Matthew 12 (TNFD)

1 Kɨdek Juda añɨŋ lep ñɨn awl olap, Jisas bɨne okok ayɨp, wit wog nab ak amnɨlak. Amɨlɨg, bɨne okok yuwan gek, wit mɨdup anɨb okok ogɨnap tɨk dɨl, ñɨbɨlɨg ñɨbɨlɨg amnɨlak. 2 Anɨgelak, bɨ Pelisi okok nɨŋɨd, Jisas nop agɨlak, Nɨgan, bɨnak okok kɨli ñɨn awl wog ma gep ñɨn ak, wit mɨdup tɨkebal agɨlak. Anɨb ak chɨn gɨnɨgun tek ma lup agɨlak. 3 3-4 Agelak kɨlop pen agak, Depid ne bɨlel bɨne okok ayɨp yuwan gek, God kal ak amjakɨlak agak. Amjakɨl, Depid God kal ak mɨgan amɨl bilet dɨl, dad bɨne okok ayɨp ñɨŋɨlak agak. Bilet anɨb ak God wɨdɨn mɨdup adek ak lɨpal ak, bɨ yokɨp ma ñɨbal, bɨ God nop sɨbogep okok nep ñɨbal agak. Depid nop yuwan gek bilet dɨl ñɨŋak kesɨm anɨb ak, buk Baybol kɨl tɨkɨlak ak, nɨbi ma nepɨm akaŋ agak? 5 Pen nɨbi takaw Mosis ñu kɨl tɨkak ak ogɨnap sek abe ma nepɨm tek lup akaŋ agak? Ne tɨkɨl agak, Ñɨn awl wog ma gep ñɨn ak, bɨ God nop sɨbogep okok, kɨli God agnɨgep kal awl ak mɨdɨl wog gɨpal agɨl tɨkak agak. Kɨli wog ma gep ñɨn ak wog gɨpal ak pen, God kɨlop nɨŋɨd anɨb agup, Kɨli bɨ gɨ tɨmel ma gɨpal okok agup agak. 6 Pen yad nɨbop agebin, God agnɨgep kal awl anɨb ak tap yokɨp, bɨ olap pen apɨl mɨdeb ak, bɨawl yɨbɨl agak. 7 Pen takaw olap buk Baybol kɨl tɨkɨlak ak, nɨgtep ma gɨpɨm tek lup agak. Takaw anɨb ak tɨkɨl agɨlak, God ne agup, Yɨp tap sɨbog ñɨnɨmɨb agɨl gos ma nepin agup agɨl tɨkɨlak agak. Binɨb okok kɨlop mapen nɨgɨnɨmɨb agɨl gos nepin agup agɨl tɨkɨlak agak. Takaw anɨb ak nɨgtep gɨpɨkep ak, bɨ gɨtep gɨpal okok kɨlop gos tɨmel nɨŋɨd ma ag gɨpɨkep agak. 8 Nɨgɨm. Juda añɨŋ lep ñɨn awl apɨm ak, Bɨ Olap Ñɨne ne ke gos nɨŋɨd agek, binɨb okok kɨli gɨnɨgabal tek lup agak. 9 Jisas wakay anɨb ak kelɨgɨl amɨl, Juda apnan gɨpal kal ak olap mɨgan ayaŋ amnak. 10 Pen kal mɨgan anɨb ak, bɨ ñɨn tɨmel gak olap ap yek. Bɨ ap yelak okok, kɨli Jisas takaw ogɨnap agek nop ag gun agɨl, nop agnɨŋɨd agɨlak, Binɨb tap gup okok, añɨŋ lep ñɨn awl chɨn ak gon suŋ lɨnɨmuŋ akaŋ mel agɨlak? 11 Agelak Jisas kɨlop agak, Añɨŋ lep ñɨn awl chɨn ak chag sipsip nɨbi olap, kaw mɨgan ayaŋ pakenɨgab, dɨl lɨpɨg dɨyokɨnɨgabɨm akaŋ mel agak? Dɨl lɨpɨg dɨyokɨnɨgabɨm tek lup agak. 12 Pen chag sipsip ak tap yokɨp, binɨb ak tap yɨbɨl agak. Anɨb ak tek, añɨŋ lep ñɨn awl chɨn ak binɨb okok kɨlop gɨtep gɨnɨgabun ak, takaw ma mɨdeb agak. 13 Jisas anɨb agɨl, bɨ ñɨn tɨmel gak ak nop agak, Ñɨn ak almɨl lan agak. Agek, ñɨn almɨl lek pɨsnep suŋ lak, ñɨn pɨskɨd ak yek tek yek. 14 Anɨgek nɨŋɨd, bɨ Pelisi okok am nan gɨl agɨlak, Nop anɨgɨl paklɨnɨgun agɨl, takaw kɨmɨgel aglɨtep gɨlak. 15 Bɨ Pelisi okok anɨb agelak nɨŋɨd, Jisas ne wakay anɨb ak kelɨgɨl, amnɨg saŋɨdaknɨŋ, binɨb kuŋay yɨbɨl kɨdek gɨlak. Anɨgelak, ne binɨb tap gak okok gek suŋ lak. 16 Suŋ laknɨŋ, kɨlop agak, Bɨ ak anɨb anɨb gup agɨl, ma agɨnɨmɨb agak. 17 Jisas gak anɨb ak, bɨ God gos ñek agñeb Aysaya gɨnɨgab agak tek nep gak. Ne tɨkɨl agak, 18 Nɨgɨm, bɨyad pɨsnep aglɨpin awl, wog yad gɨñeb ak mɨdeb agɨl tɨkak. Bɨ anɨb ak nɨgen yɨp tep yɨbɨl gup agɨl tɨkak. Kawnan yad ak nop bak lek, yad binɨb okok kɨlop bɨlok nɨŋɨd tɨg asɨk dɨnɨgayn takaw ak, ne takaw anɨb ak binɨb man keke mɨdupsek kɨlop agñɨnɨgab agɨl tɨkak. 19 Ne penpen agɨlɨg takaw awl yɨbɨl ma agɨnɨgab agɨl tɨkak. Meg mɨgan dad aplanɨl ma agek, binɨb kanɨb amnɨgabal okok nop ma nɨgɨnɨgabal agɨl tɨkak. 20 Ne bɨ kɨmɨgel yenɨgab agɨl tɨkak. Anɨb ak, sɨd olap kɨles mel ak pen pagɨnɨg, bɨ anɨb ak ne ma tɨpagɨnɨgab agɨl tɨkak. Lam mɨŋɨlaŋ gɨtep ma gɨnɨgab ak pen, bɨ anɨb ak ne ma tɨg sugɨnɨgab agɨl tɨkak. Anɨb ak nep, binɨb kɨles ma yenɨgabal okok, kɨlop kɨmɨgel gɨtep gɨnɨgab agɨl tɨkak. Ne anɨgɨl gɨ dad amɨl, gɨtep gɨlak kɨd ak aplanek, tap si tap tɨmel gep kɨd ak pɨsnep apyownɨgab agɨl tɨkak. 21 Binɨb man okok nɨb okok abe, bɨ anɨb ak nop gos sek kod yenɨgabal agɨl tɨkak. 22 Bɨ kɨcheki abaŋ lek, wɨdɨn koy gɨl takaw ma agolɨgup olap dad apelak, Jisas kɨcheki ak ag seŋ yokek, wɨdɨn yɨbɨl nɨŋɨd takaw agɨl gak. 23 Binɨb yelak okok, gak anɨb ak nɨŋɨd, gos pal lɨl wal agɨl agɨlak, Bɨ anɨb awl Depid Ñɨne pel kod mɨdobun akaŋ agɨlak? 24 Pen bɨ Pelisi okok takaw anɨb ak nɨŋɨd agɨlak, Bɨ anɨb ak ne kɨcheki bɨawl ak Belsebul kɨles ak dɨl, kɨcheki okok agyokeb agɨlak. 25 Pen gos nɨgɨlak anɨb ak Jisas ne ke nɨŋɨd, kɨlop agak, Binɨb man awl nokom olap, kɨli asɨk keke lɨl penpen gɨnɨgabal ak, tɨmel gɨl apyap pakɨnɨgabal agak. Taun olap akaŋ bɨ yɨb jɨj nokom olap, asɨk keke lɨl penpen gɨnɨgabal ak, apyap pakɨnɨgabal agak. 26 Pen Satan ne kɨcheki ne okok kɨlop dɨyokɨl, kɨli ke asɨk keke lɨl penpen genɨgabal, tɨtay dɨl kɨles gɨl yenɨgabal agak? 27 Pen yad Belsebul kɨles ak dɨl, kɨcheki okok seŋ agyokɨpɨnep, tɨtay dɨl binɨb nɨbi okok kɨcheki seŋ agyokɨpɨlap agak? Kɨli ke nɨbop agɨnɨgabal ak, tap anɨb gep tek ma lup agak. 28 Pen nɨgɨm agak. God Kawnan ne ak yɨp kɨles ñek kɨcheki tap anɨb okok agyokɨpin tek, God binɨb dɨl kɨlop kod yenɨgab ak pɨsnep owup agak. Pen apek nɨbi nepɨm agak. 29 Pen bɨ kabɨyam tɨmel olap mɨdaknɨŋ, tɨtay dɨl bɨ olap tap nop okok si dɨnɨgab agak? Nag dɨl nop tunɨg lɨl nɨm, am tap nop okok si dɨnɨgab agak. 30 Binɨb yad yɨl ma mɨdebal okok, Satan yɨl mɨdɨl, yɨp ma dɨpal agak. Pen binɨb yad ayɨp wog ma gɨpal okok, kanɨb day ak ag tɨkɨl, binɨb yɨp yɨl ownɨg gɨpal okok kɨlop yuk dam yokɨpal agak. 31 Anɨb ak yad nɨbop agebin agak. Binɨb okok tap si tap tɨmel genɨgabal akaŋ, God nop takaw agjuwenɨgabal, God nɨŋɨd gach kɨlop mɨdupsek tɨg walɨg gɨyokɨnɨgab agak. Ak pen, God Kawnan nop ak takaw agjuwenɨgabal, ne nɨŋɨd gach kɨlop ma tɨg walɨg gɨyokɨnɨgab agak. 32 Binɨb an Bɨ Olap Ñɨne ak nop takaw tɨmel agenɨgab, God nɨŋɨd gach nop tɨg walɨg gɨyokɨnɨgab agak. Ak pen, God Kawnan nop ak takaw tɨmel agenɨgab, ñɨn awl ak abe ñɨn kɨdek ak abe God nɨŋɨd gach nop ma tɨg walɨg gɨyokɨnɨgab agak. 33 Jisas takaw olap agak, Mab teplep mɨdeb ak, mɨdup teplep ak pulɨnɨgab agak. Mab tɨmel mɨdeb ak, mɨdup tɨmel ak pulɨnɨgab agak. Anɨb ak mab okok pulek nɨŋɨd, mab ak tep, mab ak tɨmel agɨl nepal agak. 34 Nɨbi yoy salaw ñapay okol agak. Nɨbi binɨb tɨmel anɨb ak tek, tɨtay dɨl takaw tep agɨnɨgabɨm agak? Binɨb tɨtay dɨl mɨdebal ak, takaw agel nɨŋɨd, binɨb okok tep, binɨb okok tɨmel agɨl nɨgɨnɨgabun agak. 35 Binɨb mɨdtep gɨpal okok, nab kɨlop ayaŋ tep mɨdeb tek, kɨli gɨtep gɨpal agak. Binɨb mɨdtep ma gɨpal okok, nab kɨlop ayaŋ mɨdtep ma gup tek, kɨli gɨ tɨmel gɨpal agak. 36 Yad pen nɨbop agebin, kɨdek kot awl ñɨn ak, God binɨb okok mɨdupsek kɨlop agnɨgɨnɨgab agak. Takaw monmon agɨl akaŋ, tɨmel agɨl gɨlak tek, taynen takaw anɨb apek agɨl, kɨlop agnɨgɨnɨgab agak. 37 Anɨb ak takaw agɨnɨgabɨm tek nɨŋɨd, binɨb okok suŋtep, binɨb okok yul dep agɨnɨgab agak. 38 Pen bɨ kɨli Mosis takaw ñu kɨl tɨkak ak nɨgtep gep okok sek, bɨ Pelisi okok sek kɨli apɨl, Jisas nop agɨlak, Tisa, tap mageptek olap ge, chɨn nɨŋɨd nɨm, nep God nokom agyokek owup agɨl nɨgɨnɨgabun agɨlak. 39 Agelak agak, Binɨb mɨñɨl mɨdebal ñɨn nab awl, tap si tap tɨmel gɨl, God nop kɨdek ma gɨpal agak. Anɨb apal, Tap olap ke ge nɨŋɨd anɨb agɨnɨgabun, Nak God wog ak geban agɨnɨgabun apal agak. Pen tap olap ke gen ma nɨgɨnɨgabal agak. Nɨgɨnɨg, bɨ God gos ñek agñeb Jona ne bɨlel gak, yad abe gen nɨgɨnɨgabal agak. 40 Bɨlel kubsal awl ak meg agɨl yek, Jona kogmeg nab ayaŋ amɨl ñɨn omɨŋal nokom mɨdek agak. Anɨb ak tek nep, Bɨ Olap Ñɨne abe ñɨn omɨŋal nokom lum nab okyaŋ yenɨgab agak. 41 Pen Jona ne amɨl, taun Ninipa binɨb okok bɨlel kɨlop agñek nɨŋɨd, tap si tap tɨmel gɨpal ak taynen anɨgɨpun agɨl kelɨgɨlak agak. Jona bɨ yokɨp ak agek nɨg dɨlak ak pen, nɨbi mɨñɨl mɨdeb awl, bɨawl yɨbɨl takaw agup ak ma dɨpɨm agak. Anɨb ak God ne aglup ñɨn ak, binɨb ogɨnap kɨlop ag gɨnɨgab ak, taun Ninipa binɨb okok kɨli tɨkjakɨnɨgabal agak. Tɨkjakɨl, binbɨ mɨñɨl mɨdeb tap si tap tɨmel gɨpal anɨb okok kɨlop agyɨkɨnɨgabal agak. 42 Binawl olap bɨlel binɨb man Sipa pal okok nɨb kɨlop kod yolɨgup agak. Pen ne man palawl anɨb ak kelɨgɨl owak agak. Ne bɨnonɨm Solomon nop nɨgɨnɨg apɨl, gos tep yɨbɨl nop ak nɨgin agɨl owak agak. Ne Solomon bɨ yokɨp ak nop anɨgak ak pen, nɨbi mɨñɨl mɨdeb awl, bɨawl yɨbɨl gos nɨgtep yɨbɨl gup ak nop nɨgɨnɨg ma opɨm agak. Anɨb ak God ne aglup ñɨn ak, binɨb ogɨnap kɨlop ag gɨnɨgab ak, binawl anɨb ak tɨkjakɨnɨgab agak. Tɨkjakɨl, binbɨ mɨñɨl mɨdeb tap si tap tɨmel gɨpal anɨb okok kɨlop agyɨkɨnɨgab agak. 43 Jisas takaw olap agak, Kɨcheki olap bɨ mulɨk sɨkɨl, seŋ amɨl tep olap nɨŋɨd mɨden agɨl, am man mɨlep okok aj aj mel nɨŋɨd, 44 anɨb agɨnɨgab, Kal mɨgan ned mɨdɨl opin ak amnin agɨnɨgab agak. Agɨl, amɨl nɨgɨnɨgab, kal anɨb ak pɨd tep yɨbɨl gel tep anep yokɨp mɨdeb agak. 45 Ne nɨŋɨd, okok amɨl kɨcheki tɨmel ne tek mel, kɨcheki tɨmel yɨbɨl anep kugul ak poŋɨd apɨl, mɨgan anɨb ak yenɨgabal agak. Anɨgek, bɨ anɨb ak nop mulɨk sɨkel, ned tep yolɨgup tek mel, pɨsnep mɨd tɨmel yɨbɨl gɨnɨgab agak. Anɨb ak tek nɨm, binɨb mɨñɨl nab awl mɨdɨl tap tɨtɨmel gɨpal okok, kɨli abe pɨsnep mɨd tɨmel yɨbɨl gɨnɨgabal agak. 46 Jisas binɨb kuŋay okok kɨlop takaw agaknɨŋ, nonɨm nɨmam ne yɨbɨl okok seŋayaŋ apɨl agɨlak, Chɨn Jisas nop takaw agɨnɨg apobun agɨlak. 47 Agelak, bɨ olap kal mɨgan amɨl, nop agak, Nɨgan, nanɨm namam nak okok, nep takaw agɨnɨg ap mɨdebal seŋayaŋ agak. 48 Agek nop pen agak, Binɨb anɨb an ami mam yad agak? 49 Bɨne okok kɨlop ñɨn yom kuskus gɨlɨg agak, Nɨgɨm, binɨb nɨm awl ami yad, mam yad okok nep mɨdebal agak. 50 Binɨb Bapi man ne alaŋ mɨdeb ak gos ne nɨgup tek nɨŋɨd kɨdek gɨpal okok, ami, mam, ay yad okok mɨdebal agak.

In Other Versions

Matthew 12 in the ANGEFD

Matthew 12 in the ANTPNG2D

Matthew 12 in the AS21

Matthew 12 in the BAGH

Matthew 12 in the BBPNG

Matthew 12 in the BBT1E

Matthew 12 in the BDS

Matthew 12 in the BEV

Matthew 12 in the BHAD

Matthew 12 in the BIB

Matthew 12 in the BLPT

Matthew 12 in the BNT

Matthew 12 in the BNTABOOT

Matthew 12 in the BNTLV

Matthew 12 in the BOATCB

Matthew 12 in the BOATCB2

Matthew 12 in the BOBCV

Matthew 12 in the BOCNT

Matthew 12 in the BOECS

Matthew 12 in the BOGWICC

Matthew 12 in the BOHCB

Matthew 12 in the BOHCV

Matthew 12 in the BOHLNT

Matthew 12 in the BOHNTLTAL

Matthew 12 in the BOICB

Matthew 12 in the BOILNTAP

Matthew 12 in the BOITCV

Matthew 12 in the BOKCV

Matthew 12 in the BOKCV2

Matthew 12 in the BOKHWOG

Matthew 12 in the BOKSSV

Matthew 12 in the BOLCB

Matthew 12 in the BOLCB2

Matthew 12 in the BOMCV

Matthew 12 in the BONAV

Matthew 12 in the BONCB

Matthew 12 in the BONLT

Matthew 12 in the BONUT2

Matthew 12 in the BOPLNT

Matthew 12 in the BOSCB

Matthew 12 in the BOSNC

Matthew 12 in the BOTLNT

Matthew 12 in the BOVCB

Matthew 12 in the BOYCB

Matthew 12 in the BPBB

Matthew 12 in the BPH

Matthew 12 in the BSB

Matthew 12 in the CCB

Matthew 12 in the CUV

Matthew 12 in the CUVS

Matthew 12 in the DBT

Matthew 12 in the DGDNT

Matthew 12 in the DHNT

Matthew 12 in the DNT

Matthew 12 in the ELBE

Matthew 12 in the EMTV

Matthew 12 in the ESV

Matthew 12 in the FBV

Matthew 12 in the FEB

Matthew 12 in the GGMNT

Matthew 12 in the GNT

Matthew 12 in the HARY

Matthew 12 in the HNT

Matthew 12 in the IRVA

Matthew 12 in the IRVB

Matthew 12 in the IRVG

Matthew 12 in the IRVH

Matthew 12 in the IRVK

Matthew 12 in the IRVM

Matthew 12 in the IRVM2

Matthew 12 in the IRVO

Matthew 12 in the IRVP

Matthew 12 in the IRVT

Matthew 12 in the IRVT2

Matthew 12 in the IRVU

Matthew 12 in the ISVN

Matthew 12 in the JSNT

Matthew 12 in the KAPI

Matthew 12 in the KBT1ETNIK

Matthew 12 in the KBV

Matthew 12 in the KJV

Matthew 12 in the KNFD

Matthew 12 in the LBA

Matthew 12 in the LBLA

Matthew 12 in the LNT

Matthew 12 in the LSV

Matthew 12 in the MAAL

Matthew 12 in the MBV

Matthew 12 in the MBV2

Matthew 12 in the MHNT

Matthew 12 in the MKNFD

Matthew 12 in the MNG

Matthew 12 in the MNT

Matthew 12 in the MNT2

Matthew 12 in the MRS1T

Matthew 12 in the NAA

Matthew 12 in the NASB

Matthew 12 in the NBLA

Matthew 12 in the NBS

Matthew 12 in the NBVTP

Matthew 12 in the NET2

Matthew 12 in the NIV11

Matthew 12 in the NNT

Matthew 12 in the NNT2

Matthew 12 in the NNT3

Matthew 12 in the PDDPT

Matthew 12 in the PFNT

Matthew 12 in the RMNT

Matthew 12 in the SBIAS

Matthew 12 in the SBIBS

Matthew 12 in the SBIBS2

Matthew 12 in the SBICS

Matthew 12 in the SBIDS

Matthew 12 in the SBIGS

Matthew 12 in the SBIHS

Matthew 12 in the SBIIS

Matthew 12 in the SBIIS2

Matthew 12 in the SBIIS3

Matthew 12 in the SBIKS

Matthew 12 in the SBIKS2

Matthew 12 in the SBIMS

Matthew 12 in the SBIOS

Matthew 12 in the SBIPS

Matthew 12 in the SBISS

Matthew 12 in the SBITS

Matthew 12 in the SBITS2

Matthew 12 in the SBITS3

Matthew 12 in the SBITS4

Matthew 12 in the SBIUS

Matthew 12 in the SBIVS

Matthew 12 in the SBT

Matthew 12 in the SBT1E

Matthew 12 in the SCHL

Matthew 12 in the SNT

Matthew 12 in the SUSU

Matthew 12 in the SUSU2

Matthew 12 in the SYNO

Matthew 12 in the TBIAOTANT

Matthew 12 in the TBT1E

Matthew 12 in the TBT1E2

Matthew 12 in the TFTIP

Matthew 12 in the TFTU

Matthew 12 in the TGNTATF3T

Matthew 12 in the THAI

Matthew 12 in the TNT

Matthew 12 in the TNTIK

Matthew 12 in the TNTIL

Matthew 12 in the TNTIN

Matthew 12 in the TNTIP

Matthew 12 in the TNTIZ

Matthew 12 in the TOMA

Matthew 12 in the TTENT

Matthew 12 in the UBG

Matthew 12 in the UGV

Matthew 12 in the UGV2

Matthew 12 in the UGV3

Matthew 12 in the VBL

Matthew 12 in the VDCC

Matthew 12 in the YALU

Matthew 12 in the YAPE

Matthew 12 in the YBVTP

Matthew 12 in the ZBP