Acts 25 (ANGEFD)

1 Fesɨtusɨ agaŋ Sisalia haiabɨla vevɨla Judia fɨli tɨbɨ hɨsɨŋ agɨladɨ manɨgali hɨnimi. Ve hɨnidaci uaiaŋ pabiŋ uci Sisalia haiabɨla vala Jelusalem haiabɨla ua iahumi. 2 Iahua hɨnidaci Asɨ saŋ sagalɨ igu igu hɨsɨŋ agɨladɨ manɨgali agɨlaŋ hula Isɨlaelɨ hɨdɨlɨ agɨladɨ manɨgali agɨlaŋ hula Fesɨtusɨ dɨ pɨŋ uavɨmi. Uavɨla nulɨdɨ ahɨliahua Polɨ dɨ abɨci veve saŋ Fesɨtusɨ dɨ mavɨn ciaŋ ciaŋ abavɨmi. 3 Alusaŋ mavɨn hɨniavɨla abɨnaŋ Polɨ dɨ via Jelusalem haiabɨla neŋ vavehavɨm uavɨmi. Nɨbɨlaŋ hɨji nameŋ lamavɨmi. Fesɨtusɨ agaŋ alialaŋ aba abɨci alaŋ hulaŋ limu hɨhɨle agɨladɨ abɨmɨli uavɨla hɨbɨ cina sɨvɨla hɨniavɨdaci Polɨ dɨ vavehavɨci nudɨ ifɨhɨmavɨbali uavɨmi. 4 Hameŋ hɨji lamavɨla abavɨci Fesɨtusɨ agaŋ cɨhu nulɨdɨ abami. Polɨ agaŋ lɨmɨn sɨbɨlɨ ulaŋ hɨvɨ Sisalia haiabɨla hɨnidi uami. Viaŋ nukeŋ cɨhu amɨli anihuliŋ Sisalia haiabɨla mɨguben uami. 5 Naludɨ hulaŋ hekɨlɨ hekɨlɨ agɨlaŋ vehavɨci hudɨmɨda mɨgubalu uami. Nɨbu akuaba lusɨŋ sɨbɨlɨ vici namɨlaŋ huaci nudɨ ciaŋ hɨvɨ lamɨbalaŋ uami. 6 La Fesɨtusɨ agaŋ nɨbɨlaŋ hula Jelusalem haiabɨla hɨnidaci uaiaŋ akape ma umi. Uaiaŋ human limu fɨhala human limu pabiŋ cɨjɨŋ akua umi. Hameŋ umi ua uaiaŋ human limu fɨhala human limu ahica pam cɨjɨŋ akua umi. Lɨci cɨhu Sisalia haiabɨla mɨguavɨmi. Mɨgua hɨniavɨci mɨŋalahɨci Fesɨtusɨ agaŋ ve ciaŋ hihɨla hihɨla hɨsɨŋ hulaŋ agadɨ mɨgahɨnihɨni hɨsɨŋ uvɨ agadɨ hɨvɨ mɨgahɨnimi. Mɨgahɨniavɨla Polɨ dɨ nudɨ pɨŋ vavevave saŋ abami. 7 Vave lamavɨci lagulama hɨnidaci Isɨlaelɨ hɨdɨlɨ limu hɨhɨle Jelusalem haiabɨla vala vehavɨmi agɨlaŋ Polɨ dɨ haŋala huda hɨniavɨmi. Hɨnihɨni nudɨ lɨbɨmɨgumɨgu abavɨmi. Hulaŋ nagaŋ lusɨŋ sɨbɨlɨ mu hɨdɨlɨ mu hɨdɨlɨ agɨladɨ vilalɨ uavɨmi. Hameŋ lɨbɨmɨgumɨgu abavɨmi ala ciaŋ agaŋ ma hɨlihalami. 8 Lɨci cɨhu Polɨ agaŋ ciaŋ hivavɨla nulɨdɨ nameŋ abami. Viaŋ akuaba lusɨŋ sɨbɨlɨ sɨbɨlɨ agɨladɨ ma vicin uami. Viaŋ Isɨlaelɨ hɨdɨlɨ agɨladɨ ciaŋ vɨdɨvɨdɨŋ agadɨ ma hɨnilahacin uami. Viaŋ Asɨ dɨ aŋam ulaŋ hekɨlɨ agadɨ ma sɨbɨlɨ lamacin uami. Viaŋ Lom haiabɨla hɨsɨŋ agɨladɨ manɨgali agasaŋ avi akuaba akuaba ciaŋ sɨbɨlɨ sɨbɨlɨ ma abacin uami. 9 Lɨci Fesɨtusɨ agaŋ hɨji hɨvɨ nameŋ abami. Viaŋ Polɨ dɨ Jelusalem haiabɨla via ulɨŋ Isɨlaelɨ hɨdɨlɨ agɨlaŋ iasaŋ hɨjɨŋalavɨbali uami. Lavɨla Polɨ dɨ abami. Nama huaci venaŋ ahica Jelusalem haiabɨla umɨli hɨnidanaŋ nadɨ ciaŋ agadɨ hihɨlavin uami. 10 Lɨci Polɨ agaŋ Fesɨtusɨ dɨ abami. Nama iadɨ ci igɨlanaŋ uami. Viaŋ Isɨlaelɨ hɨdɨlɨ agɨladɨ sɨbɨlɨ ma lamɨlan uami. Viaŋ Lom haiabɨla uavɨla nulɨdɨ manɨgali agadɨ pɨŋ lagulamɨlɨŋ nɨbu nukeŋ ciaŋ hihɨla hihɨla hɨsɨŋ hulaŋ hɨnihɨni iadɨ ciaŋ agadɨ hihɨlɨbali uami. 11 Viaŋ lusɨŋ sɨbɨlɨ vilɨŋ iadɨ ifɨhɨmuhɨmu saŋ abavɨci nama nulɨdɨ alialaŋ aba abɨnaŋ iadɨ ifɨhɨmavɨvi uami. Agadɨ ala viaŋ akuaba lusɨŋ sɨbɨlɨ ma vicin uami. Nɨbɨlaŋ analɨ abavɨla iadɨ lɨbɨmɨgumɨgu abavi uami. Hameŋ sadaŋ viaŋ Lom haiabɨla uavɨla nulɨdɨ manɨgali agadɨ pɨŋ lagulamɨlɨŋ iadɨ ciaŋ agadɨ hihɨlɨbali uami. Viaŋ Jelusalem haiabɨla cɨhu ma uben uami. 12 Lɨci Fesɨtusɨ hula hulaŋ nusaŋ hɨji iguavɨhadami agɨlaŋ hula abaigahɨlavɨla Polɨ dɨ abavɨmi. Lom haiabɨla hɨsɨŋ agɨladɨ manɨgali agaŋ iadɨ ciaŋ hihɨlɨbali aba lavɨla uavɨmi. Ha unabɨla nɨbu nukeŋ nadɨ ciaŋ agadɨ hihɨlɨbali uavɨmi. 13 Lɨhavɨci uaiaŋ akape uci manɨgali Agɨlipa hula nudɨ nadinu humɨgaŋ pam Belɨnaisi hula Fesɨtusɨ dɨ igɨben aba Sisalia haiabɨla uavɨmi. Ua nudɨ igavɨla abavɨmi. Uaiaŋ hekɨlɨ uavɨmi. 14 La hɨniavɨdaci uaiaŋ akape uci Polɨ dɨ ciaŋ hɨvɨ lamavɨmi agasaŋ Fesɨtusɨ agaŋ Agɨlipa dɨ abami. Felikɨsɨ hulaŋ mu lɨmɨn sɨbɨlɨ ulaŋ hɨvɨ lamalɨ agaŋ hanɨbuŋ hɨnidi uami. 15 Viaŋ ua Jelusalem haiabɨla hɨnidalɨŋ Asɨ saŋ sagalɨ igu igu hɨsɨŋ agɨladɨ manɨgali agɨlaŋ hula Isɨlaelɨ hɨdɨlɨ agɨladɨ hulaŋ hekɨlɨ hekɨlɨ agɨlaŋ hula Polɨ dɨ lɨbɨmɨgumɨgu iadɨ abavalɨ uami. Alialaŋ aba abɨnaŋ sagaŋ hɨsɨŋ hulemɨlɨ agɨlaŋ nudɨ ifɨhɨmavɨbali aba abavalɨ uami. 16 Lɨhavɨci cɨhu viaŋ nulɨdɨ abacin uami. Lom haiabɨla hɨsɨŋ alaŋ hulaŋ mu dɨ havɨ ma ifɨhɨmɨlalu aba abacin uami. Hulaŋ ciaŋ daŋ agaŋ hula hulaŋ nudɨ ciaŋ hɨvɨ lamavɨlalɨ agɨlaŋ hula lagulama ciaŋ hivavɨdaci igahɨlavɨlalɨ aba abacin uami. Igahɨlavɨdaci amɨŋ lɨdaci heŋ ifɨhɨmɨlalu aba abacin uami. 17 Hameŋ abavɨla Jelusalem haiabɨla valavɨla cɨhu Sisalia haiabɨla mɨgacin uami. Hulaŋ viaŋ hula mɨgavalɨ agɨlaŋ hutesɨ ma hɨniavalɨ uami. Iabi me mɨgavɨla hɨniavɨci mɨŋalahɨci cɨhu amɨli me hɨvɨ viaŋ ciaŋ hihɨla hihɨla hɨsɨŋ uvɨ heŋ uacin uami. Uavɨla ciaŋ hihɨla hihɨla hɨsɨŋ hulaŋ agadɨ mɨgahɨnihɨni hɨsɨŋ uvɨ agadɨ hɨvɨ mɨgahɨniavɨla abɨlɨŋ Polɨ dɨ vavehavalɨ uami. 18 Vavehavɨci viaŋ hɨji nameŋ lamacin uami. Hulaŋ nagaŋ lusɨŋ sɨbɨlɨ sɨbaŋ vilɨ aba abacin uami. Viaŋ hɨji hameŋ lamacin uami. Agadɨ ala hulaŋ nudɨ ciaŋ hɨvɨ lamavalɨ agɨlaŋ ve hɨniavɨla nɨbu akuaba akuaba lusɨŋ sɨbɨlɨ vilɨ agasaŋ ma abavalɨ uami. 19 Nulɨdɨ Asɨ dɨ ibi mɨŋaiahaiaha sɨhɨ iahavɨlalɨ agasaŋ hɨbɨŋ hɨbɨŋ abavalɨ uami. La hulaŋ mu Jisasɨ aba abavɨlalɨ agasaŋ hɨbɨŋ hɨbɨŋ abavalɨ uami. Jisasɨ hɨmami agadɨ ala Polɨ agaŋ abalɨ uami. Jisasɨ cɨhu hɨhi iahavɨla hanɨbuŋ hɨnidi aba abalɨ uami. 20 Lɨhavɨci viaŋ Polɨ dɨ ciaŋ hɨdɨlɨ agadɨ igɨben aba lɨcin uami. Agadɨ ala iadɨ hɨji agaŋ tɨbɨ mɨgalɨ uami. Viaŋ hɨji lamɨlɨŋ hɨma lɨci cɨhu Polɨ dɨ abacin uami. Nama huaci Jelusalem haiabɨla unaŋ nadɨ ciaŋ agadɨ heŋ hihɨlavin aba abacin uami. 21 Lɨlɨŋ Polɨ agaŋ abalɨ uami. Iadɨ valɨnaŋ lɨmɨn sɨbɨlɨ ulaŋ hɨvɨ hɨniavɨla Lom haiabɨla ulɨŋ nulɨdɨ manɨgali agaŋ iadɨ ciaŋ agadɨ hihɨlɨbali aba abalɨ uami. Hameŋ abɨci viaŋ abɨlɨŋ lɨmɨn sɨbɨlɨ ulaŋ hɨvɨ lamavɨci hɨnidaci hɨbɨ suhɨladin uami. Hɨbɨ igavɨla abɨlɨŋ Lom haiabɨla hɨsɨŋ agɨladɨ manɨgali agadɨ pɨŋ via uavɨbali uami. 22 Lɨci Agɨlipa agaŋ ciaŋ agadɨ igahɨlavɨla cɨhu Fesɨtusɨ dɨ abami. Viaŋ nukeŋ Polɨ dɨ ciaŋ agadɨ igahɨlɨben aba lin uami. Lɨci Fesɨtusɨ abami. Amɨli vevɨla nudɨ ciaŋ igahɨlɨbanaŋ uami. 23 La ua hɨniavɨci mɨŋalahɨci Agɨlipa hula nadinu humɨgaŋ pam Belɨnaisi hula hadi hɨlahɨla huaci huaci hajɨŋ akuaba akuaba daŋ agɨladɨ lamavɨla manɨgali me vehavɨmi. Vevɨla mɨgudɨba ciaŋ sulasula hɨsɨŋ ulaŋ hɨvɨ ivouavɨmi. Sagaŋ hali hɨsɨŋ agɨladɨ manɨgali agɨlaŋ hula hulaŋ hekɨlɨ hekɨlɨ haiabɨla heŋ hɨsɨŋ agɨlaŋ hula Polɨ dɨ ciaŋ igahɨlɨbalu aba ivouavɨmi. Ivoua hɨniavɨdaci Fesɨtusɨ agaŋ abɨci Polɨ dɨ via vavehavɨmi. 24 Vavehavɨci Fesɨtusɨ agaŋ abami. Manɨgali Agɨlipa nama uami. Hulaŋ ahuata hudɨmɨda hɨnilu namɨlaŋ uami. Hulaŋ nagadɨ igɨhalaŋ uami. Isɨlaelɨ hɨdɨlɨ agɨlaŋ Jelusalem haiabɨla hɨnihɨni ahuata nudɨ lɨbɨmɨgumɨgu abavɨlalɨ uami. Ve neŋ avi hɨnihɨni hameŋ laci ala lɨbɨmɨgumɨgu abavɨlalɨ uami. Lɨdɨŋ iadɨ ula ula abavɨlalɨ uami. Polɨ dɨ ifɨhɨmɨha aba abavɨlalɨ uami. Nɨbu hɨhi hɨnimɨdɨ aba abavɨlalɨ uami. 25 Agadɨ ala viaŋ nudɨ hugɨ ma igɨlan uami. Nɨbu akɨ hugɨ daŋ hɨnici nudɨ ifɨhɨmɨbalu uami. Nɨbu hugɨ apalɨ agadɨ ala nɨbu nukeŋ nameŋ abalɨ uami. Lom haiabɨla ulɨŋ nulɨdɨ manɨgali agaŋ iadɨ ciaŋ agadɨ hihɨlɨbali aba abalɨ uami. Hameŋ abɨci igahɨlavɨla abacin uami. Viaŋ abɨlɨŋ Polɨ dɨ viavɨla Lom haiabɨla hɨsɨŋ agɨladɨ manɨgali agadɨ pɨŋ via uavɨbali aba abacin uami. 26 Viaŋ vakala hɨji lamalama hɨnidin uami. Hulaŋ agaŋ akɨ hugɨ daŋ hɨnilalɨ agasaŋ manasɨŋ hɨvɨ lɨbavɨla igulɨŋ uci aludɨ hulaŋ hekɨlɨ agaŋ igɨbali aba abadin uami. Manɨgali Agɨlipa uami. Viaŋ hɨji hameŋ lamavɨla abɨlɨŋ hulaŋ nagadɨ via nadɨ pɨŋ vavehavi uami. Hulaŋ limu hɨhɨle namɨlaŋ avi igahɨlɨhalaŋ uami. Alaŋ hudɨmɨda hɨnidamɨli ciaŋ abɨdaci sɨhɨvia igahɨlavɨla ciaŋ hɨdɨlɨ agadɨ manasɨŋ hɨvɨ lɨbavɨla igulɨŋ ubali uami. 27 Viaŋ hɨji nameŋ lamin uami. Viaŋ hulaŋ lɨmɨn sɨbɨlɨ ulaŋ hɨvɨ hɨnilalɨ agadɨ havɨ abɨlɨŋ via uavɨci huaci ma lɨbali aba abin uami.

In Other Versions

Acts 25 in the ANTPNG2D

Acts 25 in the AS21

Acts 25 in the BAGH

Acts 25 in the BBPNG

Acts 25 in the BBT1E

Acts 25 in the BDS

Acts 25 in the BEV

Acts 25 in the BHAD

Acts 25 in the BIB

Acts 25 in the BLPT

Acts 25 in the BNT

Acts 25 in the BNTABOOT

Acts 25 in the BNTLV

Acts 25 in the BOATCB

Acts 25 in the BOATCB2

Acts 25 in the BOBCV

Acts 25 in the BOCNT

Acts 25 in the BOECS

Acts 25 in the BOGWICC

Acts 25 in the BOHCB

Acts 25 in the BOHCV

Acts 25 in the BOHLNT

Acts 25 in the BOHNTLTAL

Acts 25 in the BOICB

Acts 25 in the BOILNTAP

Acts 25 in the BOITCV

Acts 25 in the BOKCV

Acts 25 in the BOKCV2

Acts 25 in the BOKHWOG

Acts 25 in the BOKSSV

Acts 25 in the BOLCB

Acts 25 in the BOLCB2

Acts 25 in the BOMCV

Acts 25 in the BONAV

Acts 25 in the BONCB

Acts 25 in the BONLT

Acts 25 in the BONUT2

Acts 25 in the BOPLNT

Acts 25 in the BOSCB

Acts 25 in the BOSNC

Acts 25 in the BOTLNT

Acts 25 in the BOVCB

Acts 25 in the BOYCB

Acts 25 in the BPBB

Acts 25 in the BPH

Acts 25 in the BSB

Acts 25 in the CCB

Acts 25 in the CUV

Acts 25 in the CUVS

Acts 25 in the DBT

Acts 25 in the DGDNT

Acts 25 in the DHNT

Acts 25 in the DNT

Acts 25 in the ELBE

Acts 25 in the EMTV

Acts 25 in the ESV

Acts 25 in the FBV

Acts 25 in the FEB

Acts 25 in the GGMNT

Acts 25 in the GNT

Acts 25 in the HARY

Acts 25 in the HNT

Acts 25 in the IRVA

Acts 25 in the IRVB

Acts 25 in the IRVG

Acts 25 in the IRVH

Acts 25 in the IRVK

Acts 25 in the IRVM

Acts 25 in the IRVM2

Acts 25 in the IRVO

Acts 25 in the IRVP

Acts 25 in the IRVT

Acts 25 in the IRVT2

Acts 25 in the IRVU

Acts 25 in the ISVN

Acts 25 in the JSNT

Acts 25 in the KAPI

Acts 25 in the KBT1ETNIK

Acts 25 in the KBV

Acts 25 in the KJV

Acts 25 in the KNFD

Acts 25 in the LBA

Acts 25 in the LBLA

Acts 25 in the LNT

Acts 25 in the LSV

Acts 25 in the MAAL

Acts 25 in the MBV

Acts 25 in the MBV2

Acts 25 in the MHNT

Acts 25 in the MKNFD

Acts 25 in the MNG

Acts 25 in the MNT

Acts 25 in the MNT2

Acts 25 in the MRS1T

Acts 25 in the NAA

Acts 25 in the NASB

Acts 25 in the NBLA

Acts 25 in the NBS

Acts 25 in the NBVTP

Acts 25 in the NET2

Acts 25 in the NIV11

Acts 25 in the NNT

Acts 25 in the NNT2

Acts 25 in the NNT3

Acts 25 in the PDDPT

Acts 25 in the PFNT

Acts 25 in the RMNT

Acts 25 in the SBIAS

Acts 25 in the SBIBS

Acts 25 in the SBIBS2

Acts 25 in the SBICS

Acts 25 in the SBIDS

Acts 25 in the SBIGS

Acts 25 in the SBIHS

Acts 25 in the SBIIS

Acts 25 in the SBIIS2

Acts 25 in the SBIIS3

Acts 25 in the SBIKS

Acts 25 in the SBIKS2

Acts 25 in the SBIMS

Acts 25 in the SBIOS

Acts 25 in the SBIPS

Acts 25 in the SBISS

Acts 25 in the SBITS

Acts 25 in the SBITS2

Acts 25 in the SBITS3

Acts 25 in the SBITS4

Acts 25 in the SBIUS

Acts 25 in the SBIVS

Acts 25 in the SBT

Acts 25 in the SBT1E

Acts 25 in the SCHL

Acts 25 in the SNT

Acts 25 in the SUSU

Acts 25 in the SUSU2

Acts 25 in the SYNO

Acts 25 in the TBIAOTANT

Acts 25 in the TBT1E

Acts 25 in the TBT1E2

Acts 25 in the TFTIP

Acts 25 in the TFTU

Acts 25 in the TGNTATF3T

Acts 25 in the THAI

Acts 25 in the TNFD

Acts 25 in the TNT

Acts 25 in the TNTIK

Acts 25 in the TNTIL

Acts 25 in the TNTIN

Acts 25 in the TNTIP

Acts 25 in the TNTIZ

Acts 25 in the TOMA

Acts 25 in the TTENT

Acts 25 in the UBG

Acts 25 in the UGV

Acts 25 in the UGV2

Acts 25 in the UGV3

Acts 25 in the VBL

Acts 25 in the VDCC

Acts 25 in the YALU

Acts 25 in the YAPE

Acts 25 in the YBVTP

Acts 25 in the ZBP