Revelation 18 (TOMA)

1 Naa ʋoluma, gè geezuɠeelai taɠili kaani, é yei, é zeɠe geezuʋɛ. Zobo golai ɠɛni zea, é ɗa volo, ná-foloi eteai pɛ suɠalani. 2 É kpeei looni, é wooɠula la, é ɠɛ ma:«É loa bu, é loa bu, Ɓaɓilɔne taa wolai!É ɠɛa niizu niina ga inɛgiti seizuʋɛ,ta kɔzɔba yɛnvui pɛ dɔɔɠuzuʋɛ,wɔni ɠɔzɔai ma zii pɛ wɔinzeɠeai, naati puuzuʋɛ. 3 Mazɔlɔɔ é ná-koloɠolo ziiɠula dɔɔi loni ziiti pɛ da, ti ɓɔɔle la.Eteai zu masagiti ti ɓɔɠɔ lɔɔni koloɠologi zu ta tiye,eteai zu yaaɠoiti ti ɠɛni ga naavolo nuiti, ná-kpɛtɛi lateʋegai maaʋele ma.» 4 Gè woo taɠili mɛnini, é zeɠe geeɠɔlɔgi zu, é ɗa ɠɛ ma:«Nà-nuɓusɛiti, à ɠula Ɓaɓilɔne ʋa,naa ɠa a kɛ, wo mina ʋɔɔpɛɛ ná-kotoiti ba,wo ʋa wɔnɔ zɔlɔɔ ná-nimizai zu, é ʋaazu sɔlɔɔsu. 5 Mazɔlɔɔ ná-kotoiti ti ɠaaɓɔga ba, eyɛsu é zeeli geeɠɔlɔgi ma,GALA ge la yeemani ná-telebotala vaiti ma. 6 À sala, eɠɛʋelei é ɠɛni salai wosu da.À ná-kɛɛwotii ma ʋɛɛda felegɔi ve zea.Ziawɔi é puuni su wo ʋɛ, à ma yeeɠaaɓaagi ɠɛ su fele, wo fe zea. 7 Ʋelei é ɓɔɠɔ wɔɔlɔni la,é lɔ ɓɔɠɔyiimaɠɛɛi zu,à kpɔlɔi ta nimizai zei ma ɠana nɔ!Tɔɔzei toɠa ɠɛɛzu yiimaʋɛ:‹Nà zeini anzanu masadai zu, gè la ga poanza,eyɛsu pɛ gè la gaazuɗɛʋu zɔlɔɔga pɛ!› 8 Naa maaʋele ma, ná-nimiza vaiti ta zei ma ʋɔɔma folo ɠila daawu,saa zeeɓɛi, gaazuɗɛʋui, pului, toɠa ɠala ga abui.Mazɔlɔɔ Maliɠii GALA nii é tɔun tukpɔɠaaleʋea, zobogi ɠa bɛ.» 9 Etea masagiti, niiti ti ɓɔɠɔ lɔɔni ná-koloɠologi zu ta tiye, ta ná-ɓɔɠɔyiimaɠɛɛi, ta wɔlɔ, ti ɗa ɓɔɠɔ maawɔin ná-faa zu, siɛgi zu ti taa wolai ɠala luului ɠaazu la. 10 Ta lo ɠoozama, kpɔlɔi é zeizu ma, naa ma luai maaʋele ma, ti ɗa ɠɛ ma:«Ee, nimizai! Niima nimiza ɠa ga lee!Ee, Ɓaɓilɔne, taa wolai ná-zobogi wɔɔlɔai!Yeeɠɛɠala ɠila kpe nɔ daawu, peelalai ma ɓakɔi zeelia è ma!» 11 Etea yaaɠoiti ta wɔlɔ ɓalaa, ti ɗa ɓɔɠɔ maawɔin ná-faa zu, tɔɔzei nu nɔpɛ ge la mɔ ta-zɔɔlaiti ta ɠeyazu, 12 ta-yaaɠo zɔɔlaiti ti ga zanugi, walii, ta kɔtu zɔngɔ ɓaagiti, naa ʋɛɛ kɔtu zɔngɔ ɓaagi ʋa é ga pɛɛlegi, ta geze ʋagɔ zeɠei, ta ma ɓɔigi, ta ma ɓɔi sɔsɔgi, naa ʋɛɛ soa zeɠei ʋa, ta gulɔ maku nɛɛnɛ guluiti ma zii pɛ, ta anii ma zii pɛ kpɛtɛai ga see ɲiigai, anii kpein kpɛtɛai ga gului nii pagai gola, naa ʋɛɛ kɔlu ɓɔigiti ba, ta kɔluiti, ta kɔtui daa ga maaleɓelegi, 13 kanɛlegiti ɓalaa, ta tufa maku nɛɛnɛgiti, naa ʋɛɛ gulɔ maku nɛɛnɛgiti ba, naa ʋolu miilegiti, ta ansansegiti, ta dɔɔi, naa ʋɛɛ gulɔi ʋa, ta ɓulu vukɔ ʋagɔi, ta moloi, nikɛiti ta baalagiti, naa ʋɛɛ sooiti ba, wotoloiti, ta duɔiti, naa ʋɛɛ kɔɔ luɔiti ba. 14 Yaaɠoi niiti ti ɗa ɠɛ taa wolai naa ma:«È yiima aniiti kpein ti wɔin ɠɛni è ma, ti ɲɛɛlɛa.Ani ʋagɔiti, aniiti ti volozu, ti pɛ ti loa ya è ya,è la mɔ ti zɔlɔɔga ʋolu pɛ!» 15 Yaaɠoiti ti ta-ɓɛtɛi zɔlɔɔgai yaaɠolai zu ti ɠɛni kɛɛzu taa wolai naa zu, ta lo ɠoozama, kpɔlɔi é zeizu ma, naa ma luai maaʋele ma, ti ɗa wɔlɔ, ti ɗa ɓɔɠɔ maawɔin, 16 ti ɗa ɠɛ ma:«Ee, nimizai! Niima nimiza ɠa ga lee!Taa wolai maaɠilini ga geze ʋagɔ zeɠei, seɠe ɓɔigi ta seɠe ɓɔi sɔsɔgi,é ɓɔɠɔ ɓɛtɛai ga zanugi ta kɔtu zɔngɔ ɓaagiti. 17 Yeeɠɛɠala ɠila kpe nɔ laawu, naama naavoloiti pɛ ti ɠoloɠologa!»Ɓato leve nuiti pɛ, ta ziɛ ɠaa ziɛ wo nuiti pɛ, ta niiti pɛ ti botii ɠɛɛzu ziɛiti ga, ta niiti kpein ti ɠɔnɔgi zɔlɔɔsu ziɛi ya, ti pɛ ti loni ɠoozama, 18 ti ɗa kpeei loo, ti ɠɛai ma gala luului ɠaazu, ti ɗa ɠɛ ma: «Taa wolai ɓɛgele ɠa kulaai ga taa wolai nii?» 19 Ti ɠɛni fufiligi ʋuuzu tɔungiti ma, ti ɗa wɔlɔ, ti ɠɛni gaalɛi zu, ti ɠɛni kpeei loozu, ti ɗa ɠɛ ma:«Ee, nimizai! Niima nimiza ɠa ga lee!Taa wolai, niiti kpein ɓatoiti ti ti ya kpoloɗɛi ɠa,ti pɛ ti ta-ɓɛtɛi zɔlɔɔgɛ ga tɔun saɓui,yeeɠɛɠala ɠila kpe nɔ daawu, é ʋalaga ti pɛ ma! 20 Geeɠɔlɔgi, ɠoozunɛ too vai zu bu!GALA ná-nuiti, wa ɓalaagi, keelaiti, GALA goo wo nuiti, à ɠoozunɛ!Mazɔlɔɔ GALA ge ná-tukpɔi ɠaaleʋea,tɔɔzei faa ɲɔi ʋa é kɛɛni ga woye!» 21 Názu ɠa geezuɠeelai sɛbɛi wɔɔlɔai gola, naa kɔtui zeɠeni la buiɗai ga molo ziɠa ɠɔtu wolai ɠɛʋele, é pili ya kpoloɗɛi wu, é ɠɛ ma:«Pele ɠana Ɓaɓilɔne taa wolai ʋilisu ya la ga maaɓaai,é la mɔ ɠaa eyɛsu pɛ. 22 Eyɛsu pɛ nu la mɔ kɔni goomɛniga taai tɛi su,ɓaa guye zoɠoa woo, ɓaa koole vɛɛ woo, ɓaa puʋu fɛɛ woo.Nu la mɔ anii ma zii nɔpɛ ma wotiɠɛ nu ɠaa ná.Nu la mɔ koda ziɠa lu nɔpɛ mɛniga ná. 23 Lanbo zeze la mɔ voloa ná pɛ.Anzazinigi ta anzai woo la mɔ mɛniga náʋɛ pɛ.Mazɔlɔɔ ɗa-yaaɠoiti ka ti ɠɛni ga zobobɛ nu wolaiti eteai zu,è nuɓusɛiti pɛ yaavani ga ɗa-zoɠo vai! 24 GALA goo wo nuiti, ta GALA ná-nuiti,ta niiti dɔin ti ti ʋaai eteai zu,è ʋɔ bɛ ɠa ti-ma ɲamai ɠaani ná.»

In Other Versions

Revelation 18 in the ANGEFD

Revelation 18 in the ANTPNG2D

Revelation 18 in the AS21

Revelation 18 in the BAGH

Revelation 18 in the BBPNG

Revelation 18 in the BBT1E

Revelation 18 in the BDS

Revelation 18 in the BEV

Revelation 18 in the BHAD

Revelation 18 in the BIB

Revelation 18 in the BLPT

Revelation 18 in the BNT

Revelation 18 in the BNTABOOT

Revelation 18 in the BNTLV

Revelation 18 in the BOATCB

Revelation 18 in the BOATCB2

Revelation 18 in the BOBCV

Revelation 18 in the BOCNT

Revelation 18 in the BOECS

Revelation 18 in the BOGWICC

Revelation 18 in the BOHCB

Revelation 18 in the BOHCV

Revelation 18 in the BOHLNT

Revelation 18 in the BOHNTLTAL

Revelation 18 in the BOICB

Revelation 18 in the BOILNTAP

Revelation 18 in the BOITCV

Revelation 18 in the BOKCV

Revelation 18 in the BOKCV2

Revelation 18 in the BOKHWOG

Revelation 18 in the BOKSSV

Revelation 18 in the BOLCB

Revelation 18 in the BOLCB2

Revelation 18 in the BOMCV

Revelation 18 in the BONAV

Revelation 18 in the BONCB

Revelation 18 in the BONLT

Revelation 18 in the BONUT2

Revelation 18 in the BOPLNT

Revelation 18 in the BOSCB

Revelation 18 in the BOSNC

Revelation 18 in the BOTLNT

Revelation 18 in the BOVCB

Revelation 18 in the BOYCB

Revelation 18 in the BPBB

Revelation 18 in the BPH

Revelation 18 in the BSB

Revelation 18 in the CCB

Revelation 18 in the CUV

Revelation 18 in the CUVS

Revelation 18 in the DBT

Revelation 18 in the DGDNT

Revelation 18 in the DHNT

Revelation 18 in the DNT

Revelation 18 in the ELBE

Revelation 18 in the EMTV

Revelation 18 in the ESV

Revelation 18 in the FBV

Revelation 18 in the FEB

Revelation 18 in the GGMNT

Revelation 18 in the GNT

Revelation 18 in the HARY

Revelation 18 in the HNT

Revelation 18 in the IRVA

Revelation 18 in the IRVB

Revelation 18 in the IRVG

Revelation 18 in the IRVH

Revelation 18 in the IRVK

Revelation 18 in the IRVM

Revelation 18 in the IRVM2

Revelation 18 in the IRVO

Revelation 18 in the IRVP

Revelation 18 in the IRVT

Revelation 18 in the IRVT2

Revelation 18 in the IRVU

Revelation 18 in the ISVN

Revelation 18 in the JSNT

Revelation 18 in the KAPI

Revelation 18 in the KBT1ETNIK

Revelation 18 in the KBV

Revelation 18 in the KJV

Revelation 18 in the KNFD

Revelation 18 in the LBA

Revelation 18 in the LBLA

Revelation 18 in the LNT

Revelation 18 in the LSV

Revelation 18 in the MAAL

Revelation 18 in the MBV

Revelation 18 in the MBV2

Revelation 18 in the MHNT

Revelation 18 in the MKNFD

Revelation 18 in the MNG

Revelation 18 in the MNT

Revelation 18 in the MNT2

Revelation 18 in the MRS1T

Revelation 18 in the NAA

Revelation 18 in the NASB

Revelation 18 in the NBLA

Revelation 18 in the NBS

Revelation 18 in the NBVTP

Revelation 18 in the NET2

Revelation 18 in the NIV11

Revelation 18 in the NNT

Revelation 18 in the NNT2

Revelation 18 in the NNT3

Revelation 18 in the PDDPT

Revelation 18 in the PFNT

Revelation 18 in the RMNT

Revelation 18 in the SBIAS

Revelation 18 in the SBIBS

Revelation 18 in the SBIBS2

Revelation 18 in the SBICS

Revelation 18 in the SBIDS

Revelation 18 in the SBIGS

Revelation 18 in the SBIHS

Revelation 18 in the SBIIS

Revelation 18 in the SBIIS2

Revelation 18 in the SBIIS3

Revelation 18 in the SBIKS

Revelation 18 in the SBIKS2

Revelation 18 in the SBIMS

Revelation 18 in the SBIOS

Revelation 18 in the SBIPS

Revelation 18 in the SBISS

Revelation 18 in the SBITS

Revelation 18 in the SBITS2

Revelation 18 in the SBITS3

Revelation 18 in the SBITS4

Revelation 18 in the SBIUS

Revelation 18 in the SBIVS

Revelation 18 in the SBT

Revelation 18 in the SBT1E

Revelation 18 in the SCHL

Revelation 18 in the SNT

Revelation 18 in the SUSU

Revelation 18 in the SUSU2

Revelation 18 in the SYNO

Revelation 18 in the TBIAOTANT

Revelation 18 in the TBT1E

Revelation 18 in the TBT1E2

Revelation 18 in the TFTIP

Revelation 18 in the TFTU

Revelation 18 in the TGNTATF3T

Revelation 18 in the THAI

Revelation 18 in the TNFD

Revelation 18 in the TNT

Revelation 18 in the TNTIK

Revelation 18 in the TNTIL

Revelation 18 in the TNTIN

Revelation 18 in the TNTIP

Revelation 18 in the TNTIZ

Revelation 18 in the TTENT

Revelation 18 in the UBG

Revelation 18 in the UGV

Revelation 18 in the UGV2

Revelation 18 in the UGV3

Revelation 18 in the VBL

Revelation 18 in the VDCC

Revelation 18 in the YALU

Revelation 18 in the YAPE

Revelation 18 in the YBVTP

Revelation 18 in the ZBP