Luke 23 (TNFD)

1 Juda bɨawl kɨli anɨb agɨl, mɨdupsek tɨkjakɨl Jisas nop dɨl dad amnɨlak, gapman bɨawl Paylat yek ak. 2 Dad amɨl, takaw okok nɨb okok nɨb dad apɨl agɨlak, Chɨn ke pɨyowɨl nɨŋɨd nopun, bɨ anɨb ak binɨb chɨnop okok takaw yepɨs agup agɨlak. Agup, Gapman bɨnonɨm nop takis ma ñɨnɨmɨb agup agɨlak. Pen takaw olap agup agɨlak. Agup, Yad ke Juda bɨnonɨm ak mɨdɨl, God yɨp aglup agup agɨlak. 3 Agelak, Paylat Jisas nop agnɨgak, Nak Juda bɨnonɨm kɨli ak akaŋ agak?Agek agak, Nɨm nak ke apan ak agak. 4 Agek, Paylat bɨ God nop sɨbogep bɨawl okok sek, binɨb yelak okok sek, kɨlop agak, Yad nepin, bɨ anɨb awl nop agep takaw jɨj ak ma mɨdeb agak. 5 Anɨb agek, kɨli pen takaw kɨles tɨmel gɨl agɨlak. Anɨb agɨlak, Ne agup, Nɨbi bɨ gapman takaw agup ak tɨbɨlɨkɨl agɨnɨmɨb agup agɨlak. Judiya binɨb mɨdupsek kɨlop anɨb agñub agɨlak. Galili plopens tɨkɨl agñɨ dap dap mɨñɨl awl owup agɨlak. 6 Agelak, Paylat nɨŋɨd kɨlop agnɨgak, Bɨ anɨb awl Galili nɨb agak? 7 Agek, Yaw agel, nɨŋɨd anɨb agak, Gapman bɨnonɨm Helod ne Galili plopens kod mɨdeb ak, ap Jelusalem awl mɨdeb tek, nop yɨl yokɨnɨm agak. Kɨlop agek, dad Helod yek ak amnɨlak. 8 Helod ne Jisas tap golɨgup ak pel takaw anɨb ak nep nɨgolɨgup. Ñɨn akal tek tap olap ke gek nɨgɨnɨgayn agɨl gos ak nɨgɨlɨg mɨdolɨgup. Ñɨn anɨb ak Jisas nop dad apjakɨlak nɨŋɨd, ne mɨñmɨñ tɨmel yɨbɨl gak. 9 Pen Helod Jisas nop takaw kuŋay yɨbɨl agnɨgek, Jisas pen takaw olap ma agak. 10 Pen bɨ God nop sɨbogep bɨawl okok sek, bɨ kɨli Mosis takaw ñu kɨl tɨkak ak nɨgtep gep okok sek, kɨli takaw awl yɨbɨl ak nɨŋɨjsek lɨl agɨlak. 11 Pen Helod ayɨp bɨ chɨm kadɨŋ gep ne okok ayɨp Jisas nop gɨ tɨmel gɨlɨg, agjulɨg, chech tep yɨbɨl pal ak sɨj gɨñɨlak. Gɨñelak, bɨne okok kɨlop agek, dad tepayaŋ Paylat yek ak amnɨlak. 12 Ned Helod ayɨp Paylat ayɨp keke yelɨgɨpil ak pen, anɨb ñɨn ak takaw nɨŋɨd bɨ omɨŋal jɨmñelek. 13 Pen Paylat ne bɨ God nop sɨbogep bɨawl okok sek, bɨ lum nap nɨb okok sek, binɨb yokɨp okok sek, kɨlop agek apnan gel 14 agak, Nɨbi bɨ anɨb ak dad apɨl yɨp apɨm, Bɨ nɨm ak binɨb okok kɨlop takaw yepɨs agup apɨm agak. Agup, Gapman nop kɨdek ma gɨnɨmɨb agup apɨm. Pen mɨñɨl wɨdɨn mɨdup adek nɨbop ke dapɨl agebin ak agak. Tap tɨmel ogɨnap gek takaw awl yɨbɨl ak nɨŋɨjsek lɨl apɨm ak, jɨj anɨb ak ma pɨyow nepin agak. 15 Helod abe takaw jɨj anɨb ak ma pɨyow nɨŋɨd, jɨtep agyokek chɨnop ken dad opal agak. Bɨ anɨb awl tap tɨmel olap gek tek takaw nɨbop ak nɨŋɨd nop paklɨnɨgun agak. 16 16-17 Anɨb ak bɨyad okok nop yokɨp pakɨl agyokel amnaŋ agak. 18 Won anɨb ak kɨli mɨdupsek suk awl agɨl agɨlak, Bɨ anɨb ak paklɨl, Balabas nop agyokem chɨnop yɨl owaŋ agɨlak. 19 Bɨ Balabas anɨb ak, ned man awl nab ak binɨb ogɨnap dɨl, bɨ man awl kod yelɨgɨpal okok ayɨp penpen gɨl, bɨ olap nop pɨsnep paklak tek nop nag lɨlak. 20 Pen Paylat gos ne ak Jisas amnaŋ agɨl nɨŋɨd, binɨb okok kɨlop tepayaŋ agak, Jisas nop yokɨp agyoken amnaŋ agak. 21 Agek, kɨli suk awl agɨl agɨlak, Mab bak alaŋ chɨpɨl pak tɨbɨk lem kumaŋ. Mab bak alaŋ chɨpɨl pak tɨbɨk lem kumaŋ agɨlak. 22 Agelak, Paylat tepayaŋ kɨlop agak, Taynen? Bɨ anɨb awl tap tay tɨmel gup agak? Yad nop nepin, tap ogɨnap gɨ tɨmel gek pakɨnɨgun tek ma lup agak. Anɨb ak, bɨyad okok nop yokɨp pakɨl agyokel amnaŋ agak. 23 Agek, kɨli takaw kɨles tɨmel yɨbɨl agɨlak, Nop mab bak alaŋ chɨpɨl pak tɨbɨk lem kumaŋ agɨl, agel agel Paylat takaw nop tɨg jɨsɨpuk gɨlak. 24 Gelak, Paylat takaw kɨlop ak dɨl, 25 bɨ tɨmel ned binɨb kuŋay dɨl penpen gɨl bɨ olap nop paklak ak nop kelɨgek amnaknɨŋ, anɨb agak, Tap Jisas nop gɨnɨg ak, nɨbi gɨm agak. 26 Jisas nop paklɨnɨg dad amnɨlaknɨŋ, bɨ olap yɨb ne Saymon, taun Saylini nɨb ne Jelusalem owak. Nop nɨŋɨd dɨl, mab Jisas dad apek ak nop wajɨlem lɨñɨl agɨlak, Jisas ameb kɨdek amnoŋ agel, dad kɨdek amnak. 27 Pen binɨb kuŋay yɨbɨl kɨdek gelak nab anɨb ak, bin ogɨnap Jisas nop mapen nɨŋɨd chaŋ awl ak lɨlɨg kɨdek gɨlak. 28 Jisas adɨkɨl kɨlop agak, Nɨbi Jelusalem bin agak. Yɨp gɨnɨgeb ak chaŋ ma lɨnɨmɨb agak. Nɨbop gɨ tɨmel gɨl, ñɨpay nɨbop okok abe gɨ tɨmel gɨl gɨnɨgab ak chaŋ lɨnɨmɨb agak. 29 Kɨdek mɨŋel awl ak apek agɨnɨgabal, Bin ñapay wom ogɨnap sek, bin ñapay ma tɨkɨpal ogɨnap sek, bin ñapay tul ma ñɨbal ogɨnap sek, tep agɨnɨgabal agak. 30 Ñɨn anɨb ak taynen mɨdɨl kumnɨgun agɨl agɨnɨgabal, Nek dum alaŋ pagɨl apɨl chɨnop pak tɨbɨkɨpɨkop akaŋ, kojɨ dɨl chɨnop yu gɨpɨkop ak, tep agɨnɨgabal agak. 31 Mab koŋɨm mɨdeb ak gɨ tɨmel ma gɨnɨgel tek ak pen, gɨ tɨmel gebal agak. Anɨb ak tek mab mɨlep wɨŋɨd amɨl mɨdeb ak tɨtay tek gɨnɨgabal agak. 32 Pen bɨ chɨm kadɨŋ gep okok, kɨli bɨ tap pedped gep omɨŋal ak kɨlop abe paklɨnɨg dad amnɨlak. 33 Dad amɨl, man chɨp kɨmɨg cheg won apal ak, bɨ tap pedped gep omɨŋal ak, olap ñɨn yɨpɨd pɨs ak, olap ñɨn aŋɨd pɨs ak chɨpɨl pak tɨbɨk lɨl, Jisas nop nab ayaŋ pak tɨbɨk lɨl gɨlak. 34 Jisas nop anɨgɨl pak tɨbɨk lel, ne God nop agɨl agak, Bapi. Yɨp tap anɨb gebal ak nɨgtep gɨl ma gebal agak. Anɨb ak tap si tap tɨmel gebal ak tɨg walɨg gɨyokɨnɨmɨn agak. Pen kɨli Jisas nop mab bak alaŋ pak tɨbɨk lɨl, chech nop tɨg asɨk dɨl, sadu tek gɨl keke dɨlak. 35 Binɨb kuŋay nep nɨg mɨdɨlaknɨŋ, Juda bɨawl okok Jisas nop paj agɨlak, Ne binɨb ogɨnap kɨlop dek mɨdtep gɨpal ak pen, ne Bɨ God nop aglup ak, binɨb okok kɨlop kod yenɨgab ak mɨdɨl nɨm, ne ke gɨl koŋɨm tɨkjakɨl amnaŋ agɨlak. 36 Pen bɨ chɨm kadɨŋ gep okok abe nop agjulɨg wulep sɨŋak apɨl, ñɨg sɨlek ak ñɨlɨg 37 agɨlak, Nad Juda bɨnonɨm kɨli mɨdɨl nɨm, nad ke gɨl koŋɨm amnoŋ agɨlak. 38 Pen mab bog bad olap, Jisas nop chɨpɨl pak tɨbɨk lɨlak ak mab bak alaŋ yɨb gɨlɨl agɨlak, Juda bɨnonɨm kɨli ak agɨlak. 39 Bɨ tap pedped gep omɨŋal ak, ñɨlop mab bak alaŋ pɨspɨs lɨlak ak, olap Jisas nop agjulɨg agak, Nad Bɨ God nop aglup ak akaŋ agak? Nad bɨawl mɨdɨl nɨm, nad ke gɨl koŋɨm tɨkjakɨl amɨl, chɨlop abe ge tɨkjakɨl amnul agak. 40 Agek, bɨ tap pedped gep olap pen nop ag gɨl agak, Ne yɨpɨl dɨl kumnɨgab tek, nad abe kumnɨgaban agak. Nad God nop ma pɨlɨkɨpan agak? 41 Chɨl tap pedped gɨpul tek, yɨpɨl dɨpul agak. Ne pen tap olap ma gup yokɨp nep yɨpɨl dup agak. 42 Anɨb agɨl Jisas nop agak, Jisas, kɨdek nad bɨawl yɨbɨl mɨdɨl, binɨb nad kɨlop dɨnɨgaban ñɨn ak, yɨp gos nɨgɨnɨmɨn agak. 43 Anɨb agek Jisas agak, Yad nep nɨŋɨd yɨbɨl agebin agak. Mɨñɨl ñɨn awl, yad ayɨp am God man ne alaŋ yonɨgabul agak. 44 44-45 Ñɨn anɨb ak subnab won ak sub kɨlup apɨl, mɨd dad amɨl sub yɨpɨd gak won ak tep ak pen mɨlek gak. Pen God agnɨgep kal awl ñɨluk mɨgan ayaŋ chech kanɨbtub pɨl gɨlak ak, nab ak talɨkɨl pɨspɨs amnak. 46 Pen Jisas suk agɨl agak, Bapi. Kawnan yad ak mɨñɨl nep lɨñebin agak. Anɨb agɨl kumak. 47 Anɨgek, bɨ chɨm kadɨŋ gep bɨawl ak, ne Jisas agɨl kumak anɨb ak nɨŋɨd, God yɨb nop ak dad aplanɨlɨg agak, Nɨŋɨd apal, bɨ teplep yɨbɨl ak agak. 48 Binɨb nɨgɨnɨg ap yelak okok tap anɨb ak gak nɨŋɨd, kɨlop mapen yɨbɨl gaknɨŋ pabɨl pakɨlɨg adɨkɨd kal kɨli amnɨlak. 49 Pen Jisas bɨne okok sek, bin Galili nɨb Jisas ne owaknɨŋ kɨdek owlak okok sek, kɨli keke sɨŋadaŋ mɨdɨl, tap anɨb ak gaknɨŋ nɨg mɨdelak. 50 50-51 Pen bɨ olap man sɨkol Alimateya nɨb owak, yɨb ne ak Josep. Ne Juda bɨawl takaw tɨg asɨkep olap, God takaw dɨtep yɨbɨl golɨgup. Ne Juda bɨawl takaw tɨg asɨkep ogɨnap Jisas nop paklun agɨl gos nɨgɨlak tek ma nɨgak. God binɨb dɨl kɨlop kod yenɨgab ñɨn ak kod yek. 52 Ne Jisas nop dam kamnɨg Paylat yek ak am agnɨgak. Paylat Yaw agek, 53 am Jisas nop tɨg asɨk, dad apɨl chech bad ak dɨ kam sɨlokɨl, dam chɨp kaw ak kab mɨgan tɨdamɨgɨl kɨdeyɨl dɨlɨl chɨp ma kamɨlak mɨgan ak kamak. 54 Anɨb ñɨn ak tap dap nan gep ñɨn ak. Juda añɨŋ lep ñɨn awl ak ownɨg gak. 55 Pen bin tun Jisas ayɨp Galili nɨb owlak okok, kɨli Josep amnaknɨŋ kɨdek amɨl, Jisas nop kamak tep ak nɨgtep gɨl, 56 adɨkɨd kal kɨli amnɨlak. Amɨl, ñɨg kuy tep owep ogɨnap Jisas mubwak nop ak wikɨnɨgun agɨl, gɨlɨtep gɨlak. Mɨnek anɨb anep dad abɨlap ak pen Juda añɨŋ lep ñɨn awl ak, ñɨn kɨli ak God bɨlel anɨb agak, Yokɨp mɨdep ñɨn ak agak. Nɨŋɨd nɨm, yokɨp mɨd mɨd kɨnɨlak.

In Other Versions

Luke 23 in the ANGEFD

Luke 23 in the ANTPNG2D

Luke 23 in the AS21

Luke 23 in the BAGH

Luke 23 in the BBPNG

Luke 23 in the BBT1E

Luke 23 in the BDS

Luke 23 in the BEV

Luke 23 in the BHAD

Luke 23 in the BIB

Luke 23 in the BLPT

Luke 23 in the BNT

Luke 23 in the BNTABOOT

Luke 23 in the BNTLV

Luke 23 in the BOATCB

Luke 23 in the BOATCB2

Luke 23 in the BOBCV

Luke 23 in the BOCNT

Luke 23 in the BOECS

Luke 23 in the BOGWICC

Luke 23 in the BOHCB

Luke 23 in the BOHCV

Luke 23 in the BOHLNT

Luke 23 in the BOHNTLTAL

Luke 23 in the BOICB

Luke 23 in the BOILNTAP

Luke 23 in the BOITCV

Luke 23 in the BOKCV

Luke 23 in the BOKCV2

Luke 23 in the BOKHWOG

Luke 23 in the BOKSSV

Luke 23 in the BOLCB

Luke 23 in the BOLCB2

Luke 23 in the BOMCV

Luke 23 in the BONAV

Luke 23 in the BONCB

Luke 23 in the BONLT

Luke 23 in the BONUT2

Luke 23 in the BOPLNT

Luke 23 in the BOSCB

Luke 23 in the BOSNC

Luke 23 in the BOTLNT

Luke 23 in the BOVCB

Luke 23 in the BOYCB

Luke 23 in the BPBB

Luke 23 in the BPH

Luke 23 in the BSB

Luke 23 in the CCB

Luke 23 in the CUV

Luke 23 in the CUVS

Luke 23 in the DBT

Luke 23 in the DGDNT

Luke 23 in the DHNT

Luke 23 in the DNT

Luke 23 in the ELBE

Luke 23 in the EMTV

Luke 23 in the ESV

Luke 23 in the FBV

Luke 23 in the FEB

Luke 23 in the GGMNT

Luke 23 in the GNT

Luke 23 in the HARY

Luke 23 in the HNT

Luke 23 in the IRVA

Luke 23 in the IRVB

Luke 23 in the IRVG

Luke 23 in the IRVH

Luke 23 in the IRVK

Luke 23 in the IRVM

Luke 23 in the IRVM2

Luke 23 in the IRVO

Luke 23 in the IRVP

Luke 23 in the IRVT

Luke 23 in the IRVT2

Luke 23 in the IRVU

Luke 23 in the ISVN

Luke 23 in the JSNT

Luke 23 in the KAPI

Luke 23 in the KBT1ETNIK

Luke 23 in the KBV

Luke 23 in the KJV

Luke 23 in the KNFD

Luke 23 in the LBA

Luke 23 in the LBLA

Luke 23 in the LNT

Luke 23 in the LSV

Luke 23 in the MAAL

Luke 23 in the MBV

Luke 23 in the MBV2

Luke 23 in the MHNT

Luke 23 in the MKNFD

Luke 23 in the MNG

Luke 23 in the MNT

Luke 23 in the MNT2

Luke 23 in the MRS1T

Luke 23 in the NAA

Luke 23 in the NASB

Luke 23 in the NBLA

Luke 23 in the NBS

Luke 23 in the NBVTP

Luke 23 in the NET2

Luke 23 in the NIV11

Luke 23 in the NNT

Luke 23 in the NNT2

Luke 23 in the NNT3

Luke 23 in the PDDPT

Luke 23 in the PFNT

Luke 23 in the RMNT

Luke 23 in the SBIAS

Luke 23 in the SBIBS

Luke 23 in the SBIBS2

Luke 23 in the SBICS

Luke 23 in the SBIDS

Luke 23 in the SBIGS

Luke 23 in the SBIHS

Luke 23 in the SBIIS

Luke 23 in the SBIIS2

Luke 23 in the SBIIS3

Luke 23 in the SBIKS

Luke 23 in the SBIKS2

Luke 23 in the SBIMS

Luke 23 in the SBIOS

Luke 23 in the SBIPS

Luke 23 in the SBISS

Luke 23 in the SBITS

Luke 23 in the SBITS2

Luke 23 in the SBITS3

Luke 23 in the SBITS4

Luke 23 in the SBIUS

Luke 23 in the SBIVS

Luke 23 in the SBT

Luke 23 in the SBT1E

Luke 23 in the SCHL

Luke 23 in the SNT

Luke 23 in the SUSU

Luke 23 in the SUSU2

Luke 23 in the SYNO

Luke 23 in the TBIAOTANT

Luke 23 in the TBT1E

Luke 23 in the TBT1E2

Luke 23 in the TFTIP

Luke 23 in the TFTU

Luke 23 in the TGNTATF3T

Luke 23 in the THAI

Luke 23 in the TNT

Luke 23 in the TNTIK

Luke 23 in the TNTIL

Luke 23 in the TNTIN

Luke 23 in the TNTIP

Luke 23 in the TNTIZ

Luke 23 in the TOMA

Luke 23 in the TTENT

Luke 23 in the UBG

Luke 23 in the UGV

Luke 23 in the UGV2

Luke 23 in the UGV3

Luke 23 in the VBL

Luke 23 in the VDCC

Luke 23 in the YALU

Luke 23 in the YAPE

Luke 23 in the YBVTP

Luke 23 in the ZBP