John 19 (DNT)

1 Hewaappe guyyiyan, Philaaxoosi Yesuusa oyqqiide, lissuwan shoceedda. 2 Wottaaddaratuu agunthaappe akililiyaa giigissiide, A huuphiyaan wotheeddino; qassi zo7o mayuwaakka A mayizzeeddino. 3 Aakko shiiqiide, “Ayihuda kaatew, shemppuwaa gami77a!” yaagiide A shayyiyaa baqqeeddino. 4 Philaaxoosi qassikka kare kesiide Ayihudatuwaa, “Be7ite, taani aani ay balaanne demmabeennawaa hinttenttu erana mala, A hinttenttukko kare kessana” yaageedda. 5 Hewaappe guyyiyan, Yesuusi agunthaa akililiyaa bare huuphiyaan wothiide, zo7o mayuwaa mayyiide, kare kesseedda; Philaaxoosi Ayihudatuwaa, “Bitaniyaa hawaa be7ite” yaageedda. 6 Qeesatuwaa kaappatuunne wottaaddaratuu A be7eedda wode, barenttu kooshshaa dhoqqu udiide, “Masqqaliyaa bolla misimaariyan dhishaade A sulla! Sulla!” yaageeddino.Philaaxoosi unttuntta, “Hinttenttu A afiide, masqqaliyaa bolla misimaariyan dhishiide sullite; ayissi gooppe, taani ay balaanne demmabeykke” yaageedda. 7 Ayihudatuu zaariide, “Nuussi higgii de7ee; nu higgii giyawaaddan, I hayqqanaw bessee; ayissi gooppe, I barena Xoossaa Na7aa ootheedda” yaageeddino. 8 Philaaxoosi hewaa siseedda wode, kasewaappe loythi yayyeedda. 9 Qassikka Philaaxoosi bare oosuwaa golle simmi geliide Yesuusa, “Neeni haqappe yaaddii?” yaagiide oochcheedda; shin Yesuusi aw aynne zaaribeenna. 10 Hewaa diraw, Philaaxoosi A, “Taw odikkii? Neena billanaw woy masqqaliyaa bolla misimaariyan dhishaade kaqqanaw taw maatay de7iyaawaa erikkiiyee?” yaageedda. 11 Yesuusi, “Xoossay new bollappe maataa immibeennabaa gidintto, new Ta bolla maatay de7enna shin. Hewaa diraw, Taana new aathi immeeddawe aadhdhiyaa nagaraa ootheedda” yaageedda. 12 Philaaxoosi hewaa siseedda wode, Yesuusa billanaw ogiyaa koyyeedda; shin Ayihudatuu barenttu kooshshaa dhoqqu udiide, “Neeni A billiyawaa gidooppe, Kaatiyaa Qeessaare dabbo gidakka! Barena kaatiyaa giya ooninne Qeessaare morkke!” yaageeddino. 13 Philaaxoosi hewaa sisiide, Yesuusa kare kesseedda. Yaatiide shuchchaa baasuwaa giya sa7an pirdda oydiyaan utteedda; Ibraayisxxe qaalaan he sa7ay gaytaa giyaawaa. 14 He gallassay Paasigaa bonchchiyaa gallassaw giigissiyaa gallassaa; sa7ay usuppun saatiyaa heera gidanawa. Philaaxoosi Ayihudatuwaa, “Hinttenttu kaatiyaa hawaa be7ite!” yaageedda. 15 Ayihudatuu barenttu kooshshaa dhoqqu udiide, “Digga! Digga! Masqqaliyaa bolla misimaariyan dhishaade sulla!” yaageeddino.Philaaxoosi zaariide, “Hinttenttu kaatiyaa taani masqqaliyaa bolla misimaariyan dhishaade sulliyaawaa koyyiitee?” yaagiide oochcheedda.Qeesatuwaa kaappatuu, “Qeessaareppe hara kaatii nuussi baawa!” yaageeddino. 16 Hewaappe guyyiyan, unttunttu masqqaliyaa bolla misimaariyan dhishiide, Yesuusa kaqqana mala, Philaaxoosi unttunttussi aathi immeedda.Unttunttu Yesuusa oyqqiide, afeeddino. 17 Yesuusi bare masqqaliyaa tookkiide, Guuggiyaasaa geetettiyaasaa beedda. “Guuggiyaasaa” giyaawe Ibraayisxxe qaalaan “Golgotha” giyaawaa. 18 Unttunttu he sa7an masqqaliyaa bolla misimaariyan dhishiide, Yesuusa kaqqeeddino; qassi aananna hara laa77u asatuu, ittuwa ya bagganna qassi ittuwa ha bagganna Yesuusa gidduwan wothiide, masqqaliyaa bolla misimaariyan dhishiide kaqqeeddino. 19 Philaaxoosi xifatiyaa xaafiide, masqqaliyaa bolla wotheedda. I xaafeeddawe, “Ayihudatu Kaatiyaa, Naazireetiyaa Yesuusa” yaagee. 20 Yesuusi masqqaliyaa bolla misimaariyan dhishettiide suletteedda sa7ay katamaa matan de7iya diraw, daro Ayihudatuu he xifatiyaa nabbabeeddino. Xifatii Ibraayisxxe qaalaan, Roomaysxxe qaalaaninne Giriike qaalaan xaafetteedda. 21 Hewaa diraw, Ayihuda qeesatuwaa kaappatuu Philaaxoosa, “ ‘Ha bitani barena Ayihuda kaatiyaa yaageedda’ gaade xaafappe attin, ‘Ayihuda kaatiyaa’ gaade xaafoppa” yaageeddino. 22 Philaaxoosi, “Taani xaafeeddawaa xaafa diggaaddi” yaagiide zaareedda. 23 Wottaaddaratuu masqqaliyaa bolla misimaariyan dhishiide, Yesuusa kaqqeeddawaappe guyyiyan, A mayuwaa akkiide, oyddu kessi shaakkeeddino; itti itti wottaaddaraa itti shaakuu gakkeedda. A adussa mayuwaakka akkeeddino; adussa mayuu hashiyaappe doommiide, duge gakkanaw yeddi mayettiyaawaappe attin, qanxxettiide sikettibeenna. 24 Wottaaddaratuu ittu ittuwaa, “Oona gakkanentto, saamaa woy exaa yegganaappe attin, mayuwaa peedhokko” yaageeddino. Hewe haneeddawe Xoossaa Maxaafay, “Ta mayuwaa shaakki akkeeddino; ta adussa mayuwaan saamaa yeggeeddino” giyaawe polettanaassa. Hewaa diraw, wottaaddaratuu hewaa ootheeddino. 25 Shin Yesuusa masqqaliyaa matan A daaya, A aatti michchatta, Qaliyoophaa machchatta Mayraamanne Magdala geetettiyaa katamaappe yeedda Mayraama eqqeeddino. 26 Yesuusi bare daayanne I siiqiyaa kaalliyaawe hewan eqqeeddaawantta be7iide, bare daayo, “Ha mishirattee, ne na7aa hawaa be7a!” yaageedda. 27 Hewaappe guyyiyan, he kaalliyaawaa “Ne daayo hanno be7a!” yaageedda. He kaalliyaawe izo he saatiyaappe doommiide, bare soy afeedda. 28 Hewaappe guyyiyan, Yesuusi ubbabay ha77i poletteeddawaa eriide, Xoossaa Maxaafay geeddawe polettana mala, “Taana saammee” yaageedda. 29 He sa7an itti xuggaa kumeedda caala woyiniyaa eessay de7ee. Unttunttu ispponjjiyaa he woyiniyaa eessaan yeggiide, hisoophiyaa geetettiyaa mithaa xeeraan wothiide, Yesuusa doonaakko shiishsheeddino. 30 Yesuusi woyiniyaa eessaa ganxxi be7eeddawaappe guyyiyan, “Poletteedda” yaageedda.Qassi hewaappe guyyiyan, bare huuphiya toochchiide, bare shemppuwaa immeedda. 31 He gallassay Ayihudatuwaassi giigettiyaa gallassaa gidiyaa dirawunne qassi he Sambbatay daro bonchcho gidiyaa diraw, Sambbataan asatuwa anhay masqqaliyaa bolla peeshenna mala, suletteedda asatuwa suyiliyaa menthiide, masqqaliyaappe wothana mala, Ayihudatuu Philaaxoosa woosseeddino. 32 Hewaa diraw, wottaaddaratuu yiide, Yesuusanna suletteedda koyro bitaniyaa suyiliyaa mentheeddino; qassi aananna suleteedda laa7etho bitaniyaa suyiliyaakka mentheeddino. 33 Shin Yesuusakko yeedda wode I hayqqidiggeeddawaa be7iide, A suyiliyaa menthibeykkino. 34 Gidoopenne, wottaaddaratuwaappe ittuu A miyyiyaa tooraan caddeedda. Elekka suuthaynne haathay goggi aggeedda. 35 Hinttenttu ammanana mala, hawaa be7eeddawe markkatteedda; I markkattiyaawekka tumuwaa; qassi bare haasayay tuma gidiyaawaa I ereedda. 36 Hewe haneeddawe Xoossaa Maxaafay, “A meqethatuwaappe ittunne me77enna” geeddawe polettanaassa. 37 Qassikka Xoossaa Maxaafay haray, “Asay bare caddeeddawaa be7ana” yaagee. 38 Hewaappe guyyiyan, Armmaatiyaasa geetettiyaa katamaappe yeedda Yooseefo Yesuusa anhaa akkiide afanaw Philaaxoosa woosseedda; Yooseefo Ayihudatoo yayyeedda diraw, asay erennaan Yesuusa kaalliyaawaa.Yooseefo woossina Philaaxoosi, “Afa” yaageedda. Hewaa diraw, Yooseefo biide, Yesuusa anhaa afeedda. 39 Qassi Niqoodimoosi hewaappe kase Yesuusakko qamma yeeddawe, kawaraannanne godare uuthaanna walaketteedda oytamanne ichcheshu kiilo giraame gidiyaawaa keena shittuwaa oyqqi akkiide, Yooseefonna yeedda. 40 He laa77u asatu Yesuusa anhaa akkiide, Ayihudatuu anhaa xaaxiyaa wogaadan, shittuwaanna gathiide, mooguwaa afilaan xaaxeeddino. 41 Yesuusi masqqaliyaa bolla misimaariyan dhishettiide suletteedda sa7an daro atikilttiyaa sa7ay de7ee; he atikilttiyaa sa7aa giddon shuchchaa wooci kesseedda biro ooninne moogettibeenna ooratha duufuu de7ee. 42 He duufuu matan de7iya dirawunne qassi Ayihudatuu Sambbataw giigettiyaa gallassa gidiyaa diraw, Yesuusa yaani wotheeddino.

In Other Versions

John 19 in the ANGEFD

John 19 in the ANTPNG2D

John 19 in the AS21

John 19 in the BAGH

John 19 in the BBPNG

John 19 in the BBT1E

John 19 in the BDS

John 19 in the BEV

John 19 in the BHAD

John 19 in the BIB

John 19 in the BLPT

John 19 in the BNT

John 19 in the BNTABOOT

John 19 in the BNTLV

John 19 in the BOATCB

John 19 in the BOATCB2

John 19 in the BOBCV

John 19 in the BOCNT

John 19 in the BOECS

John 19 in the BOGWICC

John 19 in the BOHCB

John 19 in the BOHCV

John 19 in the BOHLNT

John 19 in the BOHNTLTAL

John 19 in the BOICB

John 19 in the BOILNTAP

John 19 in the BOITCV

John 19 in the BOKCV

John 19 in the BOKCV2

John 19 in the BOKHWOG

John 19 in the BOKSSV

John 19 in the BOLCB

John 19 in the BOLCB2

John 19 in the BOMCV

John 19 in the BONAV

John 19 in the BONCB

John 19 in the BONLT

John 19 in the BONUT2

John 19 in the BOPLNT

John 19 in the BOSCB

John 19 in the BOSNC

John 19 in the BOTLNT

John 19 in the BOVCB

John 19 in the BOYCB

John 19 in the BPBB

John 19 in the BPH

John 19 in the BSB

John 19 in the CCB

John 19 in the CUV

John 19 in the CUVS

John 19 in the DBT

John 19 in the DGDNT

John 19 in the DHNT

John 19 in the ELBE

John 19 in the EMTV

John 19 in the ESV

John 19 in the FBV

John 19 in the FEB

John 19 in the GGMNT

John 19 in the GNT

John 19 in the HARY

John 19 in the HNT

John 19 in the IRVA

John 19 in the IRVB

John 19 in the IRVG

John 19 in the IRVH

John 19 in the IRVK

John 19 in the IRVM

John 19 in the IRVM2

John 19 in the IRVO

John 19 in the IRVP

John 19 in the IRVT

John 19 in the IRVT2

John 19 in the IRVU

John 19 in the ISVN

John 19 in the JSNT

John 19 in the KAPI

John 19 in the KBT1ETNIK

John 19 in the KBV

John 19 in the KJV

John 19 in the KNFD

John 19 in the LBA

John 19 in the LBLA

John 19 in the LNT

John 19 in the LSV

John 19 in the MAAL

John 19 in the MBV

John 19 in the MBV2

John 19 in the MHNT

John 19 in the MKNFD

John 19 in the MNG

John 19 in the MNT

John 19 in the MNT2

John 19 in the MRS1T

John 19 in the NAA

John 19 in the NASB

John 19 in the NBLA

John 19 in the NBS

John 19 in the NBVTP

John 19 in the NET2

John 19 in the NIV11

John 19 in the NNT

John 19 in the NNT2

John 19 in the NNT3

John 19 in the PDDPT

John 19 in the PFNT

John 19 in the RMNT

John 19 in the SBIAS

John 19 in the SBIBS

John 19 in the SBIBS2

John 19 in the SBICS

John 19 in the SBIDS

John 19 in the SBIGS

John 19 in the SBIHS

John 19 in the SBIIS

John 19 in the SBIIS2

John 19 in the SBIIS3

John 19 in the SBIKS

John 19 in the SBIKS2

John 19 in the SBIMS

John 19 in the SBIOS

John 19 in the SBIPS

John 19 in the SBISS

John 19 in the SBITS

John 19 in the SBITS2

John 19 in the SBITS3

John 19 in the SBITS4

John 19 in the SBIUS

John 19 in the SBIVS

John 19 in the SBT

John 19 in the SBT1E

John 19 in the SCHL

John 19 in the SNT

John 19 in the SUSU

John 19 in the SUSU2

John 19 in the SYNO

John 19 in the TBIAOTANT

John 19 in the TBT1E

John 19 in the TBT1E2

John 19 in the TFTIP

John 19 in the TFTU

John 19 in the TGNTATF3T

John 19 in the THAI

John 19 in the TNFD

John 19 in the TNT

John 19 in the TNTIK

John 19 in the TNTIL

John 19 in the TNTIN

John 19 in the TNTIP

John 19 in the TNTIZ

John 19 in the TOMA

John 19 in the TTENT

John 19 in the UBG

John 19 in the UGV

John 19 in the UGV2

John 19 in the UGV3

John 19 in the VBL

John 19 in the VDCC

John 19 in the YALU

John 19 in the YAPE

John 19 in the YBVTP

John 19 in the ZBP