ebighị ebi, nke ha na-agaghị esite na ya bilie.”Otu a ka ONYENWE ANYỊ kwubiri. 40 “Aga m akpụdata ha,dịka ụmụ atụrụ a na-aga igbu egbu,dịka ebule na mkpi. 41 “Lee ka a ga-esi dọta Sheshak nʼagha,jichie ihe ụwa niile ji anya isi nʼagha.Lee ka Babilọn ga-esi ghọọ ihe tọgbọrọ nʼefunʼetiti mba niile! 42 Osimiri ga-eri Babilọn,mmali elu nke mmiri ya ga-ekpuchi ya. 43 Obodo ya niile ga-atọgbọrọ nʼefu,ọ ga-abụ ebe kpọrọ nkụ, na ala ọzara,ọ ga-aghọ ala onye ọbụla na-agaghị ebi nʼime ya,nke mmadụ ọbụla na-agaghị esi nʼetiti ya gafee. 44 Aga m ata Bel dị na Babilọn ahụhụ,mee ya ka ọ gbọpụta ihe ndị ahụ o loro.Mba dị iche iche agakwaghị agakwurukwa ya ọzọ.Mgbidi Babilọn ga-adakwa. 45 “Sinụ nʼime ya pụta, unu ndị m!Gbapụnụ ọsọ nʼihi ndụ unu.Gbapụnụ ọsọ site nʼiwe dị ọkụ nke ONYENWE ANYỊ. 46 Unu adala mba, unu atụkwala ụjọ,mgbe unu nụrụ akụkọ dị iche iche nʼala ahụ.Nʼihi na otu ụdị akụkọ ka a ga-anụ nʼafọ a, akụkọ ọzọ dị iche ka a ga-anụkwa nʼafọ nke ọzọ.A ga-anụ akụkọ iwusi ọbara nʼala ahụ,nụkwa akụkọ onye ọchịchị nke na-ebuso onye ọchịchị ọzọ agha. 47 Nʼihi na oge ahụ aghaghị ịbịamgbe m ga-ata arụsị niile dị na Babilọn ahụhụ.A ga-eme ka ihere mee ala ahụ niile.Ndị ya niile e gburu egbu ga-ada, tọgbọrọkwa nʼime ya, 48 mgbe ahụ, eluigwe na ụwa, na ihe niile dị nʼime haga-eti mkpu ọṅụ nʼihi ihe dakwasịrị Babilọn.Ndị ga-ebuso ya aghaga-esitekwa nʼugwu bịa.”Otu a ka ONYENWE ANYỊ kwubiri. 49 “Babilọn ga-ada nʼihi ndị Izrel e gburu,dịka ndị niile e gburu nʼụwasi daa site nʼaka ndị Babilọn. 50 Unu ndị siterela nʼihu mma agha gbapụ ọsọ,wezuganụ onwe unu, unu eguzokwala.Chetanụ ONYENWE ANYỊ nʼala ahụ dị anya,na-echetakwa Jerusalem.” 51 “Ihere emeela anyị,nʼihi na a kparịala anyị.Ihere ekpuchiekwala ihu anyị,nʼihi na ndị mba ọzọ abatalanʼebe nsọ nke ụlọnsọ ONYENWE ANYỊ.” 52 “Ma ụbọchị ndị ahụ na-abịa,” ka ONYENWE ANYỊ kwupụtara,“mgbe m ga-ata arụsị ya niile ahụhụ.Ndị e merụrụ ahụga-asụkwa ude nʼala ahụ niile. 53 A sịkwarị na Babilọn a arịgoruo nʼeluigwe,ma a sịkwa na o wusie ebe dị elu nke ike ya mee ka o siwanyekwuo ike karịa,aga m ezite ndị mbibi ga-abịa megide ya.”Otu a ka ONYENWE ANYỊ kwubiri ya. 54 “Ụzụ ịkwa akwa si na Babilọn na-apụta,ụzụ oke ịla nʼiyisikwa nʼala ndị Babilọn na-apụta. 55 ONYENWE ANYỊ ga-ala Babilọn nʼiyi.Ọ ga-emekwa ka oke ụzụ ha kwụsị.Mbigbọ nke ndị iro ga-adịkwa ka mbigbọ nke ọtụtụ mmiri,mkpọtụ nke olu ha ga-ada ụda dị ukwuu. 56 Onye mbibi ga-ebuso Babilọn agha.A ga-adọta ndị bụ dike ya nʼagha,gbajisiekwa ụta ha niile.Nʼihi na ONYENWE ANYỊ bụ Chineke onye na-akwụghachi;ọ ga-akwụghachikwa nʼuju ya. 57 Aga m eme ka ndịisi ọchịchị ya niile, na ndị maara ihe ha ṅụbiga mmanya oke;aga m emekwa ndị ha na-achị achị, na ndịisi ha, na ndị ha bụ dike nʼagha otu ihe ahụ.Ha ga-arahụ ụra ruo mgbe ebighị ebi. Ha agaghị esitekwa nʼụra ahụ bilie ọzọ.”Ọ bụ ihe Eze ahụ kwubiri, bụ onye ahụ aha ya bụ ONYENWE ANYỊ, Onye pụrụ ime ihe niile. 58 Ihe ndị a ka ONYENWE ANYỊ, Onye pụrụ ime ihe niile kwuru,“A ga-akwada mgbidi Babilọn nke sara mbara, mee ka ọ daruo ala,a ga-eji ọkụ sunye nʼọnụ ụzọ ama ya niile dị elu.Ndị dị iche iche na-adọgbu onwe ha nʼọrụ nʼefu.Ndọgbu nʼọrụ nke mba niile dị iche iche ga-abụ nkụ a na-akwanye nʼọkụ.” 59 Ndị a bụ ozi Jeremaya, bụ onye amụma ziri onyeisi ozi aha ya bụ Seraya nwa Neraya, nwa Mahseia, mgbe o so Zedekaya eze Juda gaa Babilọn. E ziri ya ozi a nʼafọ nke anọ nke ọchịchị Zedekaya. 60 Jeremaya depụtara nʼakwụkwọ ihe banyere ihe ọjọọ ndị ahụ niile ga-abịakwasị Babilọn, ya bụ ihe niile e dere banyere Babilọn. 61 Ọ sịrị Seraya, “Mgbe i ruru Babilọn, lezie anya hụ na ị gụpụtara okwu ndị a niile ebe ndị mmadụ ga-anụ ya. 62 Emesịa, ị ga-ekwukwa sị, ‘ONYENWE ANYỊ, gị onwe gị ekwuola na i ga-ebibi ebe a, ma mmadụ maọbụ anụmanụ agaghị ebikwa nʼime ya. I kwuokwala na ọ ga-aghọ mkpọmkpọ ebe ruo mgbe ebighị ebi.’ 63 Mgbe ị gụsịrị ihe dị nʼakwụkwọ a, kegide ya nkume, tụnye ya nʼetiti iyi ukwu Yufretis. 64 Ị ga-asịkwa, ‘Otu a ka Babilọn ga-esi mikpuo. Ọ gaghị ebilikwa ọzọ, nʼihi ihe ọjọọ ahụ m ga-eme ka ọ bịakwasị ya. Ndị ya ga-adakwa.’ ”Ebe a ka okwu Jeremaya niile gwụrụ.

In Other Versions

Jeremiah 51 in the ANGEFD

Jeremiah 51 in the ANTPNG2D

Jeremiah 51 in the AS21

Jeremiah 51 in the BAGH

Jeremiah 51 in the BBPNG

Jeremiah 51 in the BBT1E

Jeremiah 51 in the BDS

Jeremiah 51 in the BEV

Jeremiah 51 in the BHAD

Jeremiah 51 in the BIB

Jeremiah 51 in the BLPT

Jeremiah 51 in the BNT

Jeremiah 51 in the BNTABOOT

Jeremiah 51 in the BNTLV

Jeremiah 51 in the BOATCB

Jeremiah 51 in the BOATCB2

Jeremiah 51 in the BOBCV

Jeremiah 51 in the BOCNT

Jeremiah 51 in the BOECS

Jeremiah 51 in the BOGWICC

Jeremiah 51 in the BOHCB

Jeremiah 51 in the BOHCV

Jeremiah 51 in the BOHLNT

Jeremiah 51 in the BOHNTLTAL

Jeremiah 51 in the BOILNTAP

Jeremiah 51 in the BOITCV

Jeremiah 51 in the BOKCV

Jeremiah 51 in the BOKCV2

Jeremiah 51 in the BOKHWOG

Jeremiah 51 in the BOKSSV

Jeremiah 51 in the BOLCB

Jeremiah 51 in the BOLCB2

Jeremiah 51 in the BOMCV

Jeremiah 51 in the BONAV

Jeremiah 51 in the BONCB

Jeremiah 51 in the BONLT

Jeremiah 51 in the BONUT2

Jeremiah 51 in the BOPLNT

Jeremiah 51 in the BOSCB

Jeremiah 51 in the BOSNC

Jeremiah 51 in the BOTLNT

Jeremiah 51 in the BOVCB

Jeremiah 51 in the BOYCB

Jeremiah 51 in the BPBB

Jeremiah 51 in the BPH

Jeremiah 51 in the BSB

Jeremiah 51 in the CCB

Jeremiah 51 in the CUV

Jeremiah 51 in the CUVS

Jeremiah 51 in the DBT

Jeremiah 51 in the DGDNT

Jeremiah 51 in the DHNT

Jeremiah 51 in the DNT

Jeremiah 51 in the ELBE

Jeremiah 51 in the EMTV

Jeremiah 51 in the ESV

Jeremiah 51 in the FBV

Jeremiah 51 in the FEB

Jeremiah 51 in the GGMNT

Jeremiah 51 in the GNT

Jeremiah 51 in the HARY

Jeremiah 51 in the HNT

Jeremiah 51 in the IRVA

Jeremiah 51 in the IRVB

Jeremiah 51 in the IRVG

Jeremiah 51 in the IRVH

Jeremiah 51 in the IRVK

Jeremiah 51 in the IRVM

Jeremiah 51 in the IRVM2

Jeremiah 51 in the IRVO

Jeremiah 51 in the IRVP

Jeremiah 51 in the IRVT

Jeremiah 51 in the IRVT2

Jeremiah 51 in the IRVU

Jeremiah 51 in the ISVN

Jeremiah 51 in the JSNT

Jeremiah 51 in the KAPI

Jeremiah 51 in the KBT1ETNIK

Jeremiah 51 in the KBV

Jeremiah 51 in the KJV

Jeremiah 51 in the KNFD

Jeremiah 51 in the LBA

Jeremiah 51 in the LBLA

Jeremiah 51 in the LNT

Jeremiah 51 in the LSV

Jeremiah 51 in the MAAL

Jeremiah 51 in the MBV

Jeremiah 51 in the MBV2

Jeremiah 51 in the MHNT

Jeremiah 51 in the MKNFD

Jeremiah 51 in the MNG

Jeremiah 51 in the MNT

Jeremiah 51 in the MNT2

Jeremiah 51 in the MRS1T

Jeremiah 51 in the NAA

Jeremiah 51 in the NASB

Jeremiah 51 in the NBLA

Jeremiah 51 in the NBS

Jeremiah 51 in the NBVTP

Jeremiah 51 in the NET2

Jeremiah 51 in the NIV11

Jeremiah 51 in the NNT

Jeremiah 51 in the NNT2

Jeremiah 51 in the NNT3

Jeremiah 51 in the PDDPT

Jeremiah 51 in the PFNT

Jeremiah 51 in the RMNT

Jeremiah 51 in the SBIAS

Jeremiah 51 in the SBIBS

Jeremiah 51 in the SBIBS2

Jeremiah 51 in the SBICS

Jeremiah 51 in the SBIDS

Jeremiah 51 in the SBIGS

Jeremiah 51 in the SBIHS

Jeremiah 51 in the SBIIS

Jeremiah 51 in the SBIIS2

Jeremiah 51 in the SBIIS3

Jeremiah 51 in the SBIKS

Jeremiah 51 in the SBIKS2

Jeremiah 51 in the SBIMS

Jeremiah 51 in the SBIOS

Jeremiah 51 in the SBIPS

Jeremiah 51 in the SBISS

Jeremiah 51 in the SBITS

Jeremiah 51 in the SBITS2

Jeremiah 51 in the SBITS3

Jeremiah 51 in the SBITS4

Jeremiah 51 in the SBIUS

Jeremiah 51 in the SBIVS

Jeremiah 51 in the SBT

Jeremiah 51 in the SBT1E

Jeremiah 51 in the SCHL

Jeremiah 51 in the SNT

Jeremiah 51 in the SUSU

Jeremiah 51 in the SUSU2

Jeremiah 51 in the SYNO

Jeremiah 51 in the TBIAOTANT

Jeremiah 51 in the TBT1E

Jeremiah 51 in the TBT1E2

Jeremiah 51 in the TFTIP

Jeremiah 51 in the TFTU

Jeremiah 51 in the TGNTATF3T

Jeremiah 51 in the THAI

Jeremiah 51 in the TNFD

Jeremiah 51 in the TNT

Jeremiah 51 in the TNTIK

Jeremiah 51 in the TNTIL

Jeremiah 51 in the TNTIN

Jeremiah 51 in the TNTIP

Jeremiah 51 in the TNTIZ

Jeremiah 51 in the TOMA

Jeremiah 51 in the TTENT

Jeremiah 51 in the UBG

Jeremiah 51 in the UGV

Jeremiah 51 in the UGV2

Jeremiah 51 in the UGV3

Jeremiah 51 in the VBL

Jeremiah 51 in the VDCC

Jeremiah 51 in the YALU

Jeremiah 51 in the YAPE

Jeremiah 51 in the YBVTP

Jeremiah 51 in the ZBP