Matthew 12 (MBV2)

1 Liduva limo lya Kuyewelela, Yesu ápita n'dindila dya mmawelu la ngano. Na vakuhundwa vake vávele na indala, nkutandilika kupulula ngano na kutang'una. 2 Mafalisayo pavalawene anelo, nkunnyaulila Yesu kuchidoni, “Lola, vakuhundwa vako vàtenda àlalá lakáluhusiwije na Sheliya ya Musa kutendwa Nniduva lya Kuyewelela.” 3 Yesu nkuvayang'ula kuchidoni, “Dachi, mwenu nanga pamusomile chanatendile Nfalume Daudi nang'e pamo na vavake pavanavele na indala? 4 Nang'e áingidile pa Ing'ande yanga Nnungu. Nang'e na vavake nkulya mikate ihumîjwe kwanga Nnungu, ikanava nanga painaluhusiwije na Sheliya ya Musa kuliwa na munu yunji ila makuhani weka. 5 Dachi, mukánambisoma mu Sheliya yanga Musa kuva Liduva lya Kuyewelela makuhani vànailumula Sheliya kwa kukola madengo mu Ing'ande yanga Nnungu? Henga nanga munu avasitâki kuva vàilumwile sheliya ya Liduva lya Kuyewelela. 6 Hambi nìnnyaulila kuva, apano pàvele munu nkulu kupunda Ing'ande yanga Nnungu. 7 Malemba Lanaswe làhaula kuva, ‘Ngùlembela muvalanguje vanji chididi, akee unguhumija chihi sadaka.’ Mukàchimala mana la malove anelo, mukánavahukumu vanu vakávele na makosa. 8 Kwa kuva, Mwana wa Munu njo Nang'olo avêle na mamulaka ata Nniduva lya Kuyewelela.” 9 Yesu nkuuka anepo, nkuinjila muing'ande yavo ya kunnyuwila Nnungu, 10 anemwo múvele na munu yumo ánavele na nkono udidimenge. Vanu nkummuja Yesu kuchidoni, “Dachi, Sheliya ya Musa ìnaluhusu unnamya munu Liduva lya Kuyewelela?” Vanu vámmujije uchocho uchinga vapate ing'anya ya kunsitaki. 11 Yesu nkuvahaulila kuchidoni, “Munu ntwani mmwenu akámbenkamula na kunnyumya ungandolo wake, akàinjila nnipondo, Nniduva lya Kuyewelela?” 12 Bahi munu njo wa mana namene kupunda ungandolo! Na Sheliya yetu ìnatuluhusu tutende lambone Nniduva lya Kuyewelela. 13 Anepo nkunnyaulila ayula munu kuchidoni, “Nyoloja nkono wako.” Nang'e nkuunyoloja, naunang'o nkulama, nkuva umi muchi unji. 14 Henga avala Mafalisayo nkuhuma pawelu, nkuva uvaujana namuna chivambemmwalala Yesu. 15 Akuno Yesu amaîte anelyo livakudungidile, nkuuka anepo pachinu, na vanu vohe nkumpapata. Na nang'e nkuvalamya vagonjo vammalele. 16 Nkuvalimbija vanannyaulile munu woheyo habali dyake. 17 Átendile uchocho uchinga latimile malove lanatangwele Nnungu kupitila kwanga nabii Isaya kuva, 18 “Ayuno njo ntumishi wangu unintondwele,unguntamwa, na ntima wangu unikatapaliwa nawe.Nìmbemmika Umumu wangu nkati mwake,nanang'e àmbevayanjajija hukumu yangu vanu va vilambo vyammalele. 19 Akámbepwatana na munu, na wala akámbenyokonya,na nanga munu ambepilikâna lidi lyake mmadila. 20 Akámbevabaniha avala vadabadânga,na wala kuvapweteha avala vakávele na dimongo,àmbetenda uchocho mpaka pámbeitenda haki itawale. 21 Na vanu va vilambo vyammalele vàmbelisingila nang'e.” 22 Anepo vanu nkumpelekejija Yesu munu anavele na nanndenga anantendile aputale meho na kuva bubu. Yesu nkummusa nanndenga kwanga ayula munu, nkuhulula kutangola na kulola. 23 Makuwa lammalele la vanu nkukangana uvachidoni, “Dachi, ìnahululika kuva ayu nni N'dukuluwe Nfalume Daudi, utuchinnolela?” 24 Henga Mafalisayo pavapilikene anelo, nkuhaula kuchidoni, “Munu ayu àvausa anamindenga kwa kuhululihwa na Nanchindenga, nkulu wa anamindenga.” 25 Akuno Yesu alamaite lavachiliuja mmitima yavo, nkuvahaulila kuchidoni, “Ufalume wohewo ulumbâna wene kwa wene, ùmbematoka, na imanga yoheyo au kaya yoheyo ililumbânya yene ikambekwimila. 26 Ikàva Nanchindenga àmmusa nanndenga, bahi nang'e àlilumbanya mwene. Dachi, ufalume wake ùmbekwimila dachi? 27 Mwenu mùhaula kuva nangu ngùvausa anamindenga kwa kuhululihwa na Nanchindenga, dachi, nnani avêng'a vanu venu dimongo dya kuvausa anamindenga? Bahi vanu venu mmene njo vambennyukûmu mwenu ing'anya ya malove lamutangwele. 28 Henga ikàva nangu nìvausa anamindenga kwa dimongo dya Umumu wa Nnungu, bahi mumale kuva Ufalume wa Nnungu ùnimwidilanga. 29 Nanga munu ahulûla kuinjila muing'ande ya munu avêle na dimongo nkumpakanyola vitukutuku vyake, mpaka àtandilike kunnyunga mididi hoti. Anepo njo pambehulula kumpakanyola vitukutuku vyake. 30 Munu woheyo akávele pamo na nangu, aneyo ànangutahuka, na munu woheyo akákunganya pamo na nangu, aneyo ànamwadilihanya. 31 Bahi nangu nìnnyaulilanga kuva, vanu vachivasamehewe masambi lavo na kufulu dyavo dinji, henga munu ambenkufûlu Umumu Wanaswe, akambesamehewa. 32 Munu woheyo ambentangolêla malove lahakalenge Mwana wa Munu achiasamehewe, henga ambenkufûlu Umumu Wanaswe akambesamehewa, mmaduva alano na laida.” 33 “Nnandi ùmaikana kwa vihepo vyake. Kwa kuva, nnandi wambone ùpa vihepo vyambone, na nnandi ukee wambone ùpa vihepo vikee vyambone. 34 Mwenu nni mmana mma nachihungo! Mùhulula dachi kutangola malove lambone akuno mitima yenu ikávele yambone? Kwa kuva, munu àtongola àlalá laumbêle muntima mwake. 35 Munu avêle na ntima wambone àhumya vitukutuku vyambone kuhaloka muvyambone vyakondije muntima wake wambone, na munu akávele wambone àhumya vitukutuku vikee vyambone kuhaloka muvitukutuku vikee vyambone vyakondije muntima wake ukee wambone. 36 Henga nangu nìnnyaulila kuva, liduva lya hukumu, vanu vàmbeyang'ula ing'anya ya kila lilove likávele lyambone livatangwele. 37 Kwa kuva, kila munu àmbevalangiwa kuva wambone au kuhukumiwa asabu kupapatana na malove lake.” 38 Anepo Mafalisayo na vakúhunda Sheliya yanga Musa nkunnyaulila Yesu kuchidoni, “Nkúhunda, hwetu tùlembela utulanguje chimaiho cha lisaibu.” 39 Yesu nkuvayang'ula kuchidoni, “Mwenu nni mmanu mma chívelèkwà cha vanu vakákulupika kwa Nnungu na cha vanu vakútenda masambi, njo mana mùlembela ninnangujange chimaiho, henga nanga pamumbelangujwa chimaiho chohecho ikànave chihi achila cha nabii Yona. 40 Malinga nabii Yona chanaikele maduva matatu chilo na muhi nnitumbo lya uhomba nkulungwa, nni chiilembekuva kwanga Mwana wa Munu, àmbeikala maduva matatu chilo na muhi, pahi chilambo. 41 Nniduva anelyo lya hukumu, vanu va ku Ninawi vàmbeimila na kuvasitaki vanu va chívelèkwà achino kuva vànikosela. Kwa kuva, vanu va ku Ninawi vánilekanga kutenda masambi ing'anya ya mahubili la nabii Yona, na apano pàvele munu yumo nkulungwa kumpunda nabii Yona! 42 Na liduva lya hukumu, malukiya wa kusini, wa chilambo cha Sheba àmbeimila na kuvasitaki vanu va chívelèkwà achino kuva vànikosela. Kwa kuva, nang'e ániida kuhaloka chilambo cha kulehu kwida unapilikanila malove la lúnda la Nfalume Selemani, na apano pàvele munu yumo nkulungwa kumpunda Nfalume Selemani.” 43 “Nanndenga pammuka munu, àpita wadinguka-dinguka pachinu pakávele medi wataha pachinu pakuyewelela, henga nanga papata. 44 Anepo àlihaulila mwene muntima kuva, ‘Nìmbeuya kuing'ande yangu inguilekile.’ Na páùyà, àikoja ikaikalìwà, ipyailiwìjè na kila chinu chivikwìjè saana. 45 Anepo ànauka nkunavatwala anamindenga avake saba vabaya kumpunda nang'e, na vammalele vànahwena nkumwenda aneyo munu. Na hali ya kuntululilo ya munu aneyo ììva ibaya kupunda hali yake inandi. Uvila njo chiimbekuva kwa vanu vachívelèkwà achino chihakalenge.” 46 Yesu pachitangola na likuwa lya vanu, anyokwe pamo na vanung'unuvake váimidile pawelu uvanninda valonjele nawe. 47 Munu yumo nkunnyaulila Yesu kuchidoni, “Anyoko pamo na vanung'unuvako vàimidile pawelu, vàlembela valonjele na wako.” 48 Yesu nkunnyang'ula kuchidoni, “Kwani nnyuwangu njo nnani na anung'unuvangu ni vanani?” 49 Anepo Yesu nkuvaolotela nkono vakuhundwa vake, nkuhaula kuchidoni, “Avano apano njo ayuvangu na vanung'unuvangu! 50 Kwa kuva, munu atênda lalalembela Atatangu avêle kulihunde, aneyo njo nnung'unwangu na nnumbwangu na nnyuwangu.”

In Other Versions

Matthew 12 in the ANGEFD

Matthew 12 in the ANTPNG2D

Matthew 12 in the AS21

Matthew 12 in the BAGH

Matthew 12 in the BBPNG

Matthew 12 in the BBT1E

Matthew 12 in the BDS

Matthew 12 in the BEV

Matthew 12 in the BHAD

Matthew 12 in the BIB

Matthew 12 in the BLPT

Matthew 12 in the BNT

Matthew 12 in the BNTABOOT

Matthew 12 in the BNTLV

Matthew 12 in the BOATCB

Matthew 12 in the BOATCB2

Matthew 12 in the BOBCV

Matthew 12 in the BOCNT

Matthew 12 in the BOECS

Matthew 12 in the BOGWICC

Matthew 12 in the BOHCB

Matthew 12 in the BOHCV

Matthew 12 in the BOHLNT

Matthew 12 in the BOHNTLTAL

Matthew 12 in the BOICB

Matthew 12 in the BOILNTAP

Matthew 12 in the BOITCV

Matthew 12 in the BOKCV

Matthew 12 in the BOKCV2

Matthew 12 in the BOKHWOG

Matthew 12 in the BOKSSV

Matthew 12 in the BOLCB

Matthew 12 in the BOLCB2

Matthew 12 in the BOMCV

Matthew 12 in the BONAV

Matthew 12 in the BONCB

Matthew 12 in the BONLT

Matthew 12 in the BONUT2

Matthew 12 in the BOPLNT

Matthew 12 in the BOSCB

Matthew 12 in the BOSNC

Matthew 12 in the BOTLNT

Matthew 12 in the BOVCB

Matthew 12 in the BOYCB

Matthew 12 in the BPBB

Matthew 12 in the BPH

Matthew 12 in the BSB

Matthew 12 in the CCB

Matthew 12 in the CUV

Matthew 12 in the CUVS

Matthew 12 in the DBT

Matthew 12 in the DGDNT

Matthew 12 in the DHNT

Matthew 12 in the DNT

Matthew 12 in the ELBE

Matthew 12 in the EMTV

Matthew 12 in the ESV

Matthew 12 in the FBV

Matthew 12 in the FEB

Matthew 12 in the GGMNT

Matthew 12 in the GNT

Matthew 12 in the HARY

Matthew 12 in the HNT

Matthew 12 in the IRVA

Matthew 12 in the IRVB

Matthew 12 in the IRVG

Matthew 12 in the IRVH

Matthew 12 in the IRVK

Matthew 12 in the IRVM

Matthew 12 in the IRVM2

Matthew 12 in the IRVO

Matthew 12 in the IRVP

Matthew 12 in the IRVT

Matthew 12 in the IRVT2

Matthew 12 in the IRVU

Matthew 12 in the ISVN

Matthew 12 in the JSNT

Matthew 12 in the KAPI

Matthew 12 in the KBT1ETNIK

Matthew 12 in the KBV

Matthew 12 in the KJV

Matthew 12 in the KNFD

Matthew 12 in the LBA

Matthew 12 in the LBLA

Matthew 12 in the LNT

Matthew 12 in the LSV

Matthew 12 in the MAAL

Matthew 12 in the MBV

Matthew 12 in the MHNT

Matthew 12 in the MKNFD

Matthew 12 in the MNG

Matthew 12 in the MNT

Matthew 12 in the MNT2

Matthew 12 in the MRS1T

Matthew 12 in the NAA

Matthew 12 in the NASB

Matthew 12 in the NBLA

Matthew 12 in the NBS

Matthew 12 in the NBVTP

Matthew 12 in the NET2

Matthew 12 in the NIV11

Matthew 12 in the NNT

Matthew 12 in the NNT2

Matthew 12 in the NNT3

Matthew 12 in the PDDPT

Matthew 12 in the PFNT

Matthew 12 in the RMNT

Matthew 12 in the SBIAS

Matthew 12 in the SBIBS

Matthew 12 in the SBIBS2

Matthew 12 in the SBICS

Matthew 12 in the SBIDS

Matthew 12 in the SBIGS

Matthew 12 in the SBIHS

Matthew 12 in the SBIIS

Matthew 12 in the SBIIS2

Matthew 12 in the SBIIS3

Matthew 12 in the SBIKS

Matthew 12 in the SBIKS2

Matthew 12 in the SBIMS

Matthew 12 in the SBIOS

Matthew 12 in the SBIPS

Matthew 12 in the SBISS

Matthew 12 in the SBITS

Matthew 12 in the SBITS2

Matthew 12 in the SBITS3

Matthew 12 in the SBITS4

Matthew 12 in the SBIUS

Matthew 12 in the SBIVS

Matthew 12 in the SBT

Matthew 12 in the SBT1E

Matthew 12 in the SCHL

Matthew 12 in the SNT

Matthew 12 in the SUSU

Matthew 12 in the SUSU2

Matthew 12 in the SYNO

Matthew 12 in the TBIAOTANT

Matthew 12 in the TBT1E

Matthew 12 in the TBT1E2

Matthew 12 in the TFTIP

Matthew 12 in the TFTU

Matthew 12 in the TGNTATF3T

Matthew 12 in the THAI

Matthew 12 in the TNFD

Matthew 12 in the TNT

Matthew 12 in the TNTIK

Matthew 12 in the TNTIL

Matthew 12 in the TNTIN

Matthew 12 in the TNTIP

Matthew 12 in the TNTIZ

Matthew 12 in the TOMA

Matthew 12 in the TTENT

Matthew 12 in the UBG

Matthew 12 in the UGV

Matthew 12 in the UGV2

Matthew 12 in the UGV3

Matthew 12 in the VBL

Matthew 12 in the VDCC

Matthew 12 in the YALU

Matthew 12 in the YAPE

Matthew 12 in the YBVTP

Matthew 12 in the ZBP