Deuteronomy 22 (TBIAOTANT)

1 “Egh ia uan namakamɨn bulmakau o sipsipɨn gantɨ a dɨvazim ategh azenan pura tintinibar darutɨ, ia aneteghtɨ a kamaghɨra daruan kogham. Puvatɨ. Ia uam a inigh namakar kam bagh mangɨ. 2 Eghtɨ bulmakau o sipsipɨn ghuavimɨn dɨpenim bar saghon ikɨtɨ, o ia foghan kogham, kar tinan bulmakau ko sipsip, eghtɨ ia a inigh uan dɨpenimɨn mangɨ. Eghtɨ gɨn, bulmakaun o sipsipɨn kamɨn ghuavim a buri izɨtɨ, ia a danɨngigh. 3 Egh ia uan namakamɨn donki, o an nir avɨzim, o an bizir igharazibar apigh, arazir kamra damuva, an akurvagham. 4 “Eghtɨ ian namakamɨn donki, o bulmakaun tam tuavimɨn irɨghɨv ikɨtɨ, ia aneteghtɨ a kamaghɨra ikian markɨ. Puvatɨ. Ia uan namakamɨn akuragh uam a feghtɨ a tugh. 5 “Eghtɨ amiziba, gumazibar korotiabar aghuan markɨ. Eghtɨ gumaziba, amizibar korotiabar aghuan markɨ. Ikiavɨra Itir God, ian God, gumazamizir arazir kabagh amiba, me gifongezir puvatɨ. Bar puvatɨ. 6 “Eghtɨ ia kuarazir mɨkonitamɨn gantɨ a tememɨn ikiam, o nguazimɨn ikiam, eghtɨ kuarazir amebam aroriabagh isɨn ikiam, o nguziba ko ikɨtɨ, ia kuarazir amebar kam inian markɨ. 7 Ia uari bagh kuarazir nguziba iniva, kuarazir amebam ateghtɨ a mangɨ. Ia kamaghɨn damuva dughiar ruarimɨn nguazir kamɨn ikɨtɨ Ikiavɨra Itir God, bizir aghuir avɨriba ia danɨngam. 8 “Egh ia dɨpenir igiamɨn ingar, egh dɨpenimɨn pɨn itir avughsamin danganimɨn mɨriabar, bɨrir oteviba asegh. Eghtɨ gɨn gumazitam an ikɨ nguazim girɨgh aremeghan kogham, kamaghɨn ia osɨmtɨziba puvatɨgham. 9 “Ia wainɨn azenimɨn aven dagher igharazitaba oparan markɨ. Ia kamaghɨn damigh, wainɨn ikarɨzibar ovɨziba ko dagher igharaziba sara dar aman markɨ. Ia bar ada inigh Ikiavɨra Itir Godɨn Dɨpenimɨn mangɨ, a danɨngigh. 10 “Ia uan azenimɨn ingarsɨ, ia bulmakau ko donki vɨrara uaning gikeghtɨ, aning nguazim abɨzir ainɨn otevim kurvaghan markɨ. 11 “Marazi tretɨn sipsipɨn arɨzibar rɨghiziba ko tretɨn bizir igharazir aghuibar rɨghiziba, vɨrara da isa iniba nuavigha korotiaba isami, ezɨ ia korotiar kabar aghuan markɨ. 12 “Ia tretɨn dueviar dɨgɨrir aghuiba itiba inigh korotiar ruarimɨn 4plan mɨkebabar puegh ada isamigh.” 13 Egha Moses ua kamaghɨn mɨgei, “Gumazitam amuimɨn ikɨva, a ko dakuigh, egh gɨn an aghuagh, 14 egh gɨn ifar puram akaba a gasɨ akɨrim ragh a gasaragham. Egh kamagh mɨkɨmam, ‘Kɨ amizir kamɨn ikia, egha fo, a faragha gumazir igharazim koma akui.’ 15 “Gumazir kam kamaghɨn damightɨ, guivir kamɨn amebam ko afeziam inir a gumazim koma avaragha akuizim inigh nguibar ekiamɨn tiar akamɨn mangɨ, gumazir dapanibar akagh. Eghtɨ me uari inir kamɨn ganigh fogham, a faragha gumazitam koma akuizir puvatɨ. 16 Eghtɨ amizimɨn afeziam kamaghɨn gumazir dapanibav kɨm, ‘Kɨ uan guivim isa gumazir kam ganɨngizɨ an an iti. Egha a datɨrɨghɨn akar ifavaribar a gamuava an aghua. 17 Egha gumazir kam a gifara a mɨgɨa ghaze, “Amizir kɨ itir kam kɨ kamaghɨn a gɨfo, a faragha gumazir igharazir mam koma akuava arazir mɨzɨrɨzibagh ami.” Ezɨ ia inir avagha akuir kamɨn gantɨ, a ian akagh suam, nan guivim gumazitam ko akuiz, o puvatɨ.’ Egha a inir kam gumazir dapanibar damazimɨn nguazimɨn a ghuara. 18 Eghtɨ gumazir dapaniba amizir kamɨn pam inigh ivezir kuramɨn mɨn benir gavgavimɨn a ifozorogh. 19 Gumazir kam, Israelian amizir igiar aghuir mam aghumsɨzim a ganɨngi. Kamaghɨn, gumazir kam 1,000 kina isɨva guivir kamɨn afeziam danɨngigh. Eghtɨ amizir kam gumazir kamɨn amuimra ikɨ mangɨ aremegham. Eghtɨ gumazir kam uam a batoghan markɨ. Bar markɨ. 20 “Eghtɨ inir avagha akuir guivimɨn afeziam akazir kam, guizbangɨra an arazir aghuir an amizimɨn gun mɨkɨman koghtɨ, 21 eghtɨ nguibamɨn gumazir dapaniba amizim inigh an afeziamɨn dɨpenimɨn tiar akamɨn azenan mangɨtɨ, an nguibamɨn gumazibara dagɨabar a giniv mangɨtɨ an aremegh. A bar aghumsɨzir arazir kuram en gumazamizibar tongɨn a gami. A poroghamim gamizir puvatɨzir dughiamɨn uan afeziamɨn dɨpenimɨn ikia tintinibar gumazir maba koma akua arazir kuram gami. Ia kamaghɨn damu egh ia arazir kurar kam agɨvagham. 22 “Egh ia gantɨ, gumazim, gumazir igharazimɨn amuim ko dakuightɨ, ia vɨraram aning mɨsueghtɨ aning aremegh. Ia kamaghɨn damu egh Israelian tongɨn arazir kurar kam agɨvagham. 23 “Egh ia gantɨ, gumazitam amizir me gumazir igharazimɨn ikiasa a bagh inabazim, nguibar ekiamɨn aven a batogh a ko arazir kuram damightɨ, 24 ia aning inigh nguibamɨn azenan mangɨ, dagɨabar aning ginivightɨ aning aremegh. Amizim nguibar ekiamɨn aven ikia, uabɨn akurvaghasa deir puvatɨ, kamaghɨn a uaghan aremegham. Gumazir kam amizir me pamɨn ikiasa mɨsevezim ko arazir aghumsɨzibagh ami. Kamaghɨn an aremegham. Ia kamaghɨn damu egh ian tongɨn itir arazir kurar kam agɨvagham. 25 “Eghtɨ amizir me pamɨn ikiasa inabazim, a nguibamɨn boroghɨn ikian koghtɨ, gumazitam an suiragh arazir kurabar a damightɨ, me gumazir kamra mɨsueghtɨ an aremegh. 26 Arazir kurar kam, a gumazim gumazir igharazim mɨsoghezɨ, an aremezir arazim ko magh ghu. Amizim uabɨ, ovevem iniamin arazir kuratam gamizir puvatɨ. Kamaghɨn amizɨ, ia bizitamɨn amizim damuan markɨ. 27 Gumazir kam nguibamɨn azenan arazir kuramɨn amizir kam gami. Ezɨ amizim uabɨn akurvaghasa deima, akurvaghamin gumazamizitaba ikezir puvatɨ. 28 “Eghtɨ ia gantɨ gumazitam amizir igiar me patamɨn ikiasa inabazir puvatɨzitamɨn suiragh a ko dakuigh, 29 an amizir kamɨn afeziam 500 kinan a givezegh, egh amizimɨn ikiam. Gumazir kam, amizir kamɨn suiragha arazir kuram a koma a gami. Kamaghɨn, gumazim amizir kam a batueghan kogham. Amizir kam an ikɨ mangɨ, an aremeghamin dughiamɨn tugham. 30 “Eghtɨ gumazim uan afeziamɨn amuimɨn ikian kogh, a ko daku arazir kuramɨn a damuan markɨ. A kamaghɨn damu, aghumsɨzir ekiam isɨ uan afeziam danɨngam.”

In Other Versions

Deuteronomy 22 in the ANGEFD

Deuteronomy 22 in the ANTPNG2D

Deuteronomy 22 in the AS21

Deuteronomy 22 in the BAGH

Deuteronomy 22 in the BBPNG

Deuteronomy 22 in the BBT1E

Deuteronomy 22 in the BDS

Deuteronomy 22 in the BEV

Deuteronomy 22 in the BHAD

Deuteronomy 22 in the BIB

Deuteronomy 22 in the BLPT

Deuteronomy 22 in the BNT

Deuteronomy 22 in the BNTABOOT

Deuteronomy 22 in the BNTLV

Deuteronomy 22 in the BOATCB

Deuteronomy 22 in the BOATCB2

Deuteronomy 22 in the BOBCV

Deuteronomy 22 in the BOCNT

Deuteronomy 22 in the BOECS

Deuteronomy 22 in the BOGWICC

Deuteronomy 22 in the BOHCB

Deuteronomy 22 in the BOHCV

Deuteronomy 22 in the BOHLNT

Deuteronomy 22 in the BOHNTLTAL

Deuteronomy 22 in the BOICB

Deuteronomy 22 in the BOILNTAP

Deuteronomy 22 in the BOITCV

Deuteronomy 22 in the BOKCV

Deuteronomy 22 in the BOKCV2

Deuteronomy 22 in the BOKHWOG

Deuteronomy 22 in the BOKSSV

Deuteronomy 22 in the BOLCB

Deuteronomy 22 in the BOLCB2

Deuteronomy 22 in the BOMCV

Deuteronomy 22 in the BONAV

Deuteronomy 22 in the BONCB

Deuteronomy 22 in the BONLT

Deuteronomy 22 in the BONUT2

Deuteronomy 22 in the BOPLNT

Deuteronomy 22 in the BOSCB

Deuteronomy 22 in the BOSNC

Deuteronomy 22 in the BOTLNT

Deuteronomy 22 in the BOVCB

Deuteronomy 22 in the BOYCB

Deuteronomy 22 in the BPBB

Deuteronomy 22 in the BPH

Deuteronomy 22 in the BSB

Deuteronomy 22 in the CCB

Deuteronomy 22 in the CUV

Deuteronomy 22 in the CUVS

Deuteronomy 22 in the DBT

Deuteronomy 22 in the DGDNT

Deuteronomy 22 in the DHNT

Deuteronomy 22 in the DNT

Deuteronomy 22 in the ELBE

Deuteronomy 22 in the EMTV

Deuteronomy 22 in the ESV

Deuteronomy 22 in the FBV

Deuteronomy 22 in the FEB

Deuteronomy 22 in the GGMNT

Deuteronomy 22 in the GNT

Deuteronomy 22 in the HARY

Deuteronomy 22 in the HNT

Deuteronomy 22 in the IRVA

Deuteronomy 22 in the IRVB

Deuteronomy 22 in the IRVG

Deuteronomy 22 in the IRVH

Deuteronomy 22 in the IRVK

Deuteronomy 22 in the IRVM

Deuteronomy 22 in the IRVM2

Deuteronomy 22 in the IRVO

Deuteronomy 22 in the IRVP

Deuteronomy 22 in the IRVT

Deuteronomy 22 in the IRVT2

Deuteronomy 22 in the IRVU

Deuteronomy 22 in the ISVN

Deuteronomy 22 in the JSNT

Deuteronomy 22 in the KAPI

Deuteronomy 22 in the KBT1ETNIK

Deuteronomy 22 in the KBV

Deuteronomy 22 in the KJV

Deuteronomy 22 in the KNFD

Deuteronomy 22 in the LBA

Deuteronomy 22 in the LBLA

Deuteronomy 22 in the LNT

Deuteronomy 22 in the LSV

Deuteronomy 22 in the MAAL

Deuteronomy 22 in the MBV

Deuteronomy 22 in the MBV2

Deuteronomy 22 in the MHNT

Deuteronomy 22 in the MKNFD

Deuteronomy 22 in the MNG

Deuteronomy 22 in the MNT

Deuteronomy 22 in the MNT2

Deuteronomy 22 in the MRS1T

Deuteronomy 22 in the NAA

Deuteronomy 22 in the NASB

Deuteronomy 22 in the NBLA

Deuteronomy 22 in the NBS

Deuteronomy 22 in the NBVTP

Deuteronomy 22 in the NET2

Deuteronomy 22 in the NIV11

Deuteronomy 22 in the NNT

Deuteronomy 22 in the NNT2

Deuteronomy 22 in the NNT3

Deuteronomy 22 in the PDDPT

Deuteronomy 22 in the PFNT

Deuteronomy 22 in the RMNT

Deuteronomy 22 in the SBIAS

Deuteronomy 22 in the SBIBS

Deuteronomy 22 in the SBIBS2

Deuteronomy 22 in the SBICS

Deuteronomy 22 in the SBIDS

Deuteronomy 22 in the SBIGS

Deuteronomy 22 in the SBIHS

Deuteronomy 22 in the SBIIS

Deuteronomy 22 in the SBIIS2

Deuteronomy 22 in the SBIIS3

Deuteronomy 22 in the SBIKS

Deuteronomy 22 in the SBIKS2

Deuteronomy 22 in the SBIMS

Deuteronomy 22 in the SBIOS

Deuteronomy 22 in the SBIPS

Deuteronomy 22 in the SBISS

Deuteronomy 22 in the SBITS

Deuteronomy 22 in the SBITS2

Deuteronomy 22 in the SBITS3

Deuteronomy 22 in the SBITS4

Deuteronomy 22 in the SBIUS

Deuteronomy 22 in the SBIVS

Deuteronomy 22 in the SBT

Deuteronomy 22 in the SBT1E

Deuteronomy 22 in the SCHL

Deuteronomy 22 in the SNT

Deuteronomy 22 in the SUSU

Deuteronomy 22 in the SUSU2

Deuteronomy 22 in the SYNO

Deuteronomy 22 in the TBT1E

Deuteronomy 22 in the TBT1E2

Deuteronomy 22 in the TFTIP

Deuteronomy 22 in the TFTU

Deuteronomy 22 in the TGNTATF3T

Deuteronomy 22 in the THAI

Deuteronomy 22 in the TNFD

Deuteronomy 22 in the TNT

Deuteronomy 22 in the TNTIK

Deuteronomy 22 in the TNTIL

Deuteronomy 22 in the TNTIN

Deuteronomy 22 in the TNTIP

Deuteronomy 22 in the TNTIZ

Deuteronomy 22 in the TOMA

Deuteronomy 22 in the TTENT

Deuteronomy 22 in the UBG

Deuteronomy 22 in the UGV

Deuteronomy 22 in the UGV2

Deuteronomy 22 in the UGV3

Deuteronomy 22 in the VBL

Deuteronomy 22 in the VDCC

Deuteronomy 22 in the YALU

Deuteronomy 22 in the YAPE

Deuteronomy 22 in the YBVTP

Deuteronomy 22 in the ZBP