Nahum 1 (ESV)

1 An oracle concerning Nineveh. The book of the vision of Nahum of Elkosh. 2 The LORD is a jealous and avenging God; the LORD is avenging and wrathful; the LORD takes vengeance on his adversaries and keeps wrath for his enemies. 3 The LORD is slow to anger and great in power, and the LORD will by no means clear the guilty. His way is in whirlwind and storm, and the clouds are the dust of his feet. 4 He rebukes the sea and makes it dry; he dries up all the rivers; Bashan and Carmel wither; the bloom of Lebanon withers. 5 The mountains quake before him; the hills melt; the earth heaves before him, the world and all who dwell in it. 6 Who can stand before his indignation? Who can endure the heat of his anger? His wrath is poured out like fire, and the rocks are broken into pieces by him. 7 The LORD is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; he knows those who take refuge in him. 8 But with an overflowing flood he will make a complete end of the adversaries, and will pursue his enemies into darkness. 9 What do you plot against the LORD? He will make a complete end; trouble will not rise up a second time. 10 For they are like entangled thorns, like drunkards as they drink; they are consumed like stubble fully dried. 11 From you came one who plotted evil against the LORD, a worthless counselor. 12 Thus says the LORD, “Though they are at full strength and many, they will be cut down and pass away. Though I have afflicted you, I will afflict you no more. 13 And now I will break his yoke from off you and will burst your bonds apart.” 14 The LORD has given commandment about you: “No more shall your name be perpetuated; from the house of your gods I will cut off the carved image and the metal image. I will make your grave, for you are vile.” 15 Behold, upon the mountains, the feet of him who brings good news, who publishes peace! Keep your feasts, O Judah; fulfill your vows, for never again shall the worthless pass through you; he is utterly cut off.

In Other Versions

Nahum 1 in the ANGEFD

Nahum 1 in the ANTPNG2D

Nahum 1 in the AS21

Nahum 1 in the BAGH

Nahum 1 in the BBPNG

Nahum 1 in the BBT1E

Nahum 1 in the BDS

Nahum 1 in the BEV

Nahum 1 in the BHAD

Nahum 1 in the BIB

Nahum 1 in the BLPT

Nahum 1 in the BNT

Nahum 1 in the BNTABOOT

Nahum 1 in the BNTLV

Nahum 1 in the BOATCB

Nahum 1 in the BOATCB2

Nahum 1 in the BOBCV

Nahum 1 in the BOCNT

Nahum 1 in the BOECS

Nahum 1 in the BOGWICC

Nahum 1 in the BOHCB

Nahum 1 in the BOHCV

Nahum 1 in the BOHLNT

Nahum 1 in the BOHNTLTAL

Nahum 1 in the BOICB

Nahum 1 in the BOILNTAP

Nahum 1 in the BOITCV

Nahum 1 in the BOKCV

Nahum 1 in the BOKCV2

Nahum 1 in the BOKHWOG

Nahum 1 in the BOKSSV

Nahum 1 in the BOLCB

Nahum 1 in the BOLCB2

Nahum 1 in the BOMCV

Nahum 1 in the BONAV

Nahum 1 in the BONCB

Nahum 1 in the BONLT

Nahum 1 in the BONUT2

Nahum 1 in the BOPLNT

Nahum 1 in the BOSCB

Nahum 1 in the BOSNC

Nahum 1 in the BOTLNT

Nahum 1 in the BOVCB

Nahum 1 in the BOYCB

Nahum 1 in the BPBB

Nahum 1 in the BPH

Nahum 1 in the BSB

Nahum 1 in the CCB

Nahum 1 in the CUV

Nahum 1 in the CUVS

Nahum 1 in the DBT

Nahum 1 in the DGDNT

Nahum 1 in the DHNT

Nahum 1 in the DNT

Nahum 1 in the ELBE

Nahum 1 in the EMTV

Nahum 1 in the FBV

Nahum 1 in the FEB

Nahum 1 in the GGMNT

Nahum 1 in the GNT

Nahum 1 in the HARY

Nahum 1 in the HNT

Nahum 1 in the IRVA

Nahum 1 in the IRVB

Nahum 1 in the IRVG

Nahum 1 in the IRVH

Nahum 1 in the IRVK

Nahum 1 in the IRVM

Nahum 1 in the IRVM2

Nahum 1 in the IRVO

Nahum 1 in the IRVP

Nahum 1 in the IRVT

Nahum 1 in the IRVT2

Nahum 1 in the IRVU

Nahum 1 in the ISVN

Nahum 1 in the JSNT

Nahum 1 in the KAPI

Nahum 1 in the KBT1ETNIK

Nahum 1 in the KBV

Nahum 1 in the KJV

Nahum 1 in the KNFD

Nahum 1 in the LBA

Nahum 1 in the LBLA

Nahum 1 in the LNT

Nahum 1 in the LSV

Nahum 1 in the MAAL

Nahum 1 in the MBV

Nahum 1 in the MBV2

Nahum 1 in the MHNT

Nahum 1 in the MKNFD

Nahum 1 in the MNG

Nahum 1 in the MNT

Nahum 1 in the MNT2

Nahum 1 in the MRS1T

Nahum 1 in the NAA

Nahum 1 in the NASB

Nahum 1 in the NBLA

Nahum 1 in the NBS

Nahum 1 in the NBVTP

Nahum 1 in the NET2

Nahum 1 in the NIV11

Nahum 1 in the NNT

Nahum 1 in the NNT2

Nahum 1 in the NNT3

Nahum 1 in the PDDPT

Nahum 1 in the PFNT

Nahum 1 in the RMNT

Nahum 1 in the SBIAS

Nahum 1 in the SBIBS

Nahum 1 in the SBIBS2

Nahum 1 in the SBICS

Nahum 1 in the SBIDS

Nahum 1 in the SBIGS

Nahum 1 in the SBIHS

Nahum 1 in the SBIIS

Nahum 1 in the SBIIS2

Nahum 1 in the SBIIS3

Nahum 1 in the SBIKS

Nahum 1 in the SBIKS2

Nahum 1 in the SBIMS

Nahum 1 in the SBIOS

Nahum 1 in the SBIPS

Nahum 1 in the SBISS

Nahum 1 in the SBITS

Nahum 1 in the SBITS2

Nahum 1 in the SBITS3

Nahum 1 in the SBITS4

Nahum 1 in the SBIUS

Nahum 1 in the SBIVS

Nahum 1 in the SBT

Nahum 1 in the SBT1E

Nahum 1 in the SCHL

Nahum 1 in the SNT

Nahum 1 in the SUSU

Nahum 1 in the SUSU2

Nahum 1 in the SYNO

Nahum 1 in the TBIAOTANT

Nahum 1 in the TBT1E

Nahum 1 in the TBT1E2

Nahum 1 in the TFTIP

Nahum 1 in the TFTU

Nahum 1 in the TGNTATF3T

Nahum 1 in the THAI

Nahum 1 in the TNFD

Nahum 1 in the TNT

Nahum 1 in the TNTIK

Nahum 1 in the TNTIL

Nahum 1 in the TNTIN

Nahum 1 in the TNTIP

Nahum 1 in the TNTIZ

Nahum 1 in the TOMA

Nahum 1 in the TTENT

Nahum 1 in the UBG

Nahum 1 in the UGV

Nahum 1 in the UGV2

Nahum 1 in the UGV3

Nahum 1 in the VBL

Nahum 1 in the VDCC

Nahum 1 in the YALU

Nahum 1 in the YAPE

Nahum 1 in the YBVTP

Nahum 1 in the ZBP