Acts 25 (KNFD)

1 Mba tugen Feriks vhɨzgim, Festus ana ŋana ndigap, Zudia fhaiŋ gari guman pana vhari ki. Ana Feriks ŋana ndigap, raa phunini khegene vhɨzgim, ana Sisaria ŋgu bakɨme thav Zerusareman ndai. 2 Festus Zerusareman ndagim, Fhe Bakɨme rotu gari gumgir pani gum Zudain gumgir pani, mbe zav, ana han zegap, buni mbarir Por ga sav ana nzuav Festus phorga nzuai. Mbe khaŋ tɨga havhargiap khaŋ Festus ga nzuai, 3 “Ndu guigira nzan kurav, mba guma ga sararim, ana Zerusareman naaŋri.” Mbe mba kamen ana nzuai ne khaŋ muuŋgi. Mbe kama shogiap gumgi mbari ga suaŋgi, mbe tuavar zomzorgi kɨv, Por zɨv naaŋrim, mbe tuavar ana shogirim, ana rimgirga. 4 Mbe maaŋ Festus ga nzuaim, Festus mbe ŋgarkarav khaŋ mbe nzuai, “Por Sisarian phena tɨvanen ki. Gu tuga tɨvanera khaŋ kegɨp, gu nduara Sisarian ŋgirɨrga. 5 Gu maaŋ muuŋgip ŋgirɨrim, nden gumgir pani na phorgɨp ŋgirɨrga. Mbe ŋgirɨp, mba guma ana bigɨn mbatɨk thueŋ muuŋgirim, mbe maaŋ ana suaŋv suanga.” 6 Festus maaŋ mbe suaŋgiap, mbe phorga ki sɨgarathɨgi o phɨkthɨgi rari vhɨzgim, ana zumgum Sisarian vergi. Ana vergap, mɨtimanera ana vov, buni mbararagi phena perav mbe nzuaim, mbe Porar kov ana han zi. 7 Mbe Porar kov ana han zɨgim, mba Zerusareman kegap zergi Zudaiŋ, mbe zav, ana han thivgi. Mbe ana han thivgiap buni vhɨrvera Por ga sav ana nzuai. Mbe khaŋ ana nzuai, ana mbarkɨrga mbarkɨrga tɨvi mbatɨgi guarira muuŋgi. Mbe maaŋ ana nzuav, ana muuŋgi tɨva mbatɨk thueŋ, mbe ne fara sarav tuituigia Festus khɨvav, khaŋ ana nzuai fhu, nza nzuai buni nta guigira buni guari ma. Mbe maaŋ muuŋgi fhuvara. 8 Mbe mba bunin Por ga sav ana suaŋgia thugim, Por mbaram mbe buni ŋgarkarav khaŋ nzuai, “Gu tɨva mbatɨk thueŋ muuŋgi fhu. Gu Zudaiŋ tɨva thueŋ phɨrgi fhu. Gu vhɨra tɨva mbatɨga thuen Fhe Bakɨme Phena muuŋgi fhu. Gu vhɨra tɨva mbatɨga thuen Sisar muuŋgi fhu.” 9 Por maaŋ nzuaim, Festus Zudaiŋ ana ndikndigɨ zav, ana maaŋ muuŋgiap hɨgap, kha nzambaren Por ga muuŋgi, “Ndu Zerusareman naaŋv wo buni suangeŋ vuzvugi thi? Ndu maaŋ muuŋgirga, gu vhɨra naaŋv Zerusareman ndu buni mbarararga.” 10 Festus mba nzambarer Por ga muuŋgim, Por thav khaŋ ana nzuai, “Gu ntige kha thɨgi phen, ana Sisar wo buni mbararagi phen ma. Mbe kha phenara na buni mbarararga. Ndu kaŋgi, gu bigɨna mbatɨga thuen Zudaiŋ ga muuŋgi fhuvara. 11 Gu maaŋ muuŋgip rɨmɨnga bigɨna mbatɨga thueŋ muuŋgip, gu ne suaŋv rimgirga. Gu maaŋ muuŋgiap mbe khar na sav na nzuav nzuai buni, nta guigira buni guari fhuvara, guma the fhura na ndim, mbe farve khɨngirga fhu. Gu khueŋ vuzvugi, gu nduara Sisar han ŋgɨrga, ana na buni mbarararga.” 12 Por maaŋ suaŋgim, Festus mbaram vov, ndɨkndɨgar wo ndɨɨi gumgi, ana mbe phorga suaŋgia thugap, zumgum taagia zav khaŋ Por ga nzuai, “Ndu khueŋ vuzvugi, ndu Sisar han ŋgɨri, ana ndu buni mbarararga. Ndu ne vuzvugip, ndu Sisar han ŋgɨri.” 13 Festus mba suambarar Por ga muuŋgim, zumgum rari mbari vhɨzgim, ŋgui vhɨrve gari guman pan Agripa won mbiga hɨrɨɨŋ Bernaisi, mani Festus ganɨv, ana ndikndigɨp, ana harar suigɨ zav Sisarian zergi. 14 Mani zergap, rari vhɨrvera Sisarian kɨr za mbui. Maaŋ muuŋgiap, Festus mbaram Por suaŋgi kamen mba ŋgui vhɨrve gari guman pana nzuai. Ana khaŋ ana nzuai, “Guma mbe, Feriks fhum ŋgui gari guman pana vhari kav, ana ana ndi bɨna khɨngi. Mba guma mbara muuŋgiap bɨnan khar ki. 15 Gu nda vov Zerusareman kim, Fhe Bakɨme rotu gari gumgir pani gum mba Zudain gumgir pani, mbe buni mbarir ana sav, ana nzuav na suaŋgi. Mbe khueŋ vuzvugiap khaŋ na nzuai, ‘Gu khaŋ suanga, ana bigɨna mbatɨgeŋ muuŋgi. Gu khaŋ mba ntari ga mbui gɨɨtɨvi ga suanga, “Ana rɨmɨnga.” ’ 16 Mbe mba suambarar na mbuim, gu mbe ŋgarkarav khaŋ mbe nzuai, ‘Nza Romiŋ, nzan tɨv khaŋ muuŋgia ki. Nza fhura rɨmɨn saŋv guma, the suaŋgirga tuktɨgi fhuvara. Guma bigɨna mbatɨgeŋ muuŋgi, ana fharav, mba ana nzuav nzuai guma ana ana phorgɨp, mani wo buni suaŋrim, guman pan mani buni mbararagirga.’ 17 “Maaŋ muuŋgiap, gu taagiap Sisarian zerim, mba gumgi na phorga zergi. Mbe zergim, gu mbe nzuaim, mbe rarga kegi fhuvara. Mbe zergap, mɨtimanera gu vov buni mbararagi phena perav nzuaim, mbe mba guman kov, na han zɨgi. 18 Mbe ana kov na han zɨgim, mba ana nzuav nzuai gumgi, mbe za zav, ana han thivgi. Gu khueŋ ndɨkndɨgi, ‘Mbe ana muuŋgi tɨvi mbatɨgi, mbe nta bun suanga thi?’ Fhuvara. 19 Mbe hegap, wari won rotu mbui tɨvi ga nzuav ana phorga nzuav ana dav, mba rimgi guma, ana zɨ Zisas, mbe mba bigi ga nzuav ana dai. Mbe mba rimgi guma Zisas ga nzuaim, Por khaŋ mbe nzuai, ‘Zisas rimgiap, taagia khavgi.’ 20 Gu ana suaŋgi buna nɨɨeŋ kaŋgi za mbuav, gu tuituigia ana nzan za mbuav, na ndɨkndɨk tuituigiap sagi fhuvara. Gu maaŋ muuŋgiap ana nzangeŋ thagi. Gu ana nzangeŋ thav, gu mbaram kha nzambaren ana muuŋgi, ‘Maaŋgi, ndu Zerusareman naangeŋ vuzvugip, ndu Zerusareman naaŋrim, gu vhɨra naaŋv Zerusareman nde buni mbarararga?’ 21 Gu maaŋ nzuaim, Por thav, khaŋ na nzuai, ana khueŋ vuzvugi, ana phena tɨvaneŋra kɨrim, zumgum Sisar nduara ana buni mbarararga. Ana maaŋ suaŋgim, gu ne rargap ana ndi phena tɨvaneŋ khɨngim, ana mbur ki. Ana mbara muuŋgip kɨrim, gu tuav the gangip, ana sararim, ana ŋgɨp, Sisar ganɨnga.” 22 Festus mba bigir Agripa neŋgegim, Agripa mba bigi mbararagiap khaŋ Festus ga nzuai, “Gu nduara mba guma buni mbararargeŋ vuzvugi.” Ana maaŋ nzuai, Festus khaŋ ana nzuai, “Maaŋgim, ndu gurmaŋgip ana buni mbarararga.” 23 Mbe maaŋ wari ga suaŋgiap, mba mɨtimanera Agripa gu Bernaisi, wani wo shagi vhuuiŋra wani sɨɨŋgiap, wani zi. Mani zav, mbe phogi ga vhov buni nzuai phena vhen verim, mba ntari ga mbui gɨɨtɨvi gari gɨɨtɨvir pani gum mba ŋgu bakɨmen ki gumgir pani, mbe mani phorga zav mba phena vhen vergi. Mbe zav vergim, Festus nzuaim, mbe Por ndiga zi. 24 Mbe Por ndiga mben han zɨgim, Festus khaŋ nzuai, “Ndu kha ŋgui vhɨrve gari guman pan Agripa, nde kha nza phorga ki gumgir vhɨrve, nde kha guma ganɨ. Mba Zudain ki gumgi gu mbigi, mbe za ana nzuav nzuav kama havharar khaŋ nzuai, ‘Ndu za ana shogɨrim, ana rimgi.’ Gu Zerusarem kim, mbe mba suambarara na mbuav kim, gu zav khaŋ zergim, mbe mbara na nzuai. Mbe khara na nzuai, ‘Nde mba guma shogirim, ana rimgiri. Nza ana kɨrgeŋ vuzvugi fhuvara.’ 25 Mbe maaŋ na nzuai, gu kha guma gari, ana rɨmɨnga bigɨn thueŋ muuŋgirga, ana ne suaŋv rɨmɨnga. Gu maaŋ muuŋgiap ana thagi. Ana vhɨra khueŋ vuzvugi, Sisar nduara ana buni mbarararga. Gu maaŋ muuŋgiap khueŋ suaŋgiap khar ki, gu ana sararim, ana Sisar han ŋgɨrga. 26 Gu ana sarari, ana ŋgɨr za mbuav, gu vhɨra kaŋgi fhu, gu ram muuŋgi khesharigi kameŋ khergip, nza wari wo guma bakɨme ndi mbararim, ana gangip kaŋgirie, mbe kha bigeŋ ga nzuav kha guma ga nzuav nzuai? Gu maaŋ muuŋgiap kha guma ndigap, ndu ŋgui vhɨrve gari guman pan Agripa, gu ana ndigap, ndu han zav, vhɨra kha gumgi vhɨrve han zɨgi. Nza za ana nzuai buni mbararagip, nde ndɨkndɨgi vhuuiŋ tharir nan kurarim, gu Sisar suaŋv kherɨrga gap, gu mba kameŋ khergip ana ndi maanga. 27 Gu kaŋgi khueŋ nzerigi fhuvara, gu maaŋ muuŋgip phena tɨvanen ki guma the ndi harigi guman pana the ndi maaŋv, gu mba guma mba bigeŋ muuŋgiap ne khuav bɨneŋ rɨgi. Gu vhɨra ne khergiap, ne phorga mba guma ndi mbai fhu, ne nzerigi fhuvara.”

In Other Versions

Acts 25 in the ANGEFD

Acts 25 in the ANTPNG2D

Acts 25 in the AS21

Acts 25 in the BAGH

Acts 25 in the BBPNG

Acts 25 in the BBT1E

Acts 25 in the BDS

Acts 25 in the BEV

Acts 25 in the BHAD

Acts 25 in the BIB

Acts 25 in the BLPT

Acts 25 in the BNT

Acts 25 in the BNTABOOT

Acts 25 in the BNTLV

Acts 25 in the BOATCB

Acts 25 in the BOATCB2

Acts 25 in the BOBCV

Acts 25 in the BOCNT

Acts 25 in the BOECS

Acts 25 in the BOGWICC

Acts 25 in the BOHCB

Acts 25 in the BOHCV

Acts 25 in the BOHLNT

Acts 25 in the BOHNTLTAL

Acts 25 in the BOICB

Acts 25 in the BOILNTAP

Acts 25 in the BOITCV

Acts 25 in the BOKCV

Acts 25 in the BOKCV2

Acts 25 in the BOKHWOG

Acts 25 in the BOKSSV

Acts 25 in the BOLCB

Acts 25 in the BOLCB2

Acts 25 in the BOMCV

Acts 25 in the BONAV

Acts 25 in the BONCB

Acts 25 in the BONLT

Acts 25 in the BONUT2

Acts 25 in the BOPLNT

Acts 25 in the BOSCB

Acts 25 in the BOSNC

Acts 25 in the BOTLNT

Acts 25 in the BOVCB

Acts 25 in the BOYCB

Acts 25 in the BPBB

Acts 25 in the BPH

Acts 25 in the BSB

Acts 25 in the CCB

Acts 25 in the CUV

Acts 25 in the CUVS

Acts 25 in the DBT

Acts 25 in the DGDNT

Acts 25 in the DHNT

Acts 25 in the DNT

Acts 25 in the ELBE

Acts 25 in the EMTV

Acts 25 in the ESV

Acts 25 in the FBV

Acts 25 in the FEB

Acts 25 in the GGMNT

Acts 25 in the GNT

Acts 25 in the HARY

Acts 25 in the HNT

Acts 25 in the IRVA

Acts 25 in the IRVB

Acts 25 in the IRVG

Acts 25 in the IRVH

Acts 25 in the IRVK

Acts 25 in the IRVM

Acts 25 in the IRVM2

Acts 25 in the IRVO

Acts 25 in the IRVP

Acts 25 in the IRVT

Acts 25 in the IRVT2

Acts 25 in the IRVU

Acts 25 in the ISVN

Acts 25 in the JSNT

Acts 25 in the KAPI

Acts 25 in the KBT1ETNIK

Acts 25 in the KBV

Acts 25 in the KJV

Acts 25 in the LBA

Acts 25 in the LBLA

Acts 25 in the LNT

Acts 25 in the LSV

Acts 25 in the MAAL

Acts 25 in the MBV

Acts 25 in the MBV2

Acts 25 in the MHNT

Acts 25 in the MKNFD

Acts 25 in the MNG

Acts 25 in the MNT

Acts 25 in the MNT2

Acts 25 in the MRS1T

Acts 25 in the NAA

Acts 25 in the NASB

Acts 25 in the NBLA

Acts 25 in the NBS

Acts 25 in the NBVTP

Acts 25 in the NET2

Acts 25 in the NIV11

Acts 25 in the NNT

Acts 25 in the NNT2

Acts 25 in the NNT3

Acts 25 in the PDDPT

Acts 25 in the PFNT

Acts 25 in the RMNT

Acts 25 in the SBIAS

Acts 25 in the SBIBS

Acts 25 in the SBIBS2

Acts 25 in the SBICS

Acts 25 in the SBIDS

Acts 25 in the SBIGS

Acts 25 in the SBIHS

Acts 25 in the SBIIS

Acts 25 in the SBIIS2

Acts 25 in the SBIIS3

Acts 25 in the SBIKS

Acts 25 in the SBIKS2

Acts 25 in the SBIMS

Acts 25 in the SBIOS

Acts 25 in the SBIPS

Acts 25 in the SBISS

Acts 25 in the SBITS

Acts 25 in the SBITS2

Acts 25 in the SBITS3

Acts 25 in the SBITS4

Acts 25 in the SBIUS

Acts 25 in the SBIVS

Acts 25 in the SBT

Acts 25 in the SBT1E

Acts 25 in the SCHL

Acts 25 in the SNT

Acts 25 in the SUSU

Acts 25 in the SUSU2

Acts 25 in the SYNO

Acts 25 in the TBIAOTANT

Acts 25 in the TBT1E

Acts 25 in the TBT1E2

Acts 25 in the TFTIP

Acts 25 in the TFTU

Acts 25 in the TGNTATF3T

Acts 25 in the THAI

Acts 25 in the TNFD

Acts 25 in the TNT

Acts 25 in the TNTIK

Acts 25 in the TNTIL

Acts 25 in the TNTIN

Acts 25 in the TNTIP

Acts 25 in the TNTIZ

Acts 25 in the TOMA

Acts 25 in the TTENT

Acts 25 in the UBG

Acts 25 in the UGV

Acts 25 in the UGV2

Acts 25 in the UGV3

Acts 25 in the VBL

Acts 25 in the VDCC

Acts 25 in the YALU

Acts 25 in the YAPE

Acts 25 in the YBVTP

Acts 25 in the ZBP