Matthew 18 (TOMA)

1 Naama ziɛgi zu kaladopoiti ti maaɓuɠani Yesu ʋa, ti gaazaɠa, ti ɠɛ ma: «Ɓɛ ɠa mu bɔɔlɔai geeɠɔlɔgi ma masadai zu?» 2 Yesu zɛba é doungoi ta loli, é pilɛ ti zaama. 3 É ɠɛni ti ma: «Gè bo wo ma ga gaamai, ni wo la wo-ziɛ ʋelei maavaliboni, wo ʋa ɠɛ ga doungoiti kɛʋele, wo la lɔa geeɠɔlɔgi ma masadai zu. 4 Naa ɠa é ba, zɔi nɔpɛ a ɓɔɠɔmaayeina eɠɛ doungoi nii, naama nui ɠa wɔɔlɔ geeɠɔlɔgi ma masadai zu. 5 Zɔi nɔpɛ a yeezei doungoi ta wu eɠɛ nii, nɔ̀un maaʋele ma, naama nui yeezeiɗa bù, nà ɓɔɠɔi.» 6 «Kɛlɛ doungoi niiti kpein ti laai nɔ̀un da, zɔi nɔpɛ a ti ɠila kpalaa toona kotoi zu, a la vizɔ naama nui ma ga kɔtu wolai ɠili kɔgi ʋa, ti pili, é yɛ kpoloɗɛi wu. 7 Maanɔɠɔ vaa ʋe eteai ʋɛ ga kaka faiti ti ʋa, niiti ti nuiti toozu kotoi zu. Kɛɛɠeleɠele kili ge la ná, kɛni naa ɠɛɠala vaiti ti ʋa, kɛlɛ maanɔɠɔ wola ɠa naama nui ʋɛ, nii ti ʋaazu ga maaʋele. 8 Ni è-yeei ɓaa è-ɠɔɠɔi ɠa é è loozu kotoi zu, ti leʋe ɓɔɠɔ ʋa, è ti ʋili ya poun. Tɔɔzei fizɔgɛ è ma è lɔ ɠɔoɠɔ zɛnvui zu ga è maalɛɠɛfɛgai, kɛlɛ è-yee felegɔi ɓaa è-ɠɔɠɔ felegɔi mina yɛ è ʋa, è ʋa ʋili ɠɔoɠɔ abui zu. 9 Ni è-ɠaazuɠɛzɛi ɠa é è loozu kotoi zu, kula su, è pili ya poun. Tɔɔzei fizɔgɛ è ma ga è lɔ ɠɔoɠɔ zɛnvui zu ga è-ɠaazu ɠila kpe nɔ, è-ɠaazuɠɛzɛ felegɔiti gaavɔnigai ʋa yɛ è ya, ɗa ma è ʋili undaaʋili abui zu.» 10 «À dama, wo mina doungoi niiti gila kpalaa bɛlɛlala, tɔɔzei gè bo wo ma, ta-ɠeezuɠeelaiti ta wɛlɛzu siɛnɔpɛ su Kɛ̀ɛ ɠaazu, nii é geeɠɔlɔgi zu. 11 [Tɔɔzei Nu ná-Doun Zunui ʋaaʋɛ naati kizosu, niiti ti loai ya.] 12 «Wa ɠisiɛzu ɠale? Ni baala ungila (100) ka ɠɛna zunui ta ya, gilagi loo ya, ni é la puutaaʋuugɔ maazu taaʋuugɔiti (99) zɛga ná gizeiti ma, é ʋa li zɔ ɠilagi ɠaiziɛzu, nii toai ya? 13 Gè bo wo ma ga gaamai, ni a kaana, baala gilagi naa ɠa gola ɠoozunɛ, é leʋe zɔ ʋuutaaʋuugɔ maazu taaʋuugɔiti (99) ba, niiti ti la ɠɛa looni ya. 14 Zekana ɓalaa wo-Ɠɛɛ la, nii é geeɠɔlɔgi zu, é la pɔ ga niima loungoi ɠila kpalaa ge loo ya.» 15 «Ni è-ɠɛɛloin a koto ɠɛɛna è laalɔɠɔma, li, è bo ma wo felegɔ wo yɔɠɔzu. Ni a woilona è-woo ma, naazu è è-ɠɛɛloin zɔlɔɔga. 16 Kɛlɛ ni é la kɛɛni é ʋa woilo è-woo ma, nu ɠila ɓaa nu felegɔ ʋɛɛ ɓɔɠɔ ʋa, naa ɠa a kɛ nii nɔpɛ a ɠɛ wosu, ‹ti pɛ gaaɠula ba ga zeele felegɔ ɓaa zeele saʋagɔ ná-zeele wooi maaʋele.› 17 Ni é la kɛɛni é ʋa woilo naati goo ma, bo Egilisii ma. Ni é la woiloni Egilisii woo ma, pɛtɛ ga kidaaleʋelala nui, ɓaa mulu zo nui è letema. 18 «Gè bo wo ma ga gaamai, nii nɔpɛ wa pele leʋe tuɠɔ zooi ma, pele ɠa leʋe naa luɠɔ geeɠɔlɔgi zu. Nii ma wo pele viesu tuɠɔ zooi ma, pele ɠa vie naa luɠɔ geeɠɔlɔgi zu. 19 «Nà bosu wo ma ɓalaa ga: Ni nu felegɔ wo zaama, ta zoloona faa ɠila ma zooi ma ga ti fali, Kɛ̀ɛ nii é geeɠɔlɔgi zu, naa ɠa kɛ ti ʋɛ. 20 Tɔɔzei, ʋɛ nɔpɛ nu felegɔ ɓaa nu saʋagɔ ta ɠaalɛ ba ná dàaseigi zu, nà ti zaama.» 21 Naama ziɛgi zu Piyɛlɛ maaɓuɠani Yesu ʋa, é gaazaɠa, é ɠɛ ma: «Màliɠii, nii kɛ̀ɛloin ɠa ba nɔ, é ɗa kotoi ɠɛ dàalɔɠɔma, nà suvaayɛ ga seizu lielegɔ? Gè suvaayɛ ga seizu lɔfela mu ɓaa?» 22 Yesu ɠɛni ma: «Ɓa-o, gè la ɠɛɛzu è ma seizu lɔfela, kɛlɛ seizu ʋuulɔfela (70) zeizu lɔfela. 23 «Tɔ ɠa é ba, geeɠɔlɔgi ma masadai ɠulaʋɛ eɠɛ masagi nii é ná-botiɠɛ nuiti tolini ga ti ʋoluvaawo ma, é lo ná-naavoloi ʋa. 24 Siɛgi zu é gaalugi lɔɔzeini la, ti ʋaani pɔ ga nu ɠila, nii maaɠuyei wola mɔinni ga walii. 25 Kuyei naa ɠula zobo nɔpɛ ge la ɠɛni zunui naa ʋɛ. Ná-kundiɠii devei veeni ga ti tɔ ɓɔɠɔi ʋɔdi, ta anzai, naa ʋɛɛ ná-dointi ta kɔligiti pɛ ba, nii a kɛ maaɠuyei ɠula. 26 Botiɠɛ nui ʋilɛni ɲiibiɠa zooi ma ná-kundiɠii ɠɔɠɔwu, é maanɛɛnɛ, é ɠɛ ma: ‹Yiilɔɔ kae, nà ɗa-ɠuyei pɛ kulazu.› 27 Zunui naa maawɔin ná-kundiɠii zoni gola, é suvaayɛ ga naama ɠuyei, nii é ɠɛni ma, é ɓe naa ʋa, é li. 28 «Siɛgi zu zunui naa ɠulani la ná-kundiɠii ʋɔ bɛ, ti ɠomini ta ná-botiɠɛɲɔɠɔi gila, tɔ ɓalaa ná-kuye ɠɛni naa ma ga wali go. É naa zoni kɔda, é ɠɛ ma: ‹Nà-kuyei é è ma, kulana!› 29 Botiɠɛɲɔɠɔi maanɛɛnɛni, é ɠɛ ma: ‹Yiilɔɔ kae, nà ɗa-ɠuyei pɛ kulazu.› 30 Kɛlɛ é la kɛɛni é ʋa naa zuvaayɛ. É liini, é pili kasoi ɠa, eyɛsu naa ɓe ga ná-kuyei ɠula. 31 «Ná-botiɠɛɲɔɠɔiti ti naama vaiti pɛ kaai ma niiti ti ɠɛɛni, ti yiiɓɔlɔni gola, ti liini, ti ti pɛ bo ta-ɠundiɠii ma. 32 Naa zɛba é ma botiɠɛ nui loli, é ɠɛ ma: ‹Ɗa ga botiɠɛ nu ɲɔu, è màanɛɛnɛʋɛ, gè è zuvaayɛ ga è-maaɠuyei pɛ. 33 Ɗa ɓalaa, lee vaa zu è la ɗa-wotiɠɛɲɔɠɔi maawɔinɠaani ga ʋelei gè kɛa la è ʋɛ?› 34 Ná-kundiɠii yiiɠaawana ʋelei ma, é pilini kasoi ɠa tɔ ɓalaa, ga ti maanɔɠɔ, eyɛsu é ɓe ga maaɠuyei pɛ kula. 35 «Kɛ̀ɛ nii é geeɠɔlɔgi zu, ʋele ɠana é ʋaazu kɛɛzu la ga wo ɠilagilagiti pɛ, ni wo la ɠɛ kɛɛni, wo ʋa wo-ɠɛɛlointi suvaayɛ ga yiimaʋɛ pɛ.»

In Other Versions

Matthew 18 in the ANGEFD

Matthew 18 in the ANTPNG2D

Matthew 18 in the AS21

Matthew 18 in the BAGH

Matthew 18 in the BBPNG

Matthew 18 in the BBT1E

Matthew 18 in the BDS

Matthew 18 in the BEV

Matthew 18 in the BHAD

Matthew 18 in the BIB

Matthew 18 in the BLPT

Matthew 18 in the BNT

Matthew 18 in the BNTABOOT

Matthew 18 in the BNTLV

Matthew 18 in the BOATCB

Matthew 18 in the BOATCB2

Matthew 18 in the BOBCV

Matthew 18 in the BOCNT

Matthew 18 in the BOECS

Matthew 18 in the BOGWICC

Matthew 18 in the BOHCB

Matthew 18 in the BOHCV

Matthew 18 in the BOHLNT

Matthew 18 in the BOHNTLTAL

Matthew 18 in the BOICB

Matthew 18 in the BOILNTAP

Matthew 18 in the BOITCV

Matthew 18 in the BOKCV

Matthew 18 in the BOKCV2

Matthew 18 in the BOKHWOG

Matthew 18 in the BOKSSV

Matthew 18 in the BOLCB

Matthew 18 in the BOLCB2

Matthew 18 in the BOMCV

Matthew 18 in the BONAV

Matthew 18 in the BONCB

Matthew 18 in the BONLT

Matthew 18 in the BONUT2

Matthew 18 in the BOPLNT

Matthew 18 in the BOSCB

Matthew 18 in the BOSNC

Matthew 18 in the BOTLNT

Matthew 18 in the BOVCB

Matthew 18 in the BOYCB

Matthew 18 in the BPBB

Matthew 18 in the BPH

Matthew 18 in the BSB

Matthew 18 in the CCB

Matthew 18 in the CUV

Matthew 18 in the CUVS

Matthew 18 in the DBT

Matthew 18 in the DGDNT

Matthew 18 in the DHNT

Matthew 18 in the DNT

Matthew 18 in the ELBE

Matthew 18 in the EMTV

Matthew 18 in the ESV

Matthew 18 in the FBV

Matthew 18 in the FEB

Matthew 18 in the GGMNT

Matthew 18 in the GNT

Matthew 18 in the HARY

Matthew 18 in the HNT

Matthew 18 in the IRVA

Matthew 18 in the IRVB

Matthew 18 in the IRVG

Matthew 18 in the IRVH

Matthew 18 in the IRVK

Matthew 18 in the IRVM

Matthew 18 in the IRVM2

Matthew 18 in the IRVO

Matthew 18 in the IRVP

Matthew 18 in the IRVT

Matthew 18 in the IRVT2

Matthew 18 in the IRVU

Matthew 18 in the ISVN

Matthew 18 in the JSNT

Matthew 18 in the KAPI

Matthew 18 in the KBT1ETNIK

Matthew 18 in the KBV

Matthew 18 in the KJV

Matthew 18 in the KNFD

Matthew 18 in the LBA

Matthew 18 in the LBLA

Matthew 18 in the LNT

Matthew 18 in the LSV

Matthew 18 in the MAAL

Matthew 18 in the MBV

Matthew 18 in the MBV2

Matthew 18 in the MHNT

Matthew 18 in the MKNFD

Matthew 18 in the MNG

Matthew 18 in the MNT

Matthew 18 in the MNT2

Matthew 18 in the MRS1T

Matthew 18 in the NAA

Matthew 18 in the NASB

Matthew 18 in the NBLA

Matthew 18 in the NBS

Matthew 18 in the NBVTP

Matthew 18 in the NET2

Matthew 18 in the NIV11

Matthew 18 in the NNT

Matthew 18 in the NNT2

Matthew 18 in the NNT3

Matthew 18 in the PDDPT

Matthew 18 in the PFNT

Matthew 18 in the RMNT

Matthew 18 in the SBIAS

Matthew 18 in the SBIBS

Matthew 18 in the SBIBS2

Matthew 18 in the SBICS

Matthew 18 in the SBIDS

Matthew 18 in the SBIGS

Matthew 18 in the SBIHS

Matthew 18 in the SBIIS

Matthew 18 in the SBIIS2

Matthew 18 in the SBIIS3

Matthew 18 in the SBIKS

Matthew 18 in the SBIKS2

Matthew 18 in the SBIMS

Matthew 18 in the SBIOS

Matthew 18 in the SBIPS

Matthew 18 in the SBISS

Matthew 18 in the SBITS

Matthew 18 in the SBITS2

Matthew 18 in the SBITS3

Matthew 18 in the SBITS4

Matthew 18 in the SBIUS

Matthew 18 in the SBIVS

Matthew 18 in the SBT

Matthew 18 in the SBT1E

Matthew 18 in the SCHL

Matthew 18 in the SNT

Matthew 18 in the SUSU

Matthew 18 in the SUSU2

Matthew 18 in the SYNO

Matthew 18 in the TBIAOTANT

Matthew 18 in the TBT1E

Matthew 18 in the TBT1E2

Matthew 18 in the TFTIP

Matthew 18 in the TFTU

Matthew 18 in the TGNTATF3T

Matthew 18 in the THAI

Matthew 18 in the TNFD

Matthew 18 in the TNT

Matthew 18 in the TNTIK

Matthew 18 in the TNTIL

Matthew 18 in the TNTIN

Matthew 18 in the TNTIP

Matthew 18 in the TNTIZ

Matthew 18 in the TTENT

Matthew 18 in the UBG

Matthew 18 in the UGV

Matthew 18 in the UGV2

Matthew 18 in the UGV3

Matthew 18 in the VBL

Matthew 18 in the VDCC

Matthew 18 in the YALU

Matthew 18 in the YAPE

Matthew 18 in the YBVTP

Matthew 18 in the ZBP